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[Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper)
2 Attachment(s)
Hi All,
I am glad to announce the release of VICaR to extras-devel repository. This application helps in dialing route international calls through a calling card. Please read the instructions below and understand the risks before using the application. Thank you :) Pre-Requisites: 1) N900 (apparently) 2) extras-devel repository enabled 3) A calling card or Google Voice account or Skype-out number. 4) Optional: Make sure that you are able to make an international by dialing from the dialpad <Calling Card Number>p<International Number>. Instructions: 1) Install VICaR from extras-devel 2) Launch VICaR from applications menu (or network for Catorize users). This will open up the configuration screen. (Attached screenshot) 3) Enable International call routing 4) Enter the toll-free or toll-access number for using the calling card. 5) In Country Codes to exclude, enter your local country code or the country codes that you don't want to dial using calling card. Separate multiple values with comma 6) In Advanced tab, you can setup the format of the DTMF for the destination number expected by your calling card. Each card uses a different format. I've tried to include 4 possible options. If you like to suggest more you are welcome. 7) Suffix after DTMF tone: Same cards ask you to enter # or * sign after dialing the international number. This character will be automatically added at the end of international number. 8) Delay before sending DTMF: Some cards don't allow you to enter the destination number immediately (they play some long boring messages). This setting will add more delay by inserting more pauses before dialing the destination number. The default one pause should be sufficient in most cases. 10) Usage: Dial a number prefixed with '+' from your phonebook or dialpad. This should initiate a direct call first, which gets disconnected immediately. Now another call will be placed to the calling card number, once connected, the number you dialed will be sent as a DTMF tone. Risks/Known Issues/Limitations: 1) As with most applications in extras-devel repository, this application might still have bugs and/or performance issues. It could potentially break your phone or cost you some money (read below). 2) IMPORTANT: The functionality of the application is to monitor for DBus signals when a call is placed to international number. This may not be best approach but I started of with it. When a call is placed to a number, the application will verify whether it is an international number (and not excluded etc) and then it will disconnect the call and place a new call to the calling card number. Because of the way Dbus works, there could be some delay in disconnecting the first international call. This doesn't happen often but it could. In such cases, if the call goes through, your cellular company might charge you for international call. To avoid such risk, consider requesting a block on international calling from your phone connection with your cellular company (if you are only using calling cards and/or skype for international calls). 3) Two outgoing calls are recorded in your call log, one to the international number (first) and second to the calling card number. This is expected. 4) Currently PIN codes are not supported. 5) Calling card number should not be an intentional number and cannot contain pauses. 7) Multiple simultaneous calls have not been tested. 8) If an incoming call is received at the exact moment the international call is being placed; the outgoing international call will be canceled. Credits: 1) Aymeric Brisse - Developer and maintainer of Autodisconnect (my fav app). Borrowed gconf related code, used Autodisconnect as reference for developing my first ever mobile/linux/c++/Qt application. It has been a great learning experience. Thank you Aymeric :) 2) Vasily Zubarev - Maintainer of pycallblocker. Got the idea to use Dbus calls to mess around with phone functions. Thank you 3) Ram/ianaré /Mikhail - Offered some critical advice on Dev mailing list. Thank you guys. 4) christexaport - For suggesting the name VICaR. Thanks chris. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
The project URL is
https://garage.maemo.org/projects/vicar/ Please repost bugs if any and feature requests here. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
This sounds like a great application as previously i had to write down the number every time i use a calling card.
I just have doubt what should i put in the advanced setting? |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
fantastic application. only thing is i would is like certainty that my phone isnt dialling the international call directly.
and temporary blocking of int calls from my operator isnt the best way to do it. anyway will give it a go. great effort. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
So depending on your calling card system's requirement, you need to choose the number format as the "Format required for DTMF tone". The setting "Delay before sending DTMF" can be left as 1 for most cases. Increasing this number is required only if the calling card system makes you wait for a long time before entering the phone number. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
thank you so much for this app! been thinking about getting something like this ever since i got my n900.
quick question, is there anyway to implement a '#' after automatically sending the DTMF tone with the app? I can do it manually or just wait a few more seconds, just thought it'd be nice to have, perhaps as an enhancement for the future? |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Are you relasing it tonight for real? what other enchancements have you included? |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel
VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.
* Fixed a bug that does not allow Country Codes to Exclude to be blank * Added option to enter suffix after dialing the international number (Closes: #5773) * Save and Reset buttons now provide feedback (Closes: #5741) * Settings will be automatically saved on close * Save and Reset buttons moved to Hildon application menu (Part of: #5742) * Calling Card Number and Country Codes to Exclude fields accept numbers by default for hardware keyboard * Code cleanup |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
edit: works great in v0.2 btw, thank you! |
Re: VICaR v0.2 released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Thanks a ton!! working like charm. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
My calling card requires me to make a choice of language by pressing a 1 or 2 before being able to dial the destination number, how can I set that up on VICaR currently?
I have been waiting for this app for a long while, thanks a ton in any case. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
add "pause" the 1 or 2 when saving the number on your contact eg. 123456789p1 |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
@pmudgal - Correct me if I am wrong here. And, right now there is no setting in VICaR to add a prefix to the phone numbers. However, can you try this workaround and see if it works? - Change the "Delay before sending DTMF?" to 3 or 4. - Make the call from addressbook (No need to change the number). - When you see the message "pppp12345 sent as DTMF code", dial 1. I have not tested this because, none of the calling cards I use require a prefix. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
scifi.guy/ epohcj, thanks for the quick replies.
I am unable to set up the Calling Card Number with a p and 1 at the end as suggested by epohcj because non-numerical input is not accepted in that field of the application. I should have mentioned this yesterday, that is the way I have the number set up on my symbian Nokia, If the above is allowed I think this can be solved. I tried setting the delay to 4 and more and try and dial 1 when the sending DTMF code message comes but that has no effect, since the DTMF seems to get sent with the pauses almost immediately, if you understand what I mean. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
pmudgal - Just allowing the calling card number to accept 'p' is not sufficient in this case. The DBus method used to make a call throws an error (invalid number format).
I need to also change the code to handle this properly in Vicar. Will include this change in the next release. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
copy that, will look forward to the next release....
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
VICaR v0.3 released to extras-devel. Here is the change log.
* Added option to enter prefix before dialing the international number. * Change DTMF Suffix field into a text field (allows digits, *, # and p only). * Removed Delay before DTMF field (You can now use the DTMF Prefix field to customize the delay). * Added DBus interface methods for remote applications to place calls via VICaR. * Added integration with Crochik's MyContacts application(Thanks to Felipe). It is now possible to configure VICaR to make skype-out calls. If you are using skype-out, let me know your feedback. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Also tested placing skypeout calls and it worked just fine. My settings: Prefix before DTMF tone: 2p Suffix after DTMF tone: #p2 The "p2" in the suffix is to skip Skype's "you dialed this number before. Would you like to add to your... " question. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Sorry it took me long to get back to you about your post the "Call Routing Manager" idea thread. I think it might make sense to add my ideas into this application as you have most of the framework already there. The only difference would be, rather than a per contact setting , this would be system wide setting, which would still work looking at the way ViCaR works.
Here is what I am thinking: 1. Add new tabs to ViCar. So the first tab is Basic. Add something called a "priority" to that tab. This would be a multiple drop boxes in which for 1 you can select SIP, 2 can be Skype, 3 can be Calling Card, 4 can be cellular etc. So effectively what you are telling the system is what order to follow for completing the international call. Like if no Skype account is configured, it doesnt show up in the dropdown box. But if the account is configured and the device does not have internet connection (WiFi or 3G), the sw picks CC. 2. Rename the advanced tab to something like "Calling Card". Keep everything else same, it works! 3. Add a new tab for SIP where the user can specify similar things like prefix, wait, suffix etc. It would be good if we can have multiple SIP account support here, but lets start with one. 4. The next tab would be skype, with same fields like prefix and suffux. The post above already has it working with Skype, so I will leave it to you to decide if you want to make skype and google talk support more explicit or keep it the way it already is. 5. Add a new tab for cellular, so that the user can disallow all international calls on cellular network (most common scenario) and instead has to explicitly state what country codes are to be dialed through cellular, so that we dont end up with huge bills.Like by default everything would disabled on cellular, if I want to enable US calls, I add a +1 to the list. Now, after all is said and done, here is how I think it would work. Supposing I am trying to call someone in UK with number +44xxxxxxxxxx . I have my astersik server, Nymgo, skype, calling card and direct cellular call. I dial the number, now the system looks whats my first priority and if that is reachable, if yes, complete the call else fall back to the second one and so on. I did not want to reinvent the wheel and when I thought about it, it seemed as if you already had a lot of pieces working and with slight modification, this could work with system level settings rather than per contact settings. Let me know what you guys think? |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
@activemind - Now I understand why you took so long to reply to my post :)
Regarding the priority and system-based approach, I'd really like to hear from other users to understand the usability. So far the most common request I got was the support for multiple profiles and routing based on country codes. For example, all numbers starting with +1 will go through CC-A, those starting with +44 will go though CC-B (or a skype-out number) etc. For each country code, user can select a profile that they prefer and when a call is placed, system will automatically use that profile to make the call. I haven't thought about integrating SIP based services so far. But it should be possible to initiate SIP calls using Dbus signals from VICaR. These are just my random thoughts. We'll get into more details once more people join in the discussion. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
1 Attachment(s)
I've made few suggestions directly over the email to scifi.guy already, so let me recap quickly these for guys here in this thread. First of all, I'd love to see Vicar directly integrated on per-contact level, so each contact card would have additional button that would place a call using Vicar "calling card" number. See attached image as an example. Current solution of Vicar intercepting ongoing calls isn't ideal and I sometimes ended up being charged for cellular call just because Vicar didn't catch up on time. Having per-contact buttons would make that step obsolete. However, another major feature I'd love to see is support for multiple "calling card" profiles. For example - I could have different CC number to place calls to mobiles, different CC for landlines, different for country XYZ etc. Obviously, merging both features would be quite troublesome, as creating *a lot* of additional buttons in single contact card (for every contact number and for every Vicar profile) isn't ideal at all, especially when one tends to keep many numbers saved per contact, like me. ;) All in all I think "golden" solution here would be something in-between, example:
So these are two main features I'd love to see in Vicar at some point. Having those implemented would make application just complete for me. :) In fact, Vicar already works quite well for me and I really miss its equivalent for Symbian, so I could setup cheap international calls in my wife's Nokia X6 (as unfortunately Truphone doesn't seem to support X6). ;) I also made a suggestion of making Vicar not a standalone application in apps menu, but an entry in system settings window, as I believe it fits better there, but this is very minor request. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
As requested earlier, I would prefer rule based dialing. For instance I use sip to PSTN gateway to call sip numbers when not connected to the internet. In this case, the user can create a rule like- numbers starting with 747xxxx use this no. for calling. similarly no. starting with +44xxxx use this calling card.
Also my opinion about priority: it will slow down things as it will have to check priorities before dialing. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Also, one of the options that we have already discussed is adding one more button (like MyContacts has already for skype) that would allow the user to decide how to place the call to the international number on a per call basis (a lot like your screen) Using MyContacts with VICaR also allows you to disable VICaR intercepting international calls so you don't have to worry about calls getting completed by mistake - VICaR will call directly the number selected on MyContacts. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Fcrochik, why no sip numbers in my contacts?
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
If you give me the basic directions of how to setup and use I will look into it. |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
The beauty of systemwide priority is that I dont have to think and tweak every time I am making a call. This way I can specify if I am connected to my asterisk server route all my call through that, or if I am have skype connectivity route all my +44 calls through skype, if not use my CC to complete the call and never put a +44 call on the cellular network. Here is what I had originally suggested, in my view CC is just ONE of the aspects of call routing, what I want is a way to tell the system how to complete the call depending upon what type of connections I have and what type of connections the conact has (advanced feature). I spent some time thinking about it and felt that all the features I was looking for could be integrated into VICaR since the basic framework is already there. I want to make this or some other application the call routing brains of the phone and utilize the plethora of connectivity options given by this phone to the fullest so that I dont have to hit multiple buttons for making the call, the system does it for me based on my preferences and in future based on what options I have specified for the contact. Hope that made sense! |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
The beauty of this phone is that as soon as I walk into a wifi zone ( no I dont have a 3G plan uptill now on my SIM) , it connects to my asterisk server and ALL my calls can be cheaply routed through that. I dont have to bother with cell minutes, calling cards, skype anything else. If I come across another SIP provide that looks promising, I add it to my home asterisk server and viola it now available for me to use on my cellphone or my wife to use from the home phone, and I can swap the dial-out trunks as much as I want without anyone in the house knowing about it, so I can experiment with providers. No past phone gave me this seamless integration with SIP as N900, I come from 9500, N95, E63 and then E71. There is a reason why this phone rocks! |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Only Home and Wifey get space on my desktop :-) |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
By the way: like I said before our goals are close aligned... Of course I was just concerned about skype-to-skype, skypeout, phone and google voice. Until coming across this thread I had never thought about calling cards... now thanks to VICaR I can handle even more scenarios. My original goal was quite simple (not to implement): I want to double click on a contact thumbnail seating on my desktop and want the phone to decide how to "make contact" according to my current internet connection, relative location (local call, national call, international call), my (and the contacts') presence status with different services, global settings, contact group settings and per contact settings. I could go even crazier and have different settings depending on the time of the day. Simply put I don't want to have to think what is the best way to reach some one I just want done! :) |
Re: [Announce] VICaR: Value International Call Router (Calling Card Helper) released to extras-devel
Instead of using the Widget on the desktop just launch the application from the Menu. Make sure to change the settings to tell MyContacts to redirect international calls to VICaR and you should be on your way (you can even disable VICaR on the VICaR settings so it will stop intercepting your international calls when dialed using any other application). |
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