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jacktanner 2010-04-13 03:36

overclock the DSP?
Can the N900's DSP be overclocked in the same sense that the CPU can be overclocked? The DSP is a Texas Instruments TMS320C64x running at 430Mhz. I'm clueless about hardware, I doubt my question even makes any sense...

UNderworld 2010-04-13 03:45

Re: overclock the DSP?
lehto's 900mhz has dsp to 500mhz...

joshv06 2010-04-13 03:53

Re: overclock the DSP?
What would the advantage of overclocking the DSP be on the N900?

jacktanner 2010-04-13 03:59

Re: overclock the DSP?
Presumably an overclocked DSP has an easier time decoding audio and video.

egoshin 2010-04-13 04:27

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by jacktanner (Post 607937)
Presumably an overclocked DSP has an easier time decoding audio and video.

Looks like Nokia doesn't use DSP today... at least it is seemed from some changelog...

lardman 2010-04-13 06:36

Re: overclock the DSP?
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

egoshin 2010-04-13 07:00

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 608013)
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

I want it to be... and hope I was wrong.

jaeezzy 2010-04-13 07:03

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 608013)
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

But not for video recording I guess coz the 900/500MHz didn't help me take any smooth video at all..

shadowjk 2010-04-14 13:25

Re: overclock the DSP?
It's probably an I/O issue rather than a CPU/DSP issue

Hoshiro 2010-08-11 19:03

Re: overclock the DSP?
same here!
overclocking the ARM processor did't help shoot a descent video in night mode...
probably cause the dsp is in total control of this job...
so, it would be interesting to see it being overclocked!!

Silvarum 2010-08-11 20:03

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by Hoshiro (Post 783329)
same here!
overclocking the ARM processor did't help shoot a descent video in night mode...
probably cause the dsp is in total control of this job...
so, it would be interesting to see it being overclocked!!

Hoshiro, video in night mode isn't smooth not because DSP or processor slow, but because matrix accumulating light for a long time (like shutter speed). n900 lowers fps to achieve night mode.

yhe2x 2010-08-12 07:23

Re: overclock the DSP?
assuming it's overclockable, I just wanna know if it will at least let us play hd videos/movies through vlc or other player?

lardman 2010-08-12 08:56

Re: overclock the DSP?
From the OMAP spec sheets it was iirc theoretically possible to decode HD video, but it really depends on the codec running on the IVA+ (aka DSP+associated coprocessors).

I'd not worry too much about the DSP speed until you've benchmarked the existing codec (assuming there is one that can decode HD video, I've never tried) and instead get your DSP coding hat on ;)

lardman 2010-08-12 08:57

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 608013)
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

And while we're on this thread, the DSP is also used to process the data taken by the camera app - I guess this is mainly to take advantage of the quick JPEG encode, but probably also handles effects and other odds and ends if required.

AlMehdi 2010-08-12 09:05

Re: overclock the DSP?
Wasn't the DSP and CPU on the same chip? Thus making it pretty hard to controll individually. In the undervolting case anyway. Changing the settings could make the system unstable and would not make a big deifferens.

Netweaver 2010-08-12 09:14

Re: overclock the DSP?
I can shoot nicely, even in night mode, when disabling ALL indexing/tumbnailing/every other action in Tracker-config. And restart the tracker deamon. It seems tracker is the culprit for stuttering video recording. Also closing down the network connections helps.

I really wonder if nobody can make a plugin/dbus listener whenever the camera app (or fcam or blessn900) starts, that all tracker activity gets frozen and restored (as per settings before starting the camera app(s) + going into off-line mode. Make an exception for qik please ... :)
It's an oversight of Nokia NOT to freeze as much as possible before ding these highly cpu intensive things like shooting video.

I agree we have a nice multi tasking device but I really don't want to read my emails or listen to music when recording a video ... So why not freeze all non-essential activity, only in this very high CPU demand case of course. Otherwise we end up with an iPhone ... :)
A bit of pragmatism/realism on a restricted resources device as the N900 is needed sometimes....

xabaras 2010-08-12 10:08

Re: overclock the DSP?
With Titan Kernels it is possible to make a custom config.

I'm running my DSP@500Mhz starting from 600 Mhz cpu clock and like this up to 900Mhz

AlMehdi 2010-08-12 10:10

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by xabaras (Post 783952)
With Titan Kernels it is possible to make a custom config.

I'm running my DSP@500Mhz starting from 600 Mhz cpu clock and like this up to 900Mhz

But does it make any differens? I have tried that too.. but didn't feel anything.

xabaras 2010-08-12 10:41

Re: overclock the DSP?
Maybe it's just "placebo" effect but i believe it makes a slight difference playing movies with mplayer/sib...

but as i said may be only placebo...

Megaltariak 2010-08-12 10:55

Re: overclock the DSP?
I didn't notice any difference between stock DSP (430MHZ) and overclocked (500MHZ) so I just leave it at 430 MHZ, you should do the same if you don't see any difference too.

seanmcken 2012-07-31 04:04

Re: overclock the DSP?
what is maximum limit of DSP overclocking??

Mitrigol 2012-07-31 08:42

Re: overclock the DSP?
I would say 600 MHz, this is the maximum stable found and used by freemangordon for 720p play/record.

But this is not for all devices, some are having problem (like reboot or freeze) going that high.

seanmcken 2013-02-24 06:51

Re: overclock the DSP?
600 DSP does'nt make any big difference

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