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DarkPand0r 2010-05-25 13:48

Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

tswindell 2010-05-25 13:49

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
I don't see this problem. I'm not using any custom kernel. Maybe you should try without the custom kernel.

bbin 2010-05-25 13:50

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
No issues here. I did uninstall the power kernel before updating.

zombiegavins 2010-05-25 13:55

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
i am using the stock kernel and i have the menu bug

Endri 2010-05-25 13:58

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Please do not tell me that even this pr 1.2 is full of bugs...

crown77 2010-05-25 13:59

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
looks like endri damn and this after 3 months qa from nokia .. they did all the time just quality testing or maybe not?

tswindell 2010-05-25 14:00

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by Endri (Post 675924)
Please do not tell me that even this pr 1.2 is full of bugs...

Okay, we wont ...

jaysire 2010-05-25 14:00

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Of course it has bugs. You will never find an application or computer program that doesn't.

Except *maybe* for the occasional "Hello world" app...

Endri 2010-05-25 14:02

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by crown77 (Post 675927)
looks like endri damn and this after 3 months qa from nokia .. they did all the time just quality testing or maybe not?

I do not know since I am at the office and won't flash before tonite... I am just starting to read too many post about old and new problems...


HangLoose 2010-05-25 14:04

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by Endri (Post 675924)
Please do not tell me that even this pr 1.2 is full of bugs...

Your comment makes me believe that you are the only developer in the world that makes bug-less software..

Congratulations I think you might be very smart.

ps. If you dont work with software than I recommend you buying an iPhone. I heard that those things never saw a bug in the face of earth.

daffydk 2010-05-25 14:05

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
email widget configuration has a bug hmm it doesnt work lol .. slow main menu configuration .. and long pressing a file for sharing makes it want to delete the file instead of holding the focus so user could make his own choice .. just a few bugs so far

crown77 2010-05-25 14:06

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
sure every application and especially a operating system system does have bugs .. but at some systems you have to look in deep to find them maybe at the core and at some other you find them at the user interface (menue bug).

I did some QA - QS Software tests at my last job and a user interface test is the cheapest kind to test the ground level functionalitys. I wonder if they made heavy load tests and all those other procedures a good qa and qs should do.. and this with 3 Months Time for one Release ..

It would be better for Nokia if they cant do there job to give Beta Releases to there Community and they get a really quick result for possible bugs within days.

*ironic on* But maybe they dont want this .. becouse this would need to put more Work into Maemo .. and this is a Problem becouse they all work at Meego so hard..*ironic off*

leetut 2010-05-25 14:08

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
think ill stick with the awesome pr1.1.1 then!

Endri 2010-05-25 14:09

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by HangLoose (Post 675941)
Your comment makes me believe that you are the only developer in the world that makes bug-less software..

Congratulations I think you might be very smart.

ps. If you dont work with software than I recommend you buying an iPhone. I heard that those things never saw a bug in the face of earth.

Maybe you miss the meaning of the word "FULL".
And the meaning of the word redneck funboy

mivoligo 2010-05-25 14:10

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 675898)
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

I can confirm these bugs. I'm using normal kernel without any modifications.

Endri 2010-05-25 14:12

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Anybody please can confirm if MfE for GMAIL now works? Thank you

cenwesi 2010-05-25 14:55

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Yep. That was the first bug i got when trying to customize my screen. I ended up rebooting and it went away.

316comp 2010-05-25 15:15

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 675898)
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

i dont have either of these issues. ive overclocked as well. If it helps, i flashed with the global version of pr1.2.

Only bug I've found so far is when you click New IM, it doesnt show any of the extra protocol buddies I have, only the ones that use the built in IM protocols.

I have an update that wont install but I cant remember what it is. Also I dont have the option to search app manager anymore....not sure if this is because I havent chosen to install all the apps I had backed up yet.

Speaking of which, when I had the option to reinstall apps, the amount of disk space it said was required was way out of whack.

iraklis 2010-05-25 15:15

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
the "screeching speakers" bug is still present when a mp3 file is set as a ringtone

jacktanner 2010-05-25 15:27

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Is there a bugzilla report on "screeching speakers"?

iraklis 2010-05-25 15:32

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by jacktanner (Post 676181)
Is there a bugzilla report on "screeching speakers"?

deter3 2010-05-25 15:46

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
First , I can not flash eMMC , which has been mentioned in here ( .

2nd , I can not customize the menu , which i guess it might be the result of unable to flash eMMC

3rd , the upper bar at the desktop will disappeared when I lock the screen and unlock . The only way to have the bar back is moving between two different desktops and it will be back again . This is quite annoying .

DJRedline 2010-05-25 15:50

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Email Widget - The Configuration (spanner) icon does nothing

oldnetdog 2010-05-25 15:55

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 675898)
Not sure if anyone else has had this within PR1.2 yet but these are some of the problems I've encountered already.

1. Widget Customisation:
once the "Done" button is clicked it remains highlighted but nothing happens for around 1-2 minutes. This has happened EACH time.

2. Menu Customisation:
once the menu has been customised pressing the "Done" button results in the menu resetting to the original menu set-up.

I'm currently using the latest Power-Kernel overclocked to 900mhz, not sure if this is causing the problem.

if you have install and config omweather widget, it seems the 1st problem will happen.

rariss 2010-05-25 15:55

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
when the "wheel" in the title bar turns when loading or whatever there is a glitch with the graphics on the Nseries theme

stobbsc 2010-05-25 16:09

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
the only issue that I have had is that the Email widget doesn't work for me at all.

Also where is the option for customsing the menu screen?

Odeh 2010-05-25 17:09

PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
after ages of waiting .. i got an update to PR 1.2 from application manager 113 MB, after its installed successfully, it was working fine for 1 hour or 2 but after that ..

- video Call option not appear all the time on skype.
- the desktop freezing when i open the phone application then back to desktop and stay freezing until restart.
- open the phone app automatically every few minutes.
- extra-divil not working
- very slow animation when move the application menu up or down.

this just until now, and still counting ..


x61 2010-05-25 17:13

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
This is not a fair complaint. It only took them 4 months to come up with this...

Dave999 2010-05-25 17:13

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
Hey, I think you shall try to reflash your device

deter3 2010-05-25 17:13

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
For item 4 " extras-devel not working " , I had the same problem . I later found out to add " fremantle" into the blank of " distribution" will fix the problem .

I did not put " fremantle" when PR 1.1 and had no problem .

Hope it helps !

Spr33 2010-05-25 17:15

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
Don't blame the firmware... If it worked fine for an hour or two, then you probably installed something that makes the phone work badly. Reflash the device. I don't see many complaints about 1.2 being slow...

zwer 2010-05-25 17:23

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- video Call option not appear all the time on skype.

Video Call is available only if the other party has a web cam.


Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- the desktop freezing when i open the phone application then back to desktop and stay freezing until restart.

I have no freezes here, works flawlessly and the desktop was never snappier even tho I have a lot of widgets, icons, bookmarks and contacts on it.


Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- open the phone app automatically every few minutes.

If you've set your phone application to open automatically based on the device orientation, that might be the culprit for that. I have had no such issues.


Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- extra-divil not working

extras-devel works, maybe you forgot to set fremantle as a distribution target in your app catalog.


Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- very slow animation when move the application menu up or down.

Works butter-smooth here. Check with top or Conky and see if there is something that eats your CPU in the back.

Bratag 2010-05-25 17:28

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
I suspect a lot of these issues are when people dont reflash but try the "not enough room" upgrade option. Always reflash - yes you have to reinstall but it just gives you a reason to beat angry birds all the way through again

vaibhavsharma 2010-05-25 17:29

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs
Even I have painfully slow scrolling in the Menu. A real pain once you have a lot of apps installed.

attila77 2010-05-25 17:32

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by zwer (Post 676481)
Video Call is available only if the other party has a web cam.

Note that it seems that video call does NOT work if the other party is on Linux. N900-N900 and N900-Windows works, don't know about Mac.

sjgadsby 2010-05-25 17:34

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
The thread "PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs" with eight posts has been merged into this thread.

James_Littler 2010-05-25 17:35

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 676293)
Also where is the option for customsing the menu screen?

Press and hold somewhere on the menu screen

excelar8 2010-05-25 17:43

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by iraklis (Post 676145)
the "screeching speakers" bug is still present when a mp3 file is set as a ringtone


i HATE this bug, mp3 screech when used for ringtones OR alarms! i was hoping this bug would be fixed for PR 1.2!

everyone, please vote for this bug:

zwer 2010-05-25 17:44

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 676494)
Always reflash - yes you have to reinstall but it just gives you a reason to beat angry birds all the way through again

Actually you don't have, at least not by hand - the backup app does a wonderful job of reinstalling all the installed applications. Just remember to enable all repositories you are using prior to making a backup as otherwise it will not be able to find installed applications that reside in disabled repositories.

vaibhavsharma 2010-05-25 17:49

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Update: Flashed Global FW to replace India FW. Scrolling in menu is faster, Skype also shows up. WTF is up the India FW?

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