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thecrazyw 2010-04-28 14:29

After flash, no more vibration
I have flashed my n900 and after that the vibration wont work ???

Do anybody has the same problem or better the solution for that ???

one more help pleeeeease :confused:

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 14:45

Re: After flash, no more vibration
It's most probably a hardware problem, check your vibration settings, check if mce is running (LEDs when charging etc...).
If mce is running and vibration isn't working, it's a hardware problem.

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 14:55

Re: After flash, no more vibration
What is "mce" .....?

In the profiles i have checked(switched on) the vibration buttons for both profiles

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 15:00

Re: After flash, no more vibration
"LEDs when charging etc..."
Does the LED light up when charging?

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 15:06

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Yes, its lighting orange if its charging
blue if i have got a massage and green on fully loaded

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 15:09

Re: After flash, no more vibration
disabled in settings?

Healthcheck will do a vibration test for you :D

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 15:27

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Sounds like a hardware problem, download HealthCheck and check if vibration works.
If it doesn't, it's a hardware problem.

(BTW do you hear a click sound and a squeak when it vibrates? Might be similar to my old problem)

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 15:34

Re: After flash, no more vibration
No it isn't disabled .....

i have made serveral restarts :(

how can i install healthcheck i need: libqt4-core; libqtgui4; libqt4-core

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 15:44

Re: After flash, no more vibration
cant install it from app manager?

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 16:15

Re: After flash, no more vibration
if i want to install the app (with appmanager) there is a request for the 3 files above ... ( some files are missing: libqt4-core; libqtgui4; libqt4-core )

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 16:17

Re: After flash, no more vibration
thats a bit odd, was my assumption qt came on the devices..... hmmmmmm will look into it.

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 16:22

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Disable extras-devel if it's enabled.

ndi 2010-04-28 16:27

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Does it hum shortly when being powered up?

A standard N900 will hum on boot. When off, hold down the power button. While LED will fill up and when it's done and the device starts to boot, a short vibration should take place on all configurations.

This is regardless of settings and MCE service. If it doesn't, it's likely stuck/broken.

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 16:42

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Disabling extras-devel helped to install.

Now i have made a vibration test.

But then i can hear three times a quiet sound but no vibration :'-(

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 17:13

Re: After flash, no more vibration

Originally Posted by thecrazyw (Post 631814)
Disabling extras-devel helped to install.

Now i have made a vibration test.

But then i can hear three times a quiet sound but no vibration :'-(

I had that problem on day 2.
A month or two later I connected it to the charger and ran this in terminal (will activate the motor with the same pattern as an incoming call.

dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request string:'PatternIncomingCall'
The next day it was working.
Keep in mind that it might not work for you, but it's worth a shot.

Edit: If that doesn't work I suggest taking it to a Nokia Care Center.

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 17:16

Re: After flash, no more vibration
o, thats what hc calls.

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 18:07

Re: After flash, no more vibration
i think i have to go to a nokia care center

nothing helps :(

everytime only the same sounds

do you think that i have to delete the programms and repositories ???

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 19:17

Re: After flash, no more vibration

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 631855)
o, thats what hc calls.

I forgot to say I left it vibrating over night
(before some smart*** decides to make a joke I left it on a desk in the other room)

@ OP it's a hardware problem, either something is in the vibration motor or it's completely dead.

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 19:45

Re: After flash, no more vibration

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 632047)
I forgot to say I left it vibrating over night
(before some smart*** decides to make a joke I left it on a desk in the other room)

@ OP it's a hardware problem, either something is in the vibration motor or it's completely dead.

better let him know the deactivate command for the morning :)

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 19:48

Re: After flash, no more vibration

dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request string:'PatternIncomingCall'

thecrazyw 2010-04-29 18:32

Re: After flash, no more vibration
oh over the night ?

ok i will try it too

do you had the same problem that there was only a sound or was it vibrating a little bit ?

MohammadAG 2010-04-29 18:50

Re: After flash, no more vibration

Originally Posted by thecrazyw (Post 633755)
oh over the night ?

ok i will try it too

do you had the same problem that there was only a sound or was it vibrating a little bit ?

Not vibration at all, I'll see if I can find the old vid of it.

thecrazyw 2010-04-30 22:38

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Yeah man !!!

BIG THX it's workin :-D

i didn't try over night only 5 minutes and then brrrr brrrr brrrr YEAH YEAH YEAH

Baaart 2010-06-24 17:29

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Used the script as well, after 5 minutes the phone went vibrating again! Thx

Cronqvist 2010-10-13 05:23

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Hello, I did all what you said, and nothing I let the function just for a half of hour but nothing just the same sound that it makes with the health check. I just buyed it 2 weeks ago on september 29. I haven't dropped it, actually I have been extremely careful with it.

well, I just want to know that if when you put the code, the vibration started immediatly or is it why you let it all the night over your desk.

Hope you can answer my question,

tecs 2011-10-21 21:01

Re: After flash, no more vibration
After today's CSSU update my vibration stopped working and instead the phone produced a high pitched noise. The above script helped unjam the motor inside my N900.

Useful tip: while the command was running I 'hit' the phone against my palm several times to help the process - after 10 seconds it started vibrating again. You should be careful while doing this to prevent damage to your phone and only hit it on the bottom (not back).

HangOver 2012-04-21 12:09

Re: After flash, no more vibration
I knocked mine 5 of times on the each side and it works again :D
Seems to be some hardware issue on mine.

sup 2012-11-30 11:56

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Yep, it still works, only I had to hit it like twenty times:-).

Vdrhtc 2013-03-11 07:04

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Yes, I've put mine in the pocket with the command issued and ran to the university - vibration problem got fixed. I suppose, that the command is not vital, maybe you just need to shock your device (however, the command is likely to increase the probability of unstucking dramatically)

vanemaster 2015-01-12 12:03

Re: After flash, no more vibration

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 631853)
I had that problem on day 2.
A month or two later I connected it to the charger and ran this in terminal (will activate the motor with the same pattern as an incoming call.

dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request string:'PatternIncomingCall'
The next day it was working.
Keep in mind that it might not work for you, but it's worth a shot.

Edit: If that doesn't work I suggest taking it to a Nokia Care Center.

You just saved my life!!! My cellphone is alive again, thank you so much!

Wikiwide 2015-01-12 23:30

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Still, if it's the dust that makes motor stuck, it would be better to open the device and clean it. If you have tools, skills and patience to do it. Who knows what this dust gets up to inside the device... You do not want dust mites, do you?

Thank you. Best wishes.

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