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Morku 2010-02-19 00:05

N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
sorry for my bad english. I have the N900 since 2 days. Great phone, of course. I saw picture that many users got run AdBlock on the N900. I want that too. There are two AdBlock versions in the program manager from The ~500KB version without icong is not compatible with microB 3.0
The second program have the AdBlock icon and its version 1.0.2 its old... I tried to subscribe filters and typed "chrome://adblockplus/content/ui/tip_subscriptions.xul" in a new windows. But nothing happend. So I deinstalled it. Than I found this manual:
That worked. I added my advertisment filter abonnement and it was enabled. But... it doesn't work. On all websites was advertisment and it shouldn't be. The sceond problem was I can't add more than 1 abonnements. After i tried to add a second abonnement, nothing happend. Anyway... it doesn't work.

Than I found the Firefox. Wow! It's slow! But I can install AdBlock 1.1.3 without problem! So I went in preferences and add my abonnement. After that:
BAM! No button for a second Abonnement. I only can change my current Abonnement. Why in the hell? This time, Adblock and the filters works! No more advertisment. But the browser is sooo slow :( And I need my two other Abonnements.

Is there a way to get a working Adblock Plus on microB with more than 1 Abonnement? Thanks!

First: I never used Linux. I know nothing about it. I downloaded OpenSSH Client + Server. After the download it wanted a pasword. So I chosed a password. Than I saw that the root thing and all about that is to hard for me. So I deleted OpenSSH. But I have now I bad feeling that I did something wrong. Is my N900 after deleting OpenSSH like before I installed it? Is the password thng also deleted?
Than I installed rootsh. But I don't need it and I want to delete it. But the N900 don't delete it
How can I delete that program?
Thanks for alle! Great community.

zerojay 2010-02-19 00:30

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
I was the one that created the Adblock Plus package in Extras. Due to issues in Microb, installs don't always work for one reason or another. I decided to try another way and uploaded adflashblock-css which uses a CSS user style to remove ads and stop flash from starting before the user clicks on it. Give it a shot (though the package wasn't made with Firefox in mind).

salah99 2010-02-19 00:34

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
can you remove the adblock plus application from extras?

zerojay 2010-02-19 00:37

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions

Originally Posted by salah99 (Post 535670)
can you remove the adblock plus application from extras?

I will once I am sure that adflashblock-css is a good enough replacement.

Morku 2010-02-19 00:39

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
Is the adflashblock-css only for Flash Advertisment?
Is it compatible with Adblock Plus subscriptions? Where can I find it?

zerojay 2010-02-19 00:47

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions

Originally Posted by Morku (Post 535676)
Is the adflashblock-css only for Flash Advertisment?
Is it compatible with Adblock Plus subscriptions? Where can I find it?

a) No, it can handle pretty much anything that CSS can change on a webpage.

b) No, but if there's some ads you see that get through, send me a message and I'll take care of it in the next version. A vast amount of ads are already killed right now.

c) You can find it in extras-testing at the moment. *standard warning about end users using extras-testing - potentially bad*

Once more people test it out and vote it up, it can hit Extras.

Morku 2010-02-19 00:55

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
Well... okay.. thanks. But it isn't THAT solution I want. Because my subscription is for german websites. I also add EasyPrivacy for "Tracking Bug" and Malware Domains for known bad websites.
AdBlock Plus was one reason why I chosed the Nokia N900. I hope a working version will released for microB soon :\

Bratag 2010-02-19 01:19

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
Zero - love the flash blocker - any plans to add a way to whitelist some sites - My slacker player doesnt play well with the flash blocker installed.

qhorse 2010-02-19 07:56

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
Just installed the new Adblock CSS, seems to work flawlessly whereas the other one didn't do a thing

thumbs up ;)

zerojay 2010-02-19 13:41

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 535731)
Zero - love the flash blocker - any plans to add a way to whitelist some sites - My slacker player doesnt play well with the flash blocker installed.

We should be able to do that. PM me the sites you'd want to see whitelisted and I'll take a look at it.

SR90 2010-03-01 11:08

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions
zerojay , I have installed it and it is working fine :D

Is it possible for the video to play without taping/clicking on the flash content ?

If you implement that option , it would be nice :)

Cheers .

zerojay 2010-03-01 11:30

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions

Originally Posted by SR90 (Post 550842)
zerojay , I have installed it and it is working fine :D

Is it possible for the video to play without taping/clicking on the flash content ?

If you implement that option , it would be nice :)

Cheers .

That's kind of the whole point behind flashblock, so no... but I don't think a single tap is too hard to deal with in the meantime.

cashclientel 2010-03-01 11:58

Re: N900 and AdBlock... no it doesn't work. Some questions

Originally Posted by Morku (Post 535695)
AdBlock Plus was one reason why I chosed the Nokia N900.

:D a a a a a a a

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