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courtneyg 2010-08-12 13:22

Phone slows down when installing applications
Does anyone experience severe lag on their handset when installing applications or is this just specific to my handset. I've reflashed many times and this doesn't seem to rectify the problem. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pelago 2010-08-12 13:23

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
Do you mean it is slow during the period that the application is being installed (i.e. when the progress bar is shown), or after the app is installed? And which apps?

etuoyo 2010-08-12 13:27

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications

Originally Posted by courtneyg (Post 784168)
Does anyone experience severe lag on their handset when installing applications or is this just specific to my handset. I've reflashed many times and this doesn't seem to rectify the problem. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mine is totally unusable during installation. However, I think this is normal. Effectively there is no multi tasking during installation. Not an issue though I just have to do something else for a few minutes till installation finishes.

Is this what you mean or it lags even after installation has finished?

SirMuttley 2010-08-12 13:28

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications

Originally Posted by courtneyg (Post 784168)
Does anyone experience severe lag on their handset when installing applications or is this just specific to my handset. I've reflashed many times and this doesn't seem to rectify the problem. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I find the phone is pretty much unuseable whilst it's installing an application and for about 30 seconds after it's claimed to have finished it.

I just cross my fingers and hope I don't get a phone call when doing updates.

It would be nice if the app manager would renice some of the apt commands it's using so that other parts of the system could actually use the cpu. I wouldn't mind things taking twice as long to install if it meant I could use the phone whilst they're installing.

soeiro 2010-08-12 13:34

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
Sometimes I prefer to use apt-get because it seems to work a little bit faster, but while it is unpacking and installing the packages the N900 slows to a crawl.

I think that the problem lies somewhere in the current IO structure of the device. Maybe eMMC IO is too demanding of the CPU...I wish there was Busmaster or DMA transfers, though...

courtneyg 2010-08-13 08:11

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
I'm guessing the problem isn't confined to my handset thank God. Nokia really need to pull their fingers out and give us a monster update.

xabaras 2010-08-13 08:38

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications

Originally Posted by SirMuttley (Post 784179)

I just cross my fingers and hope I don't get a phone call when doing updates.


I've been receiving calls during download and installation of apps. The phone works just fine

TiagoTiago 2010-08-13 09:55

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
I've had one that rang and i couldn't have the phone app recognize my input in time and another one that i barelly managed to get in one of the last rings

kureyon 2010-08-13 16:13

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
I'm updating some apps right now and watching a video - no problems :)

stlpaul 2010-08-13 16:15

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
Any kind of disk I/O basically kills responsiveness on N900. I think it's normal...

Does there exist ionice for n900? hmmm :)

esiravegna 2010-08-13 16:16

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
I think also catorise has its part on the issue. WHen using apt-get, about 40/60% of the time after the package is downloaded it is being used by updating the categories. Unless, of course, we're talking about a Mammoth like, lets say, Navit.

SirMuttley 2010-08-15 00:48

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications

Originally Posted by xabaras (Post 785043)
I've been receiving calls during download and installation of apps. The phone works just fine

Lucky you



farshore 2010-10-01 08:09

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
Can't do anything while installing something. It's just way too unresponsive.

bigears5000 2010-10-01 08:34

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
Slightly off-topic, but this is where load applet comes in. After app manager has finished installing the app, load applet shows that cpu and ram is still being used for a while after. If the device is unresponsive, load applet shows you it's because the resources are being used.

ossipena 2010-10-01 08:34

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications

Originally Posted by courtneyg (Post 784168)
Does anyone experience severe lag on their handset when installing applications or is this just specific to my handset. I've reflashed many times and this doesn't seem to rectify the problem. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with which phone you can use device normally while installing stuff?

F2thaK 2010-10-01 08:37

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
with which computer can you use device normally while installing stuff?

regnighc 2010-10-01 08:43

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
I have to say also that I don't really have this issue. If its doing a huge download then sometimes its a little slow but normally I can also watch Video / Make Phone calls during installs.

P.S I have no overclocking

ossipena 2010-10-01 08:45

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
imo if you open some web pages before starting the installation, you can read those through almost normally. but redrawing etc probably is an overkill...

Radicalz38 2010-10-01 08:45

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
i can with my good old n95... And with computer are you joking? All computers now have excellent multi tasking. I can watch video + play games while installing. @.@ unless your stuck with a celeron processor on a desktop?

regnighc 2010-10-01 08:48

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
Its more to do with the Hard disk when installing on a PC.

if you have a 7200 rpm disk or slower then the later games will completely max out transfer, rendering the pc almost unusable regardless of the cpu.

RenaldoTT 2010-10-01 12:38

Re: Phone slows down when installing applications
once the file downloads press the power button and place the device into offline mode so you won't get any calls

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