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gianni_mar 2010-05-26 21:21

Why flashing eMMC?
Whats the benefit of reflashing the eMMC besides cancelling all the data and restore the n900 to factory default???

I just reflashed the new firmware but i see that most of users reflash eMMC too...

I would like to understand if i should do it too or not...


scotty_m 2010-05-26 21:29

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
Hi, from what it says on the maemo wiki page ( I just go with this :
Flasing the eMMC resets the MyDocs folder contents to factory settings. N900 users don't need to reflash the eMMC of their device. If you are reading this it's probably because you got a pre-production device e.g. in the Maemo Summit. If you have a sales unit and you have problems with your eMMC you should contact Nokia Care.

I don't flash the eMMC so i keep all my contacts, conversations etc. when reflashing

Crogge 2010-05-26 21:31

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
It is better for a clean start on the new firmware.

gianni_mar 2010-05-26 21:32

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
yes, i read that too on the wiki, but after seeing that almost everyone is flashing eMMC too, i started to think that with PR 1.2 you should flash also the eMMC, maybe because of Qt 4.6.... i dont know...

Crogge 2010-05-26 21:37

Re: Why flashing eMMC?

Originally Posted by gianni_mar (Post 680838)
yes, i read that too on the wiki, but after seeing that almost everyone is flashing eMMC too, i started to think that with PR 1.2 you should flash also the eMMC, maybe because of Qt 4.6.... i dont know...

No, its not required for any technical features.

scotty_m 2010-05-26 21:37

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
But why wipe all your personal information? I'm just saying that it's not something that's necessary unless your eMMC is damaged or faulty. It's always good practice to completely wipe devices but i'm not sure anything staying there would conflict with new firmware

gabby131 2010-05-26 21:39

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
flashing in PR 1.2 using maemo flasher automatically clears your eMMC as well..........though the configuration files of apps will remain

gianni_mar 2010-05-26 23:25

Re: Why flashing eMMC?

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 680857)
flashing in PR 1.2 using maemo flasher automatically clears your eMMC as well..........though the configuration files of apps will remain

hhmmm, ok, i stop worring than!

javispedro 2010-05-26 23:31

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
The upgrade doesn't flash the entire eMMC, it just removes /opt.

But you shouldn't really need to flash the eMMC unless you want to leave the device in an "out of factory" state. No new features require a flashed eMMC.

davedickson 2010-05-27 07:11

Re: Why flashing eMMC?

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 681104)
No new features require a flashed eMMC.

What is the reason behind the update then? Not questioning your post, just wondering why there is a new release if basically it doesn't do anything :)

Catacylsm 2010-05-27 07:38

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
Just to start angry birds again!!

javispedro 2010-05-27 12:01

Re: Why flashing eMMC?

Originally Posted by davedickson (Post 681840)
What is the reason behind the update then? Not questioning your post, just wondering why there is a new release if basically it doesn't do anything :)

Update user guide, update software copyright.pdf, update the n900 ad/video...

mason 2010-05-27 12:10

Re: Why flashing eMMC?
I read somewhere that the documentation for the device, which is clearly stored in the eMMC got an update, maybe due to the bug fixed features?

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