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vvaz 2010-08-02 18:45

Kontact mobile trial

Kontact Mobile developers are looking for volunteers for usability trial



If you own a N900 phone and have tested or want to test Kontact Mobile it would be great if you participate in our current user survey- a diary.
More technical introduction:


Thank you all for your participation and helping us to make Kontact mobile


vvaz 2010-08-29 19:41

Re: Kontact mobile trial
New version of Kontact mobile is out

More info here.

arora.rohan 2010-08-29 20:07

Re: Kontact mobile trial
I wanted to try this..but need to get 81MB of archives? ...what is it really? a new kde? ..sorry for a nub ques! but really wanna try it..

vvaz 2010-08-30 19:43

Re: Kontact mobile trial
It is complete PIM solution - but not whole desktop. It drags with itself many kde and pim libraries required for proper working.

theonelaw 2010-10-10 12:10

contact lost
Looks like this project died:


Björn Balazs Says:
August 5th, 2010 at 13:29

Thanks for your comments. We have encountered some performance problems. So we will create new packages to solve these. All people having trouble with start-up / performance should wait for those to arrive.
too bad - it could have been a fix for this maybe...:(

dlenoir 2010-10-10 12:26

Re: Kontact mobile trial
The project is not dead. In fact, there was a new update as recently as last week. You can get more info at

elie-7 2010-10-10 12:29

Re: Kontact mobile trial
an u please show us some screenshots .

kureyon 2010-10-10 15:27

Re: Kontact mobile trial
an u please go here for screenshots:

kaos_king 2010-10-11 15:38

Re: Kontact mobile trial

Originally Posted by kureyon (Post 837742)
an u please go here


More letters for no reason....

dbrodie 2010-10-11 16:27

Re: Kontact mobile trial
I tried it a while ago (before my N900 went in for repair) and it was barely usable, anybody have better luck with newer versions?

sadfist 2010-10-11 16:46

Re: Kontact mobile trial
I just installed it, don't have time to give it a proper run-through but I fired up the contacts and calender apps and they seem pretty slow for day to day usage.

theonelaw 2011-01-03 06:44

Re: Kontact mobile trial

Originally Posted by dlenoir (Post 837661)
The project is not dead. In fact, there was a new update as recently as last week. You can get more info at


This page has been deleted. The deletion and move log for the page are provided below for reference.

* 18:14, 20 December 2010 Annew (Talk | contribs) deleted "Kontact Mobile" ‎ (renamed Kontact_Touch)

but they need more redaction, that page still points to

Could be interesting (I have used kmail for years)
but this is a bit scary:

after adding the testing repository (be sure you have good and affordable internet access when doing so).

Note that the first start of any of these applications will take a long time, as it has to spawn some stuff that works deep in the background. Expect an initial waiting time no shorter than a minute.
KDEstuff on an overclocked watercooled quad core 3ghz
machine with 8g of 64bit ram and a 256g SSD
connected by 512mbs ISP service
is way cool - can't wait to see how this works on the n900.

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