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bachagabriel 2010-08-07 08:49

[Request] Strobe light using flash
Would it be possible to have an app (/widget) to let the flash blink like a strobe light?

It would be something like the flashlight app but with flashes with a frequency bar or something like that

the_accidental 2010-08-07 08:57

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
Yes you could do it, to get you started look at my strobe-test code here:

Swirnoff 2010-08-07 09:12

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
Would be nice if it was beat-sensing through mic

hycraig 2010-08-07 20:46

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

Originally Posted by Swirnoff (Post 778630)
Would be nice if it was beat-sensing through mic

yeah i would like to see this happen :)

darkjoker 2010-08-07 20:51

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

Originally Posted by Swirnoff (Post 778630)
Would be nice if it was beat-sensing through mic

yeah id want this feature as well would be wicked. but it should have a certain frequency range to respond to only.

mobiledivide 2010-08-07 21:01

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
A 'disco' app would be pretty neat. A visualization on the front screen and then a strobe light with the flash, going to the beat. I can already see an impromptu dance party fueled by the N900 lol.

SpeedEvil 2010-08-07 21:23

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

Originally Posted by bachagabriel (Post 778623)
Would it be possible to have an app (/widget) to let the flash blink like a strobe light?

It would be something like the flashlight app but with flashes with a frequency bar or something like that

This risks burning out the flash LEDs, if not done with care.

The LEDs cannot safely be flashed at high power for more than 0.5 seconds.

There is no interlock to stop them being flashed every 0.6s for 0.5s though, and this will almost certainly burn them out.

The maximum sustained current is 50mA - the brightness at which the flashlight uses them.
Any strobe operating at this current is certainly safe.

If it uses more power, it is potentially damaging.

joerg_rw 2010-08-07 21:24

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
check notes in kernel driver, and this:

Never use flash mode more frequently than explained there! will kill your device!

In torch mode though it's safe, and torch mode is bright enough :-D


Tomaszd 2010-08-07 21:32

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
Do people really go to parties and discos and hold their phones while dancing, so that they blink and flash in beat with the music?

I had a Motorola E398 that did this. It was dumb then as it is now. Each to his own though.

xxxxts 2010-08-08 19:36

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
I would prefer an application to flash morris code with the light. Type something and then have the LEDs show it in morris code. You never know if you will need it.

TiagoTiago 2010-10-03 04:17

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 779081)
Do people really go to parties and discos and hold their phones while dancing, so that they blink and flash in beat with the music?

I had a Motorola E398 that did this. It was dumb then as it is now. Each to his own though.

bachagabriel 2010-10-03 04:30

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 831981)

hahah amazing

Any info on the app?

TiagoTiago 2010-10-03 04:39

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

joshv06 2010-10-03 04:59

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 831988)

Wow are there anymore awesome apps like this that I haven't yet seen?

TiagoTiago 2010-10-03 05:01

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
i found it with Google

RWFarley 2010-10-03 05:06

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
The "strobe" seems to be on as long or longer than it's off. To get good strobe effects, the light should only "flash" for a short time.

I don't know if the flash on the N900 is bright enough to "freeze" a scene with a short flash....

te37v 2010-10-03 05:11

Re: [Request] Strobe light using flash
holy cow dude. u just made my week tiago!

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