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412b 2010-08-16 15:46

[ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
3 Attachment(s)
Home widget to control MediaBox :)

nax3000 2010-08-16 16:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
So are you too shy to show us what music you listen to? Haha.
Anyway, build 9 still doesn't work.. going to try and check the error msg.

mase 2010-08-16 18:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
So you said, that play / pause works for you, when you are
in the shelf screen? For me only skipping works there.

pycage 2010-08-16 19:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
The widget appeared right after installation on my N900.

Play/Pause doesn't work when on the shelf. But that's my fault rather than 412b's. :)

But why does the package depend on 'advanced-power-common'? That sounds strange.

mase 2010-08-17 04:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Here are some issues:
The timestamp takes a few seconds, before it starts.
Jumping is not possible. The bar and time moves, but the track keeps
When opening another window, or switching off the screen (manually or
automatically by powersave), the timestamp freezes. After skipping the
track, it works normal again.
the play / pause issue, as me pycage and me described.
Maybe the bugs appear, because I am using the svn build?

I have an idea for cover art: Mediabox could provide a thumbnail of the
cover art in the /tmp folder, that the widget could load and display.

Why not integrating the FM radio and the widget in mediabox?

What do you think?

d-iivil 2010-08-17 05:14

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Great! Only one "complain"; why it has to be so large? Fills up almost half of the screen :D

Would it make sense to make it same sized as the original widget is?

ivgalvez 2010-08-17 06:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I'm with D-livil, it's a little big for me.

Enyibinakata 2010-08-17 10:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I have decided to keep using my N900 despite the phone UI bug all because of the latest version of MediaBox. It really is excellent and I love the track bookmark feature in particular. Nokia should give up and adopt this as their standard Media player. I will gladly pay for this app. Where can I contribute ? I need to thank you with some real action.

pycage 2010-08-17 11:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
By popular request I'm gonna work on a "donate" button in MediaBox. :)

412b 2010-08-17 12:39

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 788445)
The widget appeared right after installation on my N900.

Play/Pause doesn't work when on the shelf. But that's my fault rather than 412b's. :)

About play/pause: quite strange... What I'm doing is starting some playlist and then go to the Shelf. In that case play/pause works fine.


Originally Posted by pycage (Post 788445)
But why does the package depend on 'advanced-power-common'? That sounds strange.

Because it uses some stuff from that library :) Advanced Power, Advanced Power Monitor and Advanced Interface Switcher also depend on that library :)

412b 2010-08-17 12:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by mase (Post 788894)
Here are some issues:
The timestamp takes a few seconds, before it starts.

It starts as soon as MediaBox reports it.


Originally Posted by mase (Post 788894)
Jumping is not possible. The bar and time moves, but the track keeps playing.

At the moment MediaBox doesn't support track seeking via D-Bus as I understand.


Originally Posted by mase (Post 788894)
When opening another window, or switching off the screen (manually or automatically by powersave), the timestamp freezes. After skipping the
track, it works normal again.

Yep. It's bug, I'm working on it. It's all because hildon-desktop isn't informing properly, if widget is on current desktop. Perhaps, it's bug in python bindings for hildon-desktop. And no working example of how it can be fixed in apps can be found.


Originally Posted by mase (Post 788894)
Maybe the bugs appear, because I am using the svn build?

It can be related only to the bug with play/pause. I'm testing widget with MediaBox 2010.07.24


Originally Posted by mase (Post 788894)
I have an idea for cover art: Mediabox could provide a thumbnail of the cover art in the /tmp folder, that the widget could load and display.

Or keep on using D-Bus with byte/string representation of image. It's up to pycage :)


Originally Posted by mase (Post 788894)
Why not integrating the FM radio and the widget in mediabox?

What do you think?

About FM Radio: I don't listen to radio, in fact ))) But why not, just because it was there (for N800) some time ago :)
Integrating widget... Don't know. I always suggest to keep the app and the add-ons to it as standalone things, to keep modules, 'cause not every user needs all the stuff.

Chrome 2010-08-17 12:57

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Where's the widget supposed to appear? i don't see it in widgets list after installing, even after restart.

412b 2010-08-17 13:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by Chrome (Post 789343)
Where's the widget supposed to appear? i don't see it in widgets list after installing, even after restart.

On the current (or first, I've never paid attention, where hildon-desktop places just installed widgets) desktop by default. As there's to be only one instance of widget, it could be hidden in the widget list...

Please post the output of

python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 1
running in XTerm.

mase 2010-08-17 14:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I will have a look at pygtk to get able to help. I only know C / C++ programming.
But it isn't that different to python.
I think, mediabox could get an all-in-one media solution, with all different
components integrated. I mean, fm-radio (i don't listen to it, too), podcast, etc.

412b 2010-08-17 15:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Heh... I've found the reason of timing stopping etc. during desktop changes )))
I've made a workaround for hildon-desktop bug, but forgot to include it in project's main tree )))
Update will be in extras-devel, when I get home, approximately 3 hours later. May be it can fix issues with appearing on desktop.

Chrome 2010-08-17 15:23

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by 412b (Post 789356)
On the current (or first, I've never paid attention, where hildon-desktop places just installed widgets) desktop by default. As there's to be only one instance of widget, it could be hidden in the widget list...

Please post the output of

python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 1
running in XTerm.

seg fault

am i the only one getting that?

412b 2010-08-17 16:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by Chrome (Post 789506)
seg fault

am i the only one getting that?

I'm sure you're not.
Wait till evening. New version will arrive to extras-devel.

412b 2010-08-17 21:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
new version is in extras-devel, i'm waitng for logs of it...

mase 2010-08-18 05:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
It works for me now. The timestamp continues, and controlling on
shelf works, too.

pycage 2010-08-18 06:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I'm going to provide coverart via a tag-changed signal pointing to a temp image file containing the cover art, or file icon in general.

About FM radio I want to go the way of a tiny D-Bus service in C++ for controlling the tuner. That way audio doesn't get interrupted when Maemo freezes the application because it will be a daemon in the background.
Then making a FM radio frontent should become an easy task.

But in the next two weeks I will be very very busy and not work on MediaBox much (Google invited me for an on-site job interview in Dublin).

arora.rohan 2010-08-18 07:04

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
my HAM and FAP seems to be screwed... could you tell me the name of the package so that i can install it via terminal! .. thanks ! :)

412b 2010-08-18 10:25

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by arora.rohan (Post 790071)
my HAM and FAP seems to be screwed... could you tell me the name of the package so that i can install it via terminal! .. thanks ! :)

mediabox-home-widget :cool:

nax3000 2010-08-18 11:12

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Even in the latest build I still can't see the widget after selecting it. What gives?

412b 2010-08-18 11:49

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by nax3000 (Post 790318)
Even in the latest build I still can't see the widget after selecting it. What gives?

Please post the output of running

python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 1
in XTerm, so I can see, what went wrong.

Chrome 2010-08-18 11:59

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by 412b (Post 790354)
Please post the output of running

python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 1
in XTerm, so I can see, what went wrong.

here's what i got:

Taceback (most recent call last):
file "/usr/lib/hildon-desktop/", line 32, in <module>
hd_plugin_type = get_hd_plugin_type()
NameError: name 'get_hd_plugin_type' is not defined

nax3000 2010-08-18 12:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 412b (Post 790354)
Please post the output of running

python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 1
in XTerm, so I can see, what went wrong.

When I run it like that it shows the widget but once I close xterm the widget disappears.

412b 2010-08-18 12:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by Chrome (Post 790367)
here's what i got:

Taceback (most recent call last):
file "/usr/lib/hildon-desktop/", line 32, in <module>
hd_plugin_type = get_hd_plugin_type()
NameError: name 'get_hd_plugin_type' is not defined

What's the version of widget?

412b 2010-08-18 12:13

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by nax3000 (Post 790368)
When I run it like that it shows the widget but once I close xterm the widget disappears.

What I can say definitely 'It loads' :D
Now it's time to figure out why it doesn't appear on desktop...

Try running as root

mv /usr/share/applications/hildon-home/mediabox-home-widget.desktop /usr/share/applications/hildon-home/mediabox-home-widget.desktop.bkp
Then reboot and after that run again as root renaming backwards

mv /usr/share/applications/hildon-home/mediabox-home-widget.desktop.bkp /usr/share/applications/hildon-home/mediabox-home-widget.desktop
Also try it without rebooting.

I'm loving hildon-desktop less every day :mad:

Chrome 2010-08-18 16:19

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by 412b (Post 790383)
What's the version of widget?

latest -devel release.

mase 2010-08-29 16:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Is it possible to add an option to autostart mediabox without
being asked, when for example play is pressed, or even
when the widget is started after reboot?

2beers 2010-09-01 11:53

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by 412b (Post 789314)
Because it uses some stuff from that library :) Advanced Power, Advanced Power Monitor and Advanced Interface Switcher also depend on that library :)

I use Linux on Desktop for several years now & always thought one (of many) advantages is, that all programs (programmers) can use all available lib's.
In other words - how come it's not possible to just use the 1 library your programm needs but instead install a whole program?

Schism 2010-09-02 06:30

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
I am also getting a segmentation fault while running


python /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ 1
on a terminal :confused: Faster Application Manager shows that the widget version is 0.4.1-11

Any ideas?



The widget doesn't give a segmentation fault anymore. I didn't do anything except installing a couple of apps...

IceJunior 2010-09-06 15:16

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
For me the widget does not work. If I select it from widget list nothing appears and the hildon desktop seems to crash and reload. (Some icons disappear and come back). If I start it from terminal, the output is something like it's a normal bug in some applications which are using the D-Bus libary..

endarphase 2010-09-08 14:36

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Hello everyone.

Was just wondering if anyone has experiences any difficulty removing this widget?

Whenever I tried to remove this widget I get an error saying "I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/usr/share/gconf/schemas/advanced-power.schemas" Failed to open `/usr/share/gconf/schemas/advanced-power.schemas': No such file or directory". Is anyone experiencing the same thing? Is it a bug?

Just to clarify, I am a stranger when it comes to anything Linux, and while I have learnt basic commands I lack knowledge when it comes to troubleshooting and stuff.

Also I'm removing this widget not because there's any faults or I don't like it. It's only because I got used to the default media player widget and I've decided to go back to using that, and I don't see the point of having two media player widgets. ;)

Here's a complete log of my xterm:


Nokia-N900:~# apt-get remove mediabox-home-widget
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree     
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
After this operation, 336kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
(Reading database ... 39760 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing mediabox-home-widget ...
gconftool-2: I've been haxored to use xml::/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults as the config source.
Resolved address "xml::/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults" to a writable configuration source at position 0
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/usr/share/gconf/schemas/advanced-power.schemas"
Failed to open `/usr/share/gconf/schemas/advanced-power.schemas': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing mediabox-home-widget (--remove):
 subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
ln: /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/mediabox_widget/mediabox_widget: File exists
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Any help on this will be appreciated. :)

412b 2010-09-08 22:56

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by endarphase (Post 810702)
Any help on this will be appreciated. :)

I confirm, there is a bug (mistype, bad memory...). Everyone installed 0.4.2-2, follow these instructions before upgrading/removing:
as root

rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/mediabox-home-widget.prerm
I strongly recommend to upgrade to version 0.4.2-3 with bug fixes and coverart.

endarphase 2010-09-10 08:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by 412b (Post 811109)
I confirm, there is a bug (mistype, bad memory...)

Thanks for clearing that out, 412b. =)

412b 2010-09-16 11:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
New version 0.4.2-9 for Diablo and Fremantle is released. Testing and feedback is highly appreciated.

sangean99 2010-10-11 16:44

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Where is a link to install this widget?

412b 2010-10-11 17:06

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget

Originally Posted by sangean99 (Post 838532)
Where is a link to install this widget?

It's in extras-devel. What's the point of providing a link? ;)

mase 2010-10-15 03:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] MediaBox Home Widget
Could you add the possibility to autostart mediabox minimized on
device boot?
Another possibility would be, that the widget catches the dbus call
play / pause and start mediabox minimized if not already done.
But the first on would be enough. So I can get into my car, press play
on my BT radio, and everything will run.

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