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nielsvg 2010-05-30 19:35

Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

i see a lot more threads with problems about the official PR1.2 then with PR1.1.1 and even with the unofficial PR1.2

So why did we make a more then 6000 counting thread of speculations about this update?

apparently the "update" causes more problems then it solves.

i myself have problems with the official version then the previous or unofficial version. and i am getting tired of this.

i'm a big fan of the n900 but it's getting to much

i love this forum, i check it every day, last month every minute almost for the PR1.2

so i'm going to downgrade. how is with me.

philh 2010-05-30 19:36

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I'm very happy with PR1.2

andyfrommk 2010-05-30 19:38

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I think it solves more problems than it introduces.
I am very happy with PR1.2 and my N900 in general

nielsvg 2010-05-30 19:41

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
i also love the n900 but everyting is much slower. after the update i cannot play flash on sites and updating takes for minutes longer then before. and loading pictures also takes forever

petur 2010-05-30 19:45

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 690410)
why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

i see a lot more threads with problems about the official PR1.2 then with PR1.1.1 and even with the unofficial PR1.2

So why did we make a more then 6000 counting thread of speculations about this update?

apparently the "update" causes more problems then it solves.

i myself have problems with the official version then the previous or unofficial version. and i am getting tired of this.

i'm a big fan of the n900 but it's getting to much

i love this forum, i check it every day, last month every minute almost for the PR1.2

so i'm going to downgrade. how is with me.

A totally do not agree. 1.2 is fine for me... Do not generalize the problems of a few...

TomJ 2010-05-30 19:45

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
Personally speaking, PR1.2 has made my device feel snappier and the battery last a smidge longer, even beofre looking at the myriad minor but welcome tweaks and improvements. I suspect that for the majority of people complaining there are other issues at play and the upgrade is the most convenient scapegoat.

arnoldthebat 2010-05-30 19:46

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
1.2 is awesome. Really impressed since upgrade. No issues whatsoever and I can video skype mumsy now (who lives abroad) which is just ace. This device just gets better and better........

slender 2010-05-30 19:47

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I see lots of possible problems on people who have installed apps from

Installing from out of box enabled extras should not fck up system but thanks to Nokias policy to not publish developers/alpha/beta fw it looks like some so called safe programs stop working or in worst case prevent you from installing update or make some other weird things.

Then we have people who have enabled and installed stuff from testing/devel. These people knew what was coming and should be prepared for flash and weird behavior with their devices.

But still I think we could handle/be prepared to these problems with apps much much better if Nokia had released official beta/alpha image for people who dare to test it.

nielsvg 2010-05-30 19:47

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
i'm not using a scapegoat

i'm just saying what i'm expiriencing after the update what i never had. since the update the problems arise. before never. some people say in my other thread to try and reflashing the fiasco and emmc

this is what i'm going to try and then see again

nielsvg 2010-05-30 19:49

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
i dont have the testing or devil catalogues added to my app manager so i'm not testing things that are in alpha or beta state

Varanus261 2010-05-30 19:50

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
Its been a good solid upgrade for me, everything is much smoother and snappier, especially homescreen changing. Only thing i'm not set on is the menu adjustment, but i'm sure i'll stop hitting setting on autopilot eventually!

kingzeus 2010-05-30 19:52

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
another useless thread you downgrade back you wont be able to use the ovi store when its updated and you guys been whining for 3 months when is this update coming out, now that its out you wanna downgrade back? sometimes i just wish i a mod here.

ossipena 2010-05-30 19:53

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
so you installed leaked version and didn't reflash while updating. so everything must be a fault of newest firmware then....

e: who wants to yes/no?

slender 2010-05-30 19:54

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I do not have any big problems and my device seems to be little snappier and you are just exaggerating problems. Actually imho update has gone quite smoothly because if there had been big problems this forum would be full, I mean FULL of threads about problems. Right now itīs on quite low level.

And your situation. I do not know what exactly is your problem with n900 but i would recommend to make backup (copy backup to memory card or desktop) flash rootfs and emmc and restore backup.

You installed leaked version? *facepalm* You should not even write these kinds of posts :|

nielsvg 2010-05-30 19:54

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
i was never waiting for the ovi site update. i was waiting for pr1.2 so dont generalise

maybe i'm doing the same with making this thread but it was just something i noticed.

nielsvg 2010-05-30 19:55

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 690461)
so you installed leaked version and didn't reflash while updating. so everything must be a fault of newest firmware then....

i just said in another thread that somebody told me just now to try and reflash the emmc and that is what i'm going to try

then i'm closing this thread

rpgAmazon 2010-05-30 19:58

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by kingzeus (Post 690456)
another useless thread you downgrade back you wont be able to use the ovi store when its updated and you guys been whining for 3 months when is this update coming out, now that its out you wanna downgrade back? sometimes i just wish i a mod here.

Four months.
Regards, King Zeus...

JonWW 2010-05-30 20:02

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I think people need to give it time, find out how things have changed first before downgrading.

zarf 2010-05-30 20:27

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
PR1.2 is a very good update in all ways.

Sticking to or downgrading to PR1.1 would be crazy in my thinking.

If PR1.1 really isn't working on your device, perhaps its time to use flasher from a pc to reflash.

Having downloaded the PR1.2 .arm.bin file and used flasher-3.5 to reflash my phone it has worked faultlessly for days without having to reboot it once.

I then restored my backup, including settings, contacts and everything. I got everything back by just doing this except iplayer-dl, which was easily re installed.

I think PR1.2 is a great release and I'm amazed people have had so many problems. Although there appears to be a connection between people complaining and people who use NSU to flash their phone, wonder if it's causing problems?

Who used NSU and now has problems may be a better poll.

nosa101 2010-05-30 20:34

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
Should I downgrade if I have no problem?
I mean, you say PR 1.1 is better

geneven 2010-05-30 20:36

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I installed the leaked version and was very happy with it. I flashed the legit version and am very happy with it. I don't understand why people are even having problems.

Edit: I am very interested in how 1.1 works if you go back to it. I remember that the leaked version had some problems if you went backwards. I wonder if the legit version does.

StOoZ 2010-05-30 20:41

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I'm very pleased with PR1.2, no issues whatsoever, dont see any reason to downgrade.

Derdiyok 2010-05-30 21:13

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I did flash my n900 it's working ok, but can't see the new ovi, and stil send sms to home numbers.

markn 2010-05-30 21:22

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
I was having some issues with slowness. I uninstalled Call Notify and the N900 is now flying. I heard that Call Notify was not compatible with PR1.2. There are obviously some issues with a few apps that are not 100% compatible which maybe messing with the OS of some devices.
Before uninstalling I couldn't work out what the hype was with PR1.2 and now I do.

Has anyone compiled a list of apps that may not be compatible with PR1.2?

nosa101 2010-05-30 21:25

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by markn (Post 690611)
Has anyone compiled a list of apps that may not be compatible with PR1.2?

Probably the most constructive thing I've read in the last two days

tzsm98 2010-05-30 21:32

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by TomJ (Post 690435)
... I suspect that for the majority of people complaining there are other issues at play ...

"Other issues at play" simply sends the imagination reeling! From some of the complaints I've seen I have to agree, there are "other issues" at play.;)

rustler 2010-05-30 21:52

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 690439)
i'm not using a scapegoat

i'm just saying what i'm expiriencing after the update what i never had. since the update the problems arise. before never. some people say in my other thread to try and reflashing the fiasco and emmc

this is what i'm going to try and then see again

Before reflashing I would bring up "top" (commandline) or "conky" (GUI) and then run the apps you have trouble with. Look for things that are eating up CPU or RAM. A reconfigure or reinstall of an errant app might save you some time.
I am NOT saying that PR1.2 didn't bring new bugs.
FWIW, I ASK for big trouble from Nokia when I upgraded:eek: I was using an overclocked kernel, extra-devel and extra-testing enabled etc. but I had 70MB rootfs free. But I was prepared to re-flash. The OTA upgrade went smooth and everything I use the N900 in a day to day continued working as well or better then before. Not going back either:)
I did have an issue with VNC and WPA PSK wifi connections that required me to type the passphrase. I turned auto-capitalization off (which I don't like anyway) and now they work fine as does SMS.

Has anyone compiled a list of apps that may not be compatible with PR1.2?
I personally would like to see something like this also!
Take care.

darkjoker 2010-05-30 22:02

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
i am finding that v1.2 is having a few problems or maby i just need time to get used to it. the only thing that really annoys me is the new virtual keyboard layout >.< the buttons look much smaller the backspace button is tiny and there is no @ on the font so annoying

nosa101 2010-05-30 22:08

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by darkjoker (Post 690674)
i am finding that v1.2 is having a few problems or maby i just need time to get used to it. the only thing that really annoys me is the new virtual keyboard layout >.< the buttons look much smaller the backspace button is tiny and there is no @ on the font so annoying

What theme are you using?

darkjoker 2010-05-31 17:07

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 690685)
What theme are you using?

im just using the bog standered Digital Nature theme that came preinstalled on the phone

atilla 2010-05-31 17:20

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 690410)
why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

i see a lot more threads with problems about the official PR1.2 then with PR1.1.1 and even with the unofficial PR1.2

So why did we make a more then 6000 counting thread of speculations about this update?

apparently the "update" causes more problems then it solves.

i myself have problems with the official version then the previous or unofficial version. and i am getting tired of this.

i'm a big fan of the n900 but it's getting to much

i love this forum, i check it every day, last month every minute almost for the PR1.2

so i'm going to downgrade. how is with me.

jes buddy um totally with you.i already had tryin to downgrade but it didnt worked.everythink was ok but my phone cant read my sim card so if you know how to downgrade???????

Venemo 2010-05-31 17:27

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 690410)
so i'm going to downgrade. how is with me.

Go, do it.

I hereby permit you to downgrade your N900.

But really, who cares?

Bec 2010-05-31 17:38

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
Can't wait to downgrade and lose my extra 3 hours of battery and quadrupled -> 10x faster browser performance increase in every browser test I took.


Going back to the PR 1.2 rocks thread, buh bye :p

Watergate 2010-05-31 17:53

Re: Why arent we downgrading back to PR1.1.1
HI all,

I received a replacement for my old N900 as the touch did`nt work and Nokia decided to give me a new one. I did the upgrade to PR1,2 and I think my touchscreen is not as touchcy as before. It is very hard to close applications on the ''X'' in the small window when multitasking. Anyone have a solution to make it more precisely?

Thanks ;)

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