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mohannad 2010-03-31 00:39

[Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
4 Attachment(s)
After battling with C++ and Qt for a few weeks I am pleased to announce that I finally have a working and stable prayer time calculator app for the N900. For the time being im calling it PrayerTime, that name will change.

Feel free to test it and post any comments you have or bugs u come across.

You will be prompted for the latitude, longitude and timezone of your location when you run the app for the first time.

Note: this is not the final version so excuse the lack of functionality


EDIT: 03/04/2010

There is now an 'Options' screen which gives the user access to the application configurations. I've added an option for the user to switch between 12Hr and 24Hr formats. I've also added functionality to allow different prayer time calculation methods based on the globally accepted Islamic conventions. The 'Auto Configure' button doesn't work yet, I'll hopefully have it functioning in the next version.


EDIT: 05/04/2010

Application uploaded to extras-devel


EDIT: 19/04/2010

Fixed issue with time zone only taking whole numbers. Time zones with decimals are now allowed. Thanks to drasu for pointing this out :).


EDIT: 30/04/2010

mprayertime 0.1.1-6

Fixed issue with asr juristiction setting not working. Thanks to drasu for pointing this out :).


EDIT: 31/05/2010

The options screen layout is messed up as a result of pr1.2 (Qt 4.6.2). I am working on resolving this, should have a new version soon.


EDIT: 20/06/2010

Options screen issue fixed. mPrayerTime 0.2-12 uploaded to extras-dev



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albloushi 2010-03-31 04:03

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thanks a lot Mohannad, I will be testing it to feedback you.

I was waiting islamic and arabic apps for N900

Are you planning to translate them in arabic?

I would like to translate N900 to Arabic, but I don'w know from where to start, could you please advise me?

Because I noticed many contributions from others who translated N900 to their languages. :)

fuzzbuzz 2010-03-31 04:35

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Where do you get the prayer times from? Database?

new_bee 2010-03-31 04:36

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
thanks Mohannad,

I have installed it on N900, seems to be working. I know it is just in the initial stage. it will be better to have options to reset the settings. as right now if want to change the settings (i have put wrong time zone) there is no option availabe to change it. even after uninstalling and reinstalling I am unable to change the settings.

mohannad 2010-03-31 05:08

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thank you guys for testing the app.

Translation to arabic is on my to-do list :), hopefully will get around to doing that soon.

prayer times are calculated using some complex equations.. you can find more info here ->

I had the same problem. You can find configs under /home/user/.config/Team Mohannad/PrayerTime.conf
For now if you need to make changes you can edit that file, I plan to have an 'options' window in my next release.

kingzeus 2010-03-31 05:32

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
really like this keep it up.

fuzzbuzz 2010-03-31 05:55

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 589183)
Thank you guys for testing the app.

Translation to arabic is on my to-do list :), hopefully will get around to doing that soon.

prayer times are calculated using some complex equations.. you can find more info here ->

I had the same problem. You can find configs under /home/user/.config/Team Mohannad/PrayerTime.conf
For now if you need to make changes you can edit that file, I plan to have an 'options' window in my next release.

Excellent link. Thank you.

rariss 2010-03-31 06:23

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
A very useful application indeed.

any plans for letting GPS define location rather than having to input Lat/Lon/Time Zone?

HtheB 2010-03-31 06:27

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Turkish translation would be very great! :)
I can help you with that.

Hmmm, I installed the "prayertimebackend" that I found in the repo, but I can't find it anywhere in the menu...

mohannad 2010-03-31 06:43

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by rariss (Post 589216)
A very useful application indeed.

any plans for letting GPS define location rather than having to input Lat/Lon/Time Zone?

Thank you rariss. Yes im planning on having 3 options: Auto-detect, select from a list of preconfigured cities and manual configuration. The latter was the easiest to implement as a starting point.


That is a different application, mine isnt in the repository yet.
Edit: Thank you for offering to help with the translation, ill let you know once I get to that stage :).

acou 2010-03-31 07:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Nice postmodern app. I have a feature request though. Since I'm a rather busy person, could you make this app auto-pray on my behalf? You know, just like the concept of canned laughter.

I think canned prayer is the future!

Jaffa 2010-03-31 12:15

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
How accurate do the times need to be? Would the configured time zone city (which should map to long/lat) be accurate enough?

HtheB 2010-03-31 13:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 589225)

That is a different application, mine isnt in the repository yet.
Edit: Thank you for offering to help with the translation, ill let you know once I get to that stage :).

Ah sorry, my bad :P

Yes, I would gladly help to translate this! :)

Keep up the good work! :)

Adib 2010-03-31 13:25

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thanks alot ..

I will test it and feedback.. also i have some idea to implicate..

for N900 translation there is already a project for that by me .. and it is 25% completed... hope it will finish soon...

mohannad 2010-03-31 19:10

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 589651)
How accurate do the times need to be? Would the configured time zone city (which should map to long/lat) be accurate enough?

The times are quite accurate for me (Auckland NZ). I compared them to the official Auckland prayer times on our Islamic Federation website and 3/5 of the times are correct to the minute however my Fajr and Ishaa times were 5 minutes off. Im thinking it could be because I'm not using the same lat/long as them but I'll look into it.


Thats great news! Do I need to follow any coding standards for my app to work with your translation?

albloushi 2010-04-01 04:37

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by Adib (Post 589741)
Thanks alot ..

I will test it and feedback.. also i have some idea to implicate..

for N900 translation there is already a project for that by me .. and it is 25% completed... hope it will finish soon...

Great work brother, if you need any help i'm ready. :)

HtheB 2010-04-02 20:40

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
How about making a Prayer Times widget?


matar 2010-04-02 21:35

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 589225)

That is a different application, mine isnt in the repository yet.
Edit: Thank you for offering to help with the translation, ill let you know once I get to that stage :).

thanks for your effort
so what is that program i installed it and cant find it in menu, it says it works with GPS
and can u update yours to the reposity pls

MohammadAG 2010-04-02 22:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Are you planning on making this open source?

ahmadka 2010-04-03 08:17

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Great work dude, but I think a flashy widget like app would be good too .. maybe a prayer schedule table for the day, with a dome like shape on the top of the table (to repersent a mosque), and the time for the next prayer highlighted in a different colour ... just something to look visual appealing :)

mohannad 2010-04-03 09:52

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by albloushi (Post 590786)
Great work brother, if you need any help i'm ready. :)

Thank you :).


Originally Posted by matar (Post 593123)
so what is that program i installed it and cant find it in menu, it says it works with GPS
and can u update yours to the reposity pls

Im not sure what the other app is. Im working on getting it into extras-devel, I keep getting build errors so Im working on fixing those.

@HtheB and ahmadka:
Desktop widget is on the to-do list ;), will get onto that just as soon as the app is fully functional.

Yes at some point I will. Are you wanting to develop it further?

In other news, I just finished working on the next version. Ill edit my original post with the link and the details. Here's the link just incase you dont feel like going back to page 1.

adnanmbs 2010-04-03 09:57

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thank you very much for this beautiful and useful application.

mohannad 2010-04-03 09:58

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by adnanmbs (Post 593568)
Thank you very much for this beautiful and useful application.

You're welcome :)

MohammadAG 2010-04-03 10:51

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by mohannad (Post 593566)
Thank you :).

Im not sure what the other app is. Im working on getting it into extras-devel, I keep getting build errors so Im working on fixing those.

@HtheB and ahmadka:
Desktop widget is on the to-do list ;), will get onto that just as soon as the app is fully functional.

Yes at some point I will. Are you wanting to develop it further?

In other news, I just finished working on the next version. Ill edit my original post with the link and the details. Here's the link just incase you dont feel like going back to page 1.

I don't know C++/Qt so I can't help develop it further, at least till I learn C++ :)
Push it into extras-devel and you'll get more downloads.
Here's how to do that,
If you're keeping it closed source at the moment you have to upload to non-free which is slightly more complicated than just using the assistant.

BTW although it's not a big package (128K isn't much) you can still optify it by using maemo-optify, which should install it in /opt of /

mohannad 2010-04-05 00:14

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Package uploaded to Extras-devel. Should hopefully appear on there soon.

junooni 2010-04-05 01:46

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
thanx alot again

HtheB 2010-04-05 03:40

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Thanks for the update :)

But why did you change the name to mPrayerTimes?

I like the old Prayer Times more...

mohannad 2010-04-05 10:27

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 595806)
Thanks for the update :)

But why did you change the name to mPrayerTimes?

I like the old Prayer Times more...

No worries :). I had to change the name because the name is supposed to be unique. PrayerTime was too generic. I prefer the old name as well tbh.

Ali 2010-04-07 05:01

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
does it has azan too?

unixlife 2010-04-07 06:34

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Excellent and very use full :) Please add an option to select silent mode during prayer time and return to General profile after 20-30 minutes.

mohannad 2010-04-07 19:54

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by Ali (Post 598800)
does it has azan too?

Not yet.. Im actually deciding whether to get it to do that or not.


Originally Posted by unixlife (Post 598843)
Excellent and very use full Please add an option to select silent mode during prayer time and return to General profile after 20-30 minutes.

Thats a great idea! Thank you for the suggestion. I will look into it.

HAF 2010-04-12 19:17

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Salam Alikom

I have developped a application with c++ and Qt for symbian devices :تح...html#post18684

I have planning to porte it to N900, but at this time i have not more time

and I thanks Mohannad to develop his helpfull application to N900


drasu 2010-04-17 02:08

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
Bro i have installed this lovely effort of yours works fine. However i can not change the time zone from zero thus the times given are incorrect any way to fix it. Thanks

mohannad 2010-04-17 02:44

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by drasu (Post 614305)
Bro i have installed this lovely effort of yours works fine. However i can not change the time zone from zero thus the times given are incorrect any way to fix it. Thanks

If you have the latest version then the TimeZone field should allow any text input. Is this not working for you?

snowman 2010-05-28 20:56

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
i dont know if this sw is working as designed after PR 1.2...i installed the sw after i updated to pr1.2...but all i get is the settings screen..i cant input lat and long as the text boxes are way too thin to see anything in them..all other text boxes for other options are fine..also if i hit save or try to exit the settings box it just keeps on popping back no way to shut this thing down...any ideas..not compatible with pr1.2?

snowman 2010-05-30 12:03

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

malfares 2010-05-30 12:11

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

kingzeus 2010-05-30 19:38

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
would like to see this on my n900

Geekworld 2010-05-30 19:56

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900

Originally Posted by kingzeus (Post 690416)
would like to see this on my n900

yes plzzzz

yodawg 2010-05-30 21:06

Re: [Announce] PrayerTime app for N900
please someone make an azan app!

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