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fieldofcows 2010-06-16 21:36

[Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
4 Attachment(s)
Classic Print is a photo editing application that allows you to give your photos a 'retro' look. It provides a number of settings that can be adjusted to produce the desired output.
You can find the application in extras-testing.
You may have read about the development of this application in this thread.

Classic Print allows you to load any photo and tweak the following effects:

* Vignette effect with adjustable radius, darkness and edge defocus
* Dodge to highlight centre of image
* Colour temperature; green or red tint
* Add noise to photo
* Colour level adjustments (select from a number of presets and adjust amount of adjustment)
* Contrast
* Light leak simulation
* Adjustable photo frame border

The settings are grouped into "Lens", "Film" and "Processing" to simulate the photographic process of a cheap classic camera. You can save your favourite settings for each of these groups and give them a name or you can tweak them individually to see the effect.

When you're happy with the settings you can save the photo with effects applied at any resolution up to the size of the original photo.

Hopefully, you will find the application simple to use but here are some tips to get started:

When the application is started, tap where indicated to choose a photo to edit.

The three buttons at the top left allow you to adjust settings for "Lens", "Film" and "Processing" respectively. Clicking on any of these displays a popup allowing the settings to be altered.

Each of the settings popups allow you to tweak the individual parameters or to select a previously saved set of parameters. When you tweak any settings, the current set is marked as "Custom". These can be saved as a new preset by pressing the save button (looks like a diskette).

The save button on the bottom left of the main screen allows you to save your modified photo. When selected you are prompted for the resolution to save the photo as. The "Photo Resolution" button resets the size to the size of the source photo. When you select "Done" you are given the opportunity to select the filename to save as. Your original photo is not overwritten or modified unless you choose to save over the original.

Have fun!

CepiPerez 2010-06-16 21:40

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Awesome! Thanks for this!

bbin 2010-06-16 21:53

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
This app is clearly one of the best app's for maemo 5 so far. Thank you!

Tiboric 2010-06-16 21:58

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
WOW. this is sweet. so many cool apps coming out at the moment.
Thank you

saxen 2010-06-17 10:31

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
dude that's great!!! i love this app, really nice work!!

hannu.mikkola 2010-06-21 05:27

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
This is awesome app. Thanks!!

And quick sampple:

And another from same ship:

shazosbourne 2010-06-24 08:01

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Awesome work fieldofcows. Loving it.

Alex Korova 2010-06-24 12:11

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks a lot for this app - it works nicely :)

optimistprime 2010-06-24 12:34

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
my little guy...

fieldofcows 2010-06-24 13:43

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
I've now promoted the package so you can now find it in extras-testing.

Thanks for the example photos guys, keep them coming!

If anyone has any suggestions for changes or improvements to the application then I'm listening.

Petteri 2010-07-12 09:04

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Tested the application and it is really nice. Couple of things that were not so obvious:
- When I wanted make a second photo, It took me a while to figure out that I need to click the picture to open another picture.
- I have couple of hundreds of pics and using the filebrowser is pain because you most probably want to use the last pictures. Maybe the place in the filebrowser could be saved to remember where you were when you picked the last picture.
- A menu when clicking on the window name would be nice.

fieldofcows 2010-07-13 23:00

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by Petteri (Post 748948)
Tested the application and it is really nice. Couple of things that were not so obvious:
- When I wanted make a second photo, It took me a while to figure out that I need to click the picture to open another picture.
- I have couple of hundreds of pics and using the filebrowser is pain because you most probably want to use the last pictures. Maybe the place in the filebrowser could be saved to remember where you were when you picked the last picture.
- A menu when clicking on the window name would be nice.

Hi and thanks for the feedback.

You've made some very good points there. Most of which I have been planning to address. I'm currently just finishing off the first version of Classic Cam which uses the same processing engine but within a camera application. When this is done (within the next few days) I'll go back to improving Classic Print.

I intend to add a batch processing mode to allow the bulk conversion of lots of images.

The filebrowser issue has been mentioned by a few people so I plan to look at that too. And I guess, adding a menu that duplicates some of the functions cannot hurt either.

Classic Print is now available in extras rather than extras-testing so I'm hoping there will be a good few people trying it out. If anyone has any good examples processed using the app then I'd love to see them posted in this thread!

magullo 2010-07-15 06:15

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
This is really one of the most wanted app around. And it works nicely, I've been using it for days now, and I really appreciate your work.
A really nice addition, not as much important as the other asked before, would be a sort of "unified preference settings": one pane to set all the pane options; I found that I use the same block of preferences, and named with the same name.
And what about a repository/share to enjoy each other settings?

I have an album made with classic print.

locolyric 2010-07-17 05:41

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
thanks for the classic print and this is an amazing apps for maemo!
hope the next version will come out other effect beside retro~~~

s33 2010-07-17 06:23

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by fieldofcows (Post 718309)
Classic Print is a photo editing application [/URL].

Classic Print
* Adjustable photo frame

Resolution" button resets the size to the size of the source photo. When you select "Done" you are given the opportunity to select the filename to save as. Your original photo is not overwritten or modified unless you choose to save over the original.

Have fun!

Dude this is awesome......gr8 APP;)

Ikari 2010-07-18 07:42

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
1 Attachment(s)
Awesome app, can't wait to test out the one you're working on for the camera :)

itaychi 2010-07-18 07:45

a few things i noticed with classic print
1 Attachment(s)
first, choosing the picture i just took with N900 is becoming more and more of a pain as i take more and more pictures. scrolling down hundreds of pictures every time.
maybe it can be possible to open classic print from the photo viewing app? as in - choose your pic normally and then run classic print with it?

second, the light leak thing can be used for cool effects like a much better frame, see attached example. (I didn't get a cool frame there but you can see how someone more talented can get it to work properly)
might be worth experimenting with higher-resolution files for light-leaks if they're used like that.

third - classic print works so much better with an overclocked n900.. its a lot more usable now that my phone runs at 850mhz

fieldofcows 2010-07-18 21:52

Re: a few things i noticed with classic print

Originally Posted by itaychi (Post 755535)
first, choosing the picture i just took with N900 is becoming more and more of a pain as i take more and more pictures. scrolling down hundreds of pictures every time.
maybe it can be possible to open classic print from the photo viewing app? as in - choose your pic normally and then run classic print with it?

I've just had a quick look at fixing that issue as a number of people have reported the fact that it is a pain to select images. Unfortunately, it looks like the file picker in Qt for Maemo ignores the option to scroll to a particular file.

I'm sure I'll be able to find a solution given a bit more time on it. I might see if I can quickly put together an image picker rather than using the standard file picker. I do like the idea of running it from the photo viewing app though.

fieldofcows 2010-07-18 22:02

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by magullo (Post 752414)
A really nice addition, not as much important as the other asked before, would be a sort of "unified preference settings": one pane to set all the pane options; I found that I use the same block of preferences, and named with the same name.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm not that happy with the whole settings selection but am struggling to think of the best way to do it. I want to allow the maximum tweakability but also want to make it easy to select preset settings.

Are you suggesting that there should be a way to just select a named lens, film and processing setting on a single pane? Sounds like a good idea.

Maybe I should move the current settings into menu options and only provide a the simplified method through the tool buttons? Suggestions anyone?

Laughing Man 2010-07-18 22:04

Re: a few things i noticed with classic print

Originally Posted by fieldofcows (Post 756138)
I've just had a quick look at fixing that issue as a number of people have reported the fact that it is a pain to select images. Unfortunately, it looks like the file picker in Qt for Maemo ignores the option to scroll to a particular file.

I'm sure I'll be able to find a solution given a bit more time on it. I might see if I can quickly put together an image picker rather than using the standard file picker. I do like the idea of running it from the photo viewing app though.

I think the file picker prompt allows you to use the hard keyboard as a type to jump.

TNiga 2010-07-21 19:04

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

does anyone have any idea why neither ClassicPrint or ClassicCam doesn't work on my device? ClassicPrint shows the GUI nicely but when I try to load a picture it doesn't show up. ClassicCam shows the camera view nicely but that's all it shows. I have found buttons all around the screen but they all just appear black and the adjustments I make to the lens and other settings they don't seem to have any effect.

So what's the problem and am I the only one with these problems?

EDIT: Problem solved. Seems that I had to first save some settings for the different effect things. But still some buttons are not shown in ClassicCam (those in right side of the camera view).

fieldofcows 2010-07-21 19:56

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Hi TNiga,

The problem is that the version of Classic Cam you installed wasn't quite ready for general consumption yet. Over the last couple of days, I've been working on completing the packaging of the application and making sure all configuration was present. The version you installed was missing a few files and the application was looking in the wrong directory for the config files.

Classic Print and Classic Cam share a common configuration file which is probably why Print didn't work correctly either.

I've now fixed the packaging problem and submitted a new package to the repository. This should fix the issues for new installations. The problem for you will be that you may have some incomplete configuration files in your home directory. Now that doesn't really matter, it just means you have to configure all options (such as photo directories) yourself rather than picking up the defaults. Or, if you know your way around a terminal, you can delete the configuration files in /home/user/.classiccam. They will be recreated with defaults next time the application is started.

The version of classic cam you want is 0.1-8. I think you've probably installed 0.1-7.

Anyway, thanks for trying the apps and I hope this solves your problem.

fuyoh 2010-09-30 14:37

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
is it possible to remove the frame border in ClassicCam ?

i set the frame to lowest but the frame is still there.

fuyoh 2010-10-01 06:45

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
ok i think its a bug.

the preview in classiccam showed the right frame setting but after it is processed, the frame isnt changed.

ivgalvez 2010-10-04 14:12

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
I'd like to know if any of you has some predefined settings to share with photo-noobs like me.

I like very much the predefined effect included with Classic Print, but adding more sets (made by users) to the application would be nice.

locolyric 2011-01-16 12:12

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
can anyone share more setting for classic cam?

madstunt 2011-04-30 23:39

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Is the app in development or is it dead?

fieldofcows 2011-05-03 12:02

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
There hasn't been that much interest in the app so I haven't developed it for a long time. What were you hoping to see in the app?

ivgalvez 2011-05-03 16:41

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by fieldofcows (Post 999388)
There hasn't been that much interest in the app so I haven't developed it for a long time. What were you hoping to see in the app?

Glad to see you here!

- I would really like to see more presets to choose from like in some other applications for Android, like sepia colour, old fashioned camera, polaroid, etc

- Ability to crop part of the picture before applying the effect.

- Different kind of borders.

There are quite some applications available for Android like Photo Fun and Vignette, please take a look at this.

Roth 2012-02-25 22:12

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by fieldofcows (Post 999388)
There hasn't been that much interest in the app so I haven't developed it for a long time. What were you hoping to see in the app?

What? No way! This is one of my favorite apps that I still use on Maemo. It's a shame there hasn't been any updates at all lately.

I wish there were some more editing options available: filters, effects, border styles..
If you need help, I'd be glad to lend a hand. I have a few ideas in mind that I'd like to suggest.

// Roth

thp 2012-05-18 12:46

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Thanks for this app, I've ported it to Harmattan (early, unfinished port, but thanks to the clear organization of your code it was quite easy to reuse the core):

fieldofcows, is it okay with you that I call it "Classic Print" in the UI (and "classicprintqml" as the package name), or should I rename the port? Also, the garage page says license is "GNU GPL" - can you clarify which version of the license (e.g. GPL 2 only or GPL2+ or GPL3+)?

I might also have some questions about the inner workings of the code later on when I actually add UI controls for the different filters...

Dousan 2012-05-18 12:52

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by thp (Post 1208631)
Thanks for this app, I've ported it to Harmattan (early, unfinished port, but thanks to the clear organization of your code it was quite easy to reuse the core):

fieldofcows, is it okay with you that I call it "Classic Print" in the UI (and "classicprintqml" as the package name), or should I rename the port? Also, the garage page says license is "GNU GPL" - can you clarify which version of the license (e.g. GPL 2 only or GPL2+ or GPL3+)?

I might also have some questions about the inner workings of the code later on when I actually add UI controls for the different filters...

This is just fantalastic news @thp, the news on this app I've been waiting on :D
Are you gonna port Classic Cam too?

Regards Dousan...

thp 2012-05-18 13:04

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 1208633)
This is just fantalastic news @thp, the news on this app I've been waiting on :D
Are you gonna port Classic Cam too?

Probably not - it's probably easier to add the capture feature to the Classic Print app once it's more mature.

Right now, the port is very barebones, and just displays all files in your DCIM folder, and when you click on it, it applies the default effect of Classic Print and shows it to you.

See for a list of things that still need to be done. Feel free to "git clone" the code and contribute! :)

Dousan 2012-05-18 13:42

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Sounds great either way and if it's 'only' turning out to the classic print you'll work on that's cool as it is the most impotant of the two. I'm just happy to see this being ported :D

Sorry, can't contribute with any coding, know nothing about development, I'm just a simple end user. The only thing I can do is help out with testing if needed :)

Regards Dousan...

thp 2012-05-18 14:02

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 1208661)
Sorry, can't contribute with any coding, know nothing about development, I'm just a simple end user. The only thing I can do is help out with testing if needed :)

As a user of the N900 version of the application, you could maybe create a list of "most important" features so I can prioritize which features to port first. Also, with the UX guidelines as reference, you could draft how the UI should look and work like :) Keep it simple and easy, the N900 UI while powerful seems to be a bit too highly-configurable for my taste.

Dousan 2012-05-18 14:05

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by thp (Post 1208675)
As a user of the N900 version of the application, you could maybe create a list of "most important" features so I can prioritize which features to port first. Also, with the UX guidelines as reference, you could draft how the UI should look and work like :) Keep it simple and easy, the N900 UI while powerful seems to be a bit too highly-configurable for my taste.

Ahh I see... Would very much like to help out that way. I'll have a look at it this weekend. Thanks.

Regards Dousan...

thp 2012-05-19 00:36

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
I had some more time to work on it tonight, and hooked up all the controls to the QML UI.

Here's a demo video:
Code here:

Dousan 2012-05-19 09:14

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by thp (Post 1209000)
I had some more time to work on it tonight, and hooked up all the controls to the QML UI.

Here's a demo video:
Code here:

Looks really good @thp :)

Are you gonna implement all features in the port?

I had a look at the original app yeaterday and thought all of the filters are important, though could be arranged different. They wasn't as intuitive as could be in the original app.

Had a look at the link for the N9 UI you posted, got some ideas, still in my head, but you got it looking pretty good.

Do you want any feedback/ideas on the UI and if you're not implementing all features do you then want feedback on wich would be preferable?

Regards Dousan...

Dousan 2012-08-07 11:03

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor
Just bumping this thread.

@thp have you stopped developping on this port?

Would be a shame if you have dropped it...

Regards Dousan...

thp 2012-08-08 07:51

Re: [Announce] Classic Print - Retro style photo editor

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 1248638)
@thp have you stopped developing on this port?

Yes, I haven't done any work on this in the last 3 months. Later today is Hack-A-N9, and while I initially planned on working on NumptyPhysics a bit again, I might also have a look into pushing this one a bit forward.

What's the current status? I think it "basically works", but we might need to package it? Has somebody already done a nice 80x80 icon for it? Can you organize such an icon in the next few hours, so that I can integrate it when I work on it later?

As with most of these hacks, don't expect me to maintain them forever. Ideally I'd just do the first step in showing that it's possible, and providing some ground structure for someone else to pick up the work.

(Just a bit offtopic, because I've reading lots of your posts in other threads recently: Can you put the "Regards Dousan..." into the signature and not append it to every post? I always "read into" this signature, and then think "oh no, now I've read it again!")

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