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Double_O_Soul 2010-03-24 18:59

Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
So I just got my N900 recently, beautiful smart phone a true work of innovation. So am just N900 was out of charge so I said I will switch it off to charge it. So I switched it off, then came back to charge like 10mins later......and the it didn't want to charge at all...the orange charging light didn't even come on at all. I tried the N900 charger in all the sockets in my house and same thing nothing. The last option was for me was to open the N900 take out the battery and put it back again, really frustrating time I had but it finally worked once I put the battery back in. Can someone please tell me, why it did this? Its only like a month old and still in crisp condition. Please because, I just can't bear for anything to happen to this phone at all!......My Maemo community mates help!

GameboyRMH 2010-03-24 19:09

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
I always tell people that with computers, they should wait for something to happen twice before they freak out :p

slender 2010-03-24 19:09

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
People here reporting same kind of behavior:
If you have something new to add to that bug please write otherwise please vote.


GameboyRMH 2010-03-24 19:13

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by slender (Post 580837)
People here reporting same kind of behavior:
If you have something new to add to that bug please write otherwise please vote.


Wow that's messed up...and it sounds like it could be a hardware design flaw :eek:

Double_O_Soul 2010-03-24 19:35

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
man.....aren't we suppose to be helping each out know a bloody community.....GAMEboy (WTF!...LOL).......Am not here as on of those lil college kids...I work for a I aint got time to fiddle wit phones like you quit wit the smart comments and just play nice this aint high school kid.....If you aint got nothing good to contribute then don't say ****!

Double_O_Soul 2010-03-24 19:39

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
And thank you Slender.......I'll be sure to check that link up. Much appreciated, you clearly have a higher IQ than Gamebaby..boy much appreciated once again Slender.

SubCore 2010-03-24 19:40

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by Double_O_Soul (Post 580874)
If you aint got nothing good to contribute then don't say ****!

wow, nice attitude.
is that a requirement when working in a bank nowadays?

Ahmed360 2010-03-24 19:55

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
Try this...

Guaranteed to solve ur battery problems!

stlpaul 2010-03-24 20:18

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by Double_O_Soul (Post 580874)
man.....aren't we suppose to be helping each out know a bloody community.....GAMEboy (WTF!...LOL).......Am not here as on of those lil college kids...I work for a I aint got time to fiddle wit phones like you quit wit the smart comments and just play nice this aint high school kid.....If you aint got nothing good to contribute then don't say ****!

1) Search the forum and bugzilla, this kind of problem has been reported several times before.
2) You have given no deails about your firmware version, etc.
3) "I work for a bank". LOL.
4) Don't insult the people you're trying to ask for help.
5) If you "aint got time to fiddle wit phones", you should probably get a different phone. May I suggest a Jitterbug.
6) We will use the zero posts you've previously contributed to this forum as an example of your dedication to the community.

geneven 2010-03-24 20:22

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
I think that "wait for something to happen twice before you freak out" is wisdom deserving to be remembered. I will put it in my personal arsenal of advice.

slender 2010-03-24 20:23

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by Ahmed360 (Post 580903)
Try this...

Guaranteed to solve ur battery problems!

hmm. We are talking here about N900's charging problems so additional battery doesnt exactly help or solve this :|

maxximuscool 2010-03-24 20:29

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
Man, Double_O_soul, how long ago did you get laid?
You sound like a little teenager who never been laid before. You got to ask nicely if you want help. Not to flaming everyone here for your own sake of stress at work at the bank cleaner or what ever you do there. We do not have time for people who registered just to flaming the community. Learn to respect the people here and you'll get the respect back.

People here are nice people, I'm on the other hand a Computer Technical Consultant and I didn't get on here to flame people, I am here to learn and to share my knowledge. Everyone here are different and if you don't have time and patient then we do not have it for you either.

Calm down and take it nicely then people will aid you their help. If you have problem then be specific and stop "F" this and "S" that. It is not what a banker should say.


maxximuscool 2010-03-24 20:36

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by Double_O_Soul (Post 580819)
So I just got my N900 recently, beautiful smart phone a true work of innovation. So am just N900 was out of charge so I said I will switch it off to charge it. So I switched it off, then came back to charge like 10mins later......and the it didn't want to charge at all...the orange charging light didn't even come on at all. I tried the N900 charger in all the sockets in my house and same thing nothing. The last option was for me was to open the N900 take out the battery and put it back again, really frustrating time I had but it finally worked once I put the battery back in. Can someone please tell me, why it did this? Its only like a month old and still in crisp condition. Please because, I just can't bear for anything to happen to this phone at all!......My Maemo community mates help!

The problem is the N900 doesn't like charging the battery that is completely flat. If you have a desktop charger or a Nokia 5800 Express music then it will charge the battery for you. Once it is done, just put it back into the N900. It will work again, Never run the battery dry otherwise this problem will occur. I don't know how to fix it but I know how to get around it by buy an external charger. Works for me!

Haus3r 2010-03-24 20:38

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by Double_O_Soul
man.....aren't we suppose to be helping each out know a bloody community.....GAMEboy (WTF!...LOL).......Am not here as on of those lil college kids...I work for a I aint got time to fiddle wit phones like you quit wit the smart comments and just play nice this aint high school kid.....If you aint got nothing good to contribute then don't say ****!.

Are you serious? Is this what you wake up to every morning? Does it really take this little to push your button? Then no my friend, you do not work at a bank. May be at the counter cashing cheques, but with this kind of attitude and writing style I would not let you touch yet speak to any clients at all.
You were the first one to bring up the entire "Adults VS Kids" topic, and I am sure you're from one of the two camps. In fact, I have a very strong feeling which side that is.
Check your attitude before posting again. There are rules here, just like at your bank.

Annotation: this is a phone that was marketed as a phone "you can fiddle around with", so don't tell me you didn't know that.

To the battery problem: I have heard from a few people having it, are the developers aware of this bug? Really sounds like something serious to me: we should bring this to their immediate attention! I've just tried it with a completely flat battery, and it works fine for me?... Mh.

Double_O_Soul 2010-03-24 20:40

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 580939)
1) Search the forum and bugzilla, this kind of problem has been reported several times before.
2) You have given no deails about your firmware version, etc.
3) "I work for a bank". LOL.
4) Don't insult the people you're trying to ask for help.
5) If you "aint got time to fiddle wit phones", you should probably get a different phone. May I suggest a Jitterbug.
6) We will use the zero posts you've previously contributed to this forum as an example of your dedication to the community.

PAUL GET OFF MY SCROTUM...or get laid (1 of 2)...this thread was over a long time ago my go play hide n seek wit yourself or something. Thank you to everybody else who helped me once again.

slender 2010-03-24 20:40

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
Also i think we need pacman here to do some cleanup.

gabby131 2010-03-24 20:49

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??
uh oh......seems like something is burning.

this also happened to me on the first 3 days im using the n900. but what im doing is to remove and re-install the battery and bob's yur uncle, its okay. i did not mind if i kept on doing that for 3 days, but when i updated the firmware (which i was not aware that there are updates), i forgot about this bug, never happened since then.

shadowjk 2010-03-25 05:08

Re: Battery prob....on a new n900....y??

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 580970)
The problem is the N900 doesn't like charging the battery that is completely flat. If you have a desktop charger or a Nokia 5800 Express music then it will charge the battery for you. Once it is done, just put it back into the N900. It will work again, Never run the battery dry otherwise this problem will occur. I don't know how to fix it but I know how to get around it by buy an external charger. Works for me!

If we are to believe the specs of the charging chip, and the nokia service manuals, it's perfectly capable of charging flat battery, atleast from wall charger. Whether it actually tells you that it's charging, is another matter entirely :-)
Also, the initial charging with flat battery, if the N900 is powered off, would be extremely slow. Might take 30-60 minutes to get to the point where you can power up. Or it might power up all by itself, notice that the battery is way too low, shutdown, charge a bit, and repeat.. who knows :)

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