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law138 2010-06-05 06:43

MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Dont know if this is old sorry if it is.

Mateus 2010-06-05 07:06

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
There are too many iPhone killers :D and noone realy killed iPhone ;)
So i think, the iPad will be the same story.

There are too many of them - peaople addicted with fruit (apple)

law138 2010-06-05 07:09

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
I would love to get a phone that has the same os if it is as smooth as it is on the tablet.

xtian 2010-06-05 07:27

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
Looks interesting.

efekt 2010-06-05 07:37

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
Resistive screen?! :eek:
Did they just use a resistive screen with multi-touch? I thought those screens are very rare...

anaskr 2010-06-05 07:39

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
dude this is just cool !! please dont compare this with iphone or something !!

iphone is a rocking phone(i cant believe i am saying that, but that's that) but for just the normal users who aren't interested in modding anything

Maemo+Meego=Developers Dream(our dream too :P )

as u can meego apps will work in maemo though we wont be having a UI similar to it (yeah will loose lots a features) but who cares atleast we are getting apps for n900 too !! and that makes us superior to iphone!!

well guess what, the guys who have bought n900 too early are in loss but if u have bought say later on in feb then its ur own mistake IF you dont like the phone in case i.e !!

akaSM 2010-06-05 07:47

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
If the N900 version of meego looks like that, I'll get it as soon as it's available :D. Also, I wouldn't really get a tablet because I don't like things that have no HW keys. And that things not only gives the iPad 1 finger, it gives it 5 fingers :p

cjp 2010-06-05 08:02

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
The "N900 version" will proably be something similar to that but I doubt that its going to be so flashy.

But the thin with "killing the iXX products" is that Apple is just lightyears ahead in mindshare, so if killing means in the sense of being more popular, then its a lost cause.

Luckily for us who appreciate functionality and power the MeeGo will wipe the desk with everything else out there! :)

afaq 2010-06-05 08:21

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
thats is a lot better than what i had imagined.

as more and more of meego is released im quite glad this merger of intel and nokia took place in this field. il get myself a meego phone, meego tablet, meego tv? :p
just imagine the integration you will bw able to do.

ysss 2010-06-05 08:44

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
@afaq: i completely agree. It's the shape of things to come. Google and Apple are also building their multi-formfacfor ecosystem (smartphone, handheld/tablet, tv, car, photo frames, etc).

I think the true win for us if they use interoperable standards/services (clouds, etc)

mannakiosk 2010-06-05 09:33

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
I'd love the n900 to have that vertical scrolling of columns on the desktop in addition to horisontal switching.

law138 2010-06-05 10:32

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 700715)
Resistive screen?! :eek:
Did they just use a resistive screen with multi-touch? I thought those screens are very rare...

I didnt even notice that till you pointed it out wow.

Jack6428 2010-06-05 13:47

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
I hope the exact same experience or even better will come from the mobile MeeGo device. Other than that I have to say - I'm glad I didn't buy an iPad.

IsaacDFP 2010-06-05 20:00

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
I don't care what it has in it, whether Apple OR Nokia, for my personal opinion and taste: No Hardware Keyboard = No Go for me. I just cannot use a device that doesn't have a physical keyboard. A touchscreen is software and I just can't trust it... If I pressed something and it doesn't respond, I don't know if it's laggy, buggy or if i just didn't press it... But on a physical keyboard, i know that I have pressed the key, so i have that peace of mind, if it doesn't respond, i know where to start troubleshoot (on the app or software)

Venemo 2010-06-05 20:13

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
In terms of functionality, both the iPad and the iPhone is "killed" already.

Still, their main selling point is not functionality, but the chewed apple logo, and neither Nokia nor others won't have that.

slartibartfass 2010-06-05 20:19

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
That is awesome. Whats the name of this tablet and when will it come out?

gri 2010-06-05 20:20

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 701534)
In terms of functionality, both the iPad and the iPhone is "killed" already.

Still, their main selling point is not functionality, but the chewed apple logo, and neither Nokia nor others won't have that.

Yumm, apples ...

aligatro 2010-06-05 20:21

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
Don't underestimate the power of apple fanboys/fan girls. :P

ysss 2010-06-05 20:37

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
If you want to 'kill' apple, then you have to understand their true selling points. Looking down at apple/their buyers won't get you any closer to that.

D4rKlar 2010-06-05 20:51

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Mateus (Post 700697)
There are too many iPhone killers :D and noone realy killed iPhone ;)
So i think, the iPad will be the same story.

There are too many of them - peaople addicted with fruit (apple)

As stated above, I'd say it really depends on what you mean by 'iPhone killer' mate. If you mean total numbers sold, then yeah the iPhone's hard to beat.

If you mean functionality and pure awsomeness...

...then I'm holding an 'iPhone killer' right now :D

slartibartfass 2010-06-05 21:49

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
Is this the CTL tablet? Thought it would have win7.

chowdahhead 2010-06-05 22:05

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
It's a prototype but he said in the clip (~5:20) that battery life is around 6hrs. That's not very promising.

tissot 2010-06-05 22:07

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
I was disappointed of ipad when it was announced. After all the rumours and all i was hoping something a bit more PC like, but with "custom UI". I would have also be ready to pay for some real HW there.

MeeGo for tablets looks much more like what i'm looking for, but honestly i'm not sure if i really need this(tablet) kind of device. :D
Lets see the meeGo phones first.

mthmob 2010-06-05 22:29

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
As long as people pick the brand (apple) over the device it self.. nothing will kill iphone or ipad or ipod or ixxx or what ever lame device names apple has come up with...

To many people has become inlove with apple.. since they launched their first ipod...

Maybe if we create a new brand called "Pear" And start a series of devices under the name Axxx.. f.ex Aphone (pronounced "a phone") Apad, Apod, Alaptop And Afoodprocessor.. then we might have a chance.. since then we are creating a fan base for a new brand...

This is where nokia has gone wrong.. its harder to stay nokia fan, since they are not as much out there as apple.. Also Nokia has split their fanbase up into smaller groups.. N97 fans, N95 fans, Maemo Fans, symbian Fans, internet tablet fans...

Apple did the exact opposite.. they make all their devices work together.. a true apple fan owns several apple products.. and heres the kicker.. these products/devices can work together in many ways... you can own iphone, ipad, macbook and macintosh.. and use them all for diffrent tasks...

if you own 3 Nokia products, atleast one of these products is just laying around somewhere and is not really needed...

what you need to kill iphone/ipad.. is actuelly an Apple killer.. wich Nokia or Intel most likely will never be able to do...

So stop wasting time on this useless discussion.. 1 device can not kill an entire company... Just look at nexus one.. everyone was like "Iphone killer!!"... but even the entire android market has no chance... since its just a phone... the iphone is part of something bigger.. a complete franchise made to look magical...

And no im not an iphone fan or user. Will never own an apple product again... ever..

mokkey 2010-06-06 15:02

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
apple will not be beaten in any way there market is to big to many ppl have there goods and tbh the iphone is good in its own way and the n900 is good in its own way . . . . i fink nokia should give us n900 users meego if they don't then im ever getting a nokia phone ever agen!

gerbick 2010-06-06 22:19

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
Can't say that I'm impressed as of yet with any of the newer tablet offerings. My N810 still was the tablet of choice to me. This doesn't grab my attention - looks like a weird hybrid of MeeGo/Maemo and JooJoo.

GI jack 2010-06-16 16:01

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
Honestly, its like trying to make a motorcycle to compete with Harley-Davidson.

No matter how hard you try, nothing is a harley except a harley.

Nothing is apple but apple. Apple sells products to people who want an apple, and these people pay, ridiculous prices for the privilege. Of course apple makes it so only other apple products work right with your apple product pushing you to buy more of their ****. I had an Ipod once, to use it I needed itunes, which is a complete load of dogshit, eats memory even when its not in use, runs slow, and does nothing useful. It also pushes the itunes store on me to buy more **** from them. More **** I don't need.

I've got a world of apps on my n900, most of which are open source, and none which I paid a dime for, and a whole community of experts that are more useful with solving problems and technical **** than a whole legion devoted to Steve Jobs worship.

Apple makes products for apple users. Apple users won't switch away from apple, regardless.

SAABoy 2010-06-16 17:37

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
this tablet looks awesome! so 1.5 ghz, (what kinda cpu?) and at least 5 finger multitouch resistive?! SWEET!

SAABoy 2010-06-16 19:19

Re: meego tablet looks like it will kill i pad!!!!!!!!
When the guy is doing conclusion at the end of the vid, does he really say its capacitive?! lol

KoolMoeDee 2010-06-21 02:33

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
The thing is...... many large organizations have had these pads in development for a very long time. Its just Apple have beaten their competitors to the market to gain the large portion of market share and consumers (which I think they have succeeded).

When these other brands of the pad come out people might be hitting themselves that they bought an IPAD.

lwa 2010-06-21 03:49

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
Bare in mind that tablet is actually running windows 7... :P

It just has a program that looks like what they hope the tablet UX will be line running in full screen..

I'm curious as to see if it will retain the gloss and finish when they port it to Meego, and if they do, then how they will then tie the Netbook experience back into that higher quality UX on the tablet, because I imagine they would want some basic coherence through the reference designs...

silvermountain 2010-06-21 04:02

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
UI looked very lackluster.
The photo interaction, the rather horrible 'panels' to sort your apps/information, etc all looked like something I would get tired of very quickly. I was hoping for more.

maxximuscool 2010-06-21 04:07

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
I think MeeGO should support 3D, Use cameras as the 3D focal point. Just like the Nintendo 3D DS. This would kill Iphone and Ipad.

Jedibeeftrix 2010-06-21 11:06

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
digitimes reckon nokia are planning a 7-9 inch arm based meego tablet:

bxbomber 2010-06-21 11:35

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix (Post 723482)
digitimes reckon nokia are planning a 7-9 inch arm based meego tablet:

hopefully with the n9 and now meego tablet it'll mean more support from 3rd party developers.

wonder how much it'll cost me for both the nokia tablet and n9.

tissot 2010-06-21 11:54

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix (Post 723482)
digitimes reckon nokia are planning a 7-9 inch arm based meego tablet:

Eldar Murtazin also said that there is tablet in a works from Nokia.

Definitely needs to be running MeeGo to get me interested(rather than Windows).

chemist 2010-06-21 12:11

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
This pad and the UX would fit with logitech's squeezebox stuff as home entertainment system, having meego at your desktop as proper system a media one for the TV+data/mediaserver, small user controller setup for handhelds, a larger for pads and everything syncronized. Your current playlist is automaticaly uploaded from your phone/handheld/netbook if they are available, so is your shoppinglist you just entered at the pad mounted to your fridge uploaded to your phone/handheld or send via mail to partner/wife/husband. You come home and tab the pad at the fridge that is aware of you being the one just in range already, you tab play and have the music played back you just paused by parking your car. You call off your kids from the 52" TV and they go upstairs after they paused their fav. series and send the stream link to their handheld/TV to fill the buffers on their way up and attach it to their own TV.
Like logitech's squeezebox but for more than just music. ;)
If that is the deal I would buy a meego pad, for everything else but mounting it up in the kitchen I do not have any use yet.

Sending my music around in house I do already by assigning my output to a server... exporting playlist to my handheld (video and audio) I do already... well my shopping list... I don't write them that often but I read them on my handheld!

bxbomber 2010-06-21 12:57

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
i wonder if nokia will go the way apple did and make the n9 and tablet almost identical hardware wise? and wifi only for me, don't need 3g as i could always gon online via the bluetooth on the tablet.

dtergens 2010-06-21 13:05

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!
pre-alpha meego tablet :

juise- 2010-06-21 14:38

Re: MeeGo tablet looks like it will kill iPad!

Originally Posted by silvermountain (Post 723195)
the rather horrible 'panels' to sort your apps/information

Huh? I thought that was pretty cool idea. I'd like that on my N900, instead of the "desktops". It might suck though, if it's badly implemented.

Another note for me was, that the widescreen form factor actually looks much nicer than 4:3.

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