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johnny_knoe 2010-09-03 00:57

New MeeGo screenshots?
just found this link in a comment by "jim" on the my nokia blog:

Klick next page to see more screenshots.

For me they are new and look promising. I hope we get some official infos at nokia world in a few days...

darksurfer 2010-09-03 01:15

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Someone please tell me all this can and WILL be able to run on the N900!!!

Awesome overall design! Kudos to the people behind it!

maluka 2010-09-03 01:48

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
This was already posted in another thread earlier.

NvyUs 2010-09-03 01:52

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
loads more on here
the lockscreen is awesome it displays if you have messages and stuff
i'm loving the black theme more than the blue

HellFlyer 2010-09-03 02:16

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
You know what i like mostly in MeeGo? I can see some familiar things from Maemo :D

Look at the GPS and Phone signal indicators cool

somedude 2010-09-03 02:29

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
anyone notice it says '4G' on the status bar by the signal where is is kind of grayed out.

F2thaK 2010-09-03 02:32

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
get f**ked!! that device looks amazing !! cant wait

Bratag 2010-09-03 02:38

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Looks like the eye candy everyone was whining about being missing on the N900 is there in spades for this new interface. Must say - it has a certain appeal

automagic68 2010-09-03 02:43

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
OMG that is sexy....makes Maemo5 look real low on the productivity scale. I love how everything else doesn't get pushed off the screen when moving to multitaking view like it does in Maemo5.

bxbomber 2010-09-03 02:52

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Now we just have to wait for the phone to come out.

wmarone 2010-09-03 03:03

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 805828)
Now we just have to wait for the phone to come out.

All of those are on the MeeGo wiki so there's good possibility they may end up available to people using the N900 imqages.

NvyUs 2010-09-03 03:07

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
anyone like the orange/white/silver theme.
theming is going to be much fun on MeeGo i must make more effort to learn to make themes for MeeGo i lost interest on a maem0 theme i started to make, lets hope there is good theme making tools
@somedude the 4G sign is even easier to see on screenshots in above link.

bxbomber 2010-09-03 03:18

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by NvyUs (Post 805836)
anyone like the orange/white/silver theme.
theming is going to be much fun on MeeGo i must make more effort to learn to make themes for MeeGo i lost interest on a maem0 theme i started to make, lets hope there is good theme making tools
@somedude the 4G sign is even easier to see on screenshots in above link.

I'm really liking the white, silver, organge.

Feels reel soft on the eyes.

jerryfreak 2010-09-03 03:45

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
i sure hope the first RC of meego for the n900 is relatively fully functional and not a compromise like the android port (no offense guys). while droidnit is a community project i understand there will be multiple steps of development. i am hoping that since meego is being tested out behind the scsnes on n900 that the release will be pretty complete when it sees the light of day

Odd_gunnic 2010-09-03 03:47

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
I wonder what happens in the case of multiple missed calls.

Would the bar expand or maybe a x4 shows as in the case of multiple email notifications on Maemo 5.

Really looks good tho.

NvyUs 2010-09-03 03:48

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by jerryfreak (Post 805853)
i sure hope the first RC of meego for the n900 is relatively fully functional and not a compromise like the android port (no offense guys). while droidnit is a community project i understand there will be multiple steps of development. i am hoping that since meego is being tested out behind the scsnes on n900 that the release will be pretty complete when it sees the light of day

its not being done behind the scenes you can go ahead and install a development versions now if you wish, of course its not fully functional yet but it does get weekly updates.

jerryfreak 2010-09-03 04:03

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
does it have a ui yet? i thought it was basically CLI at this point.

NvyUs 2010-09-03 04:08

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by jerryfreak (Post 805862)
does it have a ui yet? i thought it was basically CLI at this point.

its had UI for a while there is videos of it on n900 what ppl have made
its far from complete and very buggy at the moment

tso 2010-09-03 04:54

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Now to get it on something like the archos 5IT or another non-phone device.

sands.m 2010-09-03 04:58

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
No thanks .

I love MAEMO as is.

mokkey 2010-09-03 05:01

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
the screenshots looks so beautiful !!!!

Stskeeps 2010-09-03 05:07

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by tso (Post 805881)
Now to get it on something like the archos 5IT or another non-phone device.

Already on 5IT, go see #meego twitter for a photo :P

tso 2010-09-03 05:23

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 805893)
Already on 5IT, go see #meego twitter for a photo :P

But still rough around the edges, iirc. I was thinking more like a officially supported product from a big brand.

YoDude 2010-09-03 14:18

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by mokkey (Post 805887)
the screenshots looks so beautiful !!!!

Downright sexy... a Georgia O'Keeffe kind of way. . :p

wovenstringz 2010-09-03 14:41

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
There are bits of it that look a lot like the WebOS on Palm Pre....Does it also "throw the cards off the screen" to close apps?

atilla 2010-09-03 14:47

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
looks better then the other pics i saw.
i hope that meego will be a multitasking monster like maemo5
will be meego opensource like maemo?

slaapliedje 2010-09-03 14:49

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Is it me, or does Android look / act like crap compared to how this looks (appears to act) like it's going to turn out?

Awesome. Can't wait to try it out on my N900.

Enyibinakata 2010-09-03 14:53

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by slaapliedje (Post 806260)
Is it me, or does Android look / act like crap compared to how this looks (appears to act) like it's going to turn out?

Awesome. Can't wait to try it out on my N900.

Well android is not going to stand still, is it ?. Gingerbread promises to be a vast improvement over the current UI not to talk of its successor HoneyComb. I think WebOS still looks the best of the lot and Win Phone 7 is not that bad either.

For me its not about eye candy, its about stability and responsiveness which the Maemo 5 is rubbish at, as much as I like my N900, I nearly smashed it today due to slow Email and unacceptable UI lag. Nokia have got a fight on their hands and they are yet to show me they can win. I hope I am dead wrong but we shall see.

tso 2010-09-03 14:54

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by wovenstringz (Post 806252)
There are bits of it that look a lot like the WebOS on Palm Pre....Does it also "throw the cards off the screen" to close apps?

Given the X in the upper right corner, i suspect the answer to be "no".

mistman 2010-09-03 15:04

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
What would be the first mobile device we could see this on N8/N9 ??

patlak 2010-09-03 15:35

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Could someone make the dark theme, please :)
Btw I love how you can immediatelly switch from grid type of multitasking view to carousel by pinching :) interesting :)

TheBootroo 2010-09-03 15:52

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

(please take a look at my own desktop environment, developped in Qt4/C++ and which will be installe don a MeeGo Core base system : excuse me the website is in french because i am)

fatalsaint 2010-09-03 16:41

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by mistman (Post 806272)
What would be the first mobile device we could see this on N8/N9 ??

First one we will see it on is probably (most likely) the N900 and the Intel Moorestown Handset.

First one to ship with it will be none of the above (well, maybe the N9).

In fact, we may never see this exact UI on anything but the dev devices shipped. Most handset manufacturers will like add their own twist to the UI/UX on the devices.

Good chance that the Harmattan device could be similar since it's been said they are going to use the Reference UI and add their own proprietary software to make the "UX" a little different.

YoDude 2010-09-03 17:04

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by TheBootroo (Post 806316)

(please take a look at my own desktop environment, developped in Qt4/C++ and which will be installe don a MeeGo Core base system : excuse me the website is in french because i am)

Ce sont des images de l'interface utilisateur de comprimés, d'accord?

S'il vous plaît excuser mon mauvais français, because I am not. :)

TheBootroo 2010-09-03 17:07

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
i think the Harmattan video seen few days ago on youtube and then removed was the vanilla handset ux with a nokia CSS skin (beautiful) !

TheBootroo 2010-09-03 17:08

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
YoDude : i didn't understood your questoion, please repeat but in english (i'm french but speak english quite well, so ou don't need to speak french for me...)

TheBootroo 2010-09-03 17:13

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
humm, retranslating your question to english trought google i saw 'comprimé' meaning tablet !
so to answer, it' not realy for tablets, its for convertible devices (primary notebooks or netbook) with eventually a (detachable or not) touchscreen....

i'was thinking about doing a phone (handset) UX for this but MeeGo seems to be better than me for that so i'll stay on Computer or eventually tablets for my OS.

PS : it's an OS for noobs, not for geeks or professionals, so not too many cuztomizations are possible and there are only one program by type of usage (that why i call them Activities and not Applications or Programs).

NB : this is not finished at all, i'm full time working on it a the moment, but i'm the only developper so it's not that speed... but it's going on tough...

mmurfin87 2010-09-03 18:19

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?
Nokia is fail. End of story. Screenshots look interesting... for 2 years ago.

The level of jadedness I feel for all things Nokia right now is so ridiculous I feel like I finally have a hold on reality.

Bratag 2010-09-03 18:23

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by mmurfin87 (Post 806459)
Nokia is fail. End of story. Screenshots look interesting... for 2 years ago.

The level of jadedness I feel for all things Nokia right now is so ridiculous I feel like I finally have a hold on reality.

Thankyou for this insightful and completely pointless post. I get the feeling they could have shown shots of fully hardware accelerated cod 4 playing as a live wallpaper and you would have given the same response.

arcticrobot 2010-09-03 18:56

Re: New MeeGo screenshots?

Originally Posted by mmurfin87 (Post 806459)
Nokia is fail. End of story. Screenshots look interesting... for 2 years ago.

The level of jadedness I feel for all things Nokia right now is so ridiculous I feel like I finally have a hold on reality.

Poor guy. So what exactly are you doing here?

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