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[Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I made a replacement for the built-in profile control panel and status menu plugin. This one let you add and manage more than two profiles. Unlike tweaker these additional profiles are "real" profiles and not only different settings for the general profile. That means this profiles are handled by the libprofile and profiled-dbus (com.nokia.profiled) just like the silent and general profile. For example, they can be selected and changed from other applications through dbus-calls. It is called profilesx and you can find in in extras-devel. It is in beta state, all planned features are working, but I have to cleanup the code. I am not a gtk-programmer, some parts realy took an amount of time. I struggled with the ui-design to let it look like the built-in profiles ui. Feel free to laugh about my silly status menu icons :-) Any improvements are welcome. As I am not a native english speaker, maybe someone can help me with the program /package description. Some notes: You can not use the power button menu two change between the profiles if the current profile is not one of the two predefined. Sound preview doesn't work if the active profile is the silent profile, don't know how the built-in settings dialog plays the preview. regards nicolai |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
thanks !!!!! testing
edit: for me youve made tweakr obsolete and brought powatool back from obsolesence only thing id like is to be able to change profile order thanks great app!!!!!! |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
nice appl but for me usless until it could cooperate with time scheduling of created profiles.
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
you can already schedule profiles with tweakr and alarmed.. this will work with alarmed and maybe silencer
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
with alrmed I can see only profiles I created with tweakr. would be nice not to have tweakr profiles and "original" profiles and could manage them with alarmed f.e.
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
well ses and silencer dont work with these profiles, so im switching back to the good ol' tweakr and alarmed (which works even with alarmed not fully installed)
and you can only see profiles made by tweakr because theres no other way to make them! and anyway, 2 of the 3 default profiles that show in tweakr are original nokia ones... |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
i will use it when i can use the alarmed GUI again, i love the icon part of this app!!
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
It doesn't need a D-Bus interface. From the first post:
@nicolai Sounds playing in Silent profile (w/out modifying policy file which won't work in this case) require voodoo with PulseAudio and properties... If I figure it out, I'll post something up... |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
not sure what youre getting at but I dont have a use for this app atm as I already have a working setup, being scheduled timed custom profiles with tweakr and alarmed.
but ATM alarmed wont install due to pr1.2 dependency issues.. but even without it installed, my already set timed profile setup works!! :D once we get pr1.2 I can install alarmed and this and change my profiles to profilesx ones.. |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
What are the correct dbus commands to change profile for example if the profile name is "mytest"?
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Holy moly! Thanks a bunch man! this is awesome - I can finally arrange my profiles like I'm used to :)
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I always change the profile with the power button... |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
PHP Code:
* Set the event.id and module-stream-restore.id properties * Create a "pulsesink" * Set the "proplist" property of the pulsesink to property list created * Set the "audio-sink" property of your playbin2 sink to the newly created pulsesink |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
To all of you that have problem with not being able to schedule profilex's profiles. It is possible with fcron.
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
This is great, qwerty12. Any chance you can explain what are these properties and why do you know this :-) btw, I just realized the status-menu icons aren't there until you reboot your device. I call gtk-update-iconcache in the install script, but it doesn't work. Is there another way to make new icons visible without reboot? nicolai |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Event.id: http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/...c10c01426a4fec The reason why this one is special is because the Policy system will react to the event.id being set to "ringtone-preview": Quote:
The media-stream-restore one? NFI. It's not needed to play sounds in Silent mode as is evidenced by the policy config. I also suspect it's rather useless without pa_ext_stream_restore2_write () How did I find out about the playbin2 stuff? It was libcanberra that introduced me to properties. I found out that hildon_play_system_sound () (http://maemo.org/api_refs/5.0/5.0-fi...y-system-sound) would play sounds in Silent mode. Grabbed the libhildon source and the libcanberra source and looked at libcanberra's set of Maemo patches. Heh, all that said, it finally came down to: strings, IDA Pro, http://meego.gitorious.org/maemo-mul...ode=sidebyside and /usr/lib/hildon-control-panel/libcpprofiles.so https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6694 is a fun read with me adding some entertainment by getting pissed off at Nokia's lack of communication :) Quote:
Best regards, Faheem P.S. This [ProfilesX] really is wonderful stuff. Thanks for adding a feature Nokia wouldn't. I consider it to be a sign of laziness on Nokia's part when they add support for multiple profiles to their backend but not their frontend :) |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
First, I want to THANK YOU for the grate application you made! this was very needed on the N900! The only problem is that, while being in the Profiles menu, when i browse for a song to select as ring-tone or sms-tone, i discovered that the application can see only .mp3 files. (no .aac , no .mid ,etc..) Please, can you fix this? The normal ringtone browser can even see .mid files , even tho they are not supported |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
when i try to add new profile which name has a " "(blank space) it doen't work :(
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Is this correct? |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
yep, that's what i meant! ;)
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Oh, come on. :) You have a Linux device. Use underscores (_). :D
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
ahahah u are right! to be honest, i think i'll never use a two words name!!
i used "new profile" to make some screenshots, that's how i've found it! :P |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thank you!
When I click the task bar I have two Profile buttons, one with the standards silent and general and one with silent, general and my custom profiles. Can I hide the standard profile button? |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I also have a question: in control pannel, did the ProfileX icon replace the standard profiles icon? Or are they both there? |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
So is ProfileX profiles changable by DBUS or other CLI commands, so alarmd could change profiles? |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
New profiles created with profilesx can be used just like "silent" and "general". nicolai |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu/status-area-profiles.desktop away, for example move it to your MyDocs folder. Than the built-in profiles button disappears. Quote:
get rid off it, do the same like above with /usr/share/applications/hildon-control-panel/cpprofiles.desktop nicolai |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
If you want to remove the standard profiles section on the task bar wouldn't it just be better to comment out (or remove) the section of
/etc/hildon-desktop/status-menu.plugins that starts with [status-area-applet-profiles.desktop] there are a total of five lines that would need to be removed/commented out. You will have to be root to do this. Fred P.S. Now I am going to try profilesx. |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I can create a new profile and save it but I do not see the method for activating it. When I click the task bar and use Profile utility the newly saved profile is not listed. When I access profiles from settings I again do not see the newly saved profile. I've rebooted since saving the new profile, which does show in profilesx.
So, how do I make the new profile the active profile? |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
P.S. @nicolai, Please make profileX suport .aac audio files..
My favorite message tone is a .aac file, and i can't select it :( |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
What I want to know is where the profiles are stored. Fred |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
/etc/profiled/ The user defined settings (or those values which differ from the default) are stored in /home/user/.profiled/custom.ini |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thank you qwerty12 for this most valuable post
New Version 0.4. Can now play sound preview while active profile is "silent" @Foxer: now you should be able to select aac files as well. AFAIK mid files aren't supported at all. @saxen: If you still want to :-), you can name your profile "new profile". Whitespaces in profile names do work now. Thank you for finding this bug. For those who do not know, you can customize the statusbar icon for every single profile. In the profile editor, push the button beneath the "statusbar icon" label. There, you can choose between leftmost button -> no icon next filve buttons show some predefined icons rightmost button with the folder icon (in the previous version, this looks like a "image not found" icon), lets you select your own icon. nicolai |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Is there a way to activate vibration only for a specific event? If you added that option to profilex, I would love you forever :D
I want to have the general profile with sound and vibration on everything apart from emails. |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Already thanked you in the first post, but I cannot thank you enough! This makes other profile tools obsolete. I used powatools to hide the original profiles icon in the status bar. I think this was mentioned in the thread; will coming releases have ability to select order of the profiles? Now I only miss one major thing, and my N900 would be more or less complete: ability to set ringtones to individual contacts ( or group would do just fine) Thanx for a GREAT job! |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
P.S. is there any way (at least in the future) that we could have support for .mid ringtones on the N900?
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
(that; and the ability to save SMS as "Draft" (+ a propper inbox & outbox) :rolleyes: ) dreaming.. dreaming.. |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I have the 0.4 version installed but the status icon do not show up in the status area. This probably because I am able to select the icon in the control panel, but the icon settings are not saved. The profiles reverts back to blank icon.
any idea what could be wrong: |
Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
I have the same problem as well... at first I thought I was just forgetting to hit Save but I've tried numerous times and all the icons are still blank. Would love an answer to this issue... But overall, good job on the software! |
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