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nicolai 2010-07-23 10:03

App Search Widget
1 Attachment(s)
Some users asked me, if I can add an application search in my
search program (scout).
I think a desktop widget would be a better place.
What do you think?


In extras-devel:

aanckar 2010-07-23 10:18

Re: App Search Widget
Well, personally I don't think I would have as much use of an app search as of scout, but if one were to exist, I would prefer if the two were combined into one all-purpose search app, rather than having to download another separate app.

jakiman 2010-07-23 10:22

Re: App Search Widget
Just tried it out. I think I'll definitely make good use of it as my number of apps installed increases each day. =)

Is it possible for it to only list search results like Faster Application Manager (FAM) instead of just going to a certain position?
ie. when i typed "tran" for transmission, it goes to:
- phototranslator
I need to type "transm" to get to get to Transmission.

In FAM, if I type "tran", I get 3 search results.
- phototranslator
- transitioncontrol
- Transmission

nicolai 2010-07-23 10:27

Re: App Search Widget
You can use the app/down cursor key to jump between

jakiman 2010-07-23 11:06

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 761989)
You can use the app/down cursor key to jump between matches.

Ahhh. Guess this is fine. Is it possible to at least give visual feedback to the ones that contain my search text?
(highlighting the entire app name or just the characters I typed)

Laughing Man 2010-07-23 11:44

Re: App Search Widget
A widget works if it could be on all desktops. Even better would be having this built into scout and in addition optionally make it replace the regular type to search from the desktop. =)

nicolai 2010-07-23 11:56

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 762070)
A widget works if it could be on all desktops. Even better would be having this built into scout and in addition optionally make it replace the regular type to search from the desktop. =)

You can put the widget on all desktops!

I don't know if it is possible to bypass the current
"type to search" action. It is part of the hildon-desktop.
(Maybe Matans modified hildon has an option to
change the default search action).


Natan_xy 2010-07-24 10:53

Re: App Search Widget
nicolai, you are incredible!!
Many thanks ;)

dbrodie 2010-07-24 19:28

Re: App Search Widget
A few suggestions I would appreciate to the widget,
1. To have it possible to 'hide-on-type' (like the Add Shortcut menu, or the other type to find menus)
2. To have it support also contacts.
That would make this the perfect widget for me,

Thanks you very much regardless....

ToJa92 2010-07-24 19:32

Re: App Search Widget
Would be way cool to have a 'proper' application launcher using Ctrl + Space as shortcut for example.

nicolai 2010-07-24 22:12

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by dbrodie (Post 763520)
A few suggestions I would appreciate to the widget,
1. To have it possible to 'hide-on-type' (like the Add Shortcut menu, or the other type to find menus)

Yes, the next version will have this.

Originally Posted by dbrodie (Post 763520)
2. To have it support also contacts.
That would make this the perfect widget for me,

Thanks you very much regardless....

Why contacts? The hildon desktop already has this function.
You can type and the address book pops up and shows
the matching contacts.


Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 763523)
Would be way cool to have a 'proper' application launcher using Ctrl + Space as shortcut for example.

What do you mean with "proper"?

nicolai 2010-07-25 21:31

Re: App Search Widget
new version 0.3
minor update: filter for application list
only matching entries are shown.


ToJa92 2010-07-25 21:36

Re: App Search Widget
Well a 'proper' application launcher should be able to launch anywhere in the OS, at least I think so. Hence the shortcut key. It'd be cool if you could implement a shortcut key function into this widget.

nicolai 2010-07-26 09:06

Re: App Search Widget
I don't think this is possible, as keyboard events are caught by
the hildon-desktop to start the contacts search.

Btw app-search-widget goes to extras-testing.
Please test and vote for it.


haliava 2010-07-26 09:34

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 764542)
new version 0.3

It works great but there is a small usability issue.
I guess that widget is rereading app list fully every time it's launched thus delay on startup is quite noticeable. Is it possible to pre-index it - in a way scout does this?

Thank you,


aanckar 2010-07-26 13:51

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by haliava (Post 764974)
It works great but there is a small usability issue.
I guess that widget is rereading app list fully every time it's launched thus delay on startup is quite noticeable. Is it possible to pre-index it - in a way scout does this?

Thank you,


I agree with this, takes a few seconds for the app to load. Can be irritating sometimes...

I have also noticed a couple of minor issues regarding specific applications (from extras-testing):
  • There is an empty field with the standard blue square icon on top of the list. I'm not sure how I got that there.
  • The icon of e**jpi (the RPN calculator) is somehow oversized in the list
  • Journey Planner for Norway shows the wrong name (just a few weird characters) and sometimes it disappears from the list completely
Re-install of said apps did not help. Are the issues related to the apps themselves or to the widget?

And, of course, many thanks! I hadn't realized how useful an app like this was (as a widget) before actually trying it out!

nicolai 2010-07-26 14:13

Re: App Search Widget
Thank you for your feedback.


Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 765201)

I have also noticed a couple of minor issues regarding specific applications (from extras-testing):
  • There is an empty field with the standard blue square icon on top of the list. I'm not sure how I got that there.
  • The icon of e**jpi (the RPN calculator) is somehow oversized in the list
  • Journey Planner for Norway shows the wrong name (just a few weird characters) and sometimes it disappears from the list completely
Re-install of said apps did not help. Are the issues related to the apps themselves or to the widget?

Yes, I think all problems are related to the widget. I will install
this applications and look what problem is.


Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 765201)
And, of course, many thanks! I hadn't realized how useful an app like this was (as a widget) before actually trying it out!

Funny, isn't. I made this widget because some one ask for
it. I don't have much applications installed and thought I would
never use this widget myself. But now, I don't use the maemo
application menu anymore.


Popanz 2010-07-26 14:13

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 765201)
I agree with this, takes a few seconds for the app to load. Can be irritating sometimes...

I have also noticed a couple of minor issues regarding specific applications (from extras-testing):
  • There is an empty field with the standard blue square icon on top of the list. I'm not sure how I got that there.
  • The icon of e**jpi (the RPN calculator) is somehow oversized in the list
  • Journey Planner for Norway shows the wrong name (just a few weird characters) and sometimes it disappears from the list completely
Re-install of said apps did not help. Are the issues related to the apps themselves or to the widget?

And, of course, many thanks! I hadn't realized how useful an app like this was (as a widget) before actually trying it out!

I can confirm that in every point.
I also have this standard blue square and I have problems with eSpeakgui. The text is always cryptic and anytime it looks different.

But of course many thanks from me too. The widget is really great!

ToJa92 2010-07-26 14:16

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 764955)
I don't think this is possible, as keyboard events are caught by
the hildon-desktop to start the contacts search.

Btw app-search-widget goes to extras-testing.
Please test and vote for it.


Would it be possible for you to create a daemon that listens to for example Ctrl + Space and then shows the app search dialog?

Berserk 2010-07-26 18:34

Re: App Search Widget
Thanks again Nicolai!
Another one of your apps I'm using :)

Berserk 2010-07-26 18:59

Re: App Search Widget
Funny thing is.. it doesn't have a 'square' around the icon, like all the other icons, screenshot:

It doesn't matter.. I just noticed it :D

ToJa92 2010-07-26 19:00

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by Berserk (Post 765581)
Funny thing is.. it doesn't have a 'square' around the icon, like all the other icons, screenshot:

It doesn't matter.. I just noticed it :D

It's not a application, it's a widget.

Berserk 2010-07-26 19:04

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 765582)
It's not a application, it's a widget.

Ah.. of course :D

nicolai 2010-07-26 21:44

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 765201)
  • There is an empty field with the standard blue square icon on top of the list. I'm not sure how I got that there.
  • The icon of e**jpi (the RPN calculator) is somehow oversized in the list
  • Journey Planner for Norway shows the wrong name (just a few weird characters) and sometimes it disappears from the list completely

  • fixed
  • fixed
  • fixed

Thank you for reporting.


Berserk 2010-07-26 22:42

Re: App Search Widget
Edit: sorry, this post was probably not needed :P

MussOrgsky also shows up as a few random characters, at random places in the list, I think that's fixed along with Journey Planner for Norway? (same issue?)

Maesynth's icon is also oversized, but that also happens in the built-in 'Add shortcut' menu (on desktop), so that's not specific for your App Search Widget (maybe an error in Maesynth itself?)

App Search:
Add shortcut:

Helmuth 2010-07-27 08:25

Re: App Search Widget
Works just great. Only a small thing:
If the list view with the Apps has the focus and you began typing the textbox should immediately get the focus and the text. :)

Trestry 2010-07-29 21:39

Re: App Search Widget
I just want to thank you for this great widget. It's perfect for me.

bitrocky 2010-07-31 23:14

Re: App Search Widget
Hi, thanks for this great widget!

I really missed that feature!

Could it be possible to have 5 lines instead of 3 lines or maybe fullscreen? Best would be, if its configurable...

And what about sorting the apps by date? Newest first.
That would be great! You could add some small buttons next to stringgadget!
Because whenever I installed multiple apps, then if I want to try out the new apps afterwards, sometimes I can't remember all the apps I installed;)

Berserk 2010-08-01 02:07

Re: App Search Widget
*Bug report*

It seems to only accept lowercase input, which is an issue when using the onscreen keyboard, which usually starts capitalized.
But also when you press shift yourself, of course.

sunish 2010-08-01 05:41

Re: App Search Widget
Atlast an app launcher. Is it possible to make it as an app, so that it can be launched from maybe quick launch. Also there's this possibility of having a speed dial kind of thingy where a key is repeatedly pressed, an app is launched or contact is called.

happymonkey 2010-08-01 06:10

Re: App Search Widget
This is how application management should be handled by default, bravo nicolai!!

nicolai 2010-08-07 07:23

Re: App Search Widget
App Search Widget is now in extras.
Thank you for testing and voting.

zeltak 2010-08-07 12:05

Re: App Search Widget

Thank you for this awesome app, its easily my most used one.
I would like to request (if possible) to launch it via a keyboard shortcut (or one of the n900 buttons) that way it could be like quicksilver/gnome-do app launcher!

thx again


slender 2010-08-08 21:48

Re: App Search Widget
T hank you for this app!

-when i tap icon or widget btw. why widget? i would like to get feedback that i have really clicked it.
-it would be better if startup is instant. maybe to show dialog and load prog list after that.

nicolai 2010-08-08 22:06

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by slender (Post 779837)
T hank you for this app!

-when i tap icon or widget btw. why widget?

simpler than an application

Originally Posted by slender (Post 779837)
i would like to get feedback that i have really clicked it.
-it would be better if startup is instant. maybe to show dialog and load prog list after that.

Yes I am working on a way to speed up the loading of
the application list.


nicolai 2010-08-30 23:52

Re: App Search Widget
New Version 0.5 in extras-devel:

Fixed bug with uppercase query.
Changed dialog window size.
Seach and show comment entry from .desktop file.
Application search has its own thread, for faster startup.

have fun

zeltak 2010-08-31 00:58

Re: App Search Widget
Hi nicolai

any thoughts of my previous suggestion (....ability to launch it via a keyboard shortcut (or one of the n900 buttons) that way it could be like quicksilver/gnome-do app launcher)



WhiteWolf 2010-08-31 06:18

Re: App Search Widget
Now if I open quickly, before it was a bit slow.

Thank you for the job.

A question ... Could trickle as the application can be selected without having to touch the screen? Only keyboard.

leojab 2010-08-31 06:40

Re: App Search Widget
The new version is pretty fast.
I would like to suggest a feature as well and I guess some of them have already been mentioned earlier in different ways
1. Since we are using the keyboard either ways, it will be better if we can select the filtered application using arrow keys (Up or Down) and selecting enter key.
2. A possibility to add speed App selection option example assign 1 for calculator, 2 for web browser, 3 for Alarm/Clock, etc


nicolai 2010-08-31 09:20

Re: App Search Widget

Originally Posted by zeltak (Post 802794)
Hi nicolai

any thoughts of my previous suggestion (....ability to launch it via a keyboard shortcut (or one of the n900 buttons) that way it could be like quicksilver/gnome-do app launcher)



As far as I know, it isn't possible to react on keyboard events.
The hildon desktop is responsible for handling keyboard shortcuts,
shift+control+x to start XTerm for example. All other keys
are used for the contact search for the phone dialoer only :-(


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