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ian_ryge 2010-07-18 05:52

[Release] Okuda theme (N900)
It took longer than I expected, but I finally got the Okuda theme for N900/Maemo 5 to a releasable state. The package is now available in the Extras repository so you can find it in your Application Manager (or just click here to install if you're reading this on your N900). You'll have to reboot after switching themes for various icons and text colors to take effect (Maemo bug 3659). Send feedback and bug reports to lcars [at] (or just post in this thread).

The theme includes 403 icons, for which I made a custom template (below). The icon template gets sliced during the build process, just like the rest of the theme. Source is available, so if any other theme makers want to cover lots of icons, this should make that a bit easier. (If you want to theme a different selection of icons, you could make your own template layout with the script at the bottom of this old post by my brother.)

The theme installs two wallpaper sets. Details here.

A replacement sounds package to complement the Okuda theme is now available in the extras repository. See this thread for more info.

The Okuda theme is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license.
Changes in 1.0.2:

Okuda theme (N900/Maemo 5) | Maemo 4 themes (N8x0)
If you like my work and want to support me, you can donate via Flattr or Paypal.

snap 2010-07-18 06:00

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
That looks good! thanks for this theme, will try it later today.

NvyUs 2010-07-18 06:02

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
very cool looks like you've put a lot of work into it

navsin 2010-07-18 06:27

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Great! New themes are always welcome :)

dana.s 2010-07-18 06:32

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
nice one man thanks, i think if you could change something in the Menu it will be great, because it still gives the old feeling.

DonPIZI 2010-07-18 09:41

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
:) nice! Now the N900 looks like a command console from the uss enterprise :)

ToJa92 2010-07-18 09:52

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Seems to work nicely, though I think you should remove the blue border on the desktop and the fat background behind the desktop icons(they appear to use up more space now).

EDIT: Unrelated question, does anyone know if you can get the current theme directory in Xterm?

HeavyComponent 2010-07-18 12:37

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Unique, but not my style.

bingbings 2010-07-18 18:08

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Beautiful theme! Very good work, congratulations!
Of course it become instantly my new favourite...

cjp 2010-07-18 18:11

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Wow you guys really wanna look like haxors, huh? :) That theme makes the N900 look like a very old computer with a little cyberpunk here and there!

Wow! Thanks for the originality!

longcat 2010-07-18 18:42

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
doubleplusgood theme.

vonbraun66 2010-07-18 19:26

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
very nice theme, but the button that should appear on top of the screen when for example you want to delete multiple mails or photos stays totally invisible. the button is there allright and you can use it, if you know where it is supposed to be.

DonPIZI 2010-07-18 20:14

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
yes please fix it. Here is a picture of the "missing" button:

kryptoniankid17 2010-07-18 20:19

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by ian_ryge (Post 755472)
It took longer than I expected, but I finally got the Okuda theme for N900/Maemo 5 to a releasable state. The package is currently in the extras-testing repository, so please try it out and vote to promote if you find no major problems. You'll have to reboot after switching themes for various icons and text colors to take effect (Maemo bug 3659). Send feedback and bug reports to lcars [at] (or just post in this thread).

The theme includes 403 icons, for which I made a custom template (below). The icon template gets sliced during the build process, just like the rest of the theme. Source is available, so if any other theme makers want to cover lots of icons, this should make that a bit easier. (If you want to theme a different selection of icons, you could make your own template layout with the script at the bottom of this old post by my brother.)


Awesome work man. Love the colors.

DonPIZI 2010-07-18 21:15

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
ohh no i've found another issue:
please a add more icons :)

ian_ryge 2010-07-18 21:58

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by dana.s (Post 755496)
nice one man thanks, i think if you could change something in the Menu it will be great, because it still gives the old feeling.

Unfortunately I don't have time to do the app icons any time soon, but maybe eventually.


Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 755615)
Seems to work nicely, though I think you should remove the blue border on the desktop and the fat background behind the desktop icons(they appear to use up more space now).

It's easy enough to use a solid black png as your wallpaper if you want to get rid of the outline. Maybe I'll package one in a later version. I'll play around with the applet sizes too.


Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 755615)
EDIT: Unrelated question, does anyone know if you can get the current theme directory in Xterm?

All the themes are in /opt/usr/share/themes/ but I'm not actually sure how to check which theme is in use on the command line, if that's what you're asking.


Originally Posted by vonbraun66 (Post 756026)
very nice theme, but the button that should appear on top of the screen when for example you want to delete multiple mails or photos stays totally invisible. the button is there allright and you can use it, if you know where it is supposed to be.

Oops, I'll fix that soon.


Originally Posted by DonPIZI (Post 756112)
ohh no i've found another issue:
please a add more icons :)

Like I said above, I'm busy with other projects and can't really keep adding icons right now. I've covered 403, and there are about 1000 left... I had to stop somewhere, but I encourage you to pick up where I left off. :) That envelope is themed because I saw it was used on a few buttons (and didn't notice it in that list til later).

Glad you guys like the theme. :)

ToJa92 2010-07-18 22:04

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Oh, I thought it actually was in theme somehow. Anyway you've seem to have set a color wrong somewhere, in OMWeather you can't see the main text(it's black but should be white IMO).

ian_ryge 2010-07-19 02:59

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 756150)
you've seem to have set a color wrong somewhere, in OMWeather you can't see the main text(it's black but should be white IMO).

I think that's more of a bug with OMWeather. It appears they're using ButtonTextColor but only displaying the button graphics for the clicked state... They should either use DefaultTextColor or the generic button graphic for the normal states of those buttons. I don't actually use OMWeather currently, but I'll file a bug with them at some point (unless you beat me to it).

eiraku 2010-07-19 03:26

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
If you ever decide to do a maemo Orange version of this, I'll be all over this in a heartbeat.

Though I would have to thank you profusely for releasing the source, which means I can actually mod it myself when I find myself some free time.

ian_ryge 2010-07-19 08:09

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by eiraku (Post 756343)
If you ever decide to do a maemo Orange version of this, I'll be all over this in a heartbeat.

Though I would have to thank you profusely for releasing the source, which means I can actually mod it myself when I find myself some free time.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I made everything with Inkscape and included the SVG files in the source, so you could actually make batch color changes by search/replacing hex color values with a text editor.

dana.s 2010-07-19 18:30

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by ian_ryge (Post 756144)
Unfortunately I don't have time to do the app icons any time soon, but maybe eventually.

i don't mean change icons, just add some blue border to menu background and it will be nice.

TNiga 2010-07-19 19:45

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by dana.s (Post 757031)
i don't mean change icons, just add some blue border to menu background and it will be nice.

I don't think that's possible since there is no background in menu.

ian_ryge 2010-07-19 22:32

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by TNiga (Post 757096)

Originally Posted by dana.s (Post 757031)
i don't mean change icons, just add some blue border to menu background and it will be nice.

I don't think that's possible since there is no background in menu.

Actually, I think it would be possible if I were to alter the transitions. I haven't really checked out how they're configured, but if I turned off the blurring and zooming, the app menu background would be the currently selected wallpaper (and the default Okuda wallpaper is just the blue outline.) I'm not sure how hard it is to adjust transitions, but I'll look into it at some point.

ToJa92 2010-07-19 22:39

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by ian_ryge (Post 757253)
Actually, I think it would be possible if I were to alter the transitions. I haven't really checked out how they're configured, but if I turned off the blurring and zooming, the app menu background would be the currently selected wallpaper (and the default Okuda wallpaper is just the blue outline.) I'm not sure how hard it is to adjust transitions, but I'll look into it at some point.

If you scroll however it would look weird(lines would go through icons and whatnot).

c:drive 2010-07-19 23:09

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
I luv this theme,Dark but colorfull,found one problem when i was in pidgin IM didn't see fonts(due to Dark black background) from other side!yes i can change my fonts color but other side can't(from Nokia E72 don't let change their fonts color),hope u fix in next upgrade,
Thumps up

ian_ryge 2010-07-19 23:28

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 757258)
If you scroll however it would look weird(lines would go through icons and whatnot).

Yeah I thought about that just after I posted... Probably won't do it because of that.

cr0c0 2010-07-20 17:01

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Not the most readable theme, but I love the look. :) Thanks.

So far it's an-Droid, pip-boy and okuda that are my favourites. If only joppu would update the pipboy one to use nice backgrounds in the lock screen...

ian_ryge 2010-07-21 06:48

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
I just pushed a new version (1.0.1) to extras-testing, so please test it and vote to promote if you find no major problems. (Votes are version-specific, so if you already voted on 1.0.0, please do so again.)

Changes in 1.0.1:

Stonik 2010-07-21 07:49

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
I wasn't actually expecting too much of this theme, but man... I gotta say it really is beautiful on N900. Like DonPIZI said, it's almost like a small NCC-1701-D in my hands. Very nice work!

philh 2010-07-21 21:08

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Aaaaaargh.. I updated but I don't like that one of the backgrounds has the round diagram thing. Any chance of posting the plain background picture here so I can change it please.

Other than than, spot on, one of my top 3 themes. Thanks a lot!

ian_ryge 2010-07-21 21:38

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by philh (Post 759917)
Aaaaaargh.. I updated but I don't like that one of the backgrounds has the round diagram thing. Any chance of posting the plain background picture here so I can change it please.

Other than than, spot on, one of my top 3 themes. Thanks a lot!

Actually, the theme already includes two wallpaper sets. The default wallpaper (which should be set when you select the theme) is just the blue outline, and it's labeled "Theme - Okuda" in the list of backgrounds. The other set, labeled "Image set - Okudagram", has the circular graphic on one of the four screens.

jakiman 2010-07-21 23:43

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Ian, awesome theme. Using it as I speak.

One thing I would like to see is green or blue separation lines in lists.
eg. A line between each contacts, calendar and selection lists.
Without it, it just doesn't look as nice and is harder to use imo.

nad6234 2010-07-22 12:34

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Great to see something fresh :-) wonderful!

go1dfish 2010-07-23 05:45

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Really enjoying this theme. Here are some issues I've noticed:
  • Selected tab contrast on QT apps is hard to read, the tab is white, and text stays cyan
  • the X Icon that shows when you hit the reload button on the RSS applet looks to be a couple of pixels high of center
  • The misbehaved widgets that don't fit in like nokia messaging, but I doubt you're to blame here

Keep up the good work.

Checking out the sound pack now....

Shame on all of you claiming that their n900 looks like a panel from the 1701-D. This particular theme is clearly much closer to the panels on the 1701-B excelsior than the newer galaxy class ships :rolleyes: .

vonbraun66 2010-07-23 05:57

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
I really like this theme, but just as go1dfish says : sometimes things are hard to read. I noticed for instance in the foreca-weather application that the cities you choose are put as black text on a black button background. Or in the feedingit reader, read message titles are displayed as black (or very dark grey) on a dark grey background.

I'm sure you will work this out in a next update.

Since i installed the theme I was already wondering a couple of days of it was not possible to adjust the system sounds to a more 'trekkie'-like sound, and today I read that you made a special soundpackage available. Great ! Have to try this out, but it is not available for download yet in the extras-testing at this moment.

vonbraun66 2010-07-23 06:00

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by vonbraun66 (Post 761747)
and today I read that you made a special soundpackage available. Great ! Have to try this out, but it is not available for download yet in the extras-testing at this moment.

Downloadable since a few minutes !

RogerTHAcctant 2010-07-23 06:47

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
LOL i love the theme and the theme sounds, it's like it turned my phone into r2d2

how would i change the sounds back though? simply changing themes?

ian_ryge 2010-07-23 07:32

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by RogerTHAcctant (Post 761782)
LOL i love the theme and the theme sounds, it's like it turned my phone into r2d2

how would i change the sounds back though? simply changing themes?

Unfortunately, the custom sounds remain in use regardless of which theme is selected (as noted in the package description). To restore the original sounds, just uninstall the Okuda/LCARS sounds package. Obviously, since the theme is packaged separately, you can still use it without the sounds, or vice versa. See this post for details about the sounds package.

ian_ryge 2010-07-23 07:37

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 760048)
One thing I would like to see is green or blue separation lines in lists.
eg. A line between each contacts, calendar and selection lists.
Without it, it just doesn't look as nice and is harder to use imo.

I intentionally removed those, but I'll consider bringing them back. No promises...


Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 761739)
  • Selected tab contrast on QT apps is hard to read, the tab is white, and text stays cyan

That actually affects some non-Qt apps as well. I'll definitely try to fix that.


Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 761739)
  • the X Icon that shows when you hit the reload button on the RSS applet looks to be a couple of pixels high of center

The stop and reload icons for the RSS desktop applet are also used in the RSS application. To make the RSS applet look consistent with the other applets, I raised its button graphics and icons a few pixels, which left the icons off-center when used in other places. Since it's not a functional problem (and it's kind of hard to fix) it's not at the top of my list, but I'll figure something out eventually.


Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 761739)
Shame on all of you claiming that their n900 looks like a panel from the 1701-D. This particular theme is clearly much closer to the panels on the 1701-B excelsior than the newer galaxy class ships :rolleyes: .

Heh I wasn't going to say anything, but right you are. :)


Originally Posted by vonbraun66 (Post 761747)
I noticed for instance in the foreca-weather application that the cities you choose are put as black text on a black button background. Or in the feedingit reader, read message titles are displayed as black (or very dark grey) on a dark grey background.

I'm sure you will work this out in a next update.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I don't actually think I can fix those... The Okuda theme only sets a few colors to black, and all of them are intentional. I'm fairly certain that any black text on dark backgrounds is a result of the application not being fully/properly themeable. For example, it looks like ForecaWeather is using the theme-defined ButtonTextColor (which is black in the case of the Okuda theme) on top of dark-grey custom button graphics which cannot be themed. Essentially if an app doesn't use themeable graphics, it shouldn't use the theme-defined text colors either, or you'll inevitably see usability issues like this with certain themes. The FeedingIt reader issue is a little harder to pinpoint... but again, I don't think the theme is at fault, but rather the app's use of non-standard/theme-unfriendly UI elements.

Please keep posting here if you find more unusable or non-ideal text colors; some cases I'll probably be able to fix, others are out of my control. Having looked at the cases you described, I'd suggest filing bugs with the developers of those apps.

magullo 2010-07-23 10:20

Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)
Here's mine:

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