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helihyv 2010-08-23 12:11

[Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Chess Clock 1.0.0 (beta) by Arto Hyvättinen is released in the extras-devel repository under games section.

Chess Clock is a game clock for chess players. It has six modes
  • normal clock
  • time addition in the beginning of a turn (or after a specified number of turns)
  • time addition after a turn (or after a specified number of turns)
  • delay in the beginning of a turn (time starts counting down after a delay period)
  • delay at the end of a turn (if the player has moved faster than the increment, only the time used by the player will be added to his/her time)
  • hour glass game (the time used by player is subtracted from his/her time and added to the opponents time)
Times are adjustable and white and black players can optionally have different times.

Everything should work fine ;) The application is in its beta phase and is not fully tested. It works on PR 1.2. In real game clock use it works best when the device is charging and set to keep the display on while charging. No tests on battery consumption are made yet. All feedback is welcome.

Chess board is not included. :)

Website (with more screenshots):

GeraldKo 2010-08-23 17:52

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Any chance of porting this to Maemo4 Diablo for N8x0?

In any event, glad you made this. If not on my N800, maybe I'll get to use it on my N9. :)

jukey 2010-08-23 18:28

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Thank you so much for this great application. Can't wait to try it out in real situations. :)

zem 2010-08-24 09:52

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Great work! Feature request: for scrabble, a more easily accessible pause button is needed. Could you have an option to put one somewhere on the main screen?

artohyv 2010-08-25 17:12

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Thank for all feedback.
More feedback is welcome!


Any chance of porting this to Maemo4 Diablo for N8x0?
Chess Clock is written with C++/Qt4, it should be cross-platform and just ready to be compiled in other platforms (supporting any version of Qt 4)... But I haven't development tools for Maemo4 installed :( and I prefer to first get final Maemo5 version released.

By the way, the application without any modifications runs fine in my desktop computer, too.


a more easily accessible pause button is needed
This should be easy to add (in the next release).

In addition, I will try to add an option to keep the screen always on when a game is running (it may eat the battery...)


smartypants 2010-09-15 00:06

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Can you make it fullscreen and maybe have an option to vibrate when you click?

helihyv 2010-09-18 08:29

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel

Originally Posted by smartypants (Post 816418)
Can you make it fullscreen and maybe have an option to vibrate when you click?

No plans to make it fullscreen. We discussed this and figured that faster access to menu (and seeing the time and battery level) outweighs the prettier appearance of full screen.

As for vibration, it could be nice to have a clearer response to touch, not sure whether vibration is the best way to do it, though. It might come later, but won't be in the next version.

helihyv 2010-10-02 19:25

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Chess clock 1.1.0 is now in extras-devel.

New features:
-the screen stays on during a game (expect when paused)
-pause is now a button on the game screen (instead of a menu option)

Bug reports & other feedback is welcome.

helihyv 2010-10-14 19:13

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Chess Clock 1.1.2 is now in extras-devel.

New: improved battery life.
-the game is paused when the application goes to background
-if an individual turn takes more than 30 minutes, the screen is no longer kept on. (If you wish to resume keeping the screen on for that game, just pause and continue on another turn.)

helihyv 2010-10-20 16:15

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Chess Clock is now in the extras-testing repository, waiting for testers...

The Chess Clock's QA page for testing, commenting and voting

helihyv 2011-02-04 12:50

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
There should now be an experimental version of Chess Clock for N800/N810 (Maemo 4.1) devices available in the diablo extras-devel repository. As we do not have a N800 or N810 device, this version has only been tested on scratchbox/Xephyr, not on an actual device. So there could be surprises...

This version does not force the screen to stay on while playing, as this feature uses QtMobility , which is not available for Maemo 4.1. (It could be done another way, but as the emulator does not go blank, I would not be able to test it...)

All reports on it working or not would be most welcome!

helihyv 2011-09-03 13:13

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
The first beta version of Chess Clock for Harmattan (N9/N950) has been released. It is available from my personal repo, instructions on how to set it up on the device at
Screenshots are in the discussion thread.

wumpwoast 2011-09-04 05:36

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Does this Chess Clock have an audit log?

If someone was contesting a game, it might be cool to have a record of all turn lengths, pauses, and events since the "start of game".

helihyv 2011-09-05 18:16

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
No, there is no log. It was planned at some point, and there is actually some preliminary support for it in the source code. So I think it probably could be implemented. Stable version for Harmattan (with all features of the Maemo version) is the most urgent work to do for this project now. But after that is done I could take a look at adding new features, and a log would be a good one. No promises, though. And it won't come soon anyway...

helihyv 2011-12-01 20:49

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
Chess Clock for N9 and N950 is now available as a free download from Nokia Store. Download links are in the Meego Forum thread

helihyv 2012-03-05 20:01

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
There is now an updated version of Chess Clock for N9 and N950 in Nokia Store. Only fixes some font issues introduced by PR 1.2.

helihyv 2012-04-10 13:39

Re: [Announce] Chess Clock available in extras-devel
After spending over a year in the testing repo, Chess Clock for N900 is now available from the extras repository!

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