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BongC36 2010-03-31 19:01

How to increase the font sizes in N900
My eyes aren't as sharp as they used to be so I found the small fonts used in the N900 to be less than ideal. I searched for a way to increase them so that I can read them without wearing my reading glasses. The full credit for these techniques goes to b666m and Grant, I just compiled their info into a step-by-step form for us non-programmers. Thanks guys, now I can read them w/o glasses!

Basically the system fonts can be changed by editing the config file "gtkrc" for the theme you want to use. Each theme has it's own gtkrc file so if you want to switch between themes you have to edit them all.

The font sizes used in the SMS and IM conversations and in the single SMS view are controlled by 3 separate config files with a .css extension. You only need to do this once unlike in the above for themes.

To begin: first, you need to have access to the root. Download the file rootsh from Maemo.extras and install it. Also download and install the text editor Leafpad or you may use another text editor if you wish.

I will be using the theme 'marina' in this example, use whatever theme you want to modify, the steps are the same. So here is how I did it: Please type exactly as shown, as it is case-sensitive. Press 'Enter' after each command.

Part 1: Changing the theme fonts size
1. Open X-terminal
2. Type "sudo gainroot". If you had installed the rootsh mentioned above this will allow you to edit files
3. Type "cd /usr/share/themes"
4. Type "ls" to display the installed themes. This step is optional
5. Type "cd marina/gtk-2.0"
6. type "leafpad gtkrc" to edit the config file gtkrc
7. scroll down or use the search function until you see the section
* font definitions
8. Here you will see the fonts used in this theme. Just increase all fonts below 20 by 2 or 3 points higher.
Example I changed small fonts from 13 to 16
9. Do the same for the section
* new fonts for fremantle
10. When finished, use the pull-down menu to save or just press "x"
to exit. The program will prompt you if you want to save first before exiting

Part 2: Changing the SMS/IM conversation and single SMS font size
11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html"
12. type "ls *.css" to see the 3 files you need to edit
13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css". This will load for editing the config file that controls the size of the fonts we see in the SMS conversation screen
14. Locate the section "div.message {". This is close to the top of the file
15. Place the blinking cursor after the "{" then press <enter> to insert a blank line under "div.message {"
16. type "font-size: 30px;" (without the quotation marks of course)
17. press <enter> again to create another blank line below (optional)
18. I used 30px (pixels) in my case but you can use any size. The size of the avatar is 64 pixels so 32 pixels is half height
19. Save the edited file by using the pull-down save command then "x" to exit after saving
20. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css".
21. Repeat steps 14 to 19
22. Type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSingleSMS.css"
23. Repeat steps 14 to 19 except for single SMS I used 32px instead of 30px for greater visibility
24. Done. Exit leafpad, exit X-terminal then reboot and enjoy the bigger fonts:)

This is how I did it. I cannot guarantee that it will work for you and of course I cannot be liable for any damages that may or may not happen to your phone. In my case it worked without a hitch and as you can see in the photos below, the fonts are much easier on the eyes!

Good Luck! If you want to modify another theme then just do Part 1 only. Part 2 is done one time only. It would also be a good idea to make back-up copies of the files before you modify them so in case something goes wrong you can restore.

My apologies for the poor quality pics and for the long post, I intended this post for non-expert people like myself who only wish to have bigger fonts the better to enjoy the N900. Oh I love my N900, what other phone allows me to tweak config files like this?

dpm 2010-03-31 20:31

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thanks a lot for this post.. have been looking everywhere and probably must have spoiled my eyes. Appreciate it. Very well put :)

dinarch 2010-03-31 23:41

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
This is one of the best tips I've seen around here. Finally I don't need to press my nose against the screen to read what's there! Thanks a bunch.

Arif 2010-03-31 23:55

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Great post! I wish Nokia would add an option for this in settings...

I followed the steps and everything works fine :)

hermes040 2010-04-01 13:34

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Great post, but nothing changed on my screen :( Followed your instructions exactly (for marina) but no increase on font size. Reading glasses are not always handy and I am especially interested if your solution given larger fonts on selecting contacts in phone application. Any more suggestions?

ToJa92 2010-04-01 13:39

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by hermes040 (Post 591360)
Great post, but nothing changed on my screen :( Followed your instructions exactly (for marina) but no increase on font size. Reading glasses are not always handy and I am especially interested if your solution given larger fonts on selecting contacts in phone application. Any more suggestions?

Did you reboot afterwards? That might be necessary. Also you have to use the Marina theme, since that's the one you edited.

afaq 2010-04-01 13:45

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Excellent. thank you.
Has anyone else noticed that sometimes the font size increases randomly on all windows? this only lasts a few seconds and then goes back to normal.

special circumstances 2010-04-01 13:55

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Just a suggestion, and I'm sorry I haven't the time to describe how, but it would be a great idea to copy the theme first, adjust for large fonts/hard of seeing, then send to the theme creators to publish them alongside the originals... perhaps it could even be a standard thing... then the standard user can easily choose a "large font" version of any theme.
It's not a lot of extra work for the theme designers really, and give them an additional market that might consist of people who don't care too much about the theme itself, but do want their phone to be easily readable..

hermes040 2010-04-01 14:04

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 591368)
Did you reboot afterwards? That might be necessary. Also you have to use the Marina theme, since that's the one you edited.

Yes, I did. SMS and conversations fonts are increased, but not theme fonts :(

EDIT: Increased all fonts by approx %25 bigger size. Works perfect. Thanks all.

pelago 2010-04-01 14:54

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thanks for this. You might like to use Ctrl+Shift+P to take screenshots, rather than using a camera.

A wonder if it is possible to make an app to do this?

BongC36 2010-04-01 15:42

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
I'm glad to help fellows:) I learned a lot from this community. Actually my N900 was already perfect for my needs except for the small fonts. Now that this issue had been addressed, it is perfect for me. Thanks for the screen capture tip! I didn't know about that

Hermes040: Did it work for you already? I used the ff values for theme marina:

# Font Definitions

# legacy
style "osso-SystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 20"}
style "osso-EmpSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans Bold 20"}
style "osso-LargeFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 26"}
style "osso-SmallFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}
style "osso-HWRFont1" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 52"}
style "osso-HWRFont2" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 38"}
style "osso-TitleFont2" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 20"}
style "osso-ButtonFont2" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}

# new fonts for fremantle #
style "SystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 20"}
style "EmpSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans Bold 20"}
style "LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 26"}
style "SmallSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}
style "EmpSmallSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}
style "X-LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 31"}
style "XX-LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 52"}
style "XXX-LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 74"}
style "HomeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}

hermes040 2010-04-01 19:53

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
2 Attachment(s)
Hermes040: Did it work for you already? I used the ff values for theme marina:

# Font Definitions

# legacy
style "osso-SystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 20"} is 24 here
style "osso-EmpSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans Bold 20"} is 24
style "osso-LargeFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 26"} is 32
style "osso-SmallFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"} is 26
style "osso-HWRFont1" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 52"}
style "osso-HWRFont2" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 38"}
style "osso-TitleFont2" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 20"} is 24
style "osso-ButtonFont2" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"} is 24

# new fonts for fremantle #
style "SystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 20"} 24
style "EmpSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans Bold 20"} 24
style "LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 26"}32
style "SmallSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}24
style "EmpSmallSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}24
style "X-LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 31"} 36
style "XX-LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 52"}
style "XXX-LargeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 74"}
style "HomeSystemFont" {font_name = "Nokia Sans 18"}24[/QUOTE]

I am sending 2 screenshots for you to see

BongC36 2010-04-02 05:09

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
That's Cool!

ED2148 2010-04-08 02:44

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Hi, I tried doing the part 2 but when I type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-

ui/htmlit" it just says "not found". Please advise. Thanks.

bonerp 2010-04-08 14:37

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thanks for this. I can now read the text on the screen!!

Anyone know where the email conversation box widths are held? I want to tidy mine up a little and align the left hand side to the edge of the screen. I did this on SMS but not sure how to on email.

bonerp 2010-04-08 16:10

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by ED2148 (Post 600456)
Hi, I tried doing the part 2 but when I type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-

ui/htmlit" it just says "not found". Please advise. Thanks.

cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html

If no joy check out the N900 conversation customisation thread. Everything you need to know is in this.

BongC36 2010-04-08 17:42

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by ED2148 (Post 600456)
Hi, I tried doing the part 2 but when I type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-

ui/htmlit" it just says "not found". Please advise. Thanks.

Please check the spelling, should be html at the end

d_big_orange 2010-04-21 12:20

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
THank you for sharing your knowledge on how to increase the font. I followed your procedure and was able to do part 1. for part 2 though I get an error "cannot open file to write when I do a save. IS the a particular version of leafpad that will make it work if so where could I possible download it from. Again thank you and hope you could still help me out cause i think I am very close already.

rando 2010-04-28 07:50

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by d_big_orange (Post 620924)
THank you for sharing your knowledge on how to increase the font. I followed your procedure and was able to do part 1. for part 2 though I get an error "cannot open file to write when I do a save. IS the a particular version of leafpad that will make it work if so where could I possible download it from. Again thank you and hope you could still help me out cause i think I am very close already.

Had the same problem. Got rid of it putting the sudo gainroot -command again.

Arif 2010-05-05 18:19

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
For some reason this doesn't work on D-THEME AeroBlue. Anyone any ideas?

ffarber 2010-05-05 18:38

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

This is a great writeup and is worthy of a wiki entry IMHO. I will do it if you don't mind my name being in as the author of the page but it would be more fitting coming from you. I guess the question is: where in the wiki to put it?


Edit: P.S. I didn't use this trick because I wound up going to progressive lenses at about the same time I got the N900:D

tangigi 2010-05-17 12:47

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Excellent! Thank you for this post. The font size in the address book is ridiculously small.

Thank you


New 2010-05-18 05:26

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Such great for everyone ...

I don't know about Linux but I just love N900.
I did flasher 3.5 two times with step by step and it's ok.

But to increase font size I'm 0.
I type: cd/usr/share/themes
it shows: /bin/sh: cd/usr/share/themes: not found

I type: ls *.css
it shows: MyDocs
/home/usere # cd marina/gtk-2.0
/bin/sh: cd: can't cd to marina/

I type: leafpad gtkrc
it shows: leafpad in gtkrc but an empty page only.
I don't what to do next.
I don't find "font definitions"
I don't find "new fonts fremantle"

Please help.

tangigi 2010-05-18 05:50

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Such great for everyone ...

I don't know about Linux but I just love N900.
I did flasher 3.5 two times with step by step and it's ok.

But to increase font size I'm 0.
I type: cd/usr/share/themes
it shows: /bin/sh: cd/usr/share/themes: not found

there is a space between cd and /

I type: ls *.css
it shows: MyDocs
/home/usere # cd marina/gtk-2.0
/bin/sh: cd: can't cd to marina/

there is a space between ls and *

in part 2
there is also a space between cd & / in step 11. Type "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html"

step 13. type "leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversations".

I typed : leafpad MessagingWidgetsSMSConversation.css

when you type ls *.css, you will see the 3 files, just type leafpad and the complete file name.

I type: leafpad gtkrc
it shows: leafpad in gtkrc but an empty page only.
I don't what to do next.
I don't find "font definitions"
I don't find "new fonts fremantle"

Please help.

New 2010-05-18 07:13

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thank you,
I did part1 and it was OK.
Part2 I have tried a few steps but I couldn't understand easily I would take more time to slowly do step by step again pretty soon.

Reeby 2010-05-18 14:36

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Thanks a lot for sharing this - something I've been looking for!
Any idear which font line in the config file is responsible for Address book and App manager?

csillampeto 2010-05-23 00:55

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
I am having trouble installing rootsh and leafpad. It stays on the 'preparing for installation, please wait' window and does not do anything.

Is there anything I need to change to be able to install things?

I only just got the phone for my dad yesterday and he said the font is too small and it needs to be change asap!


tangigi 2010-05-25 04:27

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
you don't have to do anything special. Just activate your wifi, go to app manager and download the software.

sometimes there is a delay before successfully installing.

New 2010-05-25 04:40

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
I followed your procedure for part 2 but I get an error "cannot open file to write when I do a save. What's wrong with it?

thelushlife 2010-05-26 01:50

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
was using the increased fonts without a problem on PR1.1.1.

somehow, i did the same editing after flashing to PR1.2, system fonts are larger, but the SMS/Messaging part doesn't work.

any help?

dpm 2010-05-27 18:03

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by thelushlife (Post 677641)
was using the increased fonts without a problem on PR1.1.1.

somehow, i did the same editing after flashing to PR1.2, system fonts are larger, but the SMS/Messaging part doesn't work.

any help?

I am facing the same issue it says cant write to file.. is there a work around it..thanks

michaaa62 2010-05-27 21:03

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
did you try to make a backup of /etc/hildon/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and then edit the file? install rootsh from extras, then become root and edit the files you need.

dpm 2010-05-28 05:37

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 684069)
did you try to make a backup of /etc/hildon/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and then edit the file? install rootsh from extras, then become root and edit the files you need.

1. I am using sudo gainroot, have rootsh installed.

How do you make a back up of /etc/hildon/theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc, whats the command to save it.

It used to work perfect before I got the pr 1.2 firmware update..any suggestions what I can do.

dpm 2010-05-28 21:16

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
thanks michaaa62 for the suggestion got it to work..

BongC36 2010-05-29 10:31

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by thelushlife (Post 677641)
was using the increased fonts without a problem on PR1.1.1.

somehow, i did the same editing after flashing to PR1.2, system fonts are larger, but the SMS/Messaging part doesn't work.

any help?

I too upgraded to PR 1.2 and found that my conversation fonts had reverted back to the original tiny fonts. Just do PART 2 again of my original post to suit your preference.

To those having problems doing this mod, please check your spelling and spaces. There is a space between "cd" and "/" in "cd /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/html".

BTW I find font-size: 32px; for SMS conversations to be ideal. For single SMS, I used 38px for really large letters easy on the eyes!

Here is how a single SMS looks like at 38 px

SMS conversation at 32 px

BongC36 2010-05-29 10:50

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by ffarber (Post 644962)

This is a great writeup and is worthy of a wiki entry IMHO. I will do it if you don't mind my name being in as the author of the page but it would be more fitting coming from you. I guess the question is: where in the wiki to put it?


Edit: P.S. I didn't use this trick because I wound up going to progressive lenses at about the same time I got the N900:D

Hello, sorry for my very late reply. No I don't mind at all, please go ahead and make it a wiki if you think it will be helpful to other fellow N900 enthusiasts. Cheers!

ddwwf1 2010-05-29 11:21

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

since doing these mods i now have these green and purple lines in top left corner and cant work out why they are therre they only seem to come up when in a app and not on desktop or app menu

EDIT: this seems to have stopped after a reboot however my IM fonts are still small while the SMS fonts are large cant work out why

ddwwf1 2010-05-29 11:37

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
also i have noticed my sms convo fonts are nice and readable now however im fonts are smaller and cant work out what i need to change for the IM fonts to be the same size as the SMS fonts some help on this soon would be great

BongC36 2010-05-29 14:31

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900

Originally Posted by ddwwf1 (Post 687781)
also i have noticed my sms convo fonts are nice and readable now however im fonts are smaller and cant work out what i need to change for the IM fonts to be the same size as the SMS fonts some help on this soon would be great

Hmm, works in mine. Did you add "font-size: 32px;" to a new line under "div.message (" in the file "MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css" too?
Maybe used a colon instead of a semi-colon?

kamishly 2010-05-29 14:55

Re: How to increase the font sizes in N900
Ok, I'm NOT savvy with X term and new to this system. I need simple help to get my fonts and phone numbers bigger as my eyes are popping out trying to figure out whats on the screen.

I'm using the digital nature theme, please please simple steps would be appreciated as I'm not figuring out what numbers to use to get all that stuff bigger.



Originally Posted by BongC36 (Post 688038)
Hmm, works in mine. Did you add "font-size: 32px;" to a new line under "div.message (" in the file "MessagingWidgetsChatConversation.css" too?
Maybe used a colon instead of a semi-colon?

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