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m double u 2010-04-01 09:11

can't install some apps(or update)
I can't install or update due to some problems, which are:
missing packages: libqt4-core(>=4.6.2~git20100224)
maepad and passwordsafe:
missing packages: libhildon1 (>=2.2.10)
Anyone have a solution?
M double U

adam123 2010-04-01 09:13

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
have the same problem

kylepsp 2010-04-01 09:14

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
I'm having the same problem, my app manager also said I had no catalogues loaded but they're back now

davedap 2010-04-01 09:14

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
have to wait for the new update pr 1.2

maxximuscool 2010-04-01 09:14

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
is it me or the repositories suddenly stopped working? can someone confirm me on this?

m double u 2010-04-01 09:16

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
I'm not having problems with the repo's

Pfuh3z 2010-04-01 09:25

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
Every single repository fails trying to update or install anything here also... In the Application Manager log it says something along the lines of 'Temporary failure resolving '' and 'Could not resolve host: (could not contact DNS servers)'
It would be weird though that both's and Nokia's DNS servers are failing at the same time?

Edit: nevermind, It's working again now... odd :)

yrkulkarni 2010-04-01 09:45

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
facing the same problem. any reason?

AndrewG 2010-04-01 09:47

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
Mine works fine

Jezz 2010-04-01 09:48

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
Cant install some updates as it needs the hildon files

Mr. Incredible 2010-04-01 11:38

Can't update Tuner app
1 Attachment(s)
I can't update the Tuner Tool app. Says it's missing libhildon1 (>=2.2.10) and libpixman-1-0 (>=015.16)
I can't find this extras in the repositories.

Cobra 2010-04-01 11:54

Re: Can't update Tuner app
the files are for the next firmware update there is no way around it you just have to wit for the next phone update.

m double u 2010-04-01 13:02

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

Originally Posted by davedap (Post 591028)
have to wait for the new update pr 1.2

how do you know, because at first i could update software like passwordsafe and now not anymore, what changes have there been?

leetut 2010-04-01 13:46

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
the SDK people are using to design the apps is using FW 1.2, but nokia are making us wait for the FW1.2 (like they always do!)
apparently its days away, at least thats what i heard a month ago, ive checked every morning for over a month now, these update problems are the reason i left symbian!

armaan1 2010-04-02 08:10

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
even im not able 2 update same problem

digittante 2010-04-02 08:12

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
Repos, like the Apple store, must be down in preparation for the iPad!

kylepsp 2010-04-02 11:39

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
I wish Nokia was more like apple in the way they deliver firmware updates. We're largely left in the dark.

fleck 2010-04-03 18:34

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
Hi to everyone, ive tried several times to install roadrunner on N900 with no joy, iv tried twice through App Manager and once visiting the site thro internet browser, each time iv come to download roadrunner it starts to install then fails with "installation file corrupt" Please could you tell me whats up, or weather im going wrong somewhere or is it simply as it says installation file corrupt and how can i get around this. On other Apps iv downloaded iv never had this problem. I am on vodafone and havnt yet got the very latest update if thats any help.

Thankyou in advance

ceroberts75 2010-04-03 19:02

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

Originally Posted by kylepsp (Post 592507)
I wish Nokia was more like apple in the way they deliver firmware updates. We're largely left in the dark.

you are kidding right?! you mean every six months when they would invent (steal) something new? and the every 12 months where they would suck another 500 bucks out of your account, possibly extending your comtract in the process?!

that iphone. oh, then i completely understand why we have only had 4 updates in the last 5 months, not including the e previous months updates for testors or the next one we know is eminent with extending the qt process to make it 'forward' compatible with hardware that is still ahead of the other platforms.

i understand....reallty, i do. ;p

as for the tuner, i too had the issue i is with pr 1.2, byut before i knew that, uninstalled the tuner and now do not have one in my handset. lol

i had to blow the dust and insert batteries into my other tuner since ive been using a tuner in my handset for 4 years now!

Duff 2010-04-03 19:33

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
is it just me or is extras-devel not working for you guys aswell? it says 'failed catalogues'.... just when i wanna install stargus, openarena and midnight commander :(

Duff 2010-04-03 21:07

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
checked my extras devel catalogue, it says; write error - write (28 no space left on device)... any ideas?

killerjay 2010-04-03 22:58

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
i gt that alot too, just refresh it again and it should work

assetburned 2010-04-03 23:45

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

looks like it isn`t possible to install the update for the "GPS Track Logger Widget 0.3-2" because libhildon1 (>=2.2.10) is missing :-(

any chance that someone will update the lib soon?

cu assetburned

thefoxtrot 2010-04-04 00:11

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

assetburned 2010-04-04 00:49

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
ok you all knowing and all mighty one... so could you explain a stupid idiot what this PR 1.2 firmware is?
I thought I have the latest firmware 3.2010.02-8 isn't 3.2 > then 1.2 ?! or am I getting something wrong?

thefoxtrot 2010-04-04 01:09

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

assetburned 2010-04-04 10:45

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
OK and what get I wrong?!

thefoxtrot 2010-04-04 19:00

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

Originally Posted by assetburned (Post 594761)
OK and what get I wrong?!

*going away from thread forever*

adalal 2010-04-04 19:26

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

Originally Posted by assetburned (Post 594435)
ok you all knowing and all mighty one... so could you explain a stupid idiot what this PR 1.2 firmware is?
I thought I have the latest firmware 3.2010.02-8 isn't 3.2 > then 1.2 ?! or am I getting something wrong?

no, that just shows when the last version was released, ie. 2010 - feb, week 8. which is the pr 1.1.1...

the 1.2 release would be firmware 4.2010-month-week_no.... that is, if it is released this year...

caze 2010-04-04 19:55

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
@Duff: your problem seems like a general one and not related to upcoming PR1.2. see for a start.

assetburned 2010-04-05 00:04

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
ah ok thanks a lot for this info :-)
looks a bit stupid to me, why don't they call it 1.1.1 or what ever is the latest... hmm whatever, i bet i'm not the first one who is complaining about that. ;-)

rickrvo 2010-04-05 01:55

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
yep. Unfortunatly there is alot wrong with this version and with Maemo in general... like not having build in MMS and being unable to call some services like dialing " *555# " which in my operator should send me a message with my funds. (basic phone stuff)
I too suffer from this bugs.

Sure hope Nokia releases the new PR thing soon and stabel!

assetburned 2010-04-05 02:09

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
there is a USSD widget for that. installing an extra package just for that, isn't what you expect if you buy a phone... but it should do the job.
just in case that you didn't know that there is a way to get these info.

pyromaniac 2010-04-07 07:18

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
so we should just wait for 1.2 ? i dont mind but, is that the solution ?

assetburned 2010-04-07 13:42

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
no other topics suggest that you could install the missing packages manually, but then you could get in trouble because of the old apps. some of them don't like the new files.

Jaffa 2010-04-07 14:07

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

Originally Posted by assetburned (Post 594385)
looks like it isn`t possible to install the update for the "GPS Track Logger Widget 0.3-2" because libhildon1 (>=2.2.10) is missing :-(

any chance that someone will update the lib soon?

The updated library will come in PR1.2; however it's very possible that the application does not require the latest version.

People interested in fixing it are encouraged to look at this post:

Both the Community Council and the team are trying to find a solution to this problem for now, and in the future.

pyromaniac 2010-04-07 18:31

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
thanks for the info.. will wait patiently :)

kenz 2010-04-08 04:03

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
hi all, i'm having issues downloading PyQt4full

it just tells me "install failed"

also, whenever i open my app manager, it tells me that some lists couldn't be updated. when i go into "details" and select one of the un-updated catalogs, it the very last box in red it says proxy connect aborted

please help!!

dashti 2010-04-10 18:58

Re: can't install some apps(or update)
Sticky !!!!!

smoku 2010-04-10 19:16

Re: can't install some apps(or update)

Originally Posted by m double u (Post 591024)
I can't install or update due to some problems, which are:
missing packages: libqt4-core(>=4.6.2~git20100224)
maepad and passwordsafe:
missing packages: libhildon1 (>=2.2.10)
Anyone have a solution?
M double U

IIUC Maemo Community dropped support for PR1.1.x devices as of March 24 2010.
You need to update your device to PR1.2 if you want to install new Extras applications. (From "fremantle-1.2" repository.)

P.S. Yes. I do know that PR1.2 is not released yet to the people. Curious isn't it? ;)

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