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aligatro 2010-07-26 19:40

[NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Ok so I just want to create a list of programs/games that work/do not work on NITdroid.

I'll be updating it.(on wiki anyone can edit. so, you don't have to wait for me to add) You can post about your experiences with different programs.
Please post in the following format: Name + version, Status,bug description, NITdroid version{date of version}
To check the version of installed program, you need to go to main menu >> Dev Tools >> Package Browser >> select the one you want and look for version


ToJa92 2010-07-26 19:45

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
It would make more sense to post this in the NITDroid forum, as you said.

aligatro 2010-07-26 19:47

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 765638)
It would make more sense to post this in the NITDroid forum, as you said.

Create a subforum for it then :P

ToJa92 2010-07-26 19:48

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 765642)
Create a subforum for it then :P

I guess I could create a 'General NITDroid' topics forum, an entire section for compatibility may be overkill(since most things *should* work OK soon anyway, I assume).

EDIT: And done.

aligatro 2010-07-26 19:50

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 765644)
I guess I could create a 'General NITDroid' topics forum, an entire section for compatibility may be overkill(since most things *should* work OK soon anyway, I assume).

Yea, thats what I meant a "general" subforum for things like this.

SSLMM 2010-07-26 19:50

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Raging Thunder 2 V1.0.0 : Works perfectly but you have to use the direction keys to play (that isn't to much confortable to play)

Fuzzies V2.0.0 : works perfectly with some random crash entering some levels the first time.

Both tested on NITdroid 0.0.6{21/07/2010} ;)

offtopic:How do you run asphalt 5? when i launch mine, it says "some important files corrupted, download again?" (i dont have wifi connection so i cant download...should i download it?)


ToJa92 2010-07-26 19:52

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 765648)
Yea, thats what I meant a "general" subforum for things like this.

Forum added :)

aligatro 2010-07-26 19:55

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by SSLMM (Post 765649)

Raging Thunder 2 : Works perfectly but you have to use the direction keys to play (that isn't to much confortable to play)

Fuzzies : works perfectly with some random crash entering some levels the first time.

offtopic:How do you run asphalt 5? when i launch mine, it says "some important files corrupted, download again?" (i dont have wifi connection so i cant download...should i download it?)


Thanks. yes, you need to download "cache" for it. It's about 100 something megabytes. You can manually download it and put it into /sdcard/gameloft/games/asphalt5. ooh and can you specify the version of program and NITdroid (for now it doesn't matter, but for future versions)

SSLMM 2010-07-26 20:26

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 765654)
Thanks. yes, you need to download "cache" for it. It's about 100 something megabytes. You can manually download it and put it into /sdcard/gameloft/games/asphalt5. ooh and can you specify the version of program and NITdroid (for now it doesn't matter, but for future versions)

Ok, edited ;)

But i put those sd files on that folder and still it does that error :S

Well i guess i should continue this topic on the nitdroid forum, right?


aligatro 2010-07-26 20:32

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by SSLMM (Post 765683)
Ok, edited ;)

But i put those sd files on that folder and still it does that error :S

Well i guess i should continue this topic on the nitdroid forum, right?


yup, asdfjaklsdfjaklsdjf. sorry needed more letter to post a reply xD

are you sure that you downloaded the right files ?

sak500 2010-07-26 20:49

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
I would like to know if we can o/c n900 in android as well . Been using 930/125mhz kernal for so long and would like to have similar setup for NITDroid environment.

aligatro 2010-07-26 20:57

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
wrong topic. Steve said that it's not possible on android right now.

pingu 2010-07-26 21:18

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
But how does asphalt 5 work fine if dj_steve hasn't finished the 2d and 3d acceleration?

SSLMM 2010-07-26 21:35

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by pingu (Post 765745)
But how does asphalt 5 work fine if dj_steve hasn't finished the 2d and 3d acceleration?

You are a little outdated :P

Read the second post of the development of nitroid and multiboot ;)

aligatro 2010-07-26 21:35

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by pingu (Post 765745)
But how does asphalt 5 work fine if dj_steve hasn't finished the 2d and 3d acceleration?

mangal_sk8erboy 2010-07-26 21:49

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
oh nice!!!
there IS vsync right?no more framerate drops?

ryanl33x1511 2010-07-26 22:00

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
anyone try psx4droid? i managed to installed it and when click on rom to open it, notthing happen... SNESDROID is running good.

aligatro 2010-07-26 22:08

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Mine launches but asks for bios.

ryanl33x1511 2010-07-26 23:23

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 765793)
Mine launches but asks for bios.

yeah mine lauch the setting fine , setted up the bios then lauch the rom and notthing happen.

nax3000 2010-07-27 00:28

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Anyone tried gameboid? Is it working better than VGBA?

ryanl33x1511 2010-07-27 00:35

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Yes its working good.

aligatro 2010-07-27 01:47

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by ryanl33x1511 (Post 765887)
Yes its working good.

Can you plz update the wiki. thanks there is an edit button on the top and in the middle.

OptX 2010-07-27 08:44

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Scummvm and Frodo C64 running sweet :)

ZogG 2010-07-27 09:09

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 765638)
It would make more sense to post this in the NITDroid forum, as you said.

I think NITDroid forum is important, but this kind of info should be available here too

boxkillor 2010-07-27 22:36

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
just a quick question, sound doesnt work right ? (i.g. of course)

Deaconclgi 2010-07-27 22:39

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 765654)
Thanks. yes, you need to download "cache" for it. It's about 100 something megabytes. You can manually download it and put it into /sdcard/gameloft/games/asphalt5. ooh and can you specify the version of program and NITdroid (for now it doesn't matter, but for future versions)

Where do I get the cache from? I only got a link from Gameloft to download the game??? I downloaded the game in maemo, mounted the SD, copied it to the Android partition and installed.

Any assistance is appreciated.

aligatro 2010-07-27 22:54

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by Deaconclgi (Post 767073)
Where do I get the cache from? I only got a link from Gameloft to download the game??? I downloaded the game in maemo, mounted the SD, copied it to the Android partition and installed.

Any assistance is appreciated.

It downloads it for you when you launch the game. Manual way is for ppl without wifi.


Originally Posted by boxkillor (Post 767067)
just a quick question, sound doesnt work right ? (i.g. of course)

sound works perfectly.

Reffyyyy 2010-07-27 23:01

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by boxkillor (Post 767067)
just a quick question, sound doesnt work right ? (i.g. of course)

Yes it does.

boxkillor 2010-07-27 23:37

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
lol thank u 2. my fault turned sound off in the settings. ;p can confirm nova keeps crashing

Deaconclgi 2010-07-28 03:28

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
[QUOTE=aligatro;767085]It downloads it for you when you launch the game. Manual way is for ppl without wifi.

I still get an error: The application Asphalt 9process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.

It makes me force close it.

I am connected to wifi. I have Asphalt version 3.1.7 according to application info.

Any suggestions?

aligatro 2010-07-28 03:46

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 767085)
It downloads it for you when you launch the game. Manual way is for ppl without wifi.

I still get an error: The application Asphalt 9process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.

It makes me force close it.

I am connected to wifi. I have Asphalt version 3.1.7 according to application info.

Any suggestions?

How did you install the .apk file ? You need to install it through a webbrowser.

Deaconclgi 2010-07-28 03:57

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by Deaconclgi (Post 767269)

How did you install the .apk file ? You need to install it through a webbrowser.

I installed it from the link in the gameloft email. Then when it is finished downloading, I click on the notification bar and then it installs the game. Crashes everytime afterwards.

aligatro 2010-07-28 04:13

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 767282)

I installed it from the link in the gameloft email. Then when it is finished downloading, I click on the notification bar and then it installs the game. Crashes everytime afterwards.

Strange. Which version did you install ?

Deaconclgi 2010-07-28 04:18

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by Deaconclgi (Post 767293)

Strange. Which version did you install ?

It appears to be version 3.1.7.

aligatro 2010-07-28 04:23

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by aligatro (Post 767310)

It appears to be version 3.1.7.

I can send you the link to the one I installed.

bchliu 2010-07-28 05:20

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
Silly suggestion - the NITDroid software compatibility should show either a Green (fully working), an Amber (Partially working - eg loads but glitches) or a Red for not working rather than "Works - but random crashes on first level" etc. Works should be more completely working rather than something in between.

Most Emu compatibility lists are done in that fashion..

aligatro 2010-07-28 05:22

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by bchliu (Post 767337)
Silly suggestion - the NITDroid software compatibility should show either a Green (fully working), an Amber (Partially working - eg loads but glitches) or a Red for not working rather than "Works - but random crashes on first level" etc. Works should be more completely working rather than something in between.

Most Emu compatibility lists are done in that fashion..

Well if you want, you can edit the wiki page :D
[added] I think it's only gonna complicate things for ppl who add into table. The code looks an unreadable block of text already.

rusban 2010-07-28 05:37

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
AndWobble works v1.9
widgets works
firewoks crashes v1.9
MouthOff works little bugy v 1.1
Talking parrot works v0.9.3
easy note works v1.2

Armadillo Roll crashes on start v1.0.1
Assasin's Creed crashes v3.0.9
Avatar crashes v3.0.6
!crusade of destiny work's like a charrm v1.4.5!
drag toilet paper works v1.2
dungeon hunter crashes v3.1.1
Hero of sparta crashes v3.1.2
Icommando not playeble v2.0.0
idemolished crashes v1.0.2
letter tower defence crashes v1.3
Mistique chapter 1-3 works but can't walk without accelerometer
Roller coaster works v1.1.37
Welcome to hell works fine v1.0.3
farm frenzy works v1.1.0
toss it works little bugy v1.4.4
crazy penguin works v1.0.5
tightrope hero works but can't walk without accelerometer v1.0.1

aligatro 2010-07-28 05:56

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)

Originally Posted by rusban (Post 767347)
AndWobble works v1.9
widgets works
firewoks crashes v1.9
MouthOff works little bugy v 1.1
Talking parrot works v0.9.3
easy note works v1.2

Armadillo Roll crashes on start v1.0.1
Assasin's Creed crashes v3.0.9
Avatar crashes v3.0.6
!crusade of destiny work's like a charrm v1.4.5!
drag toilet paper works v1.2
dungeon hunter crashes v3.1.1
Hero of sparta crashes v3.1.2
Icommando not playeble v2.0.0
idemolished crashes v1.0.2
letter tower defence crashes v1.3
Mistique chapter 1-3 works but can't walk without accelerometer
Roller coaster works v1.1.37
Welcome to hell works fine v1.0.3
farm frenzy works v1.1.0
toss it works little bugy v1.4.4
crazy penguin works v1.0.5
tightrope hero works but can't walk without accelerometer v1.0.1

Can you add those to wiki plz. I added couple of games already. thanks

rusban 2010-07-28 06:01

Re: [NITdroid] Compatibility (Games and Programs)
aligatro ok. i do it later

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