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xuggs 2010-09-02 19:13

N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

This sounds too good to be true but I hope it really is. This is the only way to beat the competition out there i feel.

ToJa92 2010-09-02 19:19

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
If those specs is correct, that's the tablet I wanted instead of the N900 :(

Oh well, I guess you can't have everything. Unless you're rich of course.

etuoyo 2010-09-02 19:24

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Yep sound too good to be true.

abubakar 2010-09-02 20:25

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
still the same proc but with 1ghz, is that going to be slower then whats on the droid x right?
I want a 786mb physical ram instead of going for more bigger screens, makes the device more useable.

lma 2010-09-03 06:22

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
The resolution at least sounds bogus. Assuming square pixels (ie 16:9 aspect ratio) that would be just over 367ppi. I suppose that's one way to trump Apple, but does such a display even exist? Plus, that many pixels at 24bpp would be a bit slow.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love that kind of display in my pocket, but don't get your hopes up.

864x480x24 sounds more plausible (and also matches the size of the Aava device - I think it's unlikely MeeGo Handset will have a resolution-independent UI in the first release).

Lullen 2010-09-03 14:45

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Wont the resolution be "low" compared to the N900 at the same resolution? I have not held any 4" displays with that resolution so I do not know. If it is similar to the N900 it will be more then enough

eiffel 2010-09-03 15:34

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by etuoyo (Post 805580)
Yep sound too good to be true.

Precisely. It's just someone's "dream specifications".

Anyway, as we found out with the N900, the official specs mean little. What good is a specified 30fps video if there is frame skipping?

bugelrex 2010-09-03 15:52

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
In my opinion, the n9 is Nokia's last hope. If they screw it up they will loose their high-end sales for the next several years as competitors have much more compelling devices for consumers (not geeks).

I for one will never consider Nokia again for several years if the n9 is a disappointment...

Its in Nokia's interest to throw everything they can to surpass competition. In my opinion, they should not consider making a profit on n9 so it sells well.. that's how badly Nokia needs a huge hit right now.

tswindell 2010-09-03 16:00

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
I assess my purchases per. device. Don't really care who makes it, just happens my last 4 or so devices have all been Nokia, only disappointed with the N96, though I wasn't to annoyed at it, it mostly worked fine.

tissot 2010-09-03 16:17

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 806318)
In my opinion, the n9 is Nokia's last hope. If they screw it up they will loose their high-end sales for the next several years as competitors have much more compelling devices for consumers (not geeks).

I for one will never consider Nokia again for several years if the n9 is a disappointment...

Its in Nokia's interest to throw everything they can to surpass competition. In my opinion, they should not consider making a profit on n9 so it sells well.. that's how badly Nokia needs a huge hit right now.

Honestly this is the last chance sentence have been thrown around for 3 years already.
It's never too late especially when Nokia as a company is in very healty condition. Truth is that if Nokia releases killer phone next year, people will buy it. Just like Samsung released one phone that suddenly seemed to change peoples mind about Samsung support and made Samsung to mean something in smartphones arena.
That's internet for you. ;)

About the spec. Parts that do sound a bit weird are the GPU and screen other than that all the other features have been said previously by some sources that i at least trust. Even the 12mpx that i can't imgine to be the same as in N8. Well hopefully we know all about N9 in 2 weeks time.

gabby131 2010-09-03 16:18

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
the tech specs looks like the Samsung Wave with a qwerty.

tissot 2010-09-03 16:26

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by gabby131 (Post 806339)
the tech specs looks like the Samsung Wave with a qwerty.

Or more like Galaxy S as both got AMOLED 4" screen. Thought N9 would be spec king if it was released today.
Spec really do look perfect IMO and if the screen resolution and GPU are true too i would really be positively surprised.
I will probably take easy and wait till years end just to see where Android is heading before buying anything next to Galaxy S and N900.

Dave999 2010-09-03 16:33

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
not enough to kick my n900 out...I Want more!. guess I have to wait for
n10. You should see the rumoured specs some bloggers presented ;)

etuoyo 2010-09-04 07:07

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 806318)
In my opinion, the n9 is Nokia's last hope. If they screw it up they will loose their high-end sales for the next several years as competitors have much more compelling devices for consumers (not geeks).

I for one will never consider Nokia again for several years if the n9 is a disappointment...

Its in Nokia's interest to throw everything they can to surpass competition. In my opinion, they should not consider making a profit on n9 so it sells well.. that's how badly Nokia needs a huge hit right now.

Agree with you so much that I wish I could give you 10 thanks. However, you need to make do with one. Nokia really needs this to be a smashing success. It is all well and good selling 100 million symbian phones but we know there is not much profit margin on those £40 phones. They need to regain mind and market share in the high end.

bandora 2010-09-04 07:42

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
But people need to start realising that higher specs (cpu clock rate, more RAM, huge battery) isn't always better...

... and that software plays a HUGE role in this...

bsving 2010-09-04 08:13

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 806318)
In my opinion, the n9 is Nokia's last hope. If they screw it up they will loose their high-end sales for the next several years as competitors have much more compelling devices for consumers (not geeks).

I for one will never consider Nokia again for several years if the n9 is a disappointment...

Its in Nokia's interest to throw everything they can to surpass competition. In my opinion, they should not consider making a profit on n9 so it sells well.. that's how badly Nokia needs a huge hit right now.

Nonsense. The N8 will outsell the N9 or any other Meego-device Nokia will produce within the next year and a half. Maybe by a factor of 50.

tissot 2010-09-04 09:11

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by bsving (Post 806921)
Nonsense. The N8 will outsell the N9 or any other Meego-device Nokia will produce within the next year and a half. Maybe by a factor of 50.

Symbian is supposed and will outsell MeeGo that's for sure, but i wouldn't downplay MeeGo that much. In Nokia's 2009 forecast for Harmattan they are expecting to sell them in millions in 2011.
As Symbian phones are now rather clearly inside the low and mid end they are supposed to sell alot, but they surely wanna sell the very top end phones that all got MeeGo inside as well.

lwa 2010-09-04 09:22

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
*edited* didnt read the above post properly :( lol

Peet 2010-09-04 10:42

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 806318)
In my opinion, the n9 is Nokia's last hope. If they screw it up they will loose their high-end sales for the next several years as competitors have much more compelling devices for consumers (not geeks).

Nokia's problems are actually related to both the less-than-competitive hardware (esp. high-end) - physically, price-wise and with extremely limited choice - and to Nokia's repeated treatment of the enthusiasts and developers (aka the GEEKS!) by repeatedly abandoning both hardware and software platforms (before and apparently including the current N900).

I'm afraid the still long-awaited Symbian is getting crushed by the sheer volume of mid-range Android handsets and the developer and mindshare support that platform already has. And that tide just keeps growing while the new Symbian and supporting Nokia hardware remain nonexistent.

Meego, regardless of its Linuxian strengths, remains a small niche even on the Intel side (and can be expected to remain so until Intel's release of the truly power-efficient architectures in 2013).

Nokia isn't exactly helping Meego's growth on the ARM side of things...

The exact people Nokia desperately needs on the Meego-on-ARM train are the very same geeks (developers and enthusiasts!) Nokia has been repeatedly and successfully been pissing off over the last three years.

A lot of these geeks and opinion leaders can take one slap in the face like a man, but two or even three times is simply too much.

Geeks know a good thing when they see one. Blowing $400-500 on a device (maybe more than once) that is supposed to open (but turns out that neither hardware nor software actually are open) and gets abandoned without even the most crucial security updates (due to the closed nature) after just one year or even less... Many feel that the goodness of that deal got lost somewhere along Nokia's decision-making chain.

Some believe that there can't be a thriving applications ecosystem without hordes of consumers. Possibly, but Nokia's management appears to share your belief that geeks aren't necessary to make that software ecosystem happen.

I'm not going to bet on Nokia's approach though. And you can bet I'm going to be extremely cautious before plunking money into Nokia products again based on their promises. :(

fahadj2003 2010-09-04 11:14

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
something tells me, this wont be meego -__-

shady 2010-09-07 13:58

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Samsung and LG are both going to be using A9s by the end of this year. i feel its in nokias best interest to place themselves up above and beyond with an omap4440.

NvyUs 2010-09-07 22:53

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Eldar is saying hes 99% sure Nokia have decided N9 will not be announced at Nokia World.
If its true and they are delaying it then Nokia better ship MeeGo 1.1 on it there is no excuse not to if its not coming out for months.
enough speculating lets wait and see what next week brings b/c Eldar as been known to be wrong on lots of occasions

bxbomber 2010-09-07 23:10

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by shady (Post 809543)
Samsung and LG are both going to be using A9s by the end of this year. i feel its in nokias best interest to place themselves up above and beyond with an omap4440.

Yep, the lg optimus is said to be using the tegra 2 chip, if nokia came out with an arm cortex a8 while other phone manufactures are already releasing arm a9 it would look bad.

Hopefully it's not the case and the n9 will have a top of the line chip.

matthew maude 2010-09-07 23:44

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
the N9 should come with an Intel dual core chip :-D

tissot 2010-09-08 03:50

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 810097)
Eldar is saying hes 99% sure Nokia have decided N9 will not be announced at Nokia World.

And more importantly he is saying that release is delayed to q1 rather than the q4 2010 release(or second half) as Nokia execs have been saying. :(
That would be such a pitty because N9 really does look good, but i'm liking my Galaxy S and will be looking at "next gen" Android phones if it takes too long to get that thing out.

NvyUs 2010-09-08 03:56

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 810234)
And more importantly he is saying that release is delayed to q1 rather than the q4 2010 release(or second half) as Nokia execs have been saying. :(
That would be such a pitty because N9 really does look good, but i'm liking my Galaxy S and will be looking at "next gen" Android phones if it takes too long to get that thing out.

not sure i believe the Q1 2011 part b/c over last couple of weeks I've still been hearing Nokia ppl mention product milestone still coming this year
for all we know the first meego/harmattan device might not even be the N9 it might be something else but unlikely .
Also Anssi in the twitter talk said he also wanted to see less time from product announcement to Shipping day, if they are putting that in to practice i still believe we will get something shipping in December and maybe announced before or at MeeGo conference.

kevloral 2010-09-08 11:14

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
So much speculation about the N9 specs and still no mention of NFC. Ah well...

Jedibeeftrix 2010-09-08 11:26

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by xuggs (Post 805563)

This sounds too good to be true but I hope it really is. This is the only way to beat the competition out there i feel.

smells like BS to me.

"ARM Cortex-A8 1 GHz processor and SGX540 GPU"

really, i was unaware that TI made an Omap3 with an SGX540 GPU............

Jedibeeftrix 2010-09-08 11:28

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 806318)
In my opinion, the n9 is Nokia's last hope. If they screw it up they will loose their high-end sales for the next several years as competitors have much more compelling devices for consumers (not geeks).

I for one will never consider Nokia again for several years if the n9 is a disappointment...

Its in Nokia's interest to throw everything they can to surpass competition. In my opinion, they should not consider making a profit on n9 so it sells well.. that's how badly Nokia needs a huge hit right now.

agreed, which is why i think Omap4 is so important.

Jedibeeftrix 2010-09-08 11:30

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by matthew maude (Post 810121)
the N9 should come with an Intel dual core chip :-D

that would be an utter disaster!

Jedibeeftrix 2010-09-08 11:31

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 810234)
And more importantly he is saying that release is delayed to q1 rather than the q4 2010 release(or second half) as Nokia execs have been saying. :(
That would be such a pitty because N9 really does look good, but i'm liking my Galaxy S and will be looking at "next gen" Android phones if it takes too long to get that thing out.

i'll happily accept the delay if it means Omap4.

nilchak 2010-09-08 14:18

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 810097)
Eldar is saying hes 99% sure Nokia have decided N9 will not be announced at Nokia World.

If that happens, then I guess nothing changed at Nokia vis-a-vis their bring-to-market process efficiencies.

shady 2010-09-08 14:48

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
We will find out soon enough! my hope is that we can get omap4 ... the trickle has begun. so a "halo device" with a gen old chip is NOT how you want to usher in your new shiny OS ... at least the N900 was on par with the highest of the high class in '09 ... snap was based on A8 so it wasnt much of an issue, and for me, an audio upgrade as well as an A9 would go a LOOONG way to appease the performance kids. plus the battery life savings would be b.w 20-40% according to TI. if it is an A8 i know that i wouldnt want it ... and would be willing to wait, for a device that does. but A8 is for mid-end now been out since 2007 its time for an upgrade in top of the line.

tissot 2010-09-08 16:27

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by shady (Post 810713)
We will find out soon enough! my hope is that we can get omap4 ... the trickle has begun. so a "halo device" with a gen old chip is NOT how you want to usher in your new shiny OS ... at least the N900 was on par with the highest of the high class in '09 ... snap was based on A8 so it wasnt much of an issue, and for me, an audio upgrade as well as an A9 would go a LOOONG way to appease the performance kids. plus the battery life savings would be b.w 20-40% according to TI. if it is an A8 i know that i wouldnt want it ... and would be willing to wait, for a device that does. but A8 is for mid-end now been out since 2007 its time for an upgrade in top of the line.

I just say the same as i have been saying for the past 2 pages. :D
If you are waiting for OMAP4 you will be disappointed.
OMAP36xx would put N9 next to the Galaxy S, Droid 2 and Iphone in the processor game and above snapdragon that will still be used in Desire HD announced in a same day as Nokia World ends. Iphone will still be using A8 based A4 for +6 months.

automagic68 2010-09-08 17:27

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
are we asking for a miracle? The anticipation is hysterical lol! Just seeing the pics of the N9 was mind blowing! Can a device look soo cool and not come with equally cool hardware? I waould take 8mpx cam over the 12mpx anyday if the N9 has a arm9 watever its called processor.

ktchiu 2010-09-08 19:00

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
This may just be wishful thinking but perhaps a super AMOLED screen is possible?
Apparently, its not just exclusive to Samsung:

mikecomputing 2010-09-08 20:01

New rumors: Nokia delayed

Nokia will ever get rid of Symbian 3.

zimon 2010-09-08 21:33

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
dual core Cortex-A9 would be needed to the top.

maxximuscool 2010-09-08 21:55

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
A+ to A9 processor on N9.
Capacitive, Multitouch, keyboard less, GPU 540, 768MB RAM (not swap), swap 768MB, 8Mp or 12Mp with Xeon Flash + Dual LED for video + Optical zoom 3x, 32GB internal, HDMI, 1080p Recording and Decoding, FM Transmitter, FM tuner, GPS (new chip), IR port, Digital Compass, Gyroscope sensor, Sixaxis accelerometer, Proximity sensor, 2MP front camera, Bluetooth, Wireless N, Aluminium body, Docking capable, USB 3.0 (2.0 compatible) lol

That's what my dream device.

bugelrex 2010-09-08 22:05

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 811067)
A+ to A9 processor on N9.
Capacitive, Multitouch, keyboard less, GPU 540, 768MB RAM (not swap), swap 768MB, 8Mp or 12Mp with Xeon Flash + Dual LED for video + Optical zoom 3x, 32GB internal, HDMI, 1080p Recording and Decoding, FM Transmitter, FM tuner, GPS (new chip), IR port, Digital Compass, Gyroscope sensor, Sixaxis accelerometer, Proximity sensor, 2MP front camera, Bluetooth, Wireless N, Aluminium body, Docking capable, USB 3.0 (2.0 compatible) lol

That's what my dream device.

Unfortunately, what you are describing is probably the next version of the iphone. I'm not sure if Nokia "get's it", they don't realize they need a "super phone" (best hardware and software) to win back their reputation which was self inflicted (e72 stability, n97, n900 early death)

What cannot be denied is that Apple continue to add the latest hardware to each revision.

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