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skunkonkrunk 2010-04-30 11:41

Online gaming
Anyone into it that much? I play CSS and every once in a while WOW or Silkroad online, I play MW2 and Killzone 2 on the ps3 as well.

Always up for a game with anyone, and always up for meeting anyone into N900/Linux etc.

PSN: aspeckt1
Steam: dolphinfury

Lemme know

DJRedline 2010-04-30 11:51

Re: Online gaming
I'm on X360 and mainly play MW2

MMO side of things i used to play City of Heroes and was the 1st lvl50 Dark/Dark Scrapper to appear on the european servers.
I was beta tester for SWG, WoW, and CoH (US and Euro servers) i still have a lifetime subscription to LOTROnline bu do not play it anymore.

For me online gaming is now on X360

skunkonkrunk 2010-04-30 11:59

Re: Online gaming
The 360 is pretty cool, I think about getting one every now and then, as there is a couple of exclusives I really like the look of, sadly just not quite enough to justify buying the console for.

gibsonus 2010-05-01 23:08

Re: Online gaming
Play soldier front on the PC mainly and a little Modern warfare 2 :) PS3

I want an xfire plugin for pidgin on the N900 :(

MohammadAG 2010-05-01 23:11

Re: Online gaming
Modern Warfare 2 on my PS3, mostly online.
Got Battlefield 2 so I should start on that soon.
PSN ID is the same as my nick.

Siggen 2010-05-01 23:18

Re: Online gaming
Waiting patiently for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Also have a Playstation but its on 3.15 waiting for Geohotz CFW :/ so no online gaming for me untill he gets his ars around

Aranel 2010-05-01 23:21

Re: Online gaming
Playing Heroes of Newerth mostly. Also playing Team Fortress II :)

XFire/Steam: aranelsurion

I think only MMO game now playable for N900 is The Mana World. I have an account on it but I don't remember my pw. Maybe we can meet there =)

IzzehO 2010-05-01 23:25

Re: Online gaming
Heroes of Newerth and that's about it. I've been looking for a decent MMO to play for a couple years now.. but never really got in to any.

sdhanna 2010-05-01 23:41

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by skunkonkrunk (Post 634887)
Anyone into it that much? I play CSS and every once in a while WOW or Silkroad online, I play MW2 and Killzone 2 on the ps3 as well.

Always up for a game with anyone, and always up for meeting anyone into N900/Linux etc.

PSN: aspeckt1
Steam: dolphinfury

Lemme know

i'm on ps3 too and on mw2 a lot
i'll drop you an add

Texrat 2010-05-01 23:45

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by Aranel (Post 636951)
Playing Heroes of Newerth mostly. Also playing Team Fortress II :)

XFire/Steam: aranelsurion

I think only MMO game now playable for N900 is The Mana World. I have an account on it but I don't remember my pw. Maybe we can meet there =)

I love TF2 also but haven't played in a while. Add me and I'll try to make time to get on soon.

Steam: Texrat

MohammadAG 2010-05-01 23:48

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by Siggen (Post 636949)
Waiting patiently for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Also have a Playstation but its on 3.15 waiting for Geohotz CFW :/ so no online gaming for me untill he gets his ars around

I updated on 30/4, his CFW doesn't allow a connection to PSN :)

Siggen 2010-05-02 00:02

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 636966)
I updated on 30/4, his CFW doesn't allow a connection to PSN :)

Just stop lying, Its not on his official PS3 blog, and its not on his twitter, and making people believe this is just hindering homebrew and open-source code.

sjgadsby 2010-05-02 04:10

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by skunkonkrunk (Post 634887)
Anyone into it that much?

Well, I've played RagnarokOnline on and off since its first beta, but aside from vending while I run the weekly bug reports, right now is an "off" period. And really, even when I play, I don't interact with anyone. I have issues with the keyboard+mouse control scheme of GMUDs MMORPGs.

Vonarx 2010-05-03 16:52

Re: Online gaming
Cant get enough of L4D2 Lately....just so much fun killing zombies(and killing humans as them). Play WoW now and have played many MMO over the years, Asherons Call, AC2, SWG, Lineage 2...others that i know im forgetting.

Bundyo 2010-05-03 19:38

Re: Online gaming
This one is working on N900 :)

optimistprime 2010-05-03 19:40

Re: Online gaming
any Street Fighter players in here?

sjgadsby 2010-05-03 19:48

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by optimistprime (Post 641051)
any Street Fighter players in here?

Ah, you'd be looking for zerojay.

Aranel 2010-05-03 22:04

Re: Online gaming

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 641046)
This one is working on N900 :)

It seems like invitation needed. Can you send me one? :)

Bundyo 2010-05-03 23:23

Re: Online gaming
Dunno how, don't remember where was the account page, I login directly. I'll ask tomorrow a friend.

Aranel 2010-06-26 18:39

Re: Online gaming
Anyone playing Left 4 Dead 2? Gonna buy it tonight :) (steam summer sale yay!)

DonPIZI 2010-06-29 11:28

Re: Online gaming
i´m currently play sniper: ghost warrior its funny to play it online ...
i´m also play other games over steam like avp3, you can add my if you like
steam acc: kruzi
maybe we can play together sometimes :)

darkjoker 2010-06-29 11:50

Re: Online gaming
im on ps3 aswell
mainly play badcompany until i can go buy bad company 2
also tons of battlefield heroes online lol

ps3 = drkjoker

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