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Ykho 2010-07-29 10:18

n900 app manager problems
Hi I was hoping you guys could help me because i've googled my problem and I can't seem to find any soution.

The problem is that when I go in to app manager to download apps it says that there are "no applications available" and when I click uninstall there is nothing there, I also checked the catalogues but there isn't any there. I tried restarting the phone, after restart I am able to use app manager once, but once I close it the problems mentioned above start again, and I need to restart the phone again before I can use app manager.

Here is a copy of the log:

hildon-application-manager 2.2.65
apt-worker: too weak to get lock from 1615.
apt-worker closed connection.
apt-worker exited.
apt-worker is not running

I am currently on firmware 10.2010.19-1

I don't remember installing any dodgy apps recently (because i've been so busy playing pokemon sapphire on the n900 XD

Thanks for your time and effort

matts76 2010-07-29 10:39

Re: n900 app manager problems
Im no expert but it sounds like its a connection problem, i think i had the same problem when i had hardly any reception, have you tried connecting to wifi and trying?

Ykho 2010-07-29 10:43

Re: n900 app manager problems
yup tried wifi and gprs

Berserk 2010-07-29 11:00

Re: n900 app manager problems
So your catalogues are empty? No Ovi, Nokia, Extras etc.?
I had the same problem last week.

Go to
Somewhere not far from the top you'll see this:
"Catalogue name: Extras
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

...or simply click here on your Maemo device to install it automatically."

Click that 'here' link and all your repositories *should* magically reappear :) they did on my N900 at least..

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:07

Re: n900 app manager problems

I do have them its just that it wont display them

Berserk 2010-07-29 11:13

Re: n900 app manager problems
Exactly my problem from last week, I had them all installed, but then the list was just empty all of a sudden, not even the standard catalogues were there..

Post is updated by the way :) hope that helps!

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:15

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Berserk (Post 769022)
So your catalogues are empty? No Ovi, Nokia, Extras etc.?
I had the same problem last week.

Go to
Somewhere not far from the top you'll see this:
"Catalogue name: Extras
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

...or simply click here on your Maemo device to install it automatically."

Click that 'here' link and all your repositories *should* magically reappear :) they did on my N900 at least..

I dont think the work "here" is linked

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 11:17

Re: n900 app manager problems
Seams like the app manager don't close properly.. have you tried "pkill hildon-application-manager" and then run it again?

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:20

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Berserk (Post 769022)
So your catalogues are empty? No Ovi, Nokia, Extras etc.?
I had the same problem last week.

Go to
Somewhere not far from the top you'll see this:
"Catalogue name: Extras
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

...or simply click here on your Maemo device to install it automatically."

Click that 'here' link and all your repositories *should* magically reappear :) they did on my N900 at least..

Nope problems are still there :(

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:20

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 769043)
Seams like the app manager don't close properly.. have you tried "pkill hildon-application-manager" and then run it again?

i'm sorry i dont know what that is, could you please explain further?

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 11:35

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769050)
i'm sorry i dont know what that is, could you please explain further?

I am not sure. Have never seen this before. But when a new app manager can't get a lock it normaly means that an app manager i running. In this case maybe in the backgorund. Maybe it did not close down.

If you open the Xterminal and write (you need rootsh installed):
1. sudo gainroot
2. pkill hildon-application-manager

You will close the app manager if it is runing in the background.

You could also try apt-get:
1. sudo gainroot
2. apt-get update
3. apt-get install <program you like to install>

or reinstall app manager:
4. apt-get install --reinstall hildon-application-manager

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:41

Re: n900 app manager problems
i tried the pkill hildon-application-manager, but nothing seems to be happening

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 11:44

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769075)
i tried the pkill hildon-application-manager, but nothing seems to be happening

That is supposed to happen. You did not get an error and the command executed successfully.

Now you could try to start the app manager also in Xterminal.

1. hildon-application-manager

Maybe it will show you an error.

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:51

Re: n900 app manager problems
the same problems that I posted in the first post are still there...

checked the log:

hildon-application-manager 2.2.65
apt-worker exited
apt-worker: too weak to get lock from 1615.
read: Bad file descriptor

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 11:58

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769089)
the same problems that I posted in the first post are still there...

checked the log:

hildon-application-manager 2.2.65
apt-worker exited
apt-worker: too weak to get lock from 1615.
read: Bad file descriptor

Did you try run it from the Xterminal? Did you get any output there? Did you try apt-get?

Ykho 2010-07-29 12:22

Re: n900 app manager problems
I tried apt-get install --reinstall hildon-application-manager

but it doesnt seem to be working

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 12:25

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769120)
I tried apt-get install --reinstall hildon-application-manager

but it doesnt seem to be working

You need to close the app manager to be able to use "apt-get".

Ykho 2010-07-29 12:26

Re: n900 app manager problems
it was already closed, thats why i dont understand why it says that another process is using it...

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 12:41

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769126)
it was already closed, thats why i dont understand why it says that another process is using it...

Probably cause it has not closed properly. Some process is running in the background.

Try in Xterminal
1. sudo gainroot
2. killall hildon-application-manager

If this don't work.. could you do a screendump while using Top in Xterminal?

1. top
2. q (to close top)

Ykho 2010-07-29 12:46

Re: n900 app manager problems
I tried killall hildon-application-manager, but it says that no process was killed, I then tried apt-get install --reinstall hildon-application-manager however it says that another process is using it

I also tried top, q then opened app manager again but nothing seems to have changed

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 12:49

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769152)
I tried killall hildon-application-manager, but it says that no process was killed, I then tried apt-get install --reinstall hildon-application-manager however it says that another process is using it

I also tried top, q then opened app manager again but nothing seems to have changed

Could you make a screenshot when you are running top? I want to se what processen you are running.

Maybe this would work:

1. sudo gainroot
2. killall apt-worker

Ykho 2010-07-29 12:52

Re: n900 app manager problems
here is the screenshot

I've not tried the killall apt-worker yet, jsut incase you come up with a better method after seeing the screenshot

hqh 2010-07-29 12:58

Re: n900 app manager problems
The "bad file descriptor" error could mean that you file system has become corrupted. Have you overclocked?

Ykho 2010-07-29 13:00

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by hqh (Post 769166)
The "bad file descriptor" error could mean that you file system has become corrupted. Have you overclocked?

nope I have no idea how to do that lol

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 13:29

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769167)
nope I have no idea how to do that lol

Did not see anything on top..


kill -9 1615

Ykho 2010-07-29 13:31

Re: n900 app manager problems
is there another way to get |?? i have installed mscim and i am unable to get the virtual keyboard with the symboles up.

and I cant uninstall mscim because in app manager it says that i have no apps installed

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 13:32

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769204)
is there another way to get |?? i have installed mscim and i am unable to get the virtual keyboard with the symboles up.

and I cant uninstall mscim because in app manager it says that i have no apps installed


kill -9 1615

It should end the process on 1615

Ykho 2010-07-29 13:36

Re: n900 app manager problems

Thanks alot I am extemely grateful!!

Ykho 2010-07-29 13:38

Re: n900 app manager problems
oh yeah i also have another question, how could I prevent this from happening in the future??

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 13:45

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Ykho (Post 769218)
oh yeah i also have another question, how could I prevent this from happening in the future??

You forced that process to be closed. That means it could happen again. If you can reproduce the problem. Please tell about it so there could be made a bug report.

I have not seen this before so it might just be unlucky sircumstances but maybe you shoud try to reinstall hildon-application-manager. I would however wait with it. If it occured again you now know how to deal with it ;)

Ykho 2010-07-29 13:55

Re: n900 app manager problems
oh i see

thanks again for your help :-)

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 14:01

Re: n900 app manager problems
No problem ;)

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