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How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Everytime we use xTerminal, we almost always use the sudo gainroot command to gain root access. I don't wanna have to type this everytime, is there a tweak that automatically opens xTerminal with the root access enabled already??
EDIT: (This targets at the member "festivalnut" and "atilla" in particular). Appended from my post on page 4 (post 31). This message contains copyright and effective against everyone other than me. Should anyone attempt to edit their previous posts above my post at page 4 (post 31), and attempt to "trick" or override my post with theirs, please compare their edited time & date with mine. If ur too stupid to do that, u fukn fail. With that aside, here's the message: Quote:
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
i hope not.
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
There is probably a way to launch root terminal directly
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
thanks fatalsaint, that solved my problem.
And to the 2 other users who replied, no offense but they're kinda pointless and useless answers. If you don't have anything good to suggest, then don't reply at all, just saying. And of course there is a way, i've seen several threads about this but people had problems with it when trying to modify a few files and put into certain folders. However, Filebox allows root access and opens xTerminal with root access enabled already, so that's the type of tweak or solution i'm looking for. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
My reply was positive, no criticism and helps keeping the hopes up, and i wasn't lying, at the time it was my honest opinion that there probably was a way to do it.
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
You could create an alias so you only have to type (for example) "r"
add this line to /etc/profile (you'll have to be root) Code:
alias r="sudo gainroot" |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
just type 'root' it does the same as sudo gainroot and is much quicker, and you only enable root access in a terminal session if you need it, it shouldnt be enabled automatically.
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
why does it go to a different folder?
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Thanks fatalsaint for your assistance..
Why do u say its not recommended to have root on automatically? |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Back in the old days when xterm didn't disable auto-complete, typing it was as simple as "su<tap><tap><enter>".
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
/home/user Code:
/root |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
and if you mess something up by mistake you can really screw your OS, which is why it's recommended to only gain root access when absolutely necessarry, if you can just stay as user.
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
And something that you don't want to have root permissions to mess up your system, like a pen in your pocket or your dog or a child can do a lot of damage purely accidentally. Having to type in the word "root" can be a lifesaver -- that's why it was invented.
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
seriously? typing root bores you so much? in a text driven terminal they four letters should be minimal compared to what you type after them, unless you're just copy-pasting code froom elsewhere and typing root really is the big time user. in this case again, no it shouldn't be bypassed. theres a reaso you're not root, when you become root it should make you aware you need to know what you're doing now. i reserve my right to dislike yoor suggestion, and voice my dislike of it, whether you find it helpful or not, while i could have been more descriptive with my reasons for disliking it i thought they were achingly clear and thus would be pointless, apparently not. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
i agree. auto-enablement of root term is downright bloody dangerous.
yes, you could have gone into a lengthy diatribe about Why People Shouldn't Run As Root but it was nothing he/she couldn't have found by googling 'running as root'. obvious to us, not to everyone else, maybe. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
I love how you and the others who didn't contribute, manage to spam your way through to 2nd page in my topic. Regardless of what your point is, your posts are considered as spam and low level of trolling. Maybe it's too hard for you guys to understand, but first of all i only wanted a shortcut to skip typing sudo gainroot. It's not a mattered of being "bored" (i never stated that anyway), but it's a matter of efficiency and speed. People create desktop shortcuts to everything such as apps, games, and overclocking tweaks so you can switch from stock to a 1GHZ overclock by just pressing a button. I wanted something similar with the "sudo gainroot" command, i NEVER said i want to get rid of it permanently. 2nd, i've already said this but i'll say it again. If you don't want to answer or contribute to my question, that's fine, don't get angry to the point that you have to flame and troll and call out "noobs" just to make urself feel better. All in all, you haven't answered jackshit to my question, and i never asked for the consequences of any of this, even though i did state that i've read topics about this and i'm only looking for a shortcut to enable it, but NOT PERMANENTLY getting rid of it. What i want to do with "MY" phone is my business, i hate damn spammers like you who keep telling me what's right and what's wrong. Maybe if you learned to read my question correctly, you'll know what i'm asking isn't something insanely stupid pulled out of my ***. And if you actually read the solutions suggested by others, you'll know how big of a deal and how much of a fool you're making this, by trying to explain to me all this crap and yet the solution is as simple as a few lines. And finally, let's quote your stupid useless and unnecessary comment again from page 1: Quote:
And yet you had to spur on about this: Quote:
Fail much indeed. If you actually put enough time to contribute and answer questions posted by others and help out properly, maybe u wouldn't be as useless as your line of mere 3 words. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Jesus chaoscreater, chill out.
When you ask how to do something dangerous, people will warn against it or ask why. This is as much for the benefit of anyone else reading the thread as for you. Did you ever enable extras-devel? Did you see a warning to be careful, to do at your own risk etc? I hope so. Take those warnings and ignore them if you wish but don't blow a fuse at the people giving them. Your flames in the above post are well out of order. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
There's no risk in enabling extra-devels, no one cares and people have it enabled anyway. I know what i'm doing, i've overclocked my phone to death and done tons of mods and tweaks to it. Is it so hard for people these days to "FOCUS" on my question? If i wanted a different answer i would've posted another question about it. And again, please learn to read. Stop LYING and defending for the other guy when you know DAMN WELL that his 3 word sentence that consists of: Quote:
I'm still yet to be amazed by the ******** you can turn this around to a so called "warning" of any kind. A simple 3-word sentence is elaborated and exaggerated by you guys to be some sort of formal warning turned into a paragraph somehow. And i am chilled. I'm just amazed and face palming myself at how much **** you guys (not you in particular) can pull out your *** trying to defend against something that's pointless and useless. And you know it. Seriously?? 3 word sentence?? Come on. I might as well spam any of your topics and post: Quote:
and the result would've been the same as what he posted. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
like you, but don't know anything about all the this. For those user it may be dangerous. If you don't know how much experience a user has, is it wrong to give him a warning or advice? regards Nicolai |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
and yet the person who gave me the advice AND also started this whole argument posted this: Quote:
God, why do so many of you fail so bad?? I'M NOT AGAINST people giving out warnings, it's for the good of newbies and even expert users, I **** GET THAT. But what kind of a advice/warning is that?? Seriously, u guys need to go back from page 1 and LEARN TO READ. And what makes me face palm even more is how you guys can manage to mis-read my initial post and not realize that what i'm asking doesn't even require any warning in the first place, i only wanted a quick shortcut to enable it from the desktop, i am not asking for a PERMANENT "sudo gainroot". I've already gotten 2 solutions from 2 helpful users. Someone please close or delete this thread before more illiterate idiots show up and post unnecessary crap and create flame wars. God damn, it's like i'm trying to teach a bunch of kids to read, i quoted the guy and yet u guys still try to defend for him saying he's giving me advice and warning. I'm still yet to be explained how a **** 3 word sentence: Quote:
can represent a warning of any kind. U guys r **** ridiculous clowns. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
chaoscreater, I agree with you not liking their initial posts, since they amounted to mainly "don't do it" and the like. However, calling them spammers is hardly valid. They're not necessarily as productive or wisely worded posts as they could have been, but they are expressions of sentiments very relevant to this thread. Thus on-topic enough to not be spam.
That said, you don't sound like you fully know what you're doing, to be honest, but that's between you and your N900, so if you feel you understand the risks, great. Which is where I disagree with the rest of you - what you could have done was give him the shell command for launching X-Term already rooted, and THEN presented your warnings. - EDIT - About the tags in this thread - I don't think I can add tags, but please, someone put something actually indicative of the thread contents in here. I'm sure whoever made the thread tags "chaoticdick" and "chaoticidiot" thinks they're all witty or whatever, but get off your high horse and add some actual tags like "sudo" "gainroot" "root" "automatic", etc, to the thread. That way the next person is more likely to figure out how to do it instead of us getting another thread with more of the same. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
well no i wasn't flaming, trolling or getting angry, you're right on 2 and heading for the 3rd.
na ur right theres no risk to using devel and no one cares, never seen a single soul on here who's messed something up or not realised they were gonna fill rootfs and then came asking for help. (and may i add, received it) and i've never seen anyone accidentally delete an important folder because they were messing about as root not knowing what they were doing. you're also right about shortcuts, we should have shortcuts for everything in the name of efficiency! i'm away to code a desktop widget, "zero confirmation complete system nuke!" jus incase ya wanna go the whole hog. overclocked to death? interesting choice of words. tons of mods ad tweaks? i assume you mean copy-pasted tons of other peoples mods and tweaks (not that theres anything wrong with that) people with enough sense to heed warnings will take that simple 3 words as enough. people who need 3inch tall emboldened red lettered capitalised messages of doom to realise its a warning aren't going to listen anyway. as you've just pointed out. i'm sorry you feel this is your thread and i should somehow be shot for treading on your hallowed ground with my opinions, but believe it or not people here aren't obliged by law to bend over and provide exactly the answer you want because you took three seconds to start a new thread. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
oh, before i finished typing my reply you already three inched and emboldened my reply, as i've just said even if you red letter it too theres still those special people who wont quite understand. :)
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
I don't have a problem with their initial post, that's y i posted something like: Quote:
Seriously, what the hell am i suppose to be taken out from just: Quote:
So all is well but then the guy decided to flame. And as you can see, he posted another reply right after urs, and this just proves my point even more: Quote:
PS: U took 0.5 milliseconds to post an useless comment of "i hope not". Elaborate that ****, which u haven't done at all since 1973. All i hear is a bunch of bullcrap defending ur 3 epic words. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
**** yourself!!!!!
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Tell that to my face and maybe i'll give you a cookie. Seriously, if there is any mods or admin in this community, please close this thread. I fear spammers like these will over swarm me. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
@chaoscreater: You really need to take a chill pill.
..And discover what a 'spammer' is. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
yes i would like a cookie.
do you even read your own posts? you seem fond of quoting miine as if everyone else was too ******ed to read them first time round, but your own posts are accusing others of flaming trolling and spamming, right before you demonstrate classic textbook examples of each. obviously you have some sort of qwertial tourrettes and i'd recommend staying away from xterm altogether, never mind as root. oh and forums too, possibly just people in general. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
you started flamin everyone as"troll,spammer,clown,ridicioulos kid and all that stuff just because someone said I HOPE NO.
so here is my answer: F.u.c.k y.o.u.r.s.e.l.f |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Flaming, trolling and spamming? Sure, but not 1/4 as bad as you. Of course there'll be flamming coming from both sides in an argument, u'd be an idiot not to realize that. Trolling doesn't apply as i created this topic. Ur the troll that started all this, and continued to feed the flames. Spamming? Just because no mods or admins decide to take action to close this topic and u keep coming back. Right now, i'm just taking the piss out of u and laughing my *** of and being amused at ur fails. Funny, ur signature shows that sarcasm is the only wit you have. And yet u can't seem to take much more from me anymore?? Maybe u should re-read both our replies from page 1 to 2, and see how much of an idiot u are, making a big deal out of this whole thing. Quote:
LOL ur a sensitive little troll aint ya?? I was mainly targetting at "festivalnut" and yet u feel insulted somehow even though i ignored u for the most. Ur either an attention whore or just can't seem to express enough or ur rage. More pew pew, less QQ, fool. Anything else u wanna say to me? Or r u done with ur fail posts? It's been fun guys. But i'm done with u both. One idiot tries to prove his innocence because he posted a useless 3 word sentence on page 1, another idiot feels bad for the first guy and rages and spams. Both are now blocked ignored. Any reply posted after mine will be considered ineffective and garbage. This warning message is troll proof, idiot proof and ****** proof. Consider urself an illiterate c.u.n.t, should u still choose to post/flame after this message, or quote this message. Any further insults posted against this will be redundant and fail miserably. Good bye u losers. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
its making it obvious to others what a special person you are.
o there won't obviously be flaming from both sides, i for one was trying to avoid the argument and keep it as a reasonable debate but i'm afraid your immense immaturity is dragging me down to your level. i didn't troll, and no, starting a topic does not give you immunity to being a troll. in fact posting a new thread looking for solutions to something thatm has already been solved may well be trolling in itself. no you're not being sarcastic, just vulgar really. nd you're making a bigger deal than me while getting angry about it. you said my post was stupid and pointless, i rebutted, you flew off the handle, now who's the idiot getting laughed at here? me or you? |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
lets talk again about this if you get 18.
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Wow.. this thread degraded into insanity rather quickly.
I answered the OP because it's not my place to say what he can or can't do with his phone. I also voiced my agreement that it is wholly a bad idea. Someone asked me why I thought that.. most others have stated as such in the midst of all this.. I don't even know what this is.. but here's my answer. A passwordless root enabled terminal is always a bad idea even on desktops. Quite often people will forget which terminal they are in (normal, or root) and run commands they didn't intend. I'm not just talking about "omg I blew my computer up!" type commands, which of course do happen, but I mean simple things such as running a program in the user directories. Sometimes, that causes that program to create files that are now owned and only readable/writable by root inside the user directories. Next time you try to run said program it crashes and you now spend hours (and in the case of the n900 probably come post here) troubleshooting why your app crashes all of a sudden. An example of this is actually VCMI Heroes 3 port. The maintainer of that originally ran his vcmi as root, and it created an interprocess file that was now owned by root. As such, he could only ever run that program as root. It's inherently a terrible idea because everyone, I don't care how good you are or how long you've worked with *nix, everyone has their "oh ****" moment. There are some things that should be intentionally left as non-"point click" easy. Now, this problem becomes extrapolated on a touch screen device. And then even doubled again on a resistive touchscreen device, where anything in your pocket, or dropping it, or whatever can touch the screen, launch your new root terminal and maybe press a few "up" key strokes and manage to find a command that does something rather not good. So, with a clear head, in full detail - there is far too much risk, and very minimal gain, to be had by automating this particular process. I typically strongly recommend sudo have a password, so "sudo gainroot" with no password is bad enough, but removing any chains at all is just, IMHO, not cool. But.. the beautiful thing about the N900 is it's your device.. you can make your own decisions. I'll show you how, but that doesn't mean I condone it. I also disagree vehemently with anyone saying "there is no risk in enabling devel".. um.. yes. There is. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
1. I (singular), expresses the subjectivity of the sentence, as opposed to stating a fact. 2. Hope, expresses the fact that he does not know for sure, but wishes there is no such possibility. 3. Not, the opposite of hoping "yes, there is". From this simple three-word answer you could have derived quite a bit of information, yet you failed to do so, and prefer swearing and creating conditions to which people have to oblige before they are allowed to answer your royal silliness. Are you for real, dude? |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
Have it ever come to your mind that it might be you who are overreacting? I could not agree more to that post.. "i hope not". Even though it could have been expressed better it is a valid opinion. It is not that hard to write "root" when it is needed. Or if more frequently use the up arrow. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
I have been running my N900 for 6 months with a "Rooted Xterm" icon on my desktop without any "Dangerous" actions happening as a result of that, however, I can 100% understand the claims of it being unsafe for users who are not careful, resulting in lots of time being wasted for those users and other forum members who might put the effort in helping them after they have shot their own leg. You sir, were not helpful, "I Hope Not" indeed represented your opinion on the topic, but you chose one of the worst ways to express your opinion, If you were in a hurry, or just didn't want to elaborate, you should have just NOT POSTED. Or, realized that your comment, as natural as it felt for you might trigger some reaction by the OP. Further more, the OP chose a civilized manner to tell you that your post was useless. It didn't help the OP reach his goal, and it didn't really explain to noobs why they shouldn't try this shortcut. Next time, I suggest, you hold off with comments that do not being info, and do not bring some smiles to the thread for yourself. You may or may not take my suggestion, I see about 4 users bashing the OP here, and it's totally unjustified. |
Re: How to enable auto "sudo gainroot" command in XTerminal??
if you understand what you're doing (and i believe you do) then it may be slightly useful, however if you appear to not know what you're doing to a degree that you cant find the post where this has been discussed before, then any help i did offer would indeed be more damaging. i could have not posted, but if nobody who thought this was a bad idea bothered to say so on the grounds that they'd be flamed by the OP or others for not being helpful, then again, more damage than help will occur. four people ganging up on the OP for his idea would be unjustified, but when the OP is attacking, flaming and generally being rude to posters and the community as a whole, then he shouldn't be suprised when people take a dislike to this. |
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