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Raubtier 2010-06-07 00:51

what does the babyphone app do??

mothmanex 2010-06-07 03:29

Re: babyphone?
It puts a dancing baby on the desktop.

Deaconclgi 2010-06-07 04:47

Re: babyphone?
There is a detailed description in the app manager. Basically it acts as a two way baby monitor. You can set the audio alert threshold and the N900 will listen for sounds from the baby. If the baby cries and alerts the N900, it will call a preset number (the parents number) and then you can hear the baby and come see about him/her.

I can imagine it for other uses too, monitoring rooms or the house, even pets.

I havent tried it yet but I saw it in the app manager about an hour ago.

Raubtier 2010-06-08 00:49

Re: babyphone?
anyone try it yet? is it safe, or will my n900 explode upon trying the app? :)

ivsu 2010-06-10 10:33

Re: babyphone?
It's safe and very useful. For me, of course.
It rings you when the noise exceeds the limits.

rm53 2010-06-14 15:08

Re: babyphone?
I am glad that this app exists. It is really useful already.
But also, it is still very young. I think it could be improved in many ways, e.g.
  • make the parent number selectable from the contacts database
  • put the sliders for threshold on the main window so the user can see the effect of a changed value immediately
  • even better: move the audio slider directly into the live audio graph as a movable ruler line
  • on program startup time, set the values to an auto-adjusted value, depending on noise in the environment
I hope the Babyphone app will be actively improved...
and a big THANK YOU for providing this useful app for the N900!

yogi900 2010-06-14 15:16

Re: babyphone?
[QUOTE=Deaconclgi;702980]There is a detailed description in the app manager. Basically it acts as a two way baby monitor. You can set the audio alert threshold and the N900 will listen for sounds from the baby. If the baby cries and alerts the N900, it will call a preset number (the parents number) and then you can hear the baby and come see about him/her.

That means I need one more N900...just to keep one close to baby..!!!

sjgadsby 2010-06-14 15:22

Re: babyphone?

Originally Posted by yogi900 (Post 714643)
That means I need one more N900...just to keep one close to baby..!!!

What, you haven't bought a smartphone for your newborn yet? You should have set up a gift registry at Carphone Warehouse before your baby shower!


Bingley Joe 2011-05-16 04:01

Re: babyphone?
Just wanted to register a HUGE THANK YOU to the developer of this incredibly useful and brilliantly well thought-out app!

Especially for the latest update which fixed the bug that was preventing audio monitoring from working properly -- it's working perfectly now :) 2015-03-07 11:36

Re: babyphone?
Is it still maintained ? someone asked me for sources of meego packages so I updated some links at :

Kangal 2015-03-07 13:19

Re: babyphone?
Isn't that the famous N900 "Find Sex" Application.

You make a baby, thanks to your phone. Babyphone.

nokiabot 2015-03-07 15:06

Re: babyphone?
meh ! kangal its a nice app works as advertized no fuss
i use it ofen

robthebold 2015-03-07 20:41


Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1463329)
You make a baby, thanks to your phone. Babyphone.

Only indirectly, since it acts as a long range baby monitor so you can meet people at the bar while knowing your existing baby is sleeping peacefully at home or in your car.

Amboss 2015-03-09 10:23

Re: babyphone?
I was getting interested in the code. Babyphone is a really missed program as I am transitioning to my Jolla (which fell on asphalt street yesterday, making the frame bend a bit on one edge :( )

So I was curious if there is soemthing alike and noticed a package on openrepos. It was only the harmattan version though, but it was 2.0.7 with no visible connection to the old version. Even maintainer seemed to have changed.
On is a combined version for fremantle and harmattan 1.2.1 (which I am using on my N900)
I am not a programmer, but I will check on the diffs between both versions, haven't seen any changelogs connecting 1.2.1 to 2.0.7

This progam could make me starting to develop a bit as I would really like it to be ported to my Jolla. On my job I do scripts without object orientation, more the database stuff. So I haven't done any scripting for QT C++ GTK and alike. Anyone else wanna step in? Think it is possible to get it running on Sailfish?

NokiaFanatic 2015-03-09 13:08

Re: babyphone?
I would support a Sailfish port.

robthebold 2015-03-09 16:08

Re: babyphone?

Originally Posted by Amboss (Post 1463505)

This progam could make me starting to develop a bit as I would really like it to be ported to my Jolla. On my job I do scripts without object orientation, more the database stuff. So I haven't done any scripting for QT C++ GTK and alike. Anyone else wanna step in? Think it is possible to get it running on Sailfish?

If anyone does take this on, it would be nice to add the features the original programmer had on the todo list, particularly a VOIP option. I, for one, have two working phones but only one SIM. Would be cool to have babyphone place a SIP call to me if I'm on a different floor and can't hear the baby.

Amboss 2015-03-10 19:05

Re: babyphone?
I think VOIP is a bit out of scope as Sailfish itself is not supporting it without any extras from openrepos. I am following, to see where that's going to end up.

It could stay on the list though ;)

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