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fw190 2010-08-18 11:24

[Solved] Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
What to do? After updating some software Xorg is always runnig and eating 95-97% of CPU so its running always on 600mhz and Cony shows 100% of use. What to do?


Moderator Edit: Please try this before asking for more help.


Originally Posted by hawaii

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver (rebooting is enough).

IceJunior 2010-08-18 11:32

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Did you install the advanced-power app?

slender 2010-08-18 11:34

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
"some software"
Hmmm. To help you and other it would not hurt to list what you have updated :|

fw190 2010-08-18 11:42

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by IceJunior (Post 790330)
Did you install the advanced-power app?

Yes. I've instaleed it and the uninstalled as it wasn't workin.

gabby131 2010-08-18 12:10

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
same here, installed advanced power and de-install, did a restore back-up and still has it, need to report this bug to the advance power thread.

IceJunior 2010-08-18 12:10

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Advanced-Power should be the reason for Xorg's 100%. Even after uninstall, reboot and so on...

slender 2010-08-18 12:13

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Okey. So this is just normal day in boots of devel tester?

quingu 2010-08-18 12:24

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
exactly the same problem here. advanced power monitor seems to be the culprit. my xorg ist constantly running @ 70%. my n900 consumes about 10% battery in 20mins now.

any help on stopping this xorg rampage would be greatly appreciated.

echoblack 2010-08-18 13:03

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Well, I guess I get to learn how to flash my device....arg.... lucky Arch Linux has the flasher application in the AUR.

pedro-25 2010-08-18 13:07

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
i also have the same problem i have unistalled advanced power but xorg still running at 100% any solutions out there?

hawaii 2010-08-18 13:11

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
This thread needs a bump. Re-installing xserver-xorg-core does not fix.

I'm about to tear into the package to see what it does, unless the developer advises of how to fix the problem. I've emailed him, and hope he drops in soon.

pedro-25 2010-08-18 13:18

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
let me know if you find a solution straight away cause im gettin close on reflshing but dont really wanna do that cause i have so many tweeks apps & custom icons etc i dont wanna have to pretty much re do my hole phone cause of this problem!

hawaii 2010-08-18 13:24

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Sit tight, thread will be updated as soon as the problem is located.

pedro-25 2010-08-18 13:27

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
thank you very much i appreciate your help & look foward to sorting the problem, while i am waiting i may upload some of my mods 2 this site as i have been using it for a while now but only just registered lol

hawaii 2010-08-18 13:28

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

pedro-25 2010-08-18 13:31

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
ok deleted the file & now rebooting, how do i kill the xserver?

hawaii 2010-08-18 13:34

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Rebooting is enough.

Please advise if this fixes for you.

pedro-25 2010-08-18 13:36

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
i can confirm this is now fixed for me thank you very much

quingu 2010-08-18 13:57

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
seems to have worked!
hawaii, you saved my entire vacation! if we ever meet, i gonna buy you a beer. thanks so much!

gabby131 2010-08-18 14:11

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 790490)

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

this is awesome!

thanks yo! :)

EDIT: i cant buy you a beer as quingu offers, but if you can give me a link where i can click and give you my deepest thanks, that is a thing i will do :)

this issue restrained me from OC'ing

hawaii 2010-08-18 14:31

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Problem is due to package advanced-power-monitor.

Vote it down due to a broken post-uninstall script and a bad bugtracker link?

slender 2010-08-18 14:38

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Amazing that there is so helpful people around here but have to say something.

"If you want to play with extras-devel software you need to be prepared to feel some pain sooner or later. "

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't play with it unless you really know what you are doing. Be ready to file proper bug reports instead of posting complaints. "

But everything went quite nicely. Just to remember some users that if you play with devel BE PREPARED!

greenflaw 2010-08-19 00:01

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 790490)

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

Thanks man!! you saved my day. :)
Worked flawlessly.
You Rock \m/. :rolleyes:

echoblack 2010-08-19 00:06

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

I was really not looking forward to flashing the phone.

Ya, your right slender. I'll keep it simple form now on.

scribbles 2010-08-19 00:51

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Geez, where were you guys last night. I ultimately had to flash my phone this morning just before going to work (yes, I was late). I really didn't want to have to flash it and that's why I put it off. I also didn't want to fix all of my mods (transitions, icons...etc) again but that damn xorg would not quit. It was relentlessly heating my cpu up at 100%. I'm slowly re-adding apps that didn't get backed up for some reason (leafpad, MC, emelfm2, rootsh) among others... :rolleyes:

cedlmw 2010-08-19 07:38

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
hey guys I tried to remove apmonitord with cuteexplorer, but it fails. Could you help please? :)

slender 2010-08-19 07:42

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by cedlmw (Post 791446)
hey guys I tried to remove apmonitord with cuteexplorer, but it fails. Could you help please? :)

For sure!

Please be kind and first read thread (FULLY) where you are posting and tell us did the hints&tips help. Also be specific what have you done.

Do you know how to use xterm?

cedlmw 2010-08-19 07:47

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
well I installed advanced power and noticed that my phone was heating up like crazy... So I unistalled it, but the thing is that the xorg process still takes 90+ cpu usage :S. hmm not really, I just use it to overclock ,etc... any ideas? ;)

superjunior 2010-08-19 07:48

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

Thats it.

slender 2010-08-19 07:49

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Have you tried to do as user hawaii in this thread?

cedlmw 2010-08-19 07:55

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
hmm by manually do u mean by using a pc or xterm? I dont really know how to use the latter. I did find the file by using cute explorer but when I try to delete it(using cuteexplorer) it says "deleting file apmonitord failed"

superjunior 2010-08-19 07:59

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
You must be root !!!

open Xterm
Type root
Type mc (MidnightCommander)

go to /etc/event.d/apmonitord

F8= delete

cedlmw 2010-08-19 08:17

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
it works!!! thanks a lot ;)

winet05 2010-08-19 08:55

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Hi i had the same problem and thanx to the thread i managed to fix the problem.. Now is there a way we can vote down Advanced Power App from the extras-devel..

justice4all3000 2010-08-19 09:04

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 790490)

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver.

The project bugtracker is broken, so...

thanks worked perfectly!!!

fw190 2010-08-19 09:10

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
This is getting seriously annoying. Could a moder close this thread? The answer is given. It is simle as 2+2=4. Even a noob like me could do it so it's not a black magic and people start to ask the same questio when the answer is given 4 posts above.

klangc 2010-08-19 09:35

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
I just faced this issue too.
Many many thanks for solution. :)

CasTTeLLo 2010-08-19 10:09

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
i was installed and uninstalled apm/ap too....but when i try to find apmonitord , it doesn't exist...weird....maybe its fully uninstalled....i'm on pr1.2 but i can fell my device getting slow and eat much idea!!

superjunior 2010-08-19 10:46

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Open Xterm and run "top" or install "htop" and look the Prozess with high CPU and MEM.

Rob1n 2010-08-19 10:58

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by winet05 (Post 791516)
Now is there a way we can vote down Advanced Power App from the extras-devel..

No, that's why it's extras-devel - the apps are in development and may cause issues ranging right the way up to bricking the phone.

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