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x Dentist 2010-06-13 21:25

[helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
1 Attachment(s)

Today my N900 falled down and the back cover & the battery are unplugged ,when i tried to reboot it , it doesnt work , just showing the white screen and turns off ...& it keeps restarting this way .
i refalshed it wth the new firmware image ,at 1st i was very happy bcoz the N900 booted again & everything was looking good but there was a HUGE problem : the 455.5 MB is the Total size of device Memory.
when i connect the USB cable there is no action at all .
the file manager is empty ,no N900 device memory !!!!!!!
i cant open the "get started" trailer it said(operation temporarily disabled due to low memory)
the camera too ( not enough memory to open camera)
!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME PLZZZZZZ !!!!!!!!!!
I reflashed it twice and no difference .

ToJa92 2010-06-13 21:34

Re: Total device memory :445.5 MB !!!!!!!!! NEED HELP PLZ !!!!
Try flashing the eMMC too. It's a separate image you need to download. I assume you've read the wiki so check up on the section that covers eMMC flashing.

stickymick 2010-06-13 21:44

Re: Total device memory :445.5 MB !!!!!!!!! NEED HELP PLZ !!!!
Hate to be the bearer of bad news.
But sounds like your EMMC has become dislodged from the mainboard.
Seen a few like this on the Nokia forum.
All showed the same symptoms as a result of being dropped/knocked severely.
You could be looking at a costly repair job, unless you can claim on the household insurance.

EDIT: Just read your post in the other thread. If you didn't drop or give the phone a bad knock then that is some weird memory corruption.

ahmadamaj 2010-06-13 22:02

Re: Total device memory :445.5 MB !!!!!!!!! NEED HELP PLZ !!!!
Im with ToJa92, i think he flashed the new firmware without the eMMC.

x Dentist 2010-06-13 22:50

Re: Total device memory :445.5 MB !!!!!!!!! NEED HELP PLZ !!!!

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 713672)
Try flashing the eMMC too. It's a separate image you need to download. I assume you've read the wiki so check up on the section that covers eMMC flashing.

thanx for replying
but wich one is 1st , flashing the eMMC or flashing the firmware ??

x Dentist 2010-06-13 22:53

Re: Total device memory :445.5 MB !!!!!!!!! NEED HELP PLZ !!!!

Originally Posted by ahmadamaj (Post 713709)
Im with ToJa92, i think he flashed the new firmware without the eMMC.

thanx ahmad but wich one is 1st flashing the firmaware or the eMMC ??

stickymick 2010-06-14 08:29

Re: Total device memory :445.5 MB !!!!!!!!! NEED HELP PLZ !!!!
Flash the firmware first. But don't put the -R at the end of the command. The -R switch is to tell the phone to reboot.

Once the O/S/firmware has finished being flashed you should be returned to the command prompt in Flasher. You can now flash the EMMC. This time put the -R switch at the end of the line.

If it fails to flash on this occasion, you could try a third time, but chances are your EMMC is poopsenfartzenshitzen.

A word of warning though. I've heard rumor that Nokia are returning them as "Beyond economical repair", if the EMMC is damaged.

Laughingstok 2010-06-14 13:39

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
Drop it again and see how little you can get the memory without breaking it. :D

volt 2010-06-14 13:45

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
Warning: do not do what Laughingstok suggests.

Reason: You'd be wasting your time on something too obvious. You'd get to 0 bytes eventually.

system60 2010-06-20 21:08

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
In the same boat, accidentally dropped mine the other day and have reflashed it, and am also getting the memory low messages. After going into File Manager N900 doesn't show up and says total memory size is 455.8mb. I guess I'll try flashing the EMMC and see what happens, I was planning on ordering an otterbox this week too :mad:

system60 2010-06-20 21:21

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.
flasher v2.5.2 (Sep 24 2009)

Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2101
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.002_PR_002
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Raw data transfer EP found at EP2.
SU_GET_UPDATE_STATUS_REQ terminated with error code 1.

C:\Program Files\maemo\flasher-3.5>

pantera1989 2010-06-20 21:57

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
This thread should help:

system60 2010-06-21 17:56

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
thanks, tried it w/ same response. Posted up to see if he has any suggestions on what to try.

johnnyesp 2015-10-05 16:44

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?

Originally Posted by x Dentist (Post 713659)

Today my N900 falled down and the back cover & the battery are unplugged ,when i tried to reboot it , it doesnt work , just showing the white screen and turns off ...& it keeps restarting this way .
i refalshed it wth the new firmware image ,at 1st i was very happy bcoz the N900 booted again & everything was looking good but there was a HUGE problem : the 455.5 MB is the Total size of device Memory.
when i connect the USB cable there is no action at all .
the file manager is empty ,no N900 device memory !!!!!!!
i cant open the "get started" trailer it said(operation temporarily disabled due to low memory)
the camera too ( not enough memory to open camera)
!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME PLZZZZZZ !!!!!!!!!!
I reflashed it twice and no difference .

How Solved this problem 455.8 MB?

freemangordon 2015-10-05 20:48

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?

Originally Posted by johnnyesp (Post 1484461)
How Solved this problem 455.8 MB?

Try to flash both rootfs and eMMC, see

michaaa62 2015-10-05 21:02

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
First try the full flash of the firmware suggested by freemangodon.

Try to get some information of the kernel about storage space with these commands from the X-Terminal application. You need rootsh package installed for some commands to work proper:

sudo gainroot
sfdisk -l
lshal | grep volume
lshal | grep media.size

If the detection of the internal card fails, you could try to set up the system with an external card in the sdcard slot, but that some tweaking of essential system files.

johnnyesp 2015-10-05 23:09

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1484478)
First try the full flash of the firmware suggested by freemangodon.

Try to get some information of the kernel about storage space with these commands from the X-Terminal application. You need rootsh package installed for some commands to work proper:

sudo gainroot
sfdisk -l
lshal | grep volume
lshal | grep media.size

If the detection of the internal card fails, you could try to set up the system with an external card in the sdcard slot, but that some tweaking of essential system files.

Really, I try to flash both rootfs and eMMC, see
But same problem, not fixed.
And too I try to get some information of the kernel about storage space with these commands from the X-Terminal application, but the detection of the internal card fails.

sudo gainroot
sfdisk -l
lshal | grep volume
lshal | grep media.size

Additionally not recognize the microSD card.
Be it a hardware problem?

michaaa62 2015-10-06 05:51

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
There are a couple of reports about broken internal cards in this forum. :(
The chances to get it repaired are slim, at best...

The process of getting it work with an external card (do you have any??? ) may take some patience and time. How desperate are you to get it back to a working state?

Please could you post the output of the commands here, because different error messages might shine some light on the state your N900 is in. Please try these commands

sudo gainroot
sfdisk -l
lshal | grep volume
lshal | grep media.size

johnnyesp 2015-10-06 15:52

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1484485)
There are a couple of reports about broken internal cards in this forum. :(
The chances to get it repaired are slim, at best...

The process of getting it work with an external card (do you have any??? ) may take some patience and time. How desperate are you to get it back to a working state?

Please could you post the output of the commands here, because different error messages might shine some light on the state your N900 is in. Please try these commands

sudo gainroot
sfdisk -l
lshal | grep volume
lshal | grep media.size

When try these commands, shows no information, no display.

michaaa62 2015-10-06 17:00

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?
Hm, looks very bad! If there really is no output at all in X-Terminal, then there is more damaged than just the emmc. You might want to copy and paste the whole X-Terminal session here, for better analysis.

johnnyesp 2015-10-06 18:38

Re: [helpdesk] Dropped device now total device memory 445.5 MB, what should I do?

Originally Posted by michaaa62 (Post 1484530)
Hm, looks very bad! If there really is no output at all in X-Terminal, then there is more damaged than just the emmc. You might want to copy and paste the whole X-Terminal session here, for better analysis.

Ok, I write soon if there is any improvement.

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