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smoku 2010-06-01 11:12

OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
My port of OpenDUNE is ready. :-)

It installs the binaries and downloads required data to MyDocs/Games/DUNE2.

You may get it from or extras

mece 2010-06-01 11:15

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
*bows before the awesomeness that is smoku*

clasificado 2010-06-01 11:21

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
push it to extras-testing. ill give it a try!

smoku 2010-06-01 11:23

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by clasificado (Post 693490)
push it to extras-testing. ill give it a try!

Believe me - I tried:

bull81 2010-06-01 11:38

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I honestly LOVE this game. I still play it from time to time in dosbox.... many thanks smoku!

BLIZZARD 2010-06-01 11:44

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Where can i find some screen shots to see the game, because i don't have a clue what game is this. I searched Google and their site, but still nothing...

Flandry 2010-06-01 11:47

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by BLIZZARD (Post 693548)
Where can i find some screen shots to see the game, because i don't have a clue what game is this. I searched Google and their site, but still nothing...

It's the first RTS game, or very nearly. The granddaddy of them all. The reason for your favorite company to exist. :D

I'm guessing it was probably out before you were born, too.

The original game was called Dune 2 and later updated and called Dune 2000.

attila77 2010-06-01 11:51

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 693498)

It takes a while for the packages to get imported, depends on how you hit/miss the cron task that does it. It should appear in an hour at worst.

smoku 2010-06-01 11:52

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by BLIZZARD (Post 693548)
Where can i find some screen shots to see the game, because i don't have a clue what game is this. I searched Google and their site, but still nothing...

Why don't you click first link "My port" in opening post? :p

BLIZZARD 2010-06-01 12:00

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 693572)
Why don't you click first link "My port" in opening post? :p

I didn't noticed that, but i clicked the second one "OpenDUNE ":D:D:D

mece 2010-06-01 12:17

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by smoku (Post 693498)

It takes half an hour(ish) for the package to go to the repo from autobuilder.

It's there now and installable.

smoku 2010-06-01 12:30

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I've uploaded many packages to extras and it had always taken only few minutes to put packages in repository.
I guess somebody pushed it manually after I updated the bugreport. Thanks.

Bratag 2010-06-01 12:31

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
TY TY TY TY. One of my very favourite games.

toninikkanen 2010-06-01 12:42

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
awesome! My favourite game during it's time. Already downloading and itching to test.

g0dzilla 2010-06-01 12:43

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
plz YouTube video OpenDUNE

codeMonkey 2010-06-01 12:50

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I might've encountered a problem with getting past the high-score screen - the enter key doesn't seem to send the correct key to accept, so you can't move on. This might be due to some meddling I've done, so if someone else could confirm.

Kangal 2010-06-01 13:11

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Nice one smoku!

How does it perform, in your opinion?
Possible preview, say youtube or some screenshots?

Cobra 2010-06-01 13:25

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 693699)
I might've encountered a problem with getting past the high-score screen - the enter key doesn't seem to send the correct key to accept, so you can't move on. This might be due to some meddling I've done, so if someone else could confirm.

same problem here I also cant skip intro screen. Is there a right click?

smoku 2010-06-01 13:31

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 693699)
I might've encountered a problem

smoku 2010-06-01 13:33

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 693738)
Nice one smoku!

How does it perform, in your opinion?
Possible preview, say youtube or some screenshots?

It performs fine, but pauses for a moment every some time. Very annoying :(
And eats a lot of CPU.

Screenshots in the first post.

Darkwolf 2010-06-01 13:46

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
With great anticipation I opened my App Manager and searched for both "Dune" and "OpenDune" ... but no dice.
Aaaawwwwww.... where is it??? I want! :(

eiraku 2010-06-01 13:50

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Taken from the OpenDune site:


NOTE: in order to play this you will require all the data files of the 1.07 EU release to be present in the /data folder; without this the game will not work.

Also, the first time your start the game, you are forced through the whole intro (your mouse and keyboard won’t work). This is only the first time, and exactly as it was in the original Dune II.
Anyhow, thanks for porting one of my childhood faves onto the N900... Now I have Descent AND Dune II, HURRAH!

hschmitt 2010-06-01 13:52

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by Darkwolf (Post 693821)
With great anticipation I opened my App Manager and searched for both "Dune" and "OpenDune" ... but no dice.
Aaaawwwwww.... where is it??? I want! :(

Did you enable Etras-testing?

Darkwolf 2010-06-01 13:57

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by hschmitt (Post 693836)
Did you enable Etras-testing?

Yes. I got all the usual repositories enabled.
When I try to get it from using the web browser and fetch the .deb file there, I get an error saying the following 2 packages are missing:
- wget
- bzip2

I assume those two packages/tools are used to fetch and unzip the Dune game data that is required to play the game.
Perhaps it's a good idea to add them to the package for those who apparently don't have these packages installed? :)

hardkorek 2010-06-01 14:03

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Awsome, i spend so many hours playing it on my Amiga 500:)

nidO 2010-06-01 14:04

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 693699)
I might've encountered a problem with getting past the high-score screen - the enter key doesn't seem to send the correct key to accept, so you can't move on. This might be due to some meddling I've done, so if someone else could confirm.

I've run into exactly the same problem - This essentially indicates it's not possible to play more than the first level, as you'll always be prompted for a highscore regardless of how low you get, and cant pass the screen asking for your name.
Ace job with the port though and brings back a whole ton of very fond memories, very much hoping this hits a stable state.

smoku 2010-06-01 15:23

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by Darkwolf (Post 693841)
Yes. I got all the usual repositories enabled.
When I try to get it from using the web browser and fetch the .deb file there, I get an error saying the following 2 packages are missing:
- wget
- bzip2

I assume those two packages/tools are used to fetch and unzip the Dune game data that is required to play the game.
Perhaps it's a good idea to add them to the package for those who apparently don't have these packages installed? :)

These packages are in extras-devel and should be promoted to extras-testing together with the main package.

smoku 2010-06-01 15:24

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by eiraku (Post 693828)
Taken from the OpenDune site:

Anyhow, thanks for porting one of my childhood faves onto the N900... Now I have Descent AND Dune II, HURRAH!

This information is outdated.
Besides, if you would read the first post, you would know that the package fetches and installs required data.

haj 2010-06-01 18:46

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
I have the enterkey on highscore-problem as well... Perhaps it's because I used the N900 for other stuff while playing the first level?

Trestry 2010-06-01 18:49

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Awesome! Now I can play one of my favourite games on my N900.

Thanks a lot!

efekt 2010-06-01 19:04

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
smoku, Although I'm married I sincerely consider bigamy in order to marry you :)
Thanks a bunch, man - you rock!!!

smoku 2010-06-01 19:20

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
My wife advises I should pass on the proposition. :D

efekt 2010-06-01 19:24

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Well she apparently doesn't have a clue - I promise to play ALL the games you port, how can she counter-offer THAT?! ;)
Uh well, I tried... Women, they always win...

haj 2010-06-01 19:49

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Or at least the first level? Anyone got past the highscore screen after level one?

edit; I'm thinking, could it be because the return-key on the N900 maps to KP_Enter and not Return?

CutterSlade 2010-06-01 20:08

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Can confirm the ENTER Bug in scoreboard. Cool game though very relaxed and so simple interface. Thanks for the port!

Patola 2010-06-01 20:12

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by haj (Post 694517)
Or at least the first level? Anyone got past the highscore screen after level one?

edit; I'm thinking, could it be because the return-key on the N900 maps to KP_Enter and not Return?

Yes, this is exactly the reason. I could get past this screen by using x2x and pressing <ENTER> with my laptop's keyboard. That was a lame workaround, but at least it confirmed your suspicion! :p

EDIT: Just after getting past that screen, there was that annoying questionnaire about units and buildings. I found out that the answers could be found here but it would be awkward to have to open the browser during the game to get these answers.

mece 2010-06-01 20:55

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Haven't had time to play yet so I'm just speculating: I browsed the source and it seems that tab sends some sort of break in editbox.c, so ctrl-i could get you away from an editbox. Worth a shot. :)

smoku 2010-06-01 21:21

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 694467)
how can she counter-offer THAT?! ;)

We need a pack of beer and a less public place to discuss that. :p

CutterSlade 2010-06-01 21:30

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Nope. Tried every possible combination of Strg, blue arrow and shift. Including Strg aka ctrl + i.

smoku 2010-06-01 21:39

Re: OpenDUNE - Dune II remake
Could you try - it should fix the Return issue.

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