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darkjoker 2010-08-13 17:45

Why does geotagging need internet connection?
Does anyone know why the n900 needs a internet connection inorder to geotag pictures. surley the GPS should be suffiecient enough to attach the co-ordiantes of where the picture was takken.

and also on a similar note why does ovi maps require internet connection to search for streets/locations for preloaded maps. surley there should already be a databse of all the streets on the preloaded maps.

i hope somone can spread a bit of light on these things


ToJa92 2010-08-13 17:52

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
Without a data connection it would probably take a minute or three to get a fix with the GPS. And I think you can turn off online search in OVI maps settings.

gft2k1 2010-08-13 18:12

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
No, you can't turn off online search in OVI maps because without online search OVI maps don't find nothing !

clasificado 2010-08-13 23:57

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?

Does anyone know why the n900 needs a internet connection inorder to geotag pictures?
Its the expected behaviour: no-internet, no-geotag. an unsolvable feature that cant be fixed without hacking.

A hack that still waits to be made, AFAIK

ndi 2010-08-14 00:31

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
An unsolvable what?

Geo-tagging works with no internet just fine. It takes longer to lock (design limitation of GPS system), and, if it didn't finish locking precisely, it tags the pictures with its best guess, for example GSM cell data. Or, if that fails, tags country by provider country code. I've had pictures tagged as the capital of whatever country I was in because I killed the camera app too soon.

Why would anyone need to "hack" that? It's working as well as it possibly can.

Laughing Man 2010-08-14 00:47

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
You can turn off the internet connection part.. just go to Settings > Location and turn off the network positioning part.

Just be warned, the GPS takes a long time to get a lock without it.

PathFinder@9GS 2010-08-14 01:11

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
its in settings - location.. uncheck network positioning and save

darkjoker 2010-08-14 14:35

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
well ive been playing around with the camera app a bit more and found out that if you do not have a internet connection but do have a gps lock then the co-ordianted of where the picture was takken will be embeded in the image file but it will not state the country or area. if area and country are equried it has to have a internet connection from what i have found.

darkjoker 2010-08-14 14:37

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 785920)
You can turn off the internet connection part.. just go to Settings > Location and turn off the network positioning part.

Just be warned, the GPS takes a long time to get a lock without it.

i wonder why the n900 gps takes so long to lock if a-gps is not enabled. my bro has the iphone and he can get a lock without a-gps enabled in a matter of seconds weird.

tho 2010-08-14 18:14

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?

Originally Posted by darkjoker (Post 786339)
i wonder why the n900 gps takes so long to lock if a-gps is not enabled. my bro has the iphone and he can get a lock without a-gps enabled in a matter of seconds weird.

I can get a lock within a few seconds without data connection, but it will be off by a few hundred yards. It takes my n900 usually about 40 to 60 seconds to get a precise position.

ndi 2010-08-14 21:00

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?

Originally Posted by darkjoker (Post 786339)
i wonder why the n900 gps takes so long to lock if a-gps is not enabled. my bro has the iphone and he can get a lock without a-gps enabled in a matter of seconds weird.

Either it locked before and ephemeris and almanac are fresh or your iPhone transcends the laws of physics. iPhysics?

Perhaps some reading would help? On a cold start, even in perfect weather and in the open, up to 30 seconds are needed just to wait start-of-signal. Normal cold locks are up to 90 seconds, with average noise. Perfect conditions, 6-36 seconds, depending of time of day. Cloudy day, between buildings, near a big motor, etc, might lock any time - even not lock at all.

Why always iPhone? Why doesn't someone come and say they have a Motorola that can solve crimes armed only with a pipe and powers of deduction?

aligatro 2010-08-14 21:12

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 786550)

Why always iPhone? Why doesn't someone come and say they have a Motorola that can solve crimes armed only with a pipe and powers of deduction?

Because Ipeople are Ibrainwashed by Iapple and think of Iproducts as an Iinustry Istandard.

shadowjk 2010-08-15 08:35

Re: Why does geotagging need internet connection?
I imagine iphon would use skyhook wthout agps

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