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HellFlyer 2010-06-23 01:28

Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
So I went to Ovi store to check out new program JoikuSpot WiFi HotSpot N900 and found in related category what I thought the premium version what is more disturbing is that description tells

"DataViz ® is proud to bring its 10+ years of PDA & smartphone development to Maemo with Documents To Go ® Premium Edition. With Documents To Go Premium, you’ll be able to view, edit & create Microsoft ® Word & Excel ® files & attachments on your N900. Features like password protection, find/replace, & easy access to recent files make Documents To Go a necessity for users who want to leave their laptop behind! This is a 30 day trial. The full version can be purchased for $29.99."

BUT when I tried to download it shows Documents To Go Viewer :mad:

are they updating Ovi store with new version or its an error:confused:

vignes_k 2010-06-23 01:31

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
already purchased it :) its worth but would be better if we are given editing features like on my 5800 (purchased sw for that too):)

itsANDREW 2010-07-13 09:40

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
when I try go go through the viewer to purchase, it says it's 20$ on their website....

is it worth it? you're supposed to be able to edit files right?

ericj23 2010-07-13 09:54

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
i bought the viewer - should I be getting a free upgrade or ?????

oved_etzot 2010-07-13 11:43

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
There's a whole thread on this - with more info:

itsANDREW 2010-07-14 02:08

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
my question is if it's worth paying for though. right now i understand that it's a viewer only... but if i were to purchase it, would it work flawlessly and seamlessly?

itsANDREW 2010-07-15 00:53

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
does anyone know please?

timwatt 2010-07-15 00:59

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?

Originally Posted by itsANDREW (Post 751023)
my question is if it's worth paying for though. right now i understand that it's a viewer only... but if i were to purchase it, would it work flawlessly and seamlessly?

I am happy with it can't edit anything, can copy and past though, and it looks good. images in .xls files don't display though.

itsANDREW 2010-07-15 01:03

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
what about msoffice 07+ formats like docx and xslx?

timwatt 2010-07-27 18:29

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?

Originally Posted by itsANDREW (Post 752267)
what about msoffice 07+ formats like docx and xslx?

2007 .docx and .xslx read no problem.

illemann 2010-08-20 07:43

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
Hi folks, (or DataViz support...)

i´ve been testing this software Documents to go premium trial, but to my astonishment i cant multiplicate to numbers?? I get a "circular reference" error "Action abort". But it works if I set the formula in my PC and open it in the n900.

Tried both marking the cells and writing them, same error......

Any other who got this error or is there another way to "solve", (get around the problem....) it?


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