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kubaysi 2010-05-11 15:32

the GPS is not accurate..!
hi all..
since i bought my N900, 3 months ago, i've noticed the GPS in not accurate at all!
what i'm getting the assumed location is far from the real location with around 700 meters, mostly to the NORTH direction..
this still happening even after i've updated the nokia maps & i've downloaded the maps (to avoid being connected all the time).
& it's not only with ovi maps, but with any program i install related to the GPS & location.

any suggestion or advice pls..

Tinnet 2010-05-11 15:37

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Wait for pr 1.2, its accurate within 5-10 meters for me (leaked pr 1.2)

Blaizzen 2010-05-11 15:41

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Usually my GPS picks me up several hundred meters away also, but after I move a bit, It gets an accurate signal. If you open the status menu, and look at the GPS button, it'll say how good the signal is ("Fine Accuracy" is the best, with "Course accuracy" being a rough estimate)

Joorin 2010-05-11 15:44

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Depending on which mode you run the GPS in, you get different levels of accuracy.

There is a table on the wiki describing this:

And for what it's worth, I used the GPS in a car going at 130km/h getting really good accuracy (within 10m) with OVIMaps.

bachagabriel 2010-05-11 15:48

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
You can get your position using the Data connection on your cellphone which is not very accurate. It is a triangulation of your data signal.

You can also get a fix when your cellphone connects to GPS satellites which is very accurate.

When it says coarse accuracy, your phone got a fix using the data connection and when it says fine accuracy, you're connected to satellites

Also, having a data connection will allow you to connect to satellites way faster

grog 2010-05-11 15:56

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by Tinnet (Post 653666)
Wait for pr 1.2, its accurate within 5-10 meters for me (leaked pr 1.2)

I look forward to that. While walking on bridges my GPS always shows me in the water. Makes me nervous :).

Joorin 2010-05-11 16:04

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by grog (Post 653707)
I look forward to that. While walking on bridges my GPS always shows me in the water. Makes me nervous :).

I do wonder how an update of the firmware would be able to affect the GPS. It's still the same hardware in there and you'd still get the same data from it.

Claiming that accuracy increased with 1.2 sounds dubious, if not even a case of self-delusion.

geneven 2010-05-11 16:21

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
The gps is noticeably better with the leaked version. I haven't checked the accuracy specifically.

Oposum 2010-05-11 19:09

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
@Joorin: Same hardware, same data input? So what about a new piece of software, which pr 1.2 is obviously? Sometimes it is all about algorithms and processing the input. Just wait and then give the pr1.2 a try. I hope it will bring a better accuracy.

cheungs 2010-05-11 19:40

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by kubaysi (Post 653660)
hi all..
since i bought my N900, 3 months ago, i've noticed the GPS in not accurate at all!
what i'm getting the assumed location is far from the real location with around 700 meters, mostly to the NORTH direction..
this still happening even after i've updated the nokia maps & i've downloaded the maps (to avoid being connected all the time).
& it's not only with ovi maps, but with any program i install related to the GPS & location.

any suggestion or advice pls..

Where are you using it? There are bug reports written up against the inaccuracy of Ovi Map in the greater China area.

overlord 2010-05-11 20:01

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Also, the accuracy depends highly on where the device faces (sky, road, a hot woman's short dress...) and what other devices are near that might disturb the signal... For instance, when I use my GPS pointing to an old CRT monitor of mine it always gives me false readings... The instant I point my device to anywhere else it shows my exact location (rough estimate of a very small radius of course)! Check it out...

stlpaul 2010-05-11 20:16

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by kubaysi (Post 653660)
hi all..
since i bought my N900, 3 months ago, i've noticed the GPS in not accurate at all!
what i'm getting the assumed location is far from the real location with around 700 meters, mostly to the NORTH direction..
this still happening even after i've updated the nokia maps & i've downloaded the maps (to avoid being connected all the time).
& it's not only with ovi maps, but with any program i install related to the GPS & location.

any suggestion or advice pls..

Is it wrong based on what the maps show you or based on knowing your actual latitude and longitude? If the former, maybe it's a maps problem... I've seen before (for example, google maps in rural USA) where an entire city is out of place by a few hundred meters. If the latter, then I guess it's a receiver (or AGPS) accuracy problem.

scouser 2010-05-11 21:30

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
OK. I am missing something. Where is the GPS status menu that Blaizzen talks about. I dont see it anywhere.

Blaizzen 2010-05-12 01:22

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Go back to the desktop (pressing ctrl and backspace at the same time then clicking on the background) then press on the time.

MeeGo 2010-05-12 01:45

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
in China it's the same problem

scouser 2010-05-12 10:53

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by Blaizzen (Post 654362)
Go back to the desktop (pressing ctrl and backspace at the same time then clicking on the background) then press on the time.

Thanks, But I know the status bar. I already looked at that but I dont see anything that refers to GPS.

I see:
Clock & Alarms | Profile
Internet Connections | Blootooth (switcher)
Availability (Skype) | Wifi Switcher
Brightness control | OpenVPN
Dual | GSM | 3G

I dont see GPS

Joorin 2010-05-12 11:14

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by scouser (Post 654980)
Thanks, But I know the status bar. I already looked at that but I dont see anything that refers to GPS.

I see:
Clock & Alarms | Profile
Internet Connections | Blootooth (switcher)
Availability (Skype) | Wifi Switcher
Brightness control | OpenVPN
Dual | GSM | 3G

I dont see GPS

Is your GPS active? It will not show unless it's actively reading data.

Blaizzen 2010-05-12 14:37

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
1 Attachment(s)
Should look something like the attached picture.

kubaysi 2010-05-15 17:19

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
gentlemen.. thanks a lot for all what u've said..
yes, i used it in china, location of the N900 is on the car's dash-board (same location i used to put the E90 & the N95 when i used for the same purpose), using nokia maps (built in software), the false is in the location not the altitude...
matter of the software & update, i've no comment... i believe everything possible with the N900 (with all respect for the ppl who say it's same hardware).
matter of the problem with the maps software, i don't agree.. it works well with some other users...
the gps status, it's fine accuracy..
tried it with different speed, still the same..
same or similar result wither i'm connected to the internet or not..
hope this can narrow the solution,,,, PLS advise...
rgds to all...

kubaysi 2010-05-15 17:24

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by cheungs (Post 654052)
Where are you using it? There are bug reports written up against the inaccuracy of Ovi Map in the greater China area.

would u pls clarify how can i reach this report? sorry i'm not an expert in this site..

kubaysi 2010-05-15 17:25

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by MeeGo (Post 654376)
in China it's the same problem

well... i am in china, what to do?
i guess better i move to another country :D

kubaysi 2010-05-19 11:48

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
what's up guys? any advice?

Blaizzen 2010-05-19 12:36

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by kubaysi (Post 659839)
well... i am in china, what to do?
i guess better i move to another country :D

Have you tried moving country and seeing if it helps? :p ;)

Try it in a country area or something similar. Usually in the city there is increased interference and that might alter your GPS signal. I would say wait for PR1.2 to see if its a fixed bug.. but you guys already have it :P

chowdahhead 2010-05-19 12:59

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
You could try leaving GPSJinni on for a bit so it gets a good lock on the satellites, then compare the gps coordinates it gives with Google Earth or a similar application. That might indicate if it's an accuracy problem with the gps or OVI maps. You could also try the geolocation plugin for the browser. I haven't tried these before so I don't know if this is helpful. For what it's worth, the GPS is very accurate for me.

kubaysi 2010-10-29 04:30

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
guys.. hi again...:cool:
the problem still the same, even with PR1.3
i've checked again, tried some other maps softwares, all showing me same position, but it it's not correct!
for the coordinates, GPS Jinni showing 30 05' 21" / 120 37' 42", but the correct one (from google maps by the computer) is 30 08' 59" / 120 63' 25".
any advice, PLS?
again, i'm living in GREAT china! :p
Thanks all...

sdesai 2010-10-29 04:41

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by kubaysi (Post 856138)
guys.. hi again...:cool:
the problem still the same, even with PR1.3
i've checked again, tried some other maps softwares, all showing me same position, but it it's not correct!
for the coordinates, GPS Jinni showing 30 05' 21" / 120 37' 42", but the correct one (from google maps by the computer) is 30 08' 59" / 120 63' 25".
any advice, PLS?
again, i'm living in GREAT china! :p
Thanks all...

what proof that google maps are accurate ;)

bachagabriel 2010-10-29 04:45

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
It's probably something with the government blocking GPS or something

Hterag 2010-10-29 14:59

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by kubaysi (Post 856138)
guys.. hi again...:cool:
the problem still the same, even with PR1.3
i've checked again, tried some other maps softwares, all showing me same position, but it it's not correct!
for the coordinates, GPS Jinni showing 30 05' 21" / 120 37' 42", but the correct one (from google maps by the computer) is 30 08' 59" / 120 63' 25".
any advice, PLS?
again, i'm living in GREAT china! :p
Thanks all...

The map data is offset in mainland China.

There's nothing wrong with your GPS, it's the actual map data. The easiest way to see it is to check the border to Hong Kong in Google maps, you can see the roads don't line up at all and they basically drop you in the sea. Hong Kong isn't offset but I'm really not sure why the mainland is... If you buy a phone or GPS device in China, the software will almost always have an offset correction (but then it sometimes doesn't work outside of China).

I've had the same experience there, it works fine everywhere else I've been besides in China but you can get some map sources that aren't offset like Microsoft's Virtual Earth satellite view (Live maps? Bing maps? Whatever they're calling them...) but there's no fix for the N900 unless a really nice dev wants to apply it to their GPS app, though I don't actually know how because I've heard the offset is different in different parts of the country anyway.

I was hoping Nokia would fix it eventually in - Ovi maps at least - because it already works fine on other Nokia phones running Ovi maps that were bought in China, must be some kind of legal thing stopping them.

MNX1024 2011-01-05 13:14

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Sorry for reviving an old thread, just don't feel like making my own since it would be a clone of this one. I'm not sure if there's a problem with Hong Kong or not, but my GPS shows that I'm like a mile away from my current location on Ovi Map. Anyone got any type of solution for this? This problem of mine is making traveling in Hong Kong a complete "female dog" in the butt. Just in case if anyone wants to know, I'm using titan's kernel and have my N900 overclocked.

Joseph.skb 2011-01-05 13:20

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
My GPS said I was in the middle of the ocean! (i'm so one cared to reply my thread when I was in the middle of the ocean)

kureyon 2011-01-05 19:34

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by MNX1024 (Post 912159)
I'm not sure if there's a problem with Hong Kong or not, but my GPS shows that I'm like a mile away from my current location on Ovi Map. Anyone got any type of solution for this?

Don't use Ovi Maps - the GPS gives the correct position it's Ovi Maps that's fscked. Use something else like modRana, or Mappero.

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