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Thank you, Maemo Community!
Dear all,
I have been using the N900 for many months now and I realised one thing today, which I had always realised but not in its full extent. The N900 is an amazing device and Maemo is a wonderful operating system, all of which have a magnificent potential of staying on the cutting edge for another year at least if well taken-care of. But still, I realised that the majority of the reason why I LOVE that device is because of the Community and the work it has done! Mappero, Ossipena's Vertsms, The Stardict ports, the Canola and Media Box Ports, qole's fantastically brilliant Easy Debian, Abiword, the many games, the billion hacks and inputs like Brightness Applet, Media-player notification, call notify, tweakr, ProfileX, Yellow Notes, Live Wallpaper, Claws Mail port, conky, CuteExplorer, The Emulators, FM Radio. fMMS, Hermes, Healthcheck, GTranslate, Macuco, Tear, MGutenberg, Sudoku, Maepad, QTRapids, Transmission, R-Conversations, Tuner, Ukeyboard, and much MUCH more (just to name a few off the top of my head!). All of these above are community generated or ported apps to our devices, especially the N900. You people are the reason that the N900 exists, and why it is an AMAZING and pretty much mature device, despite any additional stuff we might need. I am extremely thankful for everything you guys have done for me and one another, and I hope that when the time comes for a new phone, I would find a community like ours. Your patches, ports and apps have solved major problems, helped me with day-to-day problems and have made my life much easier and made this experience much better than it was originally intended, had it been left solely to Nokia's hands. Thank you very much for everything. I only wish I could finish the bulk of my work and studies soon so that I could at least learn some coding skills and make/help out with one app as a gift for this community. Most of all of course, I am extremely thankful for the Epic PR 1.2 thread! :) I have laughed in extreme ways throughout this entire thing that I am actually sad PR 1.2 has been released, and I hope we can have a new thread of its caliber, all while keeping the original one closed in its pristine quality :) Thank you, everyone! B. P.S. If you agree with me, you know what to do :) EDIT: Added these to list as per S0cerr0ur's reques and quotationt: 1. Hide User Agent - Trick the browser its a PC browser. Websites will always default to desktop version, instead of the mobile version! 2. Mobile hotspot - Turns the N900 into a wifi internet hotspot! 3. Mypaint - super advanced paint app - that makes use of the untalked feature PRESSURE sensitivity!!! (try it - or watch on youtube!) 4. Mediabox - Brings all youtube clips to the N900 in HQ with perfect framerate! EDIT 2: I am also adding from below my/our MASSIVE THANK YOU to the moderators of this forum who make it something that human beings can use! :) You handle our many repetitive and redundant posts and you create sense of out of them;. We thank you for being the organisers of our chaos :) |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
To you man, i doesnt have my N900 (i got stolen) but i stay in this forums because this great community :)
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Agreed. This is indeed a wonderful community, the people here is really helpful. Thank you guys.
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
<3 maemo.org
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
just giving the thread a bump back into active topics :)
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
This is the only point of maemo today: maemo.org.
I'm a troll, but after a while here, I'm a domesticated troll, because here lives a LOT OF GREAT PEOPLE, working a lot for free, for us... But that does not mean THANKS to Nokia. Nokia never done its homeworks, and people here are not magicians. I hope Nokia kick our *** soon, but releasing closed drivers to open. Then this could be a REAL COMMUNITY, without trolls, without fanboys. Yes, I love n900+maemo.org, but hate n900+Nokia. Regards. |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
You're right! If it hadn't been for this community, would would find very few reasons to stay with the N900 given all the massive growth of Android!
And it is simply amazing how everyone helps, from the smallest to the largest of aid. I doubt anything would come close in the coming years :) It's truly wonderful being a member of this community with you people. But I think Nokia had always planned the phone to be like that. They just didn't expect the growth of Android to make them look so bad in being uncaring for their phones. |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
i was lurking on these forums for months to scope out the community to see if was good or not
and guess what ? i wouldnt be typing this from my n900 today if it wasnt |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
this is the best community I have experienced ... been in the community of palm os, winmo for the past years
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Maybe it was Nokia's goal. Like in the Watchmen. Do something evil for the greater good...... something tells me they lack the foresight to complete such an endeavor ;). Nice post. I have a Nexus One but I still come here everyday not to troll but see what is happenings and also get insight for the next release.
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
This is by far the best community I've ever seen. Never has a device kept me this interested and this is mainly because of the Maemo community. I would like to thank all the developers, hackers, testers and tweakers that have made the N900 an awesome device.
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
The Nokia N900 is a great device!
everyday i find something really good i havent tried yet. topicstarter can add these to the list: 1. Hide User Agent - Trick the browser its a PC browser. Websites will always default to desktop version, instead of the mobile version! 2. Mobile hotspot - Turns the N900 into a wifi internet hotspot! 3. Mypaint - super advanced paint app - that makes use of the untalked feature PRESSURE sensitivity!!! (try it - or watch on youtube!) 4. Mediabox - Brings all youtube clips to the N900 in HQ with perfect framerate! :) |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
I would also like to extend a Thank You to the AWESOME Moderators who manage all of our (mostly repetitive) posts!
Thank you for making this forum usable by human beings! :) |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
me too.. i would like to thank this awsome community... this community is full of actions, comedy, drama, anger, laughter and etc.. :D Thanks to all members here who helped newbies like me.. im learning a lot from this community and wanting to learn more... =]
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
+1 from my side! love the maemo community
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Me too, I would have given up for something else except for the community. I hope it is well taken care of with the transition to Meego. My guess is a lot of users will stay with Meego & Nokia if this happens.
My personal favourite is Titan's kernel :) |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
are we getting sentimental here?... :D
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
its a privilege to be part of this community. so many nifty apps.
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
I was thinking of starting an acknowledgement thread myself and.....poof! Here it is!
Thanks to the Mods (who have been very busy lately!):p And all the knowledgeable contributors, you make a great device better. |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
you are welcome guys! Glad to have been so helpfull!!!
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
you should check out the 'blondes about love' communities for more fun, but not sure if you would be able to find anything like pr1.2 epic... even theirs 'what I did wrong' threads limited with few hundreds of funny posts, not thousands :)
joining you in thanks to folks over here |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Yes! i forgot the thanks part...
BIG thanks goes out to: * Maemo-dev team (for preserving as much speed and phone functionality as possible while still providing a fullblown linux backbone) * Nokia (for providing the hardware and taking bold steps for years targeting powerusers, when noone else dared to give us what we want) * Community-coders (for hogging the endusers with endless and limitless applications) :) * Maemo.org-moderators (who have patience even in dark times and tries their best to keep the forum cordinated for usefulness) * and finally all the nice users who help eachother out, and making the hardware a reality by buying the devices! :) Quote:
it can open folders/directories by "tap and hold" on the folder(album) u want to open for playback and then open in the dropdown-menu. If you enable extras-testing (or maybe extras-devel) you can also install the youtube plugin. then you get 30FPS HQ youtube in the "videos" categhory of mediabox, and its complete with a youtube search function! :) |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Although I am very disappointed of Nokia, I am very happy to be a part of this great community..
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
I am very happy more people and sharing their positive views of this amazing community. The amazing people behind this community DESERVE to see our gratitude :)
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Awesome lil list of cool apps for the N900 :p
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
I've had my n900 for 2 weeks, but have followed this site religiously for 6 months. It's because of this site I bought my n900.
It is the best device EVER!!!! |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
I've recently fooled around with the Motorola MILESTONE and the hardest fact to accept about Android is that there is no central place where the community comest together to discuss Android.
I for example want to remap the physical keyboard on my device and people have figured out how to do it, but replies to those threads in various forums only reach about 10 replies! The same went for threads talking about overclocking the MILESTONE. People didn't even really get excited about that. Incredible! So thank you to the community for me as well. Since day #1 it's been the apps in the repos that have really made my day and made the N900 interesting every single day. P.S. These Talk Maemo pages could fit the MicroB screen a little nicer, though ;) But this has been discussed in other threads and I saw all that. |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
And I also noted something interesting. The N900 inspires such a devoted following among true phone and tech lovers that I have never seen elsewhere. Check our forums and other Maemo forums and you'll find so many 'I love my N900' sentences out there. a few agry posts sure, but even so the emotion is very pronounced. people are very invested into the device and the community. in addition of course to the other N series tablets.
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF chown -R t.m.o /home/user/base |
Re: Thank you, Maemo Community!
Ugh, I just saw a post that really ticked me off! Someone said something along the lines of "I opened the repos and all I found were crappy apps".
Kill him! Respect the app makers, or go learn coding and make one yourself! |
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