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CepiPerez 2010-07-29 15:26

[ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Hello guys!
I'm working on my firs QT app using the new QTCreator.
It's a file manager, very similar to default one

- Full filesystem navigation
- Root access for copy/paste/cut/delete files
- Share via bluetooth and e-mail
- Bookmars
- Personalized clipboard
- Autorotation
- Multilanguage support (english/spanish for now)

Working on:
- Custom icons for folders and filetypes
- Open files (images, docs, etc)


Now I need some help:

1- How can I open the files (images, docs, etc) using DBus or mimetypes in Qt?

2- The source for build has cracked (no source inside) cause I don't know hot to add files/folders to QtCreator builder. I can send the source to anyone who want to help me making a decent source for the extras builder.

3- Default language is English. The application detect the phone language and load it (if the lang file exist). I've added a Spanish.ts file as example). If someone can help me making new language files I will appreciate this.

Anyways, I made a test build in extras-devel for testing.

Download from here or via Application Manager.

Please let me know how it works.

PD: Sorry for my bad english, it sucks...

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 15:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
It would be nice if it was possible to see hidden files with "ctrl+h". Also if you could make it possible to use ssh. I am mainly thinking on scp typ of commands and possibility to save/bookmark those.

CepiPerez 2010-07-29 15:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
You can hide/show hidden files using settings, but I think I can add the keyboard shortcut
What is it about ssh? Do you want to view your PC through the file manager or what?

qwerty12 2010-07-29 16:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769328)
1- How can I open the files (images, docs, etc) using DBus or mimetypes in Qt?

QDesktopServices? Else, libhildonmime works for sure.

P.S. Why use your own sharing dialog? If you use the GTK+ one from sharing-dialog-dev, you also have the "Share to service" functionality, also. (It should work fine as long you do whatever to pass it a char* from your QString and you could pass NULL for its transient window parameter...)

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 16:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769356)
You can hide/show hidden files using settings, but I think I can add the keyboard shortcut
What is it about ssh? Do you want to view your PC through the file manager or what?

Yeah, i saw it was possible to do it in settings. But it would be better and faster to also be able to do it with ctrl+h.

No, that might be asking too much. I just want to be able to send or fetch. That is done with scp.. like.. "scp user@ip-number:/home/user/folder/".. you set up the folder in settings and when you long press for the menu on a file. It will show an option to "send through scp" or something.

CepiPerez 2010-07-29 18:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Thanks for hildonmime, I didn't know about this lib.
I've tried GTK sharing_dialog_with_file but it doesn't work. The dialogs shows up, but the file never appears in the new e-mail

dbrodie 2010-07-29 19:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Look good, though a quick suggestion, add a secondary field to the files that could be configured to show a date or size. In the regular view you could have it right aligned in the button with a smaller font, and in portrait mode you could have it underneath the filename with a smaller font similar to how the file manager now has it.

asidana 2010-07-29 19:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
i can't seem to find it on app manager. i have extras devel enabled

giannoug 2010-07-29 19:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Awesome. At least a file manager that looks nice!

Keep it up mate.

daddeddad 2010-07-29 19:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Looks perfect to me. Just what I've been waiting for!

rajil.s 2010-07-29 19:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
scp or sftp support would be awesome. Something like fish:/ in konqueror or dolphin file manager (in kde).

RdM 2010-07-29 20:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Is filebox optfied.
Nice application

towhatend 2010-07-29 21:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Hi, I have translated it to Swedish, i havenīt tried to use it yet so iīm not sure how it will be in action. Do you want it? Maybe someone from Sweden want to take a look to.

CepiPerez 2010-07-29 21:41

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Did you made the qm file? Just put it in /opt/filebox/lang folder and the app should start in swedish. Or send me the file and I'll add it to the next release tomorrow.

The app now opens all files (thanks to qwerty12) and I've adedd Sort function. Now I'm looking for something that helps me to add scp.

thej80 2010-07-30 06:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
won't install to my n900. appmanager says it's "unsuitable applicationpackage" not sure about the correct words in english because i have diffrent language on my phone.

albertozerox 2010-07-30 06:34

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
not installed "is not application package"

WhiteWolf 2010-07-30 10:45

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Using xterm without problems when installing

dpkg-i filebox_0.1-1_armel.deb

WhiteWolf 2010-07-30 10:52

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Recommendation and request for this software.

To change the text displayed library. Example:. / MyDocs / .documents to Documents.

In "shared" accounts allow you to use Ovi, etc.

Can see the details of a file or folder.

Integrating compression / decompression of files / folders.

Able to choose which application opens a specific file type.

THANK YOU for this wonderful software.

AlMehdi 2010-07-30 11:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769677)
Now I'm looking for something that helps me to add scp.

If you have OpenSSH installed FileBox would only need to pass the command through xterm/bash/ash. And the file would be sent to the folder on the host computer. (if you have chosen a preconfigured folder)

So if you make a note that OpenSSH needs to be installed for scp support. You would not need the dependecy and keep FileBox a bit slimmer for those who are not using scp. Though many of us do. Though i do not think the added support would make the install file a lot bigger.

A better way.. and preferred if you want to fetch a file. Is to have support for it in the "adress field". And with a auto-complete function or some sort of bookmark feature. Sometimes a scp string can get very long.

pelago 2010-07-30 11:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I haven't tried this yet, but it would be great if this could fix Bug 9599 (File Manager doesn't remember the scroll position in previously opened folders).

CepiPerez 2010-07-30 14:05

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Give me some time for scp. I need to configure Ubuntu first, cause I never used it (I always use ftp through Nautilus).

It's very simple to do. I will add this now.

ivnvir 2010-07-30 14:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Does it show previews/thumbnails of photos like default file browser?

CepiPerez 2010-07-30 14:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Where can I find a guide to connect to my PC from my phone

AlMehdi 2010-08-01 01:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 770338)
Where can I find a guide to connect to my PC from my phone

I am not sure if you use Windows or Linux at home.. but here are some basic guides.

The wiki have a good one:
Another one:

For windows:

Make sure your router allows on port 22 which are the default. And when you made your ssh-keygen .pub file move it to your /home/user/.ssh/ on the n900. If you made the key on your computer.

asidana 2010-08-01 09:42

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I get "Incompatible application package" error when i downlod and try to install it from link at 1st post. It also not avaailable in extras-devel. There seem to be something wrong with this package

andrew_85 2010-08-01 16:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by asidana (Post 771932)
I get "Incompatible application package" error when i downlod and try to install it from link at 1st post. It also not avaailable in extras-devel. There seem to be something wrong with this package

me too .same problem :-(

DaSilva 2010-08-03 21:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Can you please add checkboxes to each folder/file and make it possible to select more than one at one time with these so that it is easy to copy/paste, move or delete them?

s33 2010-08-03 22:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769328)
Hello guys!
I'm working on my firs QT app using the new QTCreator.
It's a file manager, very similar to default one

- Full filesystem navigation
- Root access for copy/paste/cut/delete files
- Share via bluetooth and e-mail
- Bookmars
- Personalized clipboard
- Autorotation
- Multilanguage support (english/spanish for now)

Working on:
- Custom icons for folders and filetypes
- Open files (images, docs, etc)


Option for hiding files will be gr8...(i mean hiding/locking files with password).....this is awesome work..but there are many file managers already which does cut/copy/paste
but no other apps/file managers have this option(locking/hiding) so far:)

d-iivil 2010-08-04 11:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
One feature that would make me very happy would be ablitity to edit files. Or then ability to tap on item and choose to open it in leafpad / some other text editor.

CepiPerez 2010-08-04 18:29

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
New version 0.3-2

@ asidana / andrew_85:
Check if you can install from application manager now.

@ DaSilva:
Give me some time

@ D-livil:
0.3.2 supports leafpad and pygtkeditor
If you want support for another text editor let me know.

@ s33:
You want a password to enable showing hidden files?
Or you want something like a blacklist files?

AlMehdi 2010-08-08 12:38

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Really nice and very responsive!

You should put the settings in a program menu instead of the button. So when you click "FileBox" it opens the menu and you can choose settings from there. Maybe tools would come better in such an menu too.

dscobsct 2010-08-08 17:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
awsome app, just missing the ability to mark several files for copying, the clipboard is great but too slow when copying several file. loving this though

CepiPerez 2010-08-08 19:36

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
I'm almost ready to release a proper release in applications thread
- Multiselection is working
- Thumbnails doesn't freeze the gui now

Tomorrow i'll try to add compress option and release the update

aspidites 2010-08-09 06:21

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
@CepiPerez about DaSilva's request: QMaemo5Editbar would be a better way to implement this. Doing so, you could mimick the default file manager's behavior of having a menu item called "Delete Files". No hurry though, just figured the hint might help.

This code has some examples of how to implement some maemo specific stuff in Qt, including the forementioned editbar.

HellFlyer 2010-08-09 06:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Great app thanks oh and I think you need to change the title this is not just a file manager :D it amazing and 100% better than standart one and cute explorer ...just saying

Also dont know if it was mentioned but I found a bug ,when you delete big amount of files at once erase indicator goes out of the screen to the right....i mean when percentage bar is filling up.. after deletion it goes back to normal :)

dscobsct 2010-08-09 06:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
great thanks dude for the multi select.
whats the chances of getting zip and rar creat and extract functionality into the app?

johnny_knoe 2010-08-09 08:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Just want to say thank you. Great app!

El Amir 2010-08-09 17:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Great app, i use the bookmarks a lot when developing on the device itself.


CepiPerez 2010-08-09 21:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Sorry for the late
I've readed a lot to get compressing working...
It's working now, but I need to test big files and improve the gui.
Tomorrow I'll finish it and add more formats (currently uses tar.gz only)

Deaconclgi 2010-08-09 22:10

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
This is the best file manager that I have on my N900. Root access with copy and paste is all that I wanted out of a file manager! This make working with NITDroid files easy as managing one OS.

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