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DistantFire 2010-08-31 20:26

The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Three words: "Hot Diggety Dog"

There is a lot to like in the Archos announcements:

And from the horse's mouth:

When I have more time to read, maybe I'll figure out that none of these has GPS... but other than that, they look very good.

Questions to be answered:
1. "Android on TV" - Archos seems to claim real video out, not just for playing clips and slide shows. Need to confirm this.
2. No support appears to be planned for Android Market. Is this really a big deal still?
3. Keyboard support? I don't see anything, though the Engadget video mentions it.


leetut 2010-08-31 20:42

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
shame there running android, i really need a new device too, must have a slide out keyboard, and not be made by nokia and not running android, just want something that works properly if im honest, so that rules both of the above out unfortunately

maluka 2010-08-31 20:48

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
They are running vanilla Android which is just about the ugliest mobile device UI imaginable. Besides the obvious MeeGo/Maemo, I would take Symbian on a tablet over Android any day.

silvermountain 2010-08-31 23:14

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Devices looks pretty good. I'd also like a h/w keyboard but for the price ($300 for the 10 inch one) I'm tempted to get one.

I like Android so that's a personal bonus. Then again I'm one of those people that really like it when an OS is supported beyond one device and one year.

tso 2010-08-31 23:19

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Well Archos did provide A5it users with a angstrom escape hatch.

As for phyiscal keyboard, Archos will be selling a keyboard and touchpad combo from what was shown on one photo.

bunanson 2010-08-31 23:31

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by DistantFire (Post 803562)
....When I have more time to read, maybe I'll figure out that none of these has GPS...2. No support appears to be planned for Android Market. Is this really a big deal still?...

Even if they claimed to have GPS, what they really meant is there is a GPS option that you can buy; $49.95 + S/H?

No Android Market? It is a VERY BIG DEAL!


tso 2010-08-31 23:48

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
last i checked, the musts for google apps (market included) are 3-way accelerometer, ditto compass, gps and 2mpix camera. GPS and compass is missing.

extendedping 2010-09-01 00:27

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
If this is true...
I'd be a lot more excited then by the archos...

DistantFire 2010-09-01 13:49

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by silvermountain (Post 803687)
I like Android so that's a personal bonus. Then again I'm one of those people that really like it when an OS is supported beyond one device and one year.

Okay here's the crux for me: As I've said now and then in posts for months, what I really, really want from my tablet is the possibility of using it as my main personal computer. I want it all. I want to be able to take it in my pocket (i.e. slightly larger than a smartphone) for on-the-go browsing, email, access to my data and documents, etc. But I also want to be able to come home and plop this same machine into a docking station (or use a USB hub) to connect it to a larger screen and full-size keyboard so I can use it as more than a PMP.

Tell me something, silvermountain: Could I jump to Android and leave Windows behind for good, as I could with Ubuntu? The one thing my N810 doesn't have which precludes making this kind of jump is no video out (and the 400 MHz cpu). With the following enticing comment, these Archos units (43, 70 and 101) could bridge that gap:

Android™ on TV
Basically, this is what you see on your product screen, but ten times bigger. With its TV output, the ARCHOS 43 internet tablet displays every Android™ sceen on your wide screen TV.
(italic emphasis is mine - DF)

With this HDMI output and serious apps like "Documents to Go" could it really be possible, or will I eventually need to shell out the $800 - $1,000 for a "true" UPMC?

Thanks, DF

Jobester 2010-09-01 14:08

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 803698)
Even if they claimed to have GPS, what they really meant is there is a GPS option that you can buy; $49.95 + S/H?

No Android Market? It is a VERY BIG DEAL!


In the engadget comments it says you can search for a one-click install market4archos.apk file. Would that be the same thing?

And now you can dual-boot an Archos? When MeeGo is ready would it be realistic to put that on?

Just asking because it'd be nice to finally have a tablet to buy in 2010. The WePad/WeTab link and others look interesting, but I'm waiting for more info.

Peet 2010-09-01 15:59

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Just wondering why couldn't MeeGo or any other Linux-based OS be ported to these tablets? The underlying Cortex A8 hardware is probably relatively vanilla... Intel & Nokia admittedly have no interest in helping non-Intel & non-Nokia devices... (sorry Meegoh!)

Still, despite Archos not having the greatest of reputations, these tablets offer variety and interesting specs at interesting price points.

$199 for the Archos 43:
  • Cortex A8 1Ghz
  • 4.3-inch display with the rather pleasant 848x480 resolution
  • 9 mm (0.4 inch) thick (actually rather slim!)
  • 130 g (4.6 oz)
  • 8GB (to 16GB) flash
  • no cellular tax (it can be a choice you see; tethering is supported)
  • no microsoft tax... :p
Etc. (specifications)

Most obvious downsides IMO are the back-facing (2MP) camera so no videocalls (as we know it) and the apparently non-user-replacable battery.

I'm all for more competition in this category. Too bad Nokia chose to abandon this pocketable mobile companion device category that they once pioneered...

cheve 2010-09-01 16:16

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
@DF: - Can user replace the battery or it remains to be the sealed type that can't be changed in the field?
- personally, I would want to make sure that it can do USB host(without the dock); without this I don't think you can attach mouse/fold-away keyboard or any other interest stuff on the go?

- in my book, portable h/d(I think that what is being used) is a bad idea.

I have an older generation of Archo( A605 to be exact) with docks, remote, the complete works. What I hate(or afraid) most is whenever it is in my hand or pocket, at any moment I would drop the thing and the internal h/d would crash/die with it for good :( This is more important factor if you are considering this type of device as your PC replacement


slender 2010-09-01 16:30

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Archos? What? Is it that US company that made/makes mp3-players. Or was it Cowon? Better to google, but never ever have heard of this company.

cheve 2010-09-01 16:35

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by slender (Post 804360)
Archos? What? Is it that US company that made/makes mp3-players. Or was it Cowon? Better to google, but never ever have heard of this company.

it is a french company that makes stuffs and with advance features and etc that some of the new ixxxx stuff do not even have :p .... running away quickly :D

slender 2010-09-01 16:42

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Hahaha. Jackpot.

Archos is from French and Cowon from Korea. Flawless victory!

My memory needs scandisk&defrag and upgrade to some fs that doesn't get corrupted so easily :P

DistantFire 2010-09-01 16:50

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 804352)
@DF: - Can user replace the battery or it remains to be the sealed type that can't be changed in the field?
- personally, I would want to make sure that it can do USB host(without the dock); without this I don't think you can attach mouse/fold-away keyboard or any other interest stuff on the go?

- in my book, portable h/d(I think that what is being used) is a bad idea.

Battery: No idea on replaceability. We'll have to wait for hands-on reviews by the likes of

USB Host: According to the Archos site, all units have the following in the specs except the 101 (more after the quote):
USB 2.0 Host: Mass Storage Class (MSC) and Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) (adapter micro B/A sold separately)
The 101 boasts a full size USB host.

Mass Storage: Only the 43 mentions a HD version, but there is a non HD version as well, as was the case with the Archos 5 IT. (I tend to agree with your opinion on a spinning HD in a portable.)

ysss 2010-09-01 16:58

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Removable batteries are overrated... Just get an external usb battery pack. This way you'll have a universal battery to refill any of your portable gadgets even.

cheve 2010-09-01 18:13

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 804382)
Removable batteries are overrated... Just get an external usb battery pack. This way you'll have a universal battery to refill any of your portable gadgets even.

it depends on your usage:), as you know, there are only limit # of recharge cycles you can do with a battery. When it goes, you have to replace the battery or power it with a docking station. Yes, external USB battery pack would work(and I got one when I got my A605, and I continue use the pack on my N900 too). But it is sort of messy, I look geeky already, I don't need this extra thing to enhance that look:D...

ysss 2010-09-01 18:27

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 804447)
it depends on your usage:), as you know, there are only limit # of recharge cycles you can do with a battery. When it goes, you have to replace the battery or power it with a docking station. Yes, external USB battery pack would work(and I got one when I got my A605, and I continue use the pack on my N900 too). But it is sort of messy, I look geeky already, I don't need this extra thing to enhance that look:D...

Yeah, it's a different creature; not a direct replacement. It has some benefits (usable across devices, can be smaller (holds less charge) or bigger, can be charged independently without needing special charging dock/using your device, etc).. And some cons (cables/external form factor to deal with).

With my usecase, i just toss my dvevice to my bag/pocket with the pack and it can recharge 50% of my device's battery within about an hour to keep me going...

tso 2010-09-01 21:13

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by Jobester (Post 804240)
In the engadget comments it says you can search for a one-click install market4archos.apk file. Would that be the same thing?

And now you can dual-boot an Archos? When MeeGo is ready would it be realistic to put that on?

Just asking because it'd be nice to finally have a tablet to buy in 2010. The WePad/WeTab link and others look interesting, but I'm waiting for more info.

Ah, yes, Charbax. Archos own fanboy evangelist (and who's videos i can't stand as he overuses the claim of "world first/exclusive"). While yes the apk he mentions will enable market, i can't help draw comparisons to jailbreaking iproducts. If i disliked people using jailbreaking as a excuse for all that is wrong with apple policies, i can't then turn around and accept this with open arms. That would make me something of a hypocrite.

As for the dual boot he mentions, right now it only applies for archos5IMT and 5IT. And it's provided by way of a angstrom image. As such i am not sure it's a true dual boot, but more that you can replace android with angstrom or back again. They did make the changes they needed to do to angstrom available as a archive tho, and i think someone was working on porting those changes to meego so that one or more of the meego variants would be usable on the archos devices. Note however that so far archos have said nothing about similar archives or install images being made available for the new products (but they do appear to be built on much the same hardware).

Basically, take anything Charbax claims, especially related to archos products, with a big serving of salt.

cheve 2010-09-02 13:26

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Charbax's, by my re-collection, website was the 1st and continue to be the largest non-official Archos site. One would have to be a fan to do that. I do not think he always put a positive spin for Archos products, may be it is just his presentation style in that video:-). Having said that in this age of 'anyone can be a reporter/journalist', you do have to be careful of what you read:p


ps: just found out that somebody had put Meego on the Archos tablet successfully... very interesting development

theonelaw 2010-09-03 07:56

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 805226)

ps: just found out that somebody had put Meego on the Archos tablet successfully... very interesting development

Sounds Nice :D
But... ...Without a link it never happened...:cool:

railroadmaster 2010-09-08 14:41

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by cheve (Post 805226)
Charbax's, by my re-collection, website was the 1st and continue to be the largest non-official Archos site. One would have to be a fan to do that. I do not think he always put a positive spin for Archos products, may be it is just his presentation style in that video:-). Having said that in this age of 'anyone can be a reporter/journalist', you do have to be careful of what you read:p


ps: just found out that somebody had put Meego on the Archos tablet successfully... very interesting development

Well Charbax I have noticed while he is an Archos fanboy he isn't as annoying as most Apple fanboys who are in the press. He doesn't spend all of his time talking about how great Archos when he has articles about Archos he doesn't talk about how amazing Archos is, he just talks about Archos.

attila77 2010-09-08 15:54

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 810707)
Well Charbax I have noticed while he is an Archos fanboy he isn't as annoying as most Apple fanboys who are in the press. He doesn't spend all of his time talking about how great Archos when he has articles about Archos he doesn't talk about how amazing Archos is, he just talks about Archos.

Well, that's a welcome change from a few years back, when a less than friendly stance was felt by people who did not share his enthusiasm for Archos and their policies (just saying, as an ex-Archos owner and ex-archosfans forum member from the days when you had to pay extra for every codec and bolt, and when thinking about getting sources was science fiction, with their support going as far as claiming they did not even run Linux).

Anyway, back to the topic, Archos did come a long way from their closed-closed-closed mindset and in time, with projects like might actually make a worthy target for MeeGo stuff.

DistantFire 2010-11-01 16:40

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
So I stopped in Best Buy last week to ask if they would be selling the Archos line of Android Tablets. What I was told was they would be receiving them in the store on November 8th.

Has anyone heard the same? Different?

DistantFire 2010-11-02 13:34

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Well Archos is now shipping... or at least taking orders... for all but the Archos 70 and 101 at their website.

I still think the pricing is different than expected, with a 16GB Archos 43 coming in at just $30 less than the (yet to be delivered) 8GB Archos 70. What this means, of course, is that I still have to wait before I can hold both of these temptations in my hands to decide which of them (or neither) will win my heart. :(

The only thing that's certain is that Samsung broke my heart when it broke the bank with the pricing for the Galaxy Tab.

tso 2010-11-02 20:37

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
i suspect the price is set high to not compete with local stores.

codedivine 2010-11-02 20:45

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by DistantFire (Post 804220)
Okay here's the crux for me: As I've said now and then in posts for months, what I really, really want from my tablet is the possibility of using it as my main personal computer. I want it all. I want to be able to take it in my pocket (i.e. slightly larger than a smartphone) for on-the-go browsing, email, access to my data and documents, etc. But I also want to be able to come home and plop this same machine into a docking station (or use a USB hub) to connect it to a larger screen and full-size keyboard so I can use it as more than a PMP.

Tell me something, silvermountain: Could I jump to Android and leave Windows behind for good, as I could with Ubuntu? The one thing my N810 doesn't have which precludes making this kind of jump is no video out (and the 400 MHz cpu). With the following enticing comment, these Archos units (43, 70 and 101) could bridge that gap:

Android™ on TV
Basically, this is what you see on your product screen, but ten times bigger. With its TV output, the ARCHOS 43 internet tablet displays every Android™ sceen on your wide screen TV.
(italic emphasis is mine - DF)

With this HDMI output and serious apps like "Documents to Go" could it really be possible, or will I eventually need to shell out the $800 - $1,000 for a "true" UPMC?

Thanks, DF

Perhaps look into the Nokia N8? It has an HDMI-out even without any dock (adapter included) and it mirrors the UI on the TV. Also accepts bluetooth keyboards and mice. Even works with USB keyboards and mice due to its USB-on-the-go. Office software is available. Will play 720p video and other media fine. Not the fastest on the market by a long shot, but for usage scenario might work.

DistantFire 2010-11-03 14:24

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by DistantFire (Post 860934)
Well Archos is now shipping... or at least taking orders... for all but the Archos 70 and 101 at their website.

Archos is now shipping the Archos 70.

I'm still confused as to why this model goes for a mere $30 more than the 43 (yes, I do see that is has half the onboard storage but so what?). Over the past few years I've loved my N800 and N810 and am very accustomed to the size... but for $30 more I can get a bigger (and capacitive) screen? Can't wait for them both to hit BestBuy so I can get a hands-on eval of my own.

ch88xy 2010-11-03 14:46

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Be careful how you choose the screen size. 7" is good only if you plan to hold the device in your hands all the time, even when you watch videos. If you watch e.g. movies that typically last more than an hour, you would want to free your arms and put the device somewhere flat (e.g. on a desk) that is 2-3 feet away. Then you'll find out that 7" is too small. As someone who has both 7" and 10" devices, I think 10" is a better choice.

DistantFire 2010-11-03 21:20

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch

Originally Posted by DistantFire (Post 862205)
Archos is now shipping the Archos 70.

I'm still confused as to why this model goes for a mere $30 more than the 43 (yes, I do see that is has half the onboard storage but so what?). Over the past few years I've loved my N800 and N810 and am very accustomed to the size... but for $30 more I can get a bigger (and capacitive) screen? Can't wait for them both to hit BestBuy so I can get a hands-on eval of my own.

Well, not so fast! The Archos site no longer lists this as available, returning the "Notify Me" button to its page instead of a link to make an order.

Edit: We'll see, but the perspective from is that it went back to "Notify Me" because it sold out in <24 hrs. Is that spin?

tushyd 2010-11-04 14:10

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
I ordered a 70 last evening, worked just fine. Got the billing confirmation, but still waiting for shipping confirmation.

I'm excited about it. I was thinking to myself, as soon as decent tablets come in the $200-300 range I would think about it, and Archos answered swiftly.

I mean, it's not a beast by any means, but a 1ghz, Open GL, Capacitive 800x480, HDMI out tablet is a pretty good deal. Maybe I'll write up a mini review here when I get it. :)

DistantFire 2010-11-05 19:54

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
Now B&H is listing both the 70 and 101 for arrival in December.

DistantFire 2010-11-23 14:44

Re: The new Archos fleet is about to launch
The Archos 70 is once again available on their website.

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