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Arif 2010-05-16 11:38

[PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?

Does anyone have the problem where the FM transmitter only shows ''NOKİA'' over RDS when using FM transmitter with FMTX widget+FM Boost on the leaked PR1.2 firmware? on PR1.1.1 artist/album/title was shown. This was a great feature..:(

jaem 2010-05-16 13:07

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
Hmm... I never actually had the track info shown when I tried it on PR 1.1.1, but I only know one person with an RDS-compatible radio receiver, and I've rarely been in her car to try it. You probably should ask questions like this in the leak thread if you must. However, asking about bugs in a leaked pre-release FW image is really entirely pointless, as no one who can answer you is allowed to, even if they know. If you're wondering if Nokia's gutted the feature, then you have the same problem, but from my entirely unofficial opinion, I would strongly doubt it. If it's displaying anything at all, then I doubt there's anything seriously wrong with the RDS hardware or software support, and if there's nothing wrong, then making the feature useless would just be idiocy. I wouldn't worry. :)

hellnick 2010-05-16 13:21

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
Don't you need to install FM RDS Notify to view tags and stuff? Sorry, only radio is upstairs and too lazy to go up and check but I think that should do it.

jaem 2010-05-16 13:24

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
IIRC that app is to display custom information - I believe the media player should handle RDS track info by itself. RDS isn't that popular in Canada (at least in my experience), so I have no hardware of my own to try it out with.

amorek13 2010-05-16 13:49

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
yeah it only shows nokia, sometimes IIrc shows custom info

zombiegavins 2010-05-16 14:29

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
when i had pr1.1 it showed the correct info now with pr1.1.1 it only shows Nokia

youxing 2010-05-26 17:22

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
Actually, even with the official PR1.2 firmware, the RDS Tag only shows Nokia! :( I really miss the feature that the track is shown on the car radio display!

The fact that it's missing is really a pity!

youxing 2010-05-26 22:03

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
By the way, I filed a Bug request!

Could someone please tell me whether the song title is shown on the radio when using the FM transmitter?

Thank you very much!

swiftkick 2010-05-26 23:35

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
Something that worked for me before the update was to do the following:

1) Turn on FM transmitter

2) Turn on Media Player

3) Select and Play track/playlist

This always resulted in the track name being displayed. If the media player was already running, it would only show the "Nokia" string.
I haven't tested it since I updated this morning, but it's worth trying.

Bratag 2010-05-26 23:55

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
For the radio in my car I have to push the text button twice. Once gives me nokia, next gives me song and band etc.

vignes_k 2010-05-27 03:02

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
Yes am having the same problem, used to work great with the track name currently being played is displayed. Now it just shows NOKIA.

Boru 2010-06-01 19:10

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
I'm afraid it's not a bug. Under PR1.2 the RDS display function conforms to the standard and no longer has 'dynamic RDS_PS' transmission. This means that two strings of text are transmitted: RDS_PS, which is the 'station' i.e. your nokia phone; and RDS_TEXT, the song info.
Open up the Xterminal the next time your transmitting FM and type fmtx_client and you'll see what each of these is for your phone and currently playing song.

I've had the same change and I only get 'Nokia' displayed on my car stereo but on my brothers newer car radio both Nokia and song info are displayed. His car can show more than just the station rds tag for normal radio stations whereas mine only shows the station name.

ConsultPlus 2010-06-02 10:28

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?
My FM receiver button has gone after updating to firmware PR1.2.

Anyne got a clue how to bring this button back?

filbert 2010-06-02 16:46

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?

Originally Posted by ConsultPlus (Post 695567)
My FM receiver button has gone after updating to firmware PR1.2.

Anyone got a clue how to bring this button back?

You should be able to add it from the 'add widget' menu when you activate the desktop menu.



ConsultPlus 2010-06-02 17:09

Re: [PR1.2] FM transmitter showing "NOKIA" only?

Originally Posted by filbert (Post 696139)
You should be able to add it from the 'add widget' menu when you activate the desktop menu.

Thanks, Peter, you solved 2 problems in 1 go :D

I always wondered (not enough apparently) what that wheel in the top *right* corner did - didn't notice the menu in the *left* hand corner.

So now I have found all those apps i installed lately - and that didn't show up (like 'recaller'): this is where they all hide !!

I did reinstall the FM reciever in the meantime form

But thanks a lot for pointing out this sneaky, hidden menu ... ;)

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