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Milhouse 2010-07-28 15:14

No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
In reply to this tweet:


Any plans for a Nokia N900 powerpak battery?
Powermat replied:


We have plans for the N97, E72, 6760, x6, 5800 Express, and N8 but I don't see anything scheduled for the N900
So - would you buy a Powerpak (a replaceable battery that can be indctively charged using a Powermat) for N900 if it was available, are you in two minds or would you give it a miss?

ToJa92 2010-07-28 15:16

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Aren't the N900 using the same battery as one of the other phones they have plans for? I'm not entirely sure.

If they're not too expensive, yeah.

EDIT: Apparently they manufacture a special battery door / case, and not just a special battery.

kevinm2k 2010-07-28 15:16

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
If they could it last longer (more mAh) then definitely, otherwise I probably wouldn't see the point imo

imperiallight 2010-07-28 15:16

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Definatley, its made for people like me, I am as lazy as they come!

Really like the Palm Pres Touchstone and that has awful battery life as well.

Milhouse 2010-07-28 15:21

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by kevinm2k (Post 767881)
If they could it last longer (more mAh) then definitely, otherwise I probably wouldn't see the point imo

I think even if they were slightly lower capacity the increased ease of charging (just put it down) would mean you didn't notice the difference.

I'd have a single device Powermat at work and a single or two device mat at home in which case the device would be on charge most of the day instead of being on charge only when I notice it getting a bit low and I have to fuss with the (potentially dodgy) USB connector.

ossipena 2010-07-28 15:30

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
where did you manage to find some specs?

SavageD 2010-07-28 16:18

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 767880)
Aren't the N900 using the same battery as one of the other phones they have plans for? I'm not entirely sure.

If they're not too expensive, yeah.

EDIT: Apparently they manufacture a special battery door / case, and not just a special battery.

Your right, n900 uses the same battery as the 5800 Xpress music....But then again, as you imply, the n900 would probably need a new back casing to support the battery...

Hopefully powermat would see the advantage and sell a new battery casing for the n900.

imperiallight 2010-07-28 16:23

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Your right, n900 uses the same battery as the 5800 Xpress music....But then again, as you imply, the n900 would probably need a new back casing to support the battery...

Hopefully powermat would see the advantage and sell a new battery casing for the n900.
Interesting, think we would need to tell them though

Milhouse 2010-07-28 16:47

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by SavageD (Post 767957)
Your right, n900 uses the same battery as the 5800 Xpress music....But then again, as you imply, the n900 would probably need a new back casing to support the battery...

Hopefully powermat would see the advantage and sell a new battery casing for the n900.

Yeah, the N900 BL-5J is used by the 5800 Express and X6, both of which will be supported by a Powerpak battery.

However since the back cover needs to include some sort of inductive coil and an electrical connection from the back cover to the battery there's a possibility that the "back cover" will be fully integrated with the battery (ie. one component) and thus bespoke for each device. That would mean producing a combined battery/back cover (ie. Powerpak) only for high volume devices, which the N900 probably isn't.

Then again, assuming the back cover and battery are indeed separate components why not just sell the inductive version of the BL-5J separately from the back cover, and charge a decent price for the N900 back cover that covers any cost of a relatively short run - they'll still make a nice profit selling lots of power mats! :)

Milhouse 2010-07-28 16:53

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Then again, having looked at the pictures in this post which documents with photographs how to replace the N8 battery I'm really not sure how Powermat intend to support the N8 unless the Powerpak battery is the entire inductive charging system with no replacement back cover required (in which case an X6/5800 Powerpak should work with the N900, unless there are other technical issues outstanding).

It certainly doesn't look like you can easily replace the back cover on the N8 (note that in the article they switch between a blue and black N8 in the photographs).

paulkoan 2010-07-29 11:32

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Powermat presumably doesn't conform to the new Qi standard so it probably isn't worth investing in induction just yet.

Milhouse 2010-07-29 12:02

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 769061)
Powermat presumably doesn't conform to the new Qi standard so it probably isn't worth investing in induction just yet.

Fair point but how long will the Qi consortium take before they have product in the market place, how long before it's supported by Nokia (who I know are a member) as standard? I think including Qi technology as standard in their next high-end device would be a key differentiator for Nokia, but I doubt it will happen.

Given how slowly Qi has been moving forward I think it's still another 18-24 months away from having anything on the market, and even longer before it appears as standard in Nokia devices.

sdpkom 2010-07-29 12:24

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 767888)
I think even if they were slightly lower capacity the increased ease of charging (just put it down) would mean you didn't notice the difference.

I'd have a single device Powermat at work and a single or two device mat at home in which case the device would be on charge most of the day instead of being on charge only when I notice it getting a bit low and I have to fuss with the (potentially dodgy) USB connector.

Are you really considering spending
3X $60 for the mats + $30-40 for the battery+cover = $210-$220 for a charger?

For that price you can get a second phone (including charger), or some 50 betteries+chargers

Milhouse 2010-07-29 13:47

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by sdpkom (Post 769124)
Are you really considering spending
3X $60 for the mats + $30-40 for the battery+cover = $210-$220 for a charger?

Yeah, because the mats can be used for multiple phones/devices (certainly at home) and the convenience would be great. So often in the past I have realised the phone has almost no charge at the end of the working day and if I decide to go out on the town I'm left without a phone for most of the evening. Keeping the battery topped up throughout the day almost without thinking about it by using a Powermat would mean the phone is always at 100% charge when I leave the office.

Obviously the mats are one-off purchases, and can be used with other phones in future as I upgrade devices (assuming those devices are supported by Powermat, and my guess is the company will support most mass market devices in future).

And if you have a partner and/or kids at home each with their own phone the reduced number of chargers plugged into wall sockets and left on 24x7 may even save money in the long-term - one large mat with one charger could serve up to 3 or more people in one household.

Eventually you'll just be buying new batteries/covers for each new device, so $30-$40 for each device isn't that big a deal for this level of convenience. Maybe at some point in the future Qi will make Powermat redundant but until then it's not that big an outlay.


Originally Posted by sdpkom (Post 769124)
For that price you can get a second phone (including charger), or some 50 betteries+chargers

I could, but neither would be very practical so I'd just have wasted that money.

smoku 2010-07-29 14:04

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 767876)
So - would you buy a Powerpak (a replaceable battery that can be indctively charged using a Powermat) for N900 if it was available, are you in two minds or would you give it a miss?

Any charging method is better than the detachable-usb-port one ;)

flailingmonkey 2010-07-29 15:33

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Any reduction on the wear to the microUSB port is a worthwhile investment. I wonder how the N900 software would react to the battery being charged without interaction with the USB hardware though?

giecsar 2010-07-29 15:50

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
The N900 battery.. well let's admit it, sucks. It doesn't last more than a day, so I believe I speak for everyone when I say that given the right price (and maybe a mAh increase) everybody would love to have one.


Any reduction on the wear to the microUSB port is a worthwhile investment.
Yet another good reason.


I wonder how the N900 software would react to the battery being charged without interaction with the USB hardware though?
That's a good question actually. The software may not be able to detect that it's charging, however since it updates the icon in the status regardless of the state of the battery, you should see the level go up.

geneven 2010-07-29 16:04

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by SavageD (Post 767957)
Your right, n900 uses the same battery as the 5800 Xpress music....But then again, as you imply, the n900 would probably need a new back casing to support the battery...

Hopefully powermat would see the advantage and sell a new battery casing for the n900.

This also sounds like the kind of thing Mugen would be interested in, unless there is something proprietary in the casing.

giecsar 2010-07-29 16:09

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Would be? As far as I know Mugen already released a battery and cover

Milhouse 2010-07-29 16:11

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Isn't the power management hardware (RETU?) on most Nokias (inc. N900) the same though?

Would the power management hardware in the N8 (also charged over USB) be implemented significantly differently to that in the N900?

Technical considerations such as this may be one more reason why the N900 isn't supported, but I'd have thought that Nokia would have a fairly standard power management system in place across most of their phones.

shadowjk 2010-07-29 19:19

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
N900 doesn't have RETU.

N900 power management consists almost entirely out of off the shelf components from Texas Instruments

TWL4030 "Gaia" energy management chip
bq24150 battery charger
bq27200 fuel gauge (used minimally by maemo)

The software seems to correct itself eventually if battery states change behind its back. The battery meter freezes at some point until the value it froze at is closer to what seems like something closer to the truth. So it'd probably be possible to charge the battery directly behind N900's back, and only have a confused meter as result. Who cares if it goes "boing Battery Low *boing boing*" 12 hours before dying? :D

Milhouse 2010-07-29 19:31

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
I guess that could make things tricky for the likes of Powermat if the N900 is "non-standard" compared with high-end Symbian based devices (fairly sure these did and may still use Retu). A messed up battery meter could be quite annoying though - maybe a software update would fix that, but very unlikely while there is no requirement for such a fix (chicken and egg).

shadowjk 2010-07-29 20:14

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
Well the issue is that it's actually hard to figure out nuch more than "It's full"/It's not full and it's not empty"/"It's empty" after something has gone mess with the battery behind your back.

ossipena 2010-07-29 20:18

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 769227)
Yeah, because the mats can be used for multiple phones/devices (certainly at home) and the convenience would be great.

so couple hundred bucks once in 3 years is acceptable?

or should it be reasonable to wait and see which technology wins?

ossipena 2010-07-29 20:22

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by giecsar (Post 769350)
The N900 battery.. well let's admit it, sucks. It doesn't last more than a day, so I believe I speak for everyone when I say that given the right price (and maybe a mAh increase) everybody would love to have one.

shame that the right price for majority is something like 50% of the manufacturing costs....

tzsm98 2010-07-29 20:37

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
The 5800 XpressMusic and the N900 do use the same battery. The battery installs with the back facing the battery compartment cover on the 5800/5230 types. It installs with the face facing the battery compartment cover on the N900.

Does this mean that the inductive charging batteries designed for the 5800 won't work in the N900?

Some economy of scale might be achieved if the 5800 inductive charging battery could be released with the inductive charging N900 back. But I suspect that the having a different face to the battery cover will result in having to design and build a separate battery for the N900, a low volume device.

Milhouse 2010-07-29 20:54

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 769600)
so couple hundred bucks once in 3 years is acceptable?

Yep, doesn't sound too bad. Of course the investment won't be entirely lost as it will keep on working if/when I give it away to someone as I usually do when I upgrade a phone, but that kind of assumes the rest of the world will have switched over to Qi technology which is by no means certain.

And I refuse to believe people here would balk at spending a couple hundred bucks over 3 years - how much have people spent on their N900s already?


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 769600)
or should it be reasonable to wait and see which technology wins?

That would be lovely - in the meantime I'd rather buy something that's here and now. I doubt anything from Qi will materialise this year and probably not next either.

Milhouse 2010-07-29 21:08

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 769620)
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"]
Does this mean that the inductive charging batteries designed for the 5800 won't work in the N900?

Quite possibly - and likewise the X6. :(

Until we know more about how Powermat have designed the Powerpaks it's impossible to say for sure - it could well be the reason why the N900 isn't on their list, along with "non-standard" charging hardware and/or the need for a bespoke back cover.

It should all become clear once they launch these things for all the other devices but ours... :cool:

Coffee 2010-07-30 02:35

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned
I'm all for tech and happy to spend money though within reason. You still have to justify the need and then vers cost. They are very costly and the hassle of placing the case on, plug, not being able to use whilst in charge etc, stuff that, pretty much pointless for a phone.

ossipena 2010-07-30 04:08

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by Milhouse (Post 769641)
Yep, doesn't sound too bad. Of course the investment won't be entirely lost as it will keep on working if/when I give it away to someone as I usually do when I upgrade a phone, but that kind of assumes the rest of the world will have switched over to Qi technology which is by no means certain.

And I refuse to believe people here would balk at spending a couple hundred bucks over 3 years - how much have people spent on their N900s already?

That would be lovely - in the meantime I'd rather buy something that's here and now. I doubt anything from Qi will materialise this year and probably not next either.

the point is the risk. you take a risk that you blew 200 bucks if other technology becomes standard.

it is expensive to be first in line to buy these things.

and second point: charging comes free of charge with the phone. so you are basically paying 200 bucks just for the charging part. too much imo.

just keep in mind that when there is this kind of uncertainty, the guys who spend their money to the technology bare all the risks.

Milhouse 2010-07-30 13:10

Re: No Powermat inductive charging for N900 planned

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 769840)
the point is the risk. you take a risk that you blew 200 bucks if other technology becomes standard.

it is expensive to be first in line to buy these things.

and second point: charging comes free of charge with the phone. so you are basically paying 200 bucks just for the charging part. too much imo.

OK, we geddit - this isn't for you.

Nobody is trying to convince you to buy this (not that it's even available or an option). All technology has a limited life span until it becomes obsolete, some more limited than others, and we can all work out the risk versus return/reward and make the appropriate decisions whether to spend our own money or not, thank you very much. :)


Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 769840)
just keep in mind that when there is this kind of uncertainty, the guys who spend their money to the technology bare all the risks.

No sh1t Sherlock! :)

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