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quingu 2010-08-15 10:54

Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Here's something i've been brainstorming for a while. I read alot on the n900 (websites and articles, that is). I often find myself discovering interesting articles while I'm browsing on my desktop. They usually sit a few days in my browser tabs until I finally manage to read them, or just decide to close the tab because I forgot what it was about.

If there was an easy way to send links from my desktop to the n900, it would be a blessing for me.

I can't be *rsed to type in every link by hand on the n900. Sending links via email is still unacceptable because I don't want my inbox cluttered with emails I sent to myself. Any ideas if there is a simple, elegant solution for this? Any workarounds or exploits that would do the trick?

I am using Opera 10 on Win7. How can I easily send URLs from my desktop pc to the N900?

Jezz 2010-08-15 11:00

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I agree, would be good if you could send a bookmark of some sort

Wikiwide 2010-08-15 11:09

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Quick reply...
Install mBarcode on N900 (and, not necessary, qrcode plugin for it)
Install Mobile Barcoder extension in Firefox on PC
Now N900's camera can read barcode of the web-page from your PC's screen and turn it into URL to open in N900's browser.
EDIT: Use QR Code, not Data Matrix.

superjunior 2010-08-15 11:10

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Opera Link

Wikiwide 2010-08-15 11:14

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by superjunior (Post 786901)

Firefox Sync

P.S. I don't use it because I don't like cloud.

EDIT: You use Opera. Then, instead of Mobile Barcoder extension:

Hey everyone, I just put together this trick for generating QR codes in Opera Desktop. Useful for sending links to your QR reading phone and such.

Anyway, just go to Menu > Settings > Preferences

Click on the Search tab and add a new search engine.

Then fill out the different fields accordingly:

Name: QR Generator
Keyword: qr

The rest should be blank and make sure "Use POST" is unchecked.

Save it, then just "search" a URL using the new entry in the search bar. A white page with your QR code in the middle should appear.

quingu 2010-08-15 12:02

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Thanks for all contributions!
But, no cigar yet! I'm not happy with the proposed workflows.

I've been googling for hours now. I've checked out RememberTheMilk (which basically works). Problem: You cannot copy anything out of the n900 app. Plus it doesn't give you clickable links.

Evernote / Qvernote (n900) looks overkill for the job, too.

Now here would have been the perfect candidate: Sabifoo
A service that lets you IM a note (or a link) and archives it to an RSS feed. Sadly, that service was closed down.

Now that would have been the perfect workflow. Copy link, paste to icq and send, check rss feed on n900.

Let's see what else is out there.

Wikiwide 2010-08-15 12:11

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by quingu (Post 786926)
Problem: You cannot copy anything out of the n900 app. Plus it doesn't give you clickable links.

Let's see what else is out there.

MBarcode app for N900 would allow you to copy the link.
Plus, with QRCode plugin for MBarcode, you would have button which would open the link in MicroB browser of N900.

Have you tried to create QR Code search engine in Opera? It would turn a link into QR Code, which could be read by N900.

quingu 2010-08-15 12:21

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Wikiwide, yes, I know about MBarcode because I regularily use it. I just hate the workflow for simple link pasting. It's too much effort!

Now here is a solution I just found that kinda works for me:

You send an email with your links - said content appears in an RSS feed.

All you have to do is write an email on your desktop. IMHO this beats having to generate a QR Code and photographing said code for every link you want to send.

vabgeo 2010-08-15 12:26

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I have been trying to think a solution for this too. I did not like the idea of sending data through a browser -privacy, delay..

I was thinking of creating a firefox plugin which will be present in the right click menu. it should connect via ssh to the destination device and send selected text data to n900 's clipboard.

Wikiwide 2010-08-15 12:35

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by quingu (Post 786937)
Wikiwide, yes, I know about MBarcode because I regularily use it. I just hate the workflow for simple link pasting. It's too much effort!

Now here is a solution I just found that kinda works for me:

You send an email with your links - said content appears in an RSS feed.

All you have to do is write an email on your desktop. IMHO this beats having to generate a QR Code and photographing said code for every link you want to send.


For many links...

You would need something generating QR Code for all links at once, not for each link separately, and QR Code Reader allowing you to open all these links in different tabs/windows.

I'm glad you have found this solution. You want to send a link - you have Internet - using cloud isn't a problem for you - it's the most comfortable way for you.

But (just an analogy) I don't like sending files through cloud just because Linux and Windows can hardly live in one LAN without making havoc with file permissions. And I would prefer to communicate information from PC to N900 by bar-code.

Everybody has his own way. Congratulate you on finding your solution.

dchky 2010-08-15 12:46

X11VNC is the obvious solution.
If you're at your desktop with your N900 sitting beside you, then why not just use X11vnc - copy and paste your links straight in to the N900 browser.

It doesn't get any easier.

thp 2010-08-15 12:48

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Create a Jabber account for each device and configure a client on each, and use that to send around links, texts, etc..

Also useful for sending "TODOs" to your Desktop machine from your mobile phone when you are not at home :)

debernardis 2010-08-15 13:50

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
You could use - save your interesting urls in a page in on your desktop, and reopen same page on your n900.

To speed the process there is a bookmarklet. Just open the page

(substitute whatever with whatever you want, your name, an acronym... that's going to be your urls page and you'll be able to password-protect it if you need to)

Go to Extras (last button on the left side). You'll get there the link to make a bookmarklet. Put on your favourites bar or in your bookmarks.
Optionally select some text in your page (or not)
Push the bookmarklet, the selected text plus the page url will be copied on your page.

Open it in your n900 browser. Enjoy :cool:

jabba_29 2010-08-15 14:07

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
'spose Delicious or Google Bookmarka doesn't work for you?

peteblack 2010-08-15 14:31

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
What about email, or is that too old school? Twitter is another option.

fromthehill 2010-08-15 14:48

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 786900)
Quick reply...
Install mBarcode on N900 (and, not necessary, qrcode plugin for it)
Install Mobile Barcoder extension in Firefox on PC
Now N900's camera can read barcode of the web-page from your PC's screen and turn it into URL to open in N900's browser.

I can't see it getting easier than that

some things I noticed:
-mbarcode does qrcode out-of-the box. no plugin needed
-in mbarcode you can only select the scanned text by tapping inside the textbox and pressing ctrl+a, you can't select with the stylus

alienhead 2010-08-15 15:03

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
how about pasting the link in a text file and putting that text file in your dropbox?

oscillik 2010-08-15 15:08

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

mikecomputing 2010-08-15 15:26

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
one ide I have thinking of but never had time to test is using klipper or similar in linux and add a feature sendto n900.

and on the n900 make a simple client that is connectingb to the sendtoserver in linuxdesktop and the automatic forward it to clipboard on n900 that way we could use tandard cut/paste behave.

another solution that someone already said is to use jabber that ay it should be possible to also send specialcommands between desktop and n900 :D

waga 2010-08-15 16:25

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
just make it simple buddy..i used skype...log in on my pc and my n900 simultaneously..everything i type message on pc will pop-up on my delay...just copy paste the link from the browser and paste on skype chat will pop-up on your n900 inbox..this more easy i think..

Memph1s 2010-08-15 19:55

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
have you considered ??

Ykho 2010-08-15 20:12

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I just have hotmail open simultaneously on desktop and n900 then save the links in drafts from the desktop and open it again on the n900

festivalnut 2010-08-15 20:28

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
use a web-sms service and text clickable links to yourself

(personally i prefer some of the other options mentioned above, jus adding an alternative!)

quingu 2010-08-16 11:31

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by oscillik (Post 787058)

You, good Sir, win the price. This is exactly what I was looking for.

waga 2010-08-16 11:54

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
nice and easy..

Marlon 2010-08-16 12:14

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I would suggest InstaPaper - click the instapaper button on your desktop and view it on the n900 and obviously works vice-versa

evad 2010-08-17 20:37

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

jabawok 2010-08-18 03:10

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I find the best way is to just have a separate IM account and send from PC to phone using IM. When the message pops up on the N900, you can click on the link and it immediately loads in web browser. This is of course not limited to links, and can be used for notes, calendar text, addresses etc etc.

CYPHERC 2010-08-28 01:55

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
i do it w dropbox, i have a txt file in it, i just paste there any info i want on my Mac, and then the same for my phone

nephridium 2010-08-30 05:41

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I just wrote a script to do this. You need to install netcat (ncat with -e option compiled in) on the N900 and on the remote machine. Then place this script called in your home dir (or anywhere else you like):

read url
dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:"$url"

Then run this command:

ncat -l -p 1337 -e /home/user/
Now the N900 will open any URL you send to its IP port 1337 until you hit Ctrl-C.

You can send the url by issuing this command on the remote machine:

nc "N900 IP" 1337 <ENTER>

So e.g. this session would open on the N900:

user@ubuntu:~$ nc 1337

You can do this as often as you like until you quit the ncat script on the N900.

AlMehdi 2010-08-30 05:52

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
I use Sync on Firefox.. so it will sync the tabs i use on my computer which i can then use in Firefox on the n900.

Ohh and i am using Firefox 2.0 Alpha on my n900.. It renders the webpages really fast.. I think fastest on the n900. Still little slow startup though.

ZogG 2010-08-30 06:20

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
it would be nice to use something with QR code maybe?

Reffyyyy 2010-08-30 07:05

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Nephridium: I've been toying with your script but I can't seem to get it working with Queen Beecon Widget. Any advice?

nephridium 2010-08-30 07:55

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by Reffyyyy (Post 802037)
Nephridium: I've been toying with your script but I can't seem to get it working with Queen Beecon Widget. Any advice?

Sorry, I've never used Queen Beecon Widget, while the name sounds enticing I'm not a huge fan of widgets on my mobile ;).

Maybe it has a problem with ncat waiting patiently in the background for any url, thus not "returning" (with an exit code) until you quit it?

Tstone 2010-08-30 08:04

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Here is another method using SSH:


ssh <N900 IP address> dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:""

nephridium 2010-08-30 08:36

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?

Originally Posted by Tstone (Post 802064)
Here is another method using SSH:


ssh <N900 IP address> dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:""

Awesome, this one is the best solution yet. Slightly slower than mine, but more secure and no need to set up a "dedicated listening server" ;)

Reffyyyy 2010-09-08 21:12

Re: Simple way to send a link from desktop browser to n900 browser?
Ok, I managed to make a script that when it is executed, it will request a webpage to enter and then automatically send it over SSH.

For the script to work as I like, you need to have automatic authentication via RSA keys or whatever.

If anyone wants, I'll post it.

On the weekend (or whenever I get time), I'll make it request your N900 ip address for the first boot. As of now, it only works with an ip address specified in the script (

Only tested on Ubuntu 10.

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