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BillyTheFish 2010-02-19 15:31

capacitive vs resistive
"iPhone meat controller takes frozen Korea by storm":

I think I would get tired of my phone if I had to buy a sausage every time I wanted to use it in the winter.

I think I prefer resistive.

77h 2010-02-19 15:36

Re: capacitive vs resistive
awesome catch

m165 2010-02-19 15:48

Re: capacitive vs resistive
The N900 is my first touch screen phone, and I've used a iPod touch before, and can honestly say those who say resistive is rubbish are talking rubbish!

Yeah, you need to press slightly harder, but it's nothing thats going to hinder any usage! Obviously I've never used other resistive screens, but the N900 one is superb in my opinion.. in fact I can actually type faster on the on-screen keyboard than the hardware one at the moment! The stylus comes in handy too.

bachagabriel 2010-02-19 15:51

Re: capacitive vs resistive
I love resistive because you can use anything on the screen...

if only we could have multi-touch with resistive screens...

wolfpac72 2010-02-19 15:53

Re: capacitive vs resistive

Originally Posted by m165 (Post 536743)
The N900 is my first touch screen phone, and I've used a iPod touch before, and can honestly say those who say resistive is rubbish are talking rubbish!

Yeah, you need to press slightly harder, but it's nothing thats going to hinder any usage! Obviously I've never used other resistive screens, but the N900 one is superb in my opinion.. in fact I can actually type faster on the on-screen keyboard than the hardware one at the moment! The stylus comes in handy too.

And you know what due NOKIA is finish what you think they take rsistive Displays everything is freezing when you have to take off the gloves :)
Had it the last couple of weeks in Germany too i loved to use my N900 with the gloves instead having frozen fingers :)

shinkamui 2010-02-19 16:04

Re: capacitive vs resistive
I love how this topic continues to be resurrected on these forums over and over and over and over and over and over...

@bachagabriel, there are multitouch resistive screens. That is truely the win technology. There is another thread on that, if you're interested you can look for it.

BillyTheFish 2010-02-19 16:09

Re: capacitive vs resistive
I mostly did it for comic effect.

-i agree, multitouch resistive is the way to go.

ysss 2010-02-19 16:24

Re: capacitive vs resistive
Aww... how cute...

Here's one more thing about iBoobs app to boost your ego...

mysticrokks 2010-02-19 20:41

Re: capacitive vs resistive
erm capacative is nice, and overall my fav

but saying al lthis - the n900 has a gret screen with great detail and i love browsing on it- and using a stylus is a plus, which you cant do on the capacative

gidoca 2010-02-19 20:46

Re: capacitive vs resistive

Originally Posted by mysticrokks (Post 537261)
using a stylus is a plus, which you cant do on the capacative

You can, if your stylus is made of the right material, see here for instance.

ToJa92 2010-02-19 20:48

Re: capacitive vs resistive

Originally Posted by mysticrokks (Post 537261)
erm capacative is nice, and overall my fav

but saying al lthis - the n900 has a gret screen with great detail and i love browsing on it- and using a stylus is a plus, which you cant do on the capacative

I think there are special styluses for capacitive screens, but the ability to use anything to touch the screen is nice:cool:

mcdull 2010-02-19 20:59

Re: capacitive vs resistive

Originally Posted by gidoca (Post 537269)
You can, if your stylus is made of the right material, see here for instance.

ya, the right material, which includes the "sausage" stylus :D

unfortunately, the right material is not built into my fingernails :rolleyes:

I do believe multitouch resistive is the way to go

pataphysician 2010-02-19 21:07

Re: capacitive vs resistive
You can us a special stylus on a plain capacitive, but the input is finger sized. You can't get fine control, like with a thin stylus that can fit in your device easily and give you really great precision, for things like drawing or using standard desktop menus that aren't finger sized.

Some notebooks use a combination of capactive touch and active touch screen layers, this is more expensive and one can use a very precise active stylus with the active screen layer. The problem is both cost and size of active stylus. So if you need drawing, or use desktop software unmodified on a small screen the best bang for the buck is resistive touch.

timwatt 2010-02-19 21:11

Re: capacitive vs resistive
Resistive I believe is getting a bad rap. n900's implementation I think is hot. the little rim on the edge of the screen I like because it prevents the screen from scratching when face down.

try rDesctop on a capacitive screen the size of the n900!

That said: Palm V, Palm T3, n810, touch screens have all failed after more than 1 year of daily use. Nokia - teh n900 is the make or brake - I'll report back here in a year and give you the ultimate verdict on resistive. (so far i love capacitive but want resistive on my n900)

slobodsky 2010-02-20 08:28

Re: capacitive vs resistive
Maybe they will make some kind of "sausage" pads you can stick to you gloves' fingers.:) But if there will be no devices with resistive screens I'll stuck with N900.

mcdull 2010-02-20 08:42

Re: capacitive vs resistive

Originally Posted by slobodsky (Post 538073)
Maybe they will make some kind of "sausage" pads you can stick to you gloves' fingers.:) But if there will be no devices with resistive screens I'll stuck with N900.

should file a patent for that :D

maxximuscool 2010-02-20 08:43

Re: capacitive vs resistive
Wobble Iboobs = iPorns lol

slobodsky 2010-02-20 09:19

Re: capacitive vs resistive

Originally Posted by mcdull (Post 538088)
should file a patent for that :D

I declare it as "public domain". Everybody can use it solely at his own risk and without warranty of any kind etc.:)

timwatt 2010-05-19 17:33

Re: capacitive vs resistive
I am now 110% sold on the n900's resistive screen this image below shows the levels of pressure sensitivity on the n900.

just installed myPaint and can confirm i would not give this up for a capacitive screen.


Originally Posted by anders_gud (Post 488460)
Experimental (but very usable) Mypaint 0.8.2 packages are now in extras-devel thanks to Aapo.
enable extras-devel as described above...

as root
apt-get install mypaint mypaint-data python-support python-hildon python-osso

cd /usr/lib/
ln -s
ln -s

should do it...
Fremantle UI not feature complete yet, and maybe some small bugs. I recommend it highly though...
And as always - disable extras-devel when you are finished...

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