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bxbomber 2010-06-15 22:49

Droid X, what does everythink about it?
It's moto's answer to the htc evo 4G.
it's got a 4.4 inch screen with 854x480 res.
supposedly it's has an omap 3630 running at 1ghz
8gigs of storage
8megapixel camera that shoots 720p video.
And it's running android 2.1
from the specs it looks like it'll be a monster.

wow, imo this is going to a kickass device.

nokia needs to oneup this device if this are the types devices that android is being shipped with.
who would want to buy a nokia meego device if they don't exceed the specs of this device.

ToJa92 2010-06-15 22:52

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
I wouldn't call that a handset like Engadget do, looks more like a tablet to me. And judging by the looks of it, I don't think it would fit in a normal pocket. Correct me if I'm wrong.

bxbomber 2010-06-15 22:59

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
who needs a pocket, i'll put it in my bag, or a belt clip for it.

ToJa92 2010-06-15 23:06

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716785)
who needs a pocket, i'll put it in my bag, or a belt clip for it.

I like to have my phone with me at all times, that's why... If I wanted a real tablet(I'm not saying the N900 isn't one, but it's screen is pretty small) I would prefer something with at least a 7" screen.

bxbomber 2010-06-15 23:10

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 716791)
I like to have my phone with me at all times, that's why... If I wanted a real tablet(I'm not saying the N900) I would prefer something with at least a 7" screen.

makes sense, but if the dell streak is pocketable, i'm pretty sure this will be pocketable.

wmarone 2010-06-15 23:15

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
It looks good, and is huge, but I'd hold on being enthusiastic until some intrepid early adopter finds out if Motorola has locked down the device like every other non-DROID device.

nosa101 2010-06-15 23:26

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

paulkoan 2010-06-15 23:34

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716785)
or a belt clip for it.

Please don't. Unless you are in the US where that kind of thing is an acceptable look.

shaf 2010-06-16 00:00

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
Really liking the look of this, too bad its motorola

bxbomber 2010-06-16 00:32

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 716815)
Please don't. Unless you are in the US where that kind of thing is an acceptable look.

Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

Benson 2010-06-16 00:51

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 716815)
Please don't. Unless you are in the US where that kind of thing is an acceptable look.

Are there parts of the world (other than junior high) where one would get beaten for wearing a bat-belt, or what?

I guess I never had a clue that it might not be an acceptable "look", or even that I needed my "look" to be accepted by those around me; after all, I'm not making them wear it.

Anyway, on topic, looks nice, but the N9 specs seem to match up exactly except possibly display size and the 54px width (I don't recall anything on the N9's display) -- the 54px is nice, but not a big deal either way, and I'm relatively unconcerned with screen size either way.

The one big difference, though, is that the N9 is apparently a QWERTY slide/tilt (like the N97), which is definitely a plus for me. Should be better than the weak kickstand on the N900, and I'm a pro-keyboard guy. Of course, there's many people just as anti-keyboard, so YMMV hugely.

kryptoniankid17 2010-06-16 01:02

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716869)
Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

And im guessing your the type of guy that likes to wear his little brothers jeans and call them skinny jeans. I didn't know this was a fashion blog. But anyway screen size is nice but everything else mah. Not impressed.

schettj 2010-06-16 01:05

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
wow, that's HUGE for a phone. Pass.

paulkoan 2010-06-16 01:06

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716869)
Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

My post was tongue-in-cheek, but no, it isn't common outside of the US (which includes places other than Europe).

paulkoan 2010-06-16 01:08

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 716884)
Are there parts of the world (other than junior high) where one would get beaten for wearing a bat-belt, or what?

No! Of course not. Nothing so dramatic.

It isn't a bad idea though. [placeholder for tongue-in-cheek emoticon when it becomes available]

verumgero 2010-06-16 01:26

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 716893)
My post was tongue-in-cheek, but no, it isn't common outside of the US (which includes places other than Europe).

I live in Japan and I don't see anyone (other than Americans) wearing phones on belt clips. I don't wear one just because I am way to paranoid about knocking it off. It just seems too exposed a place to keep my expensive gadgets or phone.

But back on topic: that is one huge phone. I do like the looks of it though.

Laughing Man 2010-06-16 01:35

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
I use to do that with my old cheap free phones. It also helped that I worked in IT so I was use to carrying stuff around my belt.

I can't imagine doing that with the N900, iPhone, or any other device nowadays. Too easy for someone to do a snatch and grab, those clips would give away to easily.

bxbomber 2010-06-16 01:47

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 716884)
Anyway, on topic, looks nice, but the N9 specs seem to match up exactly except possibly display size and the 54px width (I don't recall anything on the N9's display) -- the 54px is nice, but not a big deal either way, and I'm relatively unconcerned with screen size either way.

The one big difference, though, is that the N9 is apparently a QWERTY slide/tilt (like the N97), which is definitely a plus for me. Should be better than the weak kickstand on the N900, and I'm a pro-keyboard guy. Of course, there's many people just as anti-keyboard, so YMMV hugely.

back on topic also, wouldn't you hope that a phone that came out 4-5 months after the droid would be able to exceed the majority of the specs on the droid.
If nokia released a phone with 800mhz cortex a8 that tried to compete with all these high end android phone it'll fail badly.

Hotshot 2010-06-16 01:50

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
3.5 to 3.8 is about as big as I want on a screen for any phone I want. Any bigger than that than I will pass. 4.4 inches that will cover the side of your face lol

Benson 2010-06-16 02:16

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716906)
back on topic also, wouldn't you hope that a phone that came out 4-5 months after the droid would be able to exceed the majority of the specs on the droid.

Not necessarily -- these things come in generations. There's not much left after 1GHz A8s -- maybe 1.2 GHz or so -- before the market jumps to A9s. So a certain 4 month gap will see a bunch of 1GHz A8s at the beginning and the end, and another 4 month gap would see the end of the A8s, and A9s taking over, then another plateau with entry-level A9s, etc.. Improvement isn't continuous on a timescale of months. (Naturally, I'm speaking of high-end phones here -- of course lower-end models continue using older, cheaper processors for a while, and this does seem to roll down more-or-less continuously.)


If nokia released a phone with 800mhz cortex a8 that tried to compete with all these high end android phone it'll fail badly.
Coming out behind the rest of the market, like an 800MHz when everyone else has been shipping 1GHz for months, would definitely be bad, but I see no reason to suspect Nokia would do that. The leaked specs say 1GHz.

quipper8 2010-06-16 02:25

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
i thought android 2.2 is already out?

so they are releasing this old software, geez talk about comapny abandoning their customers before the device is even released


bxbomber 2010-06-16 02:29

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by quipper8 (Post 716932)
i thought android 2.2 is already out?

so they are releasing this old software, geez talk about comapny abandoning their customers before the device is even released


I'll start the epic when will dorid x get froyo 2.2 thread lol

sony123 2010-06-16 03:12

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
In hands the phone doesn't feel big at all... maybe because it's not heavy and quite thin.

It's a really comfortable phone to use.

Benson 2010-06-17 17:27

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 719486)

It would appear that Motorola is only too happy to outright lie about it. "720p screen" FTL.

(Unless it really is 1280x720, and all previous indications are wrong, in which case I fall down and worship...:eek:)

cfh11 2010-06-17 17:33

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
According to engadget the prototype had the same 854 x 480 display as the Droid... but of course that was just a prototype

ysss 2010-06-17 17:37

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
If that's calculated at the same ppi as iphone 4's, then it's likely to be true I guess. They just need to cut the same panel at 4.3"

pycage 2010-06-17 17:42

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 719502)
It would appear that Motorola is only too happy to outright lie about it. "720p screen" FTL.

(Unless it really is 1280x720, and all previous indications are wrong, in which case I fall down and worship...:eek:)

So what? The N900 is 800p in portrait mode. :D

kojacker 2010-06-17 17:43

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
I must say, the Droid X looks pretty tasty to me :cool: I still think my next phone will be a HTC, for the sense ui and xda community, but there's definitely some great Android alternatives on the way :)

ToJa92 2010-06-17 17:46

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 719502)
It would appear that Motorola is only too happy to outright lie about it. "720p screen" FTL.

(Unless it really is 1280x720, and all previous indications are wrong, in which case I fall down and worship...:eek:)

I guess they mean you can record video in 720p, which seems to be a major sales point these days.

ysss 2010-06-17 17:52

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
@ToJa92: I doubt they're that daft.
Plus, this will be consistent with their track-record of one-upping iphone's specs.

cfh11 2010-06-17 18:54

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 719546)
@ToJa92: I doubt they're that daft.
Plus, this will be consistent with their track-record of one-upping iphone's specs.

Looks like they are that daft.

haha... FAIL

ysss 2010-06-17 18:58

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
lol idiots..

I must start to underestimate people more often, it doesn't pay to pay undue respect to them :D

cfh11 2010-06-17 19:01

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
Yeah always set the bar low I say - its that much harder to get disappointed and that much easier to be impressed!

mmurfin87 2010-06-17 19:07

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716869)
Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

Its not an American thing either. It is NOT acceptable fashion to wear your phone on your belt.

Other Americans think you are just as big a douchebag/idiot as our European counterparts do.

This is coming from one American to another.

tso 2010-06-17 20:46

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
hrmf, why did google make phone a required element of getting compatibility approval for pre-2.1? i would like to see a about 5" android device (but that can access marketplace and certain other stuff) without the added cost of the phone, as i have a nicely working phone thank you very much.

still, these devices are heading towards whats been talked about in sci-fi for some time.

nosa101 2010-06-17 20:49

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by tso (Post 719790)
hrmf, why did google make phone a required element of getting compatibility approval for pre-2.1? i would like to see a about 5" android device (but that can access marketplace and certain other stuff) without the added cost of the phone, as i have a nicely working phone thank you very much.

still, these devices are heading towards whats been talked about in sci-fi for some time.

Google didn't make it. Motorola did

tso 2010-06-17 20:58

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 719795)
Google didn't make it. Motorola did

but google have the compatibility requirements for access to marketplace and google services. And so they have a say in what kind of device gets made (unless one feel like having a chinese pmp that basically uses android as a marketing buzzword for their underpowered hardware).

nosa101 2010-06-17 21:06

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by tso (Post 719811)
but google have the compatibility requirements for access to marketplace and google services. And so they have a say in what kind of device gets made (unless one feel like having a chinese pmp that basically uses android as a marketing buzzword for their underpowered hardware).

Yeah but Google can't stop them from making a phone that isn't compatible with 2.2

tso 2010-06-17 21:21

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 719822)
Yeah but Google can't stop them from making a phone that isn't compatible with 2.2

while true, the lack of market or google services apps would be a near death sentence. Especially as many high profile android apps are only available via marketplace.

sony123 2010-06-17 21:25

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 719513)
According to engadget the prototype had the same 854 x 480 display as the Droid... but of course that was just a prototype

When I played with Droid X, there was a Nexus One nearby and I thought the resolution looked similar. Except for the brightness and size, I couldn't tell any difference in resolution compared with N900's screen.

But since the screen is much bigger than N900's, the resolution could indeed be a step higher.

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