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TiagoTiago 2010-08-15 10:52

rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I went to the IRC channel when i first got my N900 last week and asked for a way to increase the size of the partitions to avoid them running out of space too soon, the people there that responded, rudelly told me to only come back when it actually became an issue, as if it would never happen; i shouldn't have believed those idiots, now it seems i might need to waste hours reinstalling and setting up everything again. Or is there a safe way to rescale partitions without having to loose the data each of them have? With Ubuntu i did that on a 500GB harddisk that already had Ubuntu and WinXP installed and nothing bad happened on either OSs, can Maemo5 running on the N900 itself do the same?

atilla 2010-08-15 10:57

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
there is a way to make your rootfs in your mydocs but i didnt tried that.
sry i dont know where to find the thread.
use the power search

attila77 2010-08-15 11:02

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
Are you sure you're on PR1.2 ? I have tons of apps installed, even from testing and still have well over 50 megs free on rootfs. Resizing the rootfs is not easy because the mass storage and the rootfs are on physically different devices.

TiagoTiago 2010-08-15 11:05

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
version from About product: 10.2010.19-1.002

TiagoTiago 2010-08-15 11:08

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
Is there a prog that will output a log of what is using how much disk space so i can post here (well, it's gonna be big, i'll put the contents on pastebin and a link here) so you can analyze and look for any abnormalities and stuff i can move to the big partition or simply delete?

thp 2010-08-15 11:23

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
A good wiki page for freeing up space:

Use with caution :)

TiagoTiago 2010-08-15 11:53

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I haven't had any prog complain yet, but this is already bringing me PTSD flashbacks from having to stop installing progs due to the permanent memory leaks bug in my N73 :(

TiagoTiago 2010-08-22 02:55

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
i've got only 1.8MB left on rootfs and i can't find what else to uninstall but i still got things i want to install :(

help? o.o

geneven 2010-08-22 03:09

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
It is possible to overload your N900. You can't necessarily load every program you have ever wanted too load. You can do that with the N810 or N800, but not the N900. You have done something that very few of us have managed with the N900--totally overloaded it. When you say "I can't find what else to uninstall" what does that mean? You should be able to uninstall one program after another. You should be able to uninstall practically every program you ever installed.

But I have a feeling that you have done something somehow that has screwed your system up in a non-obvious fashion.

If I were you, I would reflash again and watch my memory and rootfs. Then I would SLOWLY add things back and see how your memory is affected. There has to be a reason why what you consider a reasonable number of programs installed has gotten you to this overloaded situation.

TiagoTiago 2010-08-22 04:48

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
There isn't a program to generate a log of what is using up the diskspace so people can take a look and point out to me what to do? I don't wanna have to install everything again.....

hellnick 2010-08-22 06:44

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 794594)
There isn't a program to generate a log of what is using up the diskspace so people can take a look and point out to me what to do? I don't wanna have to install everything again.....

At the bottom of the page linked to by thp there is a python script that "outputs a list of all packages in rootfs and their size therein." you might like to try that.

I ended up flashing my n900 the other week as I was in a similar situation after experimenting with Nitdroid - after I'd flashed I worked out that I had probably input a command incorrectly and created a very large directory somewhere it shouldn't be.

TiagoTiago 2010-08-22 07:30

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
ok,, thanx, here we go:

olighak 2010-08-22 10:38

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 794659)

I am counting 163 apps, I recognize, installed by you on your phone. All necessities?

Some of them point to you being female, others point to you having different plumbing. Some of them are obsolete by now, some of them not so useful.

As you've only had the device since last week I suggest you try out the over 163 apps you've installed and see which ones you like and then discard the ones you don't before putting in more.

As said you can overload a N900.

nidO 2010-08-22 10:51

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
Initially, you seem to have many of the cheesy Ovi freeware stuff installed (particularly all of the Offscreen software) - If I recall correctly, a lot of the original stuff that's been kicking about in Ovi since release is not optified.

Other than that, you also have a lot of other stuff I really wonder if you actually seriously need (you seem to have literally every game in extras, along with practically every other non-game app).
For example, you have all the original facebook/foreca installers etc, n900fly (have you ever, really, actually, used this?), Petrovich (essentially pointless after pr1.2) and countless duplications of same-functionality apps (AppDownloader and Fapman, Batterygraph and Battery-eye, several mapping suites, etc etc).
Basically the list is near endless, you seem to have essentially just installed every possible package available for the n900 regardless of functionality.
Try being more selective and realistic with what you install.

ndi 2010-08-22 12:28

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
Storage usage is the way to go. It has a scan package feature letting you know what is optified and was isn't and what takes up space. Use it with care and wiki.

You installed something odd, old, or have remains. I have lots of stuff and rootfs barely feels it, at over 50M free.

floffe 2010-08-22 17:30

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
If you uninstall frozen-bubble and VLC you'll get at least 15MB of free rootfs space. Plus the suggestions above, of course.

Enyibinakata 2010-08-22 17:38

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I have only 1.36GB available but I've not experienced any noticeablw degradation in performance. I cannot say that for other devices I've had (looking at you IPod touch). I am very impressed with the N900 in this regard.

TiagoTiago 2010-08-23 02:58

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
hm, i thought i had uninstalled BatteryEye...

I installed MaeGirls to see if i could predict in which dsys my mom would get pissed off too easilly (no statisticly significant results pointing to yes nor to no), are there any other apps that you would consider to be targeted mostly for girls?

Could you list all the obsolete stuff and what is making it obsolere please?

Each time i review my list of installed apps i have to be stricter and stricter about what i won't install, kinda annoying to have to be serious about what i put on my device...

Would there be any problems if i symlinked the stuff (including executables) to MyDocs? May i ask you to list what stuff i can safelly symlink?

About N900Fly, i've only tossed it above my bed, and even then didn't had the guts to throw it far from my hand at all, i installed it more to test how hard it is to trick it into thinking the device has been thrown when it actually haven't.

m0da 2010-08-23 03:11

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
install this:
in x-term, use:
sudo apt-get install diskusage

RogerTHAcctant 2010-08-23 03:12

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
1.) Do you have WinSCP installed, if so you could go into your phone, go into the root directory (root) and see if you have any files you don't need:

There are obvious systems files, that you wouldn't want to delete.
Then there might be obvious personal files, that you might have stored there on accident such as pictures,music,maybe an installer file or something that you could property identify

2.) Other than that, it could be some applications that aren't optified, but generally you could probably install almost limitless amount of applications if they are optified.

I'm pretty sure the first solutions should be the practical fix since, I don't see how you could use so much rootfs space. I used to have ~68, now I have 63 after installing android, I haven't seen 40 since pr1.1. I hope this helps

geneven 2010-08-23 03:39

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I think you should grow up and clean your room!

It irritates me that these decisions have to be made. I'm not running out of rootfs, but other program space forces me to make choices I didn't face with the N810.

nephridium 2010-08-23 04:06

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?

Originally Posted by m0da (Post 795404)
install this:
in x-term, use:
sudo apt-get install diskusage

There is also
sudo apt-get install storageusage

Imho looks a bit better than what I see on the diskusage screenshots.

Remember to dismount easydebian before running though or it will show some partitions double.

ndi 2010-08-23 12:42

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
Already posted 5 posts above.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 14:38

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
i had managed to get the space situation both on rootfs and on /home under control somehow, but then i had to reflash and now i can't remember what i did and i'm running out of space again :(

ndi 2010-09-04 19:07

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
After reflash, check your space after each install or after a few installs. See which package kills your space and skip it or at least ask around for it. Once you have 200 packages in it's hard to determine what's what.

Did you look at storage usage, as suggested? Did you see what packages take the most space and not optified?

Some of them are simply large, like games.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 19:16

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
I already moved lots of game data (sounds, levels, textures etc) to MyDocs, it's getting harder and harder to find what else i can move

it takes ages to install stuff, i would rather not reflash unless absolutly necessary

Creamy Goodness 2010-09-04 19:38

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
just go follow that wiki link again, and check the storage usage thing for any red (non optified) packages.

Jaxin 2010-09-04 20:13

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?

Originally Posted by nephridium (Post 795432)
There is also
sudo apt-get install storageusage

Imho looks a bit better than what I see on the diskusage screenshots.

Remember to dismount easydebian before running though or it will show some partitions double.

Thanks, that tool helped with the issues I was having :)

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 20:58

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
the one about rootfs? my main issue right now seems to be the home partition :/

Creamy Goodness 2010-09-04 21:05

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
just take the biggest thing and symlink it to mydocs
i freed up like 400mb moving the quake3 pak files on mine...

TiagoTiago 2010-09-04 21:14

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
it's getting harder and harder to find stuff i can safelly transfer to MyDocs :/

ndi 2010-09-04 23:25

Re: rootfs 97% space used, 87% for /home; what can i do?
There are ways to repartition the N900 (search forum). Resize the home partition to 10 G or so. That should fix your wagon. :)

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