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barrieluv 2010-06-04 18:04

Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
I was bored and decided to have a crack at it. It's very simple and should provide hours of entertainment for commuters. :D

Bratag 2010-06-04 18:07

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Interesting - Let us know if it works.

Dancairo 2010-06-04 18:18

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
yep, let us know :-)

barrieluv 2010-06-04 18:23

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
I'll give it a shot in the morning and post the result from work. :)

woody14619 2010-06-04 18:38

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Nice. I would have left the frame in tact though and just cut near the edge of the coil. It would have given the coil wires a little more support and/or protection.

This is one feature I miss from the N6230. It had an RFID system built in (in the wallet area) that you could program to respond with a part fixed/part setable ID. Kind of wish the N900 had something like that.

dana.s 2010-06-04 19:15

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Nice idea, let us know.

arbitrabbit 2010-06-05 10:12

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Come on sleepyhead, go to the tube station and test it... it is 11 AM for crying out loud. Given that you have a data enabled device, I am sure you can post whether it worked or not from the tube station.

Jokes aside, excellent idea. Hope it works

cjp 2010-06-05 10:32

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
I bet now technically only his phone is allowed on the Tube! Haw-haw :)

kno3 2010-06-05 11:41

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Hehe, that looks cool. Please post results. If yours is successful I will give it a go when I get to work on Monday.

FYI, the quickest way to separate the card would be in an ultrasonic bath submerged in acetone (the active ingredient of nail polish remover).

barrieluv 2010-06-05 14:32

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Well, I got to the tube station and it drew a blank. Nothing happened. I took the back off my phone and tried it face down against the reader, but no joy. I removed it from the phone and tried it "naked". Still nothing. And then I noticed that the aerial had come away from one side of the chip! Damn and blast it's fragility!
So, I'll pick up another one (I've got lots of nail varnish remover left) and give it another go.
I found this video, so I know it can be done. It looks like I may have to run the aerial all the way round the case back to get it to work properly, though.
Results to follow...

Crogge 2010-06-05 14:48

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
I'm not sure if it will work, the antenna is quite strange placed in your phone and the amount of "turns" inside the case should be the same. Else it may sends on a wrong frequency. We will see, chances are ... 50:50?

Phill 2010-06-05 14:49

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
I'd be worried about some git nabbing me phone...

surtr 2010-06-05 15:01

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
this must be the most practical & interesting homebrew I've seen in a while.

bro3886 2010-06-05 15:21

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
The Oyster cards use RFID technology, so the scanning antenna (the place where cards are swiped) actually provides power to the RFID chip: radio waves are induced through the red wire antenna to power the chip's transponder and transceiver. Therefore the red wire antenna will need to be kept exactly as it is found in the card to work, otherwise the power will simply be wrong and most likely burn out the chip.

Time to get the tracing paper out xD

TomJ 2010-06-05 15:56

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by barrieluv (Post 701111)
Well, I got to the tube station and it drew a blank. Nothing happened. I took the back off my phone and tried it face down against the reader, but no joy. I removed it from the phone and tried it "naked". Still nothing. And then I noticed that the aerial had come away from one side of the chip! Damn and blast it's fragility!
So, I'll pick up another one (I've got lots of nail varnish remover left) and give it another go.
I found this video, so I know it can be done. It looks like I may have to run the aerial all the way round the case back to get it to work properly, though.
Results to follow...

How thick and flexible is what is left in your sixth photo? Would it fit between the battery cover and the battery? If so, why not trim the edges and cut a hole out for the lens cover assembly? This would maintain the coil's shape and stop it disconnecting from the chip. This is being posted from an N900 with this Oyster card-sized piece of paper inserted. The right hand edge would need to be trimmed to ensure the loop fitted within the thin strip remaining on the right hand side of the lens cover cutout.

barrieluv 2010-06-05 16:05

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.

Originally Posted by TomJ (Post 701218)
How thick and flexible is what is left in your sixth photo? Would it fit between the battery cover and the battery? If so, why not trim the edges and cut a hole out for the lens cover assembly? This would maintain the coil's shape and stop it disconnecting from the chip. This is being posted from an N900 with this piece of paper inserted...

This is something I've already thought of and will give it a go before I go ahead and strip the chip/aerial out.

TomJ 2010-06-05 16:07

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.

Originally Posted by barrieluv (Post 701229)
This is something I've already thought of and will give it a go before I go ahead and strip the chip/aerial out.

Great minds... 8-)

barrieluv 2010-06-06 15:55

Re: Putting an Oyster card inside your N900.
Aaargh! It would be easier if I could test whether or not this is working at home...

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