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skripis 2010-07-20 09:58

Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
I have looked all over the settings, but something is constantly polling up any available internet connection, activating it. Autodisconnect will bring it down again but I'm not happy about not being 100% in control of my device.

Weather widgets and other crap is removed. My POP e-mail should only update when being close to wlan, MfE is set to update only during the afternoons and not connect during night and office hours. OVI account has been disabled in the conversations application. I am not running any IM application.

I don't think there's much traffic being created but this still irritates me. Any ideas what could be causing this? The device should be fairly vanilla, PR1.2 is installed.

Had this been a Windows PC I would have suspected a virus but... yeah.

xuggs 2010-07-20 10:06

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
Is POP email set to Update Automatically?
Disable MFE just for testing and check.

Check what apps are running in the background using xterm probably with top command.

ossipena 2010-07-20 10:09

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
the device has been designed to be online 24/7.

what about HAM (app manager) checking updates?

Snaps 2010-07-20 10:15

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
In settings, just do Always Ask when connecting to the Internet.

skripis 2010-07-20 10:20

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by Snaps (Post 757652)
In settings, just do Always Ask when connecting to the Internet.

Will that make MfE or other apps that need to connect to the internet freak out? (I also want fMMS to function without hassle)

This will also bring up a prompt every time I use the www. I don't want that.

skripis 2010-07-20 10:22

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 757646)
the device has been designed to be online 24/7.

So what you are saying is that it creates a live connection without any traffic? Pretty 'tarded for a mobile device IMHO. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 757646)
what about HAM (app manager) checking updates?

IIRC the app manager only checks in the morning, or once a day. This occurs at all times.

Snaps 2010-07-20 10:24

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by skripis (Post 757657)
Will that make MfE or other apps that need to connect to the internet freak out? (I also want fMMS to function without hassle)

Doubt it. When I go abroad, I always change it to Always Ask. And it never connects without me telling it to

skripis 2010-07-20 10:37

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
Ok. Coming from a Symbian device (N97), it's very strange for me to see this behavior. My N97 was/is actually very consistent and predictable with regards to internet connectivity.

Switch_ 2010-07-20 10:51

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
Settings > Internet Connections > Always Ask.

This will change the default behaviour of the phone so that it does not automatically search out a tether all the time. Instead, when you connect to the internet and want to go surfing it will ask you which connection type you want according to the local availability of GPRS, HSDPA or WLAN.

fMMS will not behave any differently, your phone will still recieve a push SMS which will automatically start up the MMS APN and tether it to the MMS provider's signal long enough to download the MMS.

I have mine configured like this because constant tethering to the nearest available connection used to fry my noodle too.

Hope this helps.

DrWilken 2010-07-20 10:55

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 757682)
...used to fry my noodle too.

... I just hate it when that happens... ;)

spanner 2010-07-20 10:56

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
There's a lot of confusion over N900 connectivity. It's predictable once you understand it.

If you choose "Connect Automatically" it will try to connect periodically whether or not any application needs connectivity at the time.

Non-interactive applications (e.g. Application Manager updates or background mail checks) are not allowed to create a new connection. They are only allowed to use a connection which is already established.

Interactive applications can create a connection in response to a user action (this includes asking you to choose a connection if you've set it to "Always Ask"). For example loading a web page, sending an IM or clicking 'Send & Receive" from your email client.

This bug report has some useful info.

If you're really curious, check the Maemo 5 Developer Guide.

skripis 2010-07-20 11:19

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
Aaww crap. Silly policies. Apparently somebody at Nokia HQ hasn't noticed that the N900 is not a tablet.

IIRC there should be some option to choose which applications are allowed to initiate a connection and which are not.

And if I understood this correct, this means that fMMS is stretching/breaking the policies since it connects completely on it's own?

Flandry 2010-07-20 11:34

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by skripis (Post 757708)
Aaww crap. Silly policies. Apparently somebody at Nokia HQ hasn't noticed that the N900 is not a tablet.

IIRC there should be some option to choose which applications are allowed to initiate a connection and which are not.

And if I understood this correct, this means that fMMS is stretching/breaking the policies since it connects completely on it's own?

Well fMMS works even without a data plan, so i suspect that it's not considered a traditional "data connection" and therefore not really stretching the policy.

I agree it would be nice to be able to specify per-app connection permissions. There are many UI/control aspects that are rough in this first iteration of phone/internet tablet.

ossipena 2010-07-20 11:54

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by skripis (Post 757708)
Aaww crap. Silly policies. Apparently somebody at Nokia HQ hasn't noticed that the N900 is not a tablet.

IIRC there should be some option to choose which applications are allowed to initiate a connection and which are not.

And if I understood this correct, this means that fMMS is stretching/breaking the policies since it connects completely on it's own?

I wonder why you didn't design the device and OS because it seems that you know everything best.

N900 is meant to be online 24/7. Why bother being without connection in case you might need it? App manager polls about once in 24 hours, and it could be any time between 00 and 23:59.

atleast I have jabber on always when not in offline mode (and it is the point of this device to me) so this doesn't matter to me at all. in other words: it isn't an issue. please keep in mind that in real world outside iGay there can be multiple ways to do different things. No one is better to another by default.

btw you can configure fMMS connectivity any way you want.

shadowjk 2010-07-20 12:09

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?
I hated symbian way when I lost half a day of irc just because the stupid os didn't know how to autoreconnect without user input...

skripis 2010-07-20 12:26

Re: Why does the N900 keep connecting to internet all the time?

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 757741)
I wonder why you didn't design the device and OS because it seems that you know everything best.

...I wasn't being rude, my first sentence just lacked a ;)

Don't worry, I'm not going to convert to "all caps" and start spamming about switching to Iphone4 before Nokia goes broke.


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 757741)
N900 is meant to be online 24/7. Why bother being without connection in case you might need it? App manager polls about once in 24 hours, and it could be any time between 00 and 23:59.

I understand that know, from a desktop or laptop point of view it's perfectly understandable to keep the connection open at all times, but for a phone I'm not so sure...battery life on the N900 is not brilliant out of the box.


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 757741)
atleast I have jabber on always when not in offline mode (and it is the point of this device to me) so this doesn't matter to me at all. in other words: it isn't an issue. please keep in mind that in real world outside iGay there can be multiple ways to do different things. No one is better to another by default.

...but we can agree that Maemo should be the proper place for choice, can't we?


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 757741)
btw you can configure fMMS connectivity any way you want.

I know. fMMS does not concern me, it works (almost) as promised. First time I installed it however it created a MMS apn that the phone constantly connected to... I uninstalled and installed again, and now it runs "secretly" without bothering the rest of the OS with it's apn.

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