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h3llraz0r 2010-05-31 12:58

MeeGo buy an Android phone!
MeeGo get something better!

Tiboric 2010-05-31 13:01

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
O.K good for you.

spanner 2010-05-31 13:03

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!

Originally Posted by h3llraz0r (Post 691672)
MeeGo get something better!

For god's sake can we ban this idiot yet?

h3llraz0r 2010-05-31 13:05

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!

Originally Posted by spanner (Post 691682)
For god's sake can we ban this idiot yet?

A worse fate would be a merge with the ''intelligent'' Chuck Norris thread.

Question to you: What does off topic mean?

anaskr 2010-05-31 13:07

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
hmm ^^^ yea yea speak anything u want !! :) lets see how many nokia haters are there in our own land

AtteK0 2010-05-31 13:07

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
Haha. Go h3llraz0r go. Lets get ourselves banned with style!

shazosbourne 2010-05-31 13:11

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
This clown is all talk. He's been spouting this BS for ages. If he was going to get something better he would have already done so.
The thing is, he knows it doesn't exist.


AlMehdi 2010-05-31 13:14

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
h3llraz0r must be a bot designed to flood with BS

h3llraz0r 2010-05-31 13:18

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!

Originally Posted by shazosbourne (Post 691701)
This clown is all talk. He's been spouting this BS for ages. If he was going to get something better he would have already done so.
The thing is, he knows it doesn't exist.


I just sold the N900 and have several options to choose from, all with better hardware specs than the N900

just keep convincing yourself that you have a good phone and you might get lucky enough to witness one when Nitdroid comes out... actually by then the n900 will be outdated from its plastic resistive screen and slow processor. even Nokia knows that.

pwned from before i wrote this

johnel 2010-05-31 13:25

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!

Originally Posted by h3llraz0r (Post 691672)
MeeGo get something better!

MeeThinks YouGo FO.

U.ser 2010-06-01 19:07

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
a forum without people like that is bulls*** , we always need a good laugh , good sense of trolling , personally i hope you stay with us for a very long time

MeeGo Eat ! :D

gabby131 2010-06-01 19:08

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
"finish him!"

nosa101 2010-06-01 19:09

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
this thread needs moar kittehs

HellFlyer 2010-06-01 19:13

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!
guys stop feeding him :D

superg05 2010-06-01 19:20

Re: MeeGo buy an Android phone!

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 691730)
MeeThinks YouGo FO.

i think you mean: "MeeYhinks YouGo FroYo"

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