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Kotlicki 2010-05-14 19:58

[Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
Although officially Sygic for Maemo does not have maps for Israel, I found a work around that works!

You will need to have Sygic for Maemo installed and a copy of Sygic Israel Maps for any other platform (I have used Sygic 7.71.5529 for Symbian and Windows Mobile). Follow these steps in order to add the Israeli maps:

1. Connect your N900 using a USB cable in MASS STORAGE mode.

2. From your Sygic Israel folder, copy the following to your N900:

- /MAPS/isr to /MAPS/isr on your N900
- /MAPS/Israel_English.mlm to /MAPS/Israel_English.mlm on your N900.

Note that the name of the file may be different so make sure you are copying the right file. Also, please use the Israel English maps. Hebrew maps work fine but I have not managed to get the keyboard layout to present the hebrew characters yet so all addresses needs to be in english.

- /Res/Voices/Hebrew to /Res/Voices/Hebrew on your N900
- /Res/Voices/Hebrew2 to /Res/Voices/Hebrew2 on your N900
- /Res/skin/hebrew.lang to /Res/skin/hebrew.lang on your N900

3. Disconnect your N900 from the USB cable.
4. Run Sygic Mobile
5. Switch map to Israel_English (name varies per the .mlm file you copied)
6. Activate if needed.
7. Note that you can change the interface language to be in Hebrew and use a hebrew voice for the navigation.


afaq 2010-05-14 20:08

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
Does this also show the occupied/Palestinian territories? I'm planning on visiting this summer so this could be very useful.

Thanks for sharing

Kotlicki 2010-05-14 20:15

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
Not sure about that... This is a question to Sygic as I don't know if they cover the palestinian areas.

Schturman 2010-05-14 22:07

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by Kotlicki (Post 658829)
Hebrew maps work fine but I have not managed to get the keyboard layout to present the hebrew characters yet so all addresses needs to be in english.

I also have this problem. I sent mail to Sygic with this question... Maybe the update for Online store version will resolve this issue...

harelm 2010-05-14 22:08

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
does someone have any idea why the hebrew keyboard (or any other language but english)
isn't working in the address search field?
(it works fine in any other place - POI search, itinerary save, ect..)

this is the only reason we can't use hebrew map as well... :(

impeham 2010-05-22 20:12

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
Same problem. very weird

StOoZ 2010-05-22 20:24

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
dude, amazing!!!!!!! thanks a lot. I used to have sygic on my N95 and its the best!!

eitama 2010-05-22 20:34

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
I have not been able to load the English map. Only hebrew.

StOoZ 2010-05-22 20:37

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
btw,have u guys tried to use the hardware keyboard?? (in order to write hebrew)
read this

impeham 2010-05-22 20:51

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
My HW keyboard works fine with all other applications but in this case.
i think the problem is generic to all languages - the change language button is grayed out.

efekt 2010-05-22 20:54

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by StOoZ (Post 670829)
btw,have u guys tried to use the hardware keyboard?? (in order to write hebrew)
read this

We all know the Hebrew keyboard - we have been discussing about using Sygic's Israeli map (among other things) for quite some time now, over at

MohammadAG 2010-05-22 21:22

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 658843)
Does this also show the occupied/Palestinian territories? I'm planning on visiting this summer so this could be very useful.

Thanks for sharing

Although my maps are quite outdated, they don't contain PS territories (Orange's GPS also warns me if I go near that area - which is a bit.. sad)

eitama 2010-05-23 13:59

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 670874)
Although my maps are quite outdated, they don't contain PS territories (Orange's GPS also warns me if I go near that area - which is a bit.. sad)

On Topic :
I am still crying at night for not having waze.
And I am still crying in the morning when I get stuck on traffic I know I could have avoided using waze.

Off Topic :
I don't want to hijack this thread with political arguments, just wanted to say that the saddest thing is, I don't see this war / conflict ending any time soon, not even in the far future.
I have lost 2 friends in this war so far, and I point a blaming finger towards extreme religion on both sides.

StOoZ 2010-05-27 09:57

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
I have the hebrew map,and obviously im experiencing the issues mentioned above, how do I turn it into english?? (is it even possible?? if not, how to get the english one??)

harelm 2010-05-27 20:46

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
Finally I solved the hebrew keyboad problem!
just replace the /opt/sygic/res/skin/
file with this one:

This is not a full solution - but now we have only hebrew keyboard instead of only english one.

impeham 2010-05-27 21:56

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
this link is not working

oskarmat 2010-05-27 23:25

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
weird thing is that instead of having to save POI for speed cameras you need to save the POI for checkpoints

StOoZ 2010-05-28 04:42

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by harelm (Post 684025)
Finally I solved the hebrew keyboad problem!
just replace the /opt/sygic/res/skin/
file with this one:

This is not a full solution - but now we have only hebrew keyboard instead of only english one.

The link is dead:(

harelm 2010-05-28 06:53

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
1 Attachment(s)
weird, it works for me.
anyway... here is the file attached. :)

Weedalot 2010-05-28 07:03

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
silly question... where do i get sygic and do i have to pay for it?

edit: i downloaded this: SYGIC MAEMO for NOKIA N900 Middle East1-khaled777

before i got my device its about 200MB but i got no clue what to do with it.

StOoZ 2010-05-28 07:39

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
download sygic from the ovi store (the app without the maps...)

impeham 2010-05-28 08:57

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by harelm (Post 684824)
weird, it works for me.
anyway... here is the file attached. :)

Thanks - seems to work fine :)

StOoZ 2010-05-28 11:10

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
works pretty well


Weedalot 2010-05-28 11:22

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by StOoZ (Post 684889)
download sygic from the ovi store (the app without the maps...)

could you get me a link i am having trouble finding the damned thing :P

edit: is it called maps application? 67.4MB?

Schturman 2010-05-28 11:37

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by Weedalot (Post 685350)
could you get me a link i am having trouble finding the damned thing :P

edit: is it called maps application? 67.4MB?

Weedalot 2010-05-28 11:44

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
yea already installed thanks now i just need to get the maps which i do not have.. i installed this one before and it would always close the second i started up the app and it did the same right now but after three four times it became stable for some reason and running fine now.. just without maps so if you could send me some maps or link me to them it would be awesome.


Weedalot 2010-05-29 00:44

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
i would like to thank all those who assisted me, thank you guys it is working i also found "voice" for hebrew that includes "exceed speed limit" notification if you want it just im me and ill send you the link/file.

StOoZ 2010-05-29 12:43

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
Great. (added on msn)
btw, Now im looking for POI, anyone know where I can find a pack of ALL the POI's that are on poiplaze??? (or any other good & updated pois)

eesh 2010-06-02 02:57

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by Kotlicki (Post 658829)
- /MAPS/isr to /MAPS/isr on your N900
- /MAPS/Israel_English.mlm to /MAPS/Israel_English.mlm on your N900.

It should be noted that Sygic's folder is /home/opt/sygic/ (At least on my phone), so you should put the Maps and Res folders there (Also, it's capitalized as "Maps" and "Res", but I haven't tested if Sygic is case sensitive).

Anyway, thanks, Kotlicki! It worked for me. :)

StOoZ 2010-06-04 16:54

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by harelm (Post 684025)
Finally I solved the hebrew keyboad problem!
just replace the /opt/sygic/res/skin/
file with this one:

This is not a full solution - but now we have only hebrew keyboard instead of only english one.

well it works great, but I noticed a glitch, when looking for a poi,the keyboard is still in english only, any idea???

boborumeno 2010-06-16 12:36

Re: Sygic Israel Maps - Solved!
excuse me but i install the map is working but the city names are in hebrew. May I see the city names in english???

Smilyvsk 2010-08-07 15:04

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
hello i download both the program and the maps and entered the mass storge on nokia n900 but i cant find there anything related to what you said here nothing with maps and res the mobile maps 9 is alredy installed
please help

srodin 2010-08-28 11:44

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
Thanks. Everythings working great. You can download Hebrew maps from here:

ebisarvar 2010-09-07 18:43

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
First I would like to thanks you for the effort !!!!!

I tried to do the thing exactly as you've written here but it didn't work out for me, can anyone help me please?

I installed the Sygic program from ovi and then connected the n900 to pc, but unfortunately I couldn't find the sygic folder on my phone.
I tried copying the folders to the memory card, but the sygic program couldn't find them.

please help me get it working !!!!

ebisarvar 2010-09-07 19:55

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by Kotlicki (Post 658829)
Although officially Sygic for Maemo does not have maps for Israel, I found a work around that works!

You will need to have Sygic for Maemo installed and a copy of Sygic Israel Maps for any other platform (I have used Sygic 7.71.5529 for Symbian and Windows Mobile). Follow these steps in order to add the Israeli maps:

1. Connect your N900 using a USB cable in MASS STORAGE mode.

2. From your Sygic Israel folder, copy the following to your N900:

- /MAPS/isr to /MAPS/isr on your N900
- /MAPS/Israel_English.mlm to /MAPS/Israel_English.mlm on your N900.

Note that the name of the file may be different so make sure you are copying the right file. Also, please use the Israel English maps. Hebrew maps work fine but I have not managed to get the keyboard layout to present the hebrew characters yet so all addresses needs to be in english.

- /Res/Voices/Hebrew to /Res/Voices/Hebrew on your N900
- /Res/Voices/Hebrew2 to /Res/Voices/Hebrew2 on your N900
- /Res/skin/hebrew.lang to /Res/skin/hebrew.lang on your N900

3. Disconnect your N900 from the USB cable.
4. Run Sygic Mobile
5. Switch map to Israel_English (name varies per the .mlm file you copied)
6. Activate if needed.
7. Note that you can change the interface language to be in Hebrew and use a hebrew voice for the navigation.


First I would like to thanks you for the effort !!!!!

I tried to do the thing exactly as you've written here but it didn't work out for me, can anyone help me please?

I installed the Sygic program from ovi and then connected the n900 to pc, but unfortunately I couldn't find the sygic folder on my phone.
I tried copying the folders to the memory card, but the sygic program couldn't find them.

please help me get it working !!!!

eesh 2010-09-08 09:38

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by ebisarvar (Post 809882)
I installed the Sygic program from ovi and then connected the n900 to pc, but unfortunately I couldn't find the sygic folder on my phone.
I tried copying the folders to the memory card, but the sygic program couldn't find them.

Hi, try this:

Originally Posted by eesh (Post 695107)
It should be noted that Sygic's folder is /home/opt/sygic/ (At least on my phone), so you should put the Maps and Res folders there (Also, it's capitalized as "Maps" and "Res", but I haven't tested if Sygic is case sensitive).

You should really read the thread before posting questions...

solomonTheOne 2010-09-13 21:12

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
I've the same problem, i can't find the sygic's folder. my Nokia N900 doesn't have any folder named "home" furthermore i've searched all folders (including hidden folders) and didn't find folder named "sygic".
I think that there is a folder where all installed applications are placed, and that there is no access for them by mass storage access mode.,,
My Maemo version is 10.2010.19-1.002

eesh 2010-09-14 06:52

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!

Originally Posted by solomonTheOne (Post 815248)
I've the same problem, i can't find the sygic's folder. my Nokia N900 doesn't have any folder named "home" furthermore i've searched all folders (including hidden folders) and didn't find folder named "sygic".
I think that there is a folder where all installed applications are placed, and that there is no access for them by mass storage access mode.,,
My Maemo version is 10.2010.19-1.002

You can only see files that are in /home/user/MyDocs in mass storage mode. You need to put Maps and Res in your MyDocs, and then copy them to the correct path using the terminal. I did that with Midnight Commander, but you can do it with two commands very easily (Do it at your own risk, of course - What worked for me may not work for you!). Open a terminal (Ctrl-Shift-X), and enter these lines: (Remember to disconnect the phone from the computer first so it can see MyDocs)


mv /home/user/MyDocs/Maps /home/opt/sygic
mv /home/user/MyDocs/Res /home/opt/sygic

You will see a few warnings about not preserving permissions, that's ok as far as I know. Note that the Linux filesystem is case-sensitive - Name the folders "Maps" and "Res" and not "maps" and "res".

Good luck!

Schturman 2010-09-21 09:17

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
After update to version 10, I can't activate the Israeli maps... Maybe someone have any idea ?

deromka 2010-09-28 09:15

Re: [Sygic Maps] Israel Maps - Solved!
use script
from here:

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