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anismistry 2010-05-27 10:57

IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems

After reading the many bugs i dont know whether to go for the update or not.

Things working fine have stop working, problems in the biggest asset the MicroB browser have also been noticed by some.

Does Nokia know about this, Peter@Maemo marketing and others do they know about this. What are they saying.

People have waited so much for this update but when it come its buggy, was nokia pressurised to bring this update earlier than they wanted, or is it using us again as the guinea pig and keeping the developers to improve it....:(

PradaBrada 2010-05-27 11:05

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
The question you should be asking is "Does Nokia CARE about the PR 1.2 problems?"

The answer is no

Rocketman 2010-05-27 11:05

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I flashed with PR 1.2 with the command line flasher and then restored apps/settings/contacts from a backup. I have found the system to be much more responsive and haven't notice any major bugs after pretty heavy use the last couple of days.

A lot of general weirdness can accrue if you have used your N900 a lot since initial release, installed a lot of third party apps, etc. I would recommend flashing from scratch and restoring from backup afterwords. It hardly takes any longer than an OTA update and you are left with a pristine system.

I am sure that this release, like those previous, have quite a few bugs, I just haven't experienced any personally. The best thing to do to make sure they get fixed is to check bugzilla to see if the issue has been reported and then, if needed, create a bug report.

Corwin 2010-05-27 11:08

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I am sorry to say that, but I am not expierencing a single problem.

I have to admit that out of curiosity I flashed the RootFS Image, this might very well save a lot of problems compared to the OTA update, I can not say anything about that.
On the other side the backup utility makes this very, very easy to reflash and restore. Maybe people experiencing problems have a way out by doing this.

Best regards,

tissot 2010-05-27 11:09

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I haven't experienced bugs. Thought i did reflash my N900 before updating.
I think with the overclocking, transitions mods and what not before OTA updating there might be problems.
Not to say PR1.2 is bug free, but i don't see reason not to update.

nosa101 2010-05-27 11:10

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
Contrary to popular belief, pr 1.2 isn't buggy. Sure it has some bugs like the Nokia Messaging on widget thing but on the whole the device is better than it was before the update

Crashdamage 2010-05-27 11:13

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I've used mine heavily for 6 months now and no problems. I've never flashed the phone. Just accepted the OTA updates and been careful what I install.

cashclientel 2010-05-27 11:13

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
Log bugs on the bugtracker please.

anismistry 2010-05-27 11:14

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I have got this device a week back, havent downloaded any third party app from the repositary, not much used. Should i just update from the app manager ie the OTA update.

juise- 2010-05-27 11:17

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems

Originally Posted by anismistry (Post 682325)
After reading the many bugs i dont know whether to go for the update or not.

Typically it goes like this:

(a) People who have problems complain here.
(b) People who don't have problems, won't say anything.

So you'll only observe those who have problems.

Personally, I haven't seen any new major bugs in PR1.2. I'd say go for it, it's supposed to be better than the old one.

As for Nokia being aware, I'd say yes. But software that has changing requirements will never be complete, and they had to release it already. There was a dangerous amount of pressure being built up in people's heads around here, they might have started to pop in another two weeks.

juanenrique 2010-05-27 11:17

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
...i had to use Nokia Updater via PC to update to pr 1.2 and then restore from back-up and i haven't found any bugs... i did notice that 1 app y use stopped working (QStar dictionary) but that's it, the rest seems fine...

malabar 2010-05-27 11:27

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
i think the bug thing is a matter of perception, it looks like a lot due to all the misunderstandings and some downright useless posts but condense all that down and the few real bugs overall, I believe, are not a big deal.

juanenrique 2010-05-27 11:35

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
is there like a clean list of bugs people have found? i might try to help confirming by replicating some of them...

oweng 2010-05-27 11:42

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
My 2 cents...

webpages and flash video - videos either hang or only play audio without pictures.


Originally Posted by juanenrique (Post 682443)
is there like a clean list of bugs people have found? i might try to help confirming by replicating some of them...

somekeystrokes 2010-05-27 11:44

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 682382)
I've used mine heavily for 6 months now and no problems. I've never flashed the phone. Just accepted the OTA updates and been careful what I install.

absolutely! some minor problems bt nothing really so specific that i have to complain about the product!

NokiaRocks 2010-05-27 11:45

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
No bugs here. Everything's working just fine :)
Good job Nokia !

gabby131 2010-05-27 11:47

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
do you have bugs? wait for the next update! :D

juanenrique 2010-05-27 11:59

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems

Originally Posted by oweng (Post 682460)
My 2 cents...

webpages and flash video - videos either hang or only play audio without pictures.

hey... tried youtube and megavideo... sound and image was ok, no issues, managed to play them properly... i just had to wait them to buffer... (using wi-fi)... i did have some issues with ted not allowing me to play videos but that's because of the new flash... not pr 1.2 as such...

cenwesi 2010-05-27 12:14

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
Yep, exactly what he is saying. The whole process takes less than 5mins. I have done this several times.


Originally Posted by Rocketman (Post 682351)
I flashed with PR 1.2 with the command line flasher and then restored apps/settings/contacts from a backup. I have found the system to be much more responsive and haven't notice any major bugs after pretty heavy use the last couple of days.

A lot of general weirdness can accrue if you have used your N900 a lot since initial release, installed a lot of third party apps, etc. I would recommend flashing from scratch and restoring from backup afterwords. It hardly takes any longer than an OTA update and you are left with a pristine system.

I am sure that this release, like those previous, have quite a few bugs, I just haven't experienced any personally. The best thing to do to make sure they get fixed is to check bugzilla to see if the issue has been reported and then, if needed, create a bug report.

gianni_mar 2010-05-27 12:20

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
what problems? what bugs? i havent seen any so far. I flashed it using maemo-flasher btw

oweng 2010-05-27 12:25

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
youtube works...


Originally Posted by juanenrique (Post 682514)
hey... tried youtube and megavideo... sound and image was ok, no issues, managed to play them properly... i just had to wait them to buffer... (using wi-fi)... i did have some issues with ted not allowing me to play videos but that's because of the new flash... not pr 1.2 as such...

Rushmore 2010-05-27 12:36

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
In people's defense that do post here with complaints, Maemo seems to be far too easy to mess up and the speed and efficiency advantages used to accept this caveat appear to have been trumped by Android 2.2 now. Maemo is even more easy to screw up than WM.

Maemo and the N900 are for mid to hardcore techs only, if you want to get good use out of the device and not worry about hosing it. The angle of "learn to use maemo" is not valid, since most people are consumers and just want the device to work, hence the device will see complaints when those folks do not buy it.

I love my N900 for what I use it for and greatly appreciate the efforts in the community, but Nokia screwed this OS up and provided weak support for the dev community. Their arguement that the N900 is a mini-computer is not even valid now, since the basic function of Flash can not be updated (a feature they touted a LOT). Flash on the N900 (unless updated) will be basically useless within six months- less than a year after most have owned it.


Very ironic, considering Flash was a main feature touted and people bought into the premise. Perhaps it is still a mini-computer, but of the Apple type, since sans the Flash ;)

haj 2010-05-27 12:40

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
Only bugs I have noticed in pr1.2 is the application manager that insists the device memory is full:

And the bug with freezing clicking "Done" after fiddling with widgets.

leetut 2010-05-27 12:54

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
ive never experienced those bugs?
but i flashed eMMC then pr1.2 via flasher
device is even more awesome than it was before!

maxximuscool 2010-05-27 12:58

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
i have found an annoying bug. Whenever you press power button while playong music, you'll get a pause for about 2seconds and after that will start playing again. Weather you want to unlock the device or switch profile, the music player stopped for 2seconds.

planetf1 2010-05-27 13:40

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I also flashed emmc+base, then restored 80+ apps. There's some minor bugs but overall it's fine. Browser is responsive etc.

I'd second the suggestion to try a full backup (and copy to another device) then a full flash & restore.

Crashdamage 2010-05-27 13:50

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
I don't agree that the N900/Maemo is easy to foul up. Used as an ordinary non-techie user would - no testing or devel, no overclocking, no muckin' around the system as root, no manual flashing (OTA updates) etc. the phone is just about bullit-proof like most linux boxes..

I've been conservative and careful about what I install from testing or devel an did OTA updates and even though it's had heavy usage for 6 months, I've never reflashed and have no problems at all. I doubt I'll ever need to flash the OS. Of course riskier behavior would be more fun, but I depend on this too much.

As for flash 10, nobody else has it yet. And if you watch the demos of it running on Android you don't want it yet. Not good.

jr1415us 2010-05-27 14:21

Re: IS Nokia Aware of the PR 1.2 problems
The most obvious "bug" I've encountered is with the phone & contacts. After updating to PR 1.2 I no longer see the caller's name and picture on calls, only the number and generic avatar icon now show.
The contact avatar images still display properly in the contacts app.

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