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mihapodb 2010-06-01 20:19

PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I have a big problem that causes that nothing on desktop is not working.

I have no idea, what causes this, but it is happening after PR 1.2 update.

Nothing works, except contact shortcut. Calendar is not working, widgets, shortcuts, bookmarks, nothing... I have to reboot and than it is working again.

It happens after some uptime.

nosa101 2010-06-01 20:21

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
What widgets do you have on?

mihapodb 2010-06-01 20:34

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Celendar, 2x contact, 2xbookmark, 6xshortcut, omweather, bluezwitch, 3x desktop execution command widget.

I think that DCEW is causing problem, but I would like to ask if there is any way to manually restart hildon-desktop without reboot?

mothmanex 2010-06-01 20:38

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I have the exact same problem. On PR 1.1 I thought that the cause was "Auto-Disconnect". Right now, I'm gonna test PR 1.2 without that app, to see if bug is still present.

cnadarajah 2010-06-01 20:57

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
i to have the same issue

benh_n900 2010-06-01 21:32

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
It happened to me before 1.2 as well as 1.2 ...

nosa101 2010-06-01 21:33

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by mihapodb (Post 694655)
Celendar, 2x contact, 2xbookmark, 6xshortcut, omweather, bluezwitch, 3x desktop execution command widget.

I think that DCEW is causing problem, but I would like to ask if there is any way to manually restart hildon-desktop without reboot?

tried removing all widgets from the repos?

Sash 2010-06-01 21:42

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Next time try


killall hildon-home
in X-Terminal

mihapodb 2010-06-01 22:45

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by Sash (Post 694767)
Next time try


killall hildon-home
in X-Terminal

Thank you !!! It completely restarts everything, now I just have to wait for freeze :) to test if it will help.

I will report it.

fahadj2003 2010-06-01 22:55

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
when does it freeze?
any specific action?
*doesnt happen to me*
except when i change my theme..
but it works fine after a while..

mihapodb 2010-06-01 23:01

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I have no idea. No specific action. Just sometime I unlock it, want to call someone and se that it is not responding at all.

jaeezzy 2010-06-01 23:14

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I'm having similar desktop freezing problem. It happens everytime I reboot. Though all the shortcuts appear in the screen they aren't responsive for at least another 30 seconds. However, the click is registered as after that time the clicked app opens up. Also, though the shortcuts are unresponsive, during this time I can still go to menu and open apps from there. So, its just the desktop shortcuts suffering.

JorgeFX 2010-06-02 09:54

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
That happen to me 2 or 3 times since PR1.2. In PR1.1.1 I used the "killall hildon-home" when the desktop was very very slow, but now it only make it worst. If I do it I'll have to restart

J4ZZ 2010-06-02 10:57

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
It happens here when adding a new widget or shortcut. Phone stucks when hitting Done and stays that way with the 'Done'-button highlighted. I then press the power key and toggle between tablet mode and phone mode once. After that, desktop is fine again and new items are added.
Problem's still present. No solution yet. :(



mihapodb 2010-06-02 12:06

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Same here from PR1.2 too. But that is not a problem that I am complaining for. That problem can be easilly resolved, but mine problem, I hope that it will be solved with killall hildon-home

mihapodb 2010-06-05 15:51

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
"killall hildon-home" or hildon-desktop does not solve the problem. It does solve problem partially, it removes all widgets, but shortcuts are active again. So, it is still a bug :/

YoDude 2010-06-05 16:16

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
This may not be a bug in PR 1.2 as the thread title suggests. Since it is effecting a relatively few users (so far) might I suggest that you use this space to compare notes regarding what is commonly installed on the N900's of those that it does affect.

For instance early on I did experience short freezes and delays when the "animation" feature was enabled in OMWeather. I disabled it and haven't had a problem since.

Another program that was in the developer repo that allowed you to remove or change the order of status bar apps could be causing this as well. I can't recall the name because I uninstalled the sucker and never looked back.

dtergens 2010-06-05 22:02

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I had the same problem today for the second time since the PR1.2, and for me it never happened before with the PR1.1.
When this happens, the four offices can scroll but all the icons are frozen, except the area status.
I do not really know what causes this ?!

late666 2010-06-06 12:17

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Had this since pr1.1 as well, And I have something like 4 desktop command execution widgets.. Could be it..
I also have the facebook widget, calander, conversations, media player, raemote, and some others that no one mentioned here...
Worse yet, when it freezes sometimes I won't get SMS- No notification, no sound, no led, no mentioning on the widget because it's stuck, and I'd only get them once I reset, which means I get them a day later...

dtergens 2010-06-06 12:54

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Well, it seems that the bug comes from the phone application for me, more specifically the order of rotation to portrait mode.

So by changing the settings on the "rotation control", the bug is gone :

- screen orientation: Landscape.
- start turning: Unchecked.

However It's a temporary solution, I hope this will be fixed in a future update.

AliasXZ 2010-06-17 09:54

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
For me leaving the phone app in landscape does not fix the issue.

skccs32 2010-06-19 08:54

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Just wanted to let you know, that i had a similar problem after pr1.2. the top cpu consuming apps were facebook widgets and hildon. removing facebook widgets helped me on that. it's described here:

the other possibility is, that the ota update 1.2 went wrong. did not have the time to reflash and reinstall by now.

rebhana 2010-06-19 09:02

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I also had this problem after I started to use the desktop command exection widget. Since I de-installed it, it never occured again.

AliasXZ 2010-06-19 18:45

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by rebhana (Post 721421)
I also had this problem after I started to use the desktop command exection widget. Since I de-installed it, it never occured again.

I will try this on mine, had quite alot of freezes recently...

dtergens 2010-06-19 21:36

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Thanks a lot Rebhana, I was settling the problem temporarily by checking the landscape mode in the phone app, but now it seems to be completely resolved since I deleted "Command Execution Desktop Widget".

AliasXZ 2010-06-21 08:47

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Same here, seems to be fixed, lets hope a Desktop Command exec widget update will be here soon :)

hobbsch 2010-06-21 09:33

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

I have this issue, too. I think, it happens sometimes when I plug in the charger but don't see the status "Chrg" immediately and therefore tap antsy on the line to refresh it.

In Xterm I can see a process with awk and i could not kill it (even not with "kill -9" from root-ssh [or is my unix-knowledge outdated?]). At the moment I'm not able to reproduce the error, but next time I will write the exact code from ps.


etuoyo 2010-06-21 09:41

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I seem to be having this problem as well. Happens randomnly. Nothing to do with what I am running. Just pick up the device to use and find everything frozen on the desktop.

Jayboy5 2010-06-21 11:00

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by mihapodb (Post 694613)
I have a big problem that causes that nothing on desktop is not working.

I have no idea, what causes this, but it is happening after PR 1.2 update.

Nothing works, except contact shortcut. Calendar is not working, widgets, shortcuts, bookmarks, nothing... I have to reboot and than it is working again.

It happens after some uptime.

Hey there,

I actually USED to have the same problem and can say for certain that the "command execution widgets" were the culprit for me. I used to have to do the "killall hildon-home" command, several times a day until I finally removed the command execution widget.
The only way I was able to single out that widget is because I had never used it before until after about a week or so into the pr1.2 update. Everything was fine until I tried using that widget to see actual battery level. It was fine before I installed it, then for the few days I had it installed my desktop would freeze at random times all throughout the day and night until I did killall hildon-home... then everything went back to normal as soon as I uninstalled the command execution widget and I havent had any problems since. My suggestion is to uninstall it and see if your problems persist, although I have a felling everything will be fine once you do. I hope this helps.

fahadj2003 2010-07-07 06:04

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
actually i've had this problem and i was trying out the starving kernel
perhaps u have undervolted too much?
have u overclocked?

Mr. Incredible 2010-07-07 10:16

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
1 Attachment(s)
Happend to me too. If you have installed transition control you can restart the desktop.

If the desktop freezes you can still go to the menu and start the app.

frank63 2012-03-24 15:36

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by jaeezzy (Post 694938)
I'm having similar desktop freezing problem. It happens everytime I reboot. Though all the shortcuts appear in the screen they aren't responsive for at least another 30 seconds. However, the click is registered as after that time the clicked app opens up. Also, though the shortcuts are unresponsive, during this time I can still go to menu and open apps from there. So, its just the desktop shortcuts suffering.

i had the same problem after installing CSSU
When i tryed to kill hildon-desktop the system fail, no file.
I found that transition.ini did not exist (/usr/share/hildon-desktop)- cssu asked me to use old or create new ...
so i copied an old copy
I ran hildon-desktop and problem solved!!!

I was able to do that beacause i already installed OpenSSH and i connect to the N900 by PuTTY (Telnet)

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