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optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:04

Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Just curious as to who were the real n900 early owners? I got mine November 21st, purchased from NYC flagship store. my baby is almost 6months old. can anyone beat that? or purchase one before that?

here are the early owners so far..

First prototype = Lcuk
First Pre-Production = ???????? whos missing?
First Production = Felbutss - 30th October (contest winner)

shiny 2010-05-17 23:08

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
December 15th, here, or thereabouts - whatever launch day in the UK was.

Been here since the halcyon days of PR1.0 ;)

Blinde 2010-05-17 23:09

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
November 25th here.

God 2010-05-17 23:15

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Prototype RX-51 (N900) August '09

clasificado 2010-05-17 23:17

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by God (Post 663241)
Prototype RX-51 (N900) August '09

wow, you are god indeed

optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:20

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
lol....damn August and i thought i was any differences with your proto and the first productions models?

Dollyknot 2010-05-17 23:27

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I was a proud November baby too.

God 2010-05-17 23:30

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
There's no label on it . .

badarnawazkhan 2010-05-17 23:31

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
april here

HellFlyer 2010-05-17 23:39

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by God (Post 663253)
There's no label on it . .

Does it has N00 on front? Can you take a pic, i would like to see it :cool:

optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:40

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
no label...nice. any issues with preproduction like loose usb? yeah i would like to see a pic too....

EIPI 2010-05-17 23:44

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Oct 9, 2009 Summit pre production device. I suspect the really 'early owners' are still under NDA :P

God 2010-05-17 23:45

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I'll take one tomorrow. Yes, some issues. I don't use it, it's more of a decorative N900.

God 2010-05-17 23:47

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by HellFlyer (Post 663262)
Does it has N00 on front? Can you take a pic, i would like to see it :cool:

Nothing at all.

optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:50

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
thats funny......decorative n900 huh? like those people who order those "collectors only" decorative plates. I can picture it sitting on one of Fake's acrylic stands on your mantle or

HellFlyer 2010-05-17 23:53

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by optimistprime (Post 663279)
thats funny......decorative n900 huh? like those people who order those "collectors only" decorative plates. I can picture it sitting on one of Fake's acrylic stands on your mantle or

IMHO thread title doesn't look good:p

REAL owners? :D who are we then?

optimistprime 2010-05-17 23:55

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
i meant it as who are the people that got it early and kept it....versus the people who got it and then sent it right back like some sort of unwanted adopted

shinkamui 2010-05-18 00:00

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Mine fell out of space and time last year, so technically mine is the oldest despite being a production unit. I think I'm the only one with the time travel app, but when I launch it, it says Im out of plutonium.

BN900 2010-05-18 00:04

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
The real owners?

So we are being manipulated by highly intelligent rats?

chase15 2010-05-18 00:13

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
supposed to get it november 22nd... but the delayed issue on amazon that time pushed me to cancel order and went directly to nokia usa... waited for their promo for 8 more days... and finally got it at dec 5... its already 5 months old... lucky never got big problems with it like others had,,

PS : he's going to have baby brother tom... getting another one... will arrived tom...

datboireal 2010-05-18 00:22

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Got mine 21st November Uk i was pestering Nokia Flagship store in Oxford St for weeks they rung me to let me know it was in. An hours later i was drooling on the train with N900 in hand:D

x61 2010-05-18 00:22

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
here we go...

Ash 2010-05-18 00:25

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
November and then may ;-)

sjgadsby 2010-05-18 00:46

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by optimistprime (Post 663231)
Just curious as to who were the real n900 early owners? I got mine November 21st, my baby is almost 6months old. can anyone beat that?

Given lcuk must have had an N900 prototype in order to prepare for onedotzero in early September, and that he visited Nokia last spring (signing the NDAs in blood?), I'd guess he was one of the first outside Nokia to have an N900.

bandora 2010-05-18 01:03

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by God (Post 663241)
Prototype RX-51 (N900) August '09

Thanks for the bs post:

Wait a minute.. Flashback:

Oh wait, you're lying on the internet to look cool... How mature..

Oh and also the prototypes had an N00.. almost all the Nseries prototypes have N00..

thefoxtrot 2010-05-18 01:24

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Ordered in December

January 1st

optimistprime 2010-05-18 02:00

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
yeah i was hounding New York flagship store for weeks. i was a total pain in the arse, I had it the first night and like 5 people on the subway on my way to Times sq were amazed by it.

rjcooke 2010-05-18 02:04

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Nov. 30 after 2.5 long months of waiting.

optimistprime 2010-05-18 02:14

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
i had preorded with Nokia usa, and was also still waiting for its NYC release. The one at the flagship store was like $50 cheaper, so when the one from nokia came i sent it right back.

felbutss 2010-05-18 02:21

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
1 Attachment(s)
I won mine on the 23rd of October. Got it on the 30th October. Was I the first in the world?????? lol official n900 not prototype

HellFlyer 2010-05-18 02:32

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 663367)
I won mine on the 23rd of October. Got it on the 30th October. Was I the first in the world?????? lol official n900 not prototype

very cool :D

Nokia N900 or a N97mini? lol smart choice indeed;)

felbutss 2010-05-18 02:36

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
lol i think i was the first in the world to officially own a N900. Not talking about the prototype n900 of course. lol

the best part is. Im in Australia and I still have not seen another N900. when people see my phone they are confused. N900?? Wow.


by the way. why didnt i get a web page or news article about being the first n900 owner??? lol the iphone sure got a lot of hype

optimistprime 2010-05-18 02:43

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 663379)
lol i think i was the first in the world to officially own a N900. Not talking about the prototype n900 of course. lol

the best part is. Im in Australia and I still have not seen another N900. when people see my phone they are confused. N900?? Wow.


by the way. why didnt i get a web page or news article about being the first n900 owner??? lol the iphone sure got a lot of hype

well if you ever sell your n900 , you should autograph it or something. Im sure on ebay itd get a crapload more for being one of the first.....

felbutss 2010-05-18 02:54

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
1 Attachment(s)


tzsm98 2010-05-18 03:22

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?

Originally Posted by shinkamui (Post 663292)
Mine fell out of space and time last year, so technically mine is the oldest despite being a production unit. I think I'm the only one with the time travel app, but when I launch it, it says Im out of plutonium.

I hate when that happens. It ain't cheap to run my centrifuge.

lfcobra 2010-05-18 03:24

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
pre-ordered nov 19. received sometime around dec 10. Been loving it ever since :)

xomm 2010-05-18 03:26

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
Purchased Nov. 29 2009, recieved Dec 16 2009

Obviously not the first, but I'm confident I'm the first under 18. ;)

I wonder who's the absolute youngest... (oh and had a N800 at 11, too. :D )

tzsm98 2010-05-18 03:26

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
I ordered mine in late October and it arrived 23 December. Is that the longest wait? (waiting for PR1.2 doesnt count)

F2thaK 2010-05-18 03:41

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
i pre-ordered mine as soon as it was available to, but since i live in Australia, it took some time for me to receive it.. getting another in a few wks for my fiancee.

God_Lx 2010-05-18 03:54

Re: Who were the REAL FIRST N900 owners?
November here, still think it's the best gadget to have with me 24/7...

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